- The ups and downs of ignorance
- English fronting constructions as a window to the semantics of tense: the case of belief reports
- Word learning tasks as a window into the triggering problem for presuppositions
- An experimental investigation of implicature and homogeneity approaches to free choice
- Copular asymmetries in belief reports
- Mental states via possessive predication: the grammar of possessive experiencer complex predicates in Persian
- Eventive modal projection: the case of Spanish subjunctive relative clauses
- Force shift: a case study of Cantonese ho2 particle clusters
- Direct evidentiality and discourse in Southern Aymara
- Is degree abstraction a parameter or a universal? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
- Quantification, matching and events
- When tense shifts presuppositions: hani and monstrous semantics
- Counterfactual mood in Czech, German, Norwegian, and Russian
- On the roles of anaphoricity and questions in free focus
- The Slavic suffix -in/-yn as partition shifter
- Experimenting with every American king
- On fatal competition and the nature of distributive inferences
- Deriving presupposition projection in coordinations of polar questions: a reply to Enguehard 2021
- The evidential future in Italian
- Remarks on exhaustification and embedded free choice
- Psycholinguistic evidence for restricted quantification
- Additivity, scalarity and Mandarin Universal wh’s
- Negating gradable adjectives
- Scalarity of the Japanese initial mora-based minimizer: a compositional (lexically unspecified) minimizer and a non-compositional (lexically specified) minimizer
- Quantifier Raising out of Mandarin relative clauses
- Superlative displacement in ‘sandwich’ scenarios
- On the scalar antonymy of only and even
- Isn’t there more than one way to bias a polar question?
- Relativized Exhaustivity: mention-some and uniqueness
- Finding the force: How children discern possibility and necessity modals
- Polymorphic distributivity
- Challenges for independence-driven and context-repair responses to the proviso problem
- Zero N: Number features and ⊥
- Time and evidence in the graded tense system of Mvskoke (Creek)
- Additive free choice items
- Scope splitting in Syrian Arabic
- Number in NPI licensing
- Enough clauses, (non)finiteness, and modality
- Contrast and verb phrase ellipsis: The case of tautologous conditionals
- Factive islands and questions about propositions
- Farewell and Welcome
- On logicality and natural logic
- The meaning of the tough-construction
- Evidence for generalized quantifier semantics in the interpretation of the English neuter singular pronoun
- Explaining presupposition projection in (coordinations of) polar questions
- Mandarin wh-conditionals: A dynamic question approach
- Groups versus covers revisited: Structured pluralities and symmetric readings
- Slurs and antipresuppositions
- Conditional analysis of clausal exceptives
- Presuppositions, implicatures, and contextual equivalence
- Japanese free choice items as unconditionals
- Oddness, modularity, and exhaustification
- On the presuppositional strength of interrogative clauses
- Higher-order readings of wh -questions
- Still going strong
- The nature of the semantic stimulus: the acquisition of every as a case study
- Only , or , and free choice presuppositions
- Plurality and crosslinguistic variation: an experimental investigation of the Turkish plural
- Desire, belief, and semantic composition: variation in mood selection with desire predicates
- French polar response particles and neg movement
- Gather / numerous as a mass/count opposition
- Free choice, simplification, and Innocent Inclusion
- Choice and prohibition in non-monotonic contexts
- Neg Raising and ellipsis (and related issues) revisited
- Definiteness projection
- Origins of weak crossover: when dynamic semantics meets event semantics
- Doubling unconditionals and relative sluicing
- The * hope-wh puzzle
- Licensing of PPI indefinites: Movement or pseudoscope?
- Triviality and interrogative embedding: context sensitivity, factivity, and neg-raising
- The role of focus intonation in implicature computation: a comparison with only and also
- Modals under epistemic tension
- Picky predicates: why believe doesn’t like interrogative complements, and other puzzles
- Perspectival control and obviation in directive clauses
- EXH passes on alternatives: a comment on Fox and Spector (2018)
- Neg-Raising and Neg movement
- The good, the ‘not good’, and the ‘not pretty’: negation in the negative predicates of Tlingit
- Factive islands and meaning-driven unacceptability
- Plurality effects in an exhaustification-based theory of embedded questions
- Commitment and states of mind with mood and modality
- Keeping it simple
- Even doesn’t move but associates into traces: A reply to Nakanishi 2012
- Economy and embedded exhaustification
- A revised, gradability-based semantics for even
- The symmetry problem: current theories and prospects
- Three routes to person indexicality
- On the DP dependence of collective interpretation with numerals
- A scope freezing effect with negated quantifier phrases
- Experiments on the acceptability and possible readings of questions embedded under emotive-factives
- Hurford’s constraint, the semantics of disjunction, and the nature of alternatives
- Two kinds of distributivity
- Investigating the form-meaning mapping in the acquisition of English and Japanese measure phrase comparatives
- Past interpretation and graded tense in Medumba
- Contextual blindness in implicature computation
- Countability distinctions and semantic variation
- Children interpret disjunction as conjunction: Consequences for theories of implicature and child development
- The semantic ingredients of imperfectivity in progressives, habituals, and counterfactuals
- Not even
- On how verification tasks are related to verification procedures: a reply to Kotek et al.
- Free versus bound variables and the taxonomy of gaps
- Free choice is a form of dependence
- Must , knowledge, and (in)directness
- Presupposition cancellation: explaining the ‘soft–hard’ trigger distinction
- Born in the USA: a comparison of modals and nominal quantifiers in child language
- The comparative and degree pluralities
- Incomplete descriptions and indistinguishable participants
- Scalar implicatures of embedded disjunction
- Pluractionality with lexically cumulative verbs