- Transforming Perspectives: Reconfiguration in the Poetics of World Literature
- The Role of Translation in the Worlding of Poetics
- The Distance of Irish Modernism: Memory, Narrative, Representation by John Greaney (review)
- Everything to Do with Dionysus: Reading The Birth of Tragedy through the Lens of Satyr Play
- From Comparative Poetics to World Poetics: A Proposed Theoretical Construction
- Biofictional Nietzsche among the Biofictionalists
- World Poetics?
- World Poetics, Narrative Poetics, and Genre Studies
- Cultivating Moral Attention in Ellison’s Invisible Man and Murdoch’s Moral Theory
- The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan (review)
- Worlding and Reworlding of Weltliteratur as Place and Value: From Asia into Oceania
- World Poetics: Some Reflections on Its Rise and Conception
- From Weltpoesie to Weltpoetik: World Poetics as Third-Order Observing
- Desynonymizing (World) Theory and Poetics
- “I Trot Like a Horse”: The Early Modern Animal Debate in Gulliver’s Travels
- Explanation Beyond Interpretation
- Love, Jealousy, and the Fear of Ontological Dependence: A Philosophical Reading of Shakespeare’s Othello
- Aphorisms
- The Literary Bias: Narrative and the Self
- Middleman: Homer’s Philosophical Rhapsody
- The Question of Doxa: D. H. Lawrence’s Influence on Deleuze and Guattari’s Aesthetics
- Thus Speaks Mr. Nobody: Brecht’s Stories of Mr. Keuner through the Lensof Classical Chinese Dialectics
- The Role of the Author in Literary Understanding
- The Methodology of Sherlock Holmes: What Is at the Nub of the Process?
- The Nondiscursive Aesthetics of Music, Lyric Poetry, and Tragedy
- Veiled Meaning In Plato’s Phaedrus: Dramatic Detail as a Guide for Philosophizing
- Wilhelm Meister in Lucinde’s Eyes: On Schlegel’s Dispute with Goethe
- How Blue Is Read: Language and Sensation in Literature and Philosophy
- Playing the Dummy: Maugham, Smartphones, and the End of Elegance
- Of Love and Music in Book 5 of Rousseau’s the Confessions
- How Black Lives Matter: Alice Walker, Alasdair Macintyre, and the Moral Significance of Enacted Narrative
- Everyday Poetics: Logic, Love, and Ethics by Brett Bourbon (review)
- The Philosophy of Isaiah Berlin by Johnny Lyons (review)
- Reading as a Philosophical Practice by Robert Piercey (review)
- Three Poems on Memory
- Further Reflections
- Lingering: Wittgenstein, Cavell, and the Problem of Style
- Stoppard’s Philosophical Investigations; Or, Wittgenstein’s Dogg’s Hamlet
- “Prufrock” between Acquaintance and Description: Bertrand Russell and T. S. Eliot
- On the Difference between a Genius and an Apostle: Auden, Kierkegaard, and the Poetry of Vocation
- The World as I Found It: Possibilities and Peculiarities about Speech and Conversation
- Enactment or Exploration: Two Roles for Philosophy in the Novel of Ideas
- Crito’s Homeric Embassy
- Aesthetic Modes of the Infinite: Horror, Sublimity, and Relationality
- Can I Talk about Shakespeare?
- Artworks and Persons
- Emerson on the Future of Art
- From Iliadic Integrity to Post-Machiavellian Spoils: James’s The Ambassadors
- Poetry, Inspiration, and Knowledge in Plato’s Ion: From Paradox to Pedagogy
- Reflections on Robert B. Pippin’s Philosophy by Other Means
- A Response to Charles Altieri
- Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger, and the Decade That Reinvented Philosophy by Wolfram Eilenberger (review)
- A Renaissance Exercise
- Ethical Criticism in Hell: The Sympathetic Fallacy of Inferno 32–33
- Romantic Love and the Feudal Household: Romeo and Juliet as Social Criticism
- Techne-Marxism: Toward a Labor-Oriented Criticism
- How Is a Metamorphosis of a Lady into a Fox Possible? A Philosophical Comment on David Garnett’s Lady into Fox
- Wordsworth and the Idea of a Poetic Theodicy
- Nostromo and Negative Longing
- The West’s Global Philosophy: Huxley’s Dialogue with Taoism
- World-Based Make-Believe
- At the Feet of Philosophy: The Dialectics of the Two-Legged Thinker
- The Paradox of Fiction: A Proposal for a Solution Based on the Information-Processing Approach
- “Now, how were his sentiments to be read?”: Imagination and Discernment in Austen’s Persuasion
- Flowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction by Mark Payne (review)
- Enter the Child: A Scene from Stanley Cavell’s The Claim of Reason
- Diachronicity, Episodicity, and the Aesthetic of Historicist Criticism
- The African Novel of Ideas: Philosophy and Individualism in the Age of Global Writing by Jeanne-Marie Jackson (review)
- On Wittgenstein, Lydia Davis, and Other Uncanny Grammarians
- Narration, Lying, and the Orienting Response
- Giving Way: Thoughts on Unappreciated Dispositions by Steven Connor (review)
- Analytic Philosophy and the World of the Play by Michael Y. Bennett (review)
- Machiavelli, Philosopher and Playwright
- “Money for which my Buttocks had labored so vigorously”: John Locke and Sexual Labor in The London Jilt
- The Virtue of Erotic Curiosity
- The Meaning of the Liar Paradox in Randall Jarrell’s “Eighth Air Force”
- Don’t Lie to Me about Fictional Characters: Meinongian Incomplete Objects to the Rescue of Truth in Fiction
- Flann O’Brien, Wittgenstein, and the Idling of Language
- Don’t Feed the Liars! On Fraudulent Memoirs, and Why They’re Bad
- Divination and Correlative Thinking: Origins of an Aesthetic in the Book of Changes and Book of Songs
- Why Do Philosophers Neglect the Short Story? (And Why They Shouldn’t)
- Why Deconstruction Might Work in Theory but Not in Practice
- Agency, Luck, and Tragedy
- From Heideggerian Dasein to Melvillean Masquerade: Historiology and Imaginative Excursion in Philip Roth’s The Facts
- Shakespeare Faciebat: Non-Finito Aesthetics in Timon of Athens
- The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle by David Edmonds (review)
- The Logic of Sentiment: Stowe, Hawthorne, and Melville by Kenneth Dauber (review)
- Upbringing and Agency: Three Perspectives
- From the Margin a Silent Tick: On the Traces of Performative Judgment in Literary Works
- MacNeice the Heraclitean
- Jealousy and the Sense of Self: Unamuno and the Contemporary Philosophy of Emotion
- Making Sense of Suffering: Merleau-Ponty and Keats’s “Vale of Soul-Making”
- German Romantic Philosophy: “Underhand Theology”?
- On Having Three Names
- Thoreau’s “Life without Principle” and the Art of Living and Getting a Living
- In Defense of Abstract Creationism: A Recombinatorial Approach
- Wittgenstein and Dostoevsky: Happiness and Subjectivity
- Even Better Than the Real Thing: Dostoevsky’s Absurd Realism
- To Live a Meaningful Life: Reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein through Heideggerian Techne
- “Deus in Animo”: Kantian Ugliness and the Narrative Aesthetic of Frankenstein
- Frankenstein, the Frankfurt School, and the Domination of Nature
- Montaigne’s Perfect Friendship and Perfect Society: Philosophical Fictions as Useful Reminders
- Of “Just Compassion”: Sympathy, Justice, and the French Exiles in Charlotte Smith’s The Emigrants
- “A. I. Richards”: Can Artificial Intelligence Appreciate Poetry?
- What is Authorial Intention?
- “The Colour Out of Space”: Lovecraft on Induction
- Intrinsic-Extrinsic Properties in Theater
- From Joyce to McKeon: The University, the Humanities, and the Becoming Teacher
- Theory of Mind and Experimental Autobiography: Alain Robbe-Grillet and Assia Djebar
- The Dance of the Semantic Phoenix: Autopoietic Systems of Meaning in Finnegans Wake
- “Life” in John Williams’s Stoner
- Aristophanes’s Hiccups and Erotic Impotence
- Modernist Sense of the End and Postmodernist Illusion of the End
- Activism via Inaction (Wu Wei): Oscar Wilde’s Interpretation and Appropriation of Chuang Tzu
- Sara Lidman’s Secular Reading of Original Sin
- Cognitive Bias and Narrative Credibility in Proust
- Where is Finch’s Landing? Rereading To Kill A Mockingbird As Moral Pedagogy
- Cassiopeia’s Dust
- A New Theory of Tragic Catharsis
- Lyric Self-Fashioning: Sonnet 35 as Formal Model
- What is a Life?
- Ivan Ilych and Autobiographical Despair
- Literary Criticism and Politics?
- “The Politics of the Classroom Are Not the Politics of the World”: An Unpublished Speech by Edward W. Said
- Flower, Fruit, Seed, Egg, Copy, Twin, or Snow?
- Close Reading, Epistemology, and Affect: Nabokov after Rorty
- Charlie Chaplin and Aristotle: The Mechanics of Ending City Lights
- André Breton and Three Surrealist Poets
- Temporal Succession in Samson Agonistes
- Reason as the Death of Fathers: Plato’s Sophist and the Ghost’s Command in Hamlet
- Incomplete Enlightenment: Edgar Reitz’s The End of the Future and the Aesthetics of Suffering
- Literary Resistance to the Philosophy of Slavery: Al-Farabi and the Ikhwan Al-Safa’
- Odysseás Elytis’s Conversation with Heraclitus: “Of Ephesus”
- The Tragedy and Comedy of Tyranny: Plato’s Symposium and Aristophanes’s Frogs
- Jeeves Resumes Charge (A Contribution to the Literature on Reading Nietzsche)
- Literary Self-Reference: Five Types of Liar’s Paradox
- “Can’t move ’em with a cold thing like economics”: On Pound’s Cantos 18 and 19
- Know Thyself: Emerson’s Pedagogy of Recollection
- Sartre’s Nausea as Liar Paradox
- The Platform Fallacy: A Dickensian Contribution to Informal Logic
- “The Crack in the Voice” and “Joe Turner Blues”
- Poetics of Resistance: Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely as Phenomenological Lyric
- Naming the Lyric: Literature versus Philosophy in Plato’s Symposium
- Provoking Things: Homer, Humpty, and Heidegger
- The Causes of Action in Oedipus Tyrannus
- Ted Cohen on Sharing the World
- The Art of Being: Poetics of the Novel and Existentialist Philosophy by Yi-Ping Ong (review)
- On Theory-Centrism: The “Literary Theory” Void of Literature
- Textual Meaning in the Complex System of Literature
- The Many Sources of Meaning
- Meaning and Exemplarity in Poetics and Literary Theory
- The Meaning of Community Under the Pen of Wordsworth
- Literature, the Emotions, and Learning
- Reading and Seeing: The Artistic Use of Visual Features in Contemporary Novels
- Freud on the Uncanny: A Tale of Two Theories
- The Rules and Politics of Storyworlds: Fictionalizing the Everyday in E. F. Benson’s Mapp and Lucia Novels
- Brancusi’s Golden Bird and loy’s “Brancusi’s Golden Bird”: A Spinozist Encounter
- Emerson and the Question of Style
- Reason, Feeling, and Happiness: Bridging an Ancient/Modern Divide in The Plague
- Almost-Poetics: Prose Rhythm in George Berkeley’s Siris
- What Do We Mean When We Talk about Transcendence? Plato and Virginia Woolf
- Value Realism and Moral Psychology: A Comparative Analysis of Iris Murdoch and Fyodor Dostoevsky
- D. H. Lawrence and the Truth of Literature
- Love in the Absence of Judgment
- What Good Is Ancient Philosophy?
- Cultivating Intimacy: The Use of the Second Person in Lyric Poetry
- On Romance and Intimacy
- Mary Wilkins Freeman’s “Louisa” and the Problem of Female Choice
- Heidegger, Sartre, and Irresolute Dasein in Philip Roth’s The Dying Animal, Everyman, and “Novotny’s Pain”
- Deconstruction: A Misprision of Saussure and Charles Sanders Peirce
- Peirce as a Writer
- Self-Forgiveness and the Moral Perspective of Humility: Ian McEwan’s Atonement
- The Valentine’S Card: Far from the Madding Crowd and the Act/Art of Moral Evaluation
- Moral Density: Why Teaching Art is Teaching Ethics
- The Ethics of Enchantment: The Role of Folk Tales and Fairy Tales in the Ethical Imagination
- Kin Altruism, Spite, And Forgiveness in Pride and Prejudice
- Boxed
- Responding to E. R. Dodds
- The “Analytic”/”Continental” Divide and the Question of Philosophy’s Relation to Literature
- Despairing Macbeth: A Speech Out of Place
- Politics, Religion, and Love’S Transgression: The Political Philosophy of Romeo and Juliet
- Woolf and Schopenhauer: Artistic Theory and Practice
- The Social Role of Understanding in G. K. Chesterton’s Detective Fiction
- Philosophy of the Sublime as Theory and Experience
- Wordsworth: Second Nature and Democracy
- “Chequer Works of Providence”: Skeptical Providentialism in Daniel Defoe’s Fiction
- Two Responses to Moral Luck
- What Novels Speak About
- Shelley’s Vestimentary Poetics
- A Look and a Nod: Merleau-Ponty, Shakespeare, Heaney, and the Mediation of Form
- Nietzsche among the Novelists
- Owen, Wittgenstein, and the Postwar Battle with Language
- When Nothing Follows: Rousseau’s Literary Works as Science and Consolation
- David Hume in To the Lighthouse
- Consciousness: A Story
- “Expel the Barbarian from Your Heart”: Intimations of the Cyclops in Euripides’s Hecuba
- The Meaning of “Tyrannus” in Oedipus Tyrannus
- “Poetry” versus “History” in Aristotle’s Poetics
- Two Myths of Sisyphus
- A Report on Experience
- Wittgenstein and Modernism
- Beauty and Sublimity: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Literature and the Arts by Patrick Colm Hogan (review)
- Narrative Rhyme and the Good Life
- The Artist as Prophet: Emerson’s Thoughts on Art
- Oscar Wilde on the Theory of the Author
- Mapping the Literary Text: Spatio-Cultural Theory and Practice
- Resisting the Habit of Tlön: Whitehead, Borges, and the Fictional Nature of Concepts
- Murder and Midwifery: Metaphor in the Theaetetus
- The Merry Sufferer: Authentic Being in Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days
- The Character of Huckleberry Finn
- The Art of “Reading-To” and the Post-Holocaust Suicide in Schlink’s The Reader
- Flannery O’Connor’s Mrs. Turpin, Hannah Arendt’s Adolf Eichmann, and Dreams of Boxcars
- Rehearsing Better Worlds: Poetry as A Way of Happening in the Works of Tomlinson and MacDiarmid
- Escape from Plataea: Political and Intellectual Liberation in Thucydides’s History
- Richards and Williams: Spring and All and the Invention of Modernist Form
- The Promethean Form: A Poet’s Ontological Metamorphosis in Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” and “The Poet”
- But Then, A Moral Experiment
- Wittgenstein and the Craft of Reading: On Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience, By Charles Altieri
- Virtue Ethics and Literary Imagination
- Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language ed. by Sebastian Sunday Grève and Jakub Mácha (review)
- Literature and Happiness
- Strangers in a Strange Land: Wittgenstein, Flies, Us Too
- Apollo’s Deception: The Will to Beauty and The Broken Heart
- The Role of the Arts in Male Courtship Display: Billy Collins’s “Serenade”
- Evolution and Literary Studies: Time to Evolve
- Communion, Not Consilience: Protecting the Future of Interdisciplinary Literary Study
- The Poetry Machine: How the Alexandrian Avant-Garde Created a Library
- “Horn-Handed and Pig-Headed”: British Reception of The Poets and Poetry of America
- “After Great Pain”: The Epistemology of the Grave according to Emily Dickinson
- “All the Shadows / Whisper of the Sun”: Carnevali’s Whitmanesque Simplicity
- Poems as Reportive Avowals
- “Who Has Not Wak’d”: Mary Robinson and Cartesian Poetry
- How Can Each Word Be Irreplaceable?: Is Coleridge’s Claim Absurd?
- The Consequences of Particularity
- Literature and Empathy
- The Most Overrated Article of All Time?
- Philosophy and Literature: Problems of a Philosophical Subdiscipline
- Introduction: Not “Of,” “As,” or “And,” but “In”
- Tyranny and Blood: Rethinking Creon
- The Fire-Walking Antigone
- Ethical Pluralism and Moral Conflict in Aeschylus’s Oresteia
- Rethinking Shakespeare
- Nothingness in Donne’s “A Valediction: Of Weeping” and Shakespeare’s Cymbeline
- The Natural Rights Exerted in Shakespeare’s Bed-Tricks
- Ovid’s Myth of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Gods and Children: Shakespeare Reads The Prince
- Dionysus in the Mirror: Hamlet as Nietzsche’s Dionysian Man
- Thinking about Judgment with Shakespeare
- On Sincere Apologies: Saying “Sorry” in Hamlet
- Jane Austen on Practical Wisdom, Constancy, and Unreserve
- Jane Austen’s Aristotelian Proposal: Sometimes Falling in Love Is Better Than a Beating
- In Search of Lost Time and the Attunement of Jealousy
- Is Clarissa Dalloway Special?
- Prologues and the Idols of Criticism: Borges on Ficciones
- Borges Scoops Gettier
- Borges’s Love Affair with Heraclitus
- Borges and Levinas Face-to-Face: Writing and the Riddle of Subjectivity
- The First Trial of Socrates
- The Lurking Class: From Parasocial Postal Clerks to Hypersocial Vloggers
- Art World: Grudger, Sucker, Cheat
- Engaging the World: Writing, Imagination, and Enactivism
- Sartre and Koestler: Bisociation, Nothingness, and the Creative Experience in Roth’s The Anatomy Lesson
- Levels of Literary Meaning
- Hume, Halos, and Rough Heroes: Moral and Aesthetic Defects in Works of Fiction
- The Morals of Stories: Narrating Judgment in Carver, Borges, and Englander
- What George Eliot of Middlemarch Could Have Taught Spinoza
- Fearless?: Peter Weir, The Sage, and the Fragility of Goodness
- Hushed Resolve, Reticence, and Rape In J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace
- Irony and Cognitive Empathy in Chrétien de Troyes’s Gettier Problem
- Motherhood in Ferrante’s The Lost Daughter: A Case Study of Irony as Extraordinary Reflection
- Uses of Hamartia, Flaw, and Irony in Oedipus Tyrannus and King Lear
- Knowledge of People
- The Long Revenge of Zobel Blake
- Love as Communication: A Short, Redacted Argument from the Phaedrus
- Trusting the Author: On Narrative Tension and the Puzzle of Audience Anxiety
- Kantian Anti-Theodicy and Job’s Sincerity
- Sade’s Ethics of Emotional Restraint: Aline et Valcour Midway between Sentimentality and Apathy
- Foucault and Kripke on the Proper Names of Authors
- Only Connect: Moral Judgment, Embodiment, and Hypocrisy in Howards End
- “Thick” Aesthetic Emotions and the Autonomy of Art
- Irony as a Way of Life: Svevo, Kierkegaard, and Psychoanalysis
- Lateness and the Inhospitable in Stanley Cavell and Don DeLillo
- Six Scenes of Instruction in Stanley Cavell’s Little Did I Know
- Two-Part Invention: Voices from Augustine’s The Teacher and Samuel Beckett’s Endgame
- Joining the Past to the Future: The Autobiographical Self in The Things They Carried
- “I Know Who I Am”: Don Quixote, Self-Fashioning, and the Humanness of Ordinary Identity
- Narrative, Identity, and the Disunity of Life
- Refusing Disenchantment: Romanticism, Criticism, Philosophy
- The Postmodern Split: Poetry, Theory, and the Metaphysics That Would Not Die
- A Critical Review of Derek Matravers’s Fiction and Narrative
- Oedipus the Tyrant: A View of Catharsis in Eight Sentences