- We Need To Talk
- Tallis in Wonderland – Random Thoughts On Luck
- Plants & Philosophy
- The Smart Shoppers
- Ethics Hotline
- The Art of Living – On Making Moral Progress
- The Fire This Time
- Film: Falling Down
- Philosophical Haiku: Jürgen Habermas
- The Necessity of Exile by Shaul Magid
- Technologists & Ethicists
- Poem: Besieged
- Interview: Dr Gindi
- Philosophers & Immigration Control
- Thomas Aquinas on Extraterrestrial Life
- Philosophy Shorts – Philosophers on Cars
- Trust, Truth & Political Conversations
- The Material Creation of Freedom
- Success & Luck
- Wordsworth & Darwin
- Philosophy & The Crown
- The Universal History of Us (UK) or The Science of Why We Exist (USA) by Tim Coulson
- Brief Lives: Pythagoras
- Islamic Philosophers – On Women
- The Master & Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
- Film: It’s A Wonderful Life
- Philosophical Haiku: Xenophanes
- Interview: Robert Stern
- Brief Lives: Volney
- The Art of Living – Seneca On Anger
- Barriers to Entailment by Gillian Russell
- Too Late to Awaken by Slavoj Žižek
- Trolls, Skeptics & Philosophers
- Cave Girl Principles
- Tallis in Wonderland – “I refute it thus”
- Question of the Month – How Can We Make A Computer Conscious?
- The Battle
- A Critique of Pure Atheism
- Evil & An Omnipotent, Benevolent God
- The Best Possible World, But Not For Us
- A God of Limited Power
- Metaphors & Creativity
- Medieval Islam & the Nature of God
- Perpetuating the Santa Deception
- Seeing & Knowing
- Plato’s Cave & Social Media
- Return to God?
- Exploring Atheism
- Shorts – Philosophers on Dance
- Iain McGilchrist’s Naturalized Metaphysics
- Bubblegum Prayer
- The Funnel of Righteousness
- Film: Love Lies Bleeding
- Philosophical Haiku – Francis Bacon
- How To Think Like A Woman by Regan Penaluna
- We’re as Smart as the Universe Gets
- The Art of Living – The Four Threats To Our Judgment
- Interview: Sarah Bakewell
- Managing the Mind
- Is Brillo Box an Illustration?
- Philosopher Kings – And Queens?
- Why is Freedom So Important to Us?
- Shorts – Sneezing
- From Birds To Brains
- Mary Leaves Her Room
- Love & Metaphysics
- Thought Experiment
- Taylor Swift: Philosopher For Our Times
- Brief Lives: Anselm
- Tallis in Wonderland – Extending the Mind to the Body & Beyond
- Nonhuman Humanitarians: Animal Interventions in Global Politics by Benjamin Meiches
- Question of the Month – What Book Should Be Required Reading?
- The Black Widow Case
- A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume
- Moral Feelings, Moral Reality & Moral Progress by Thomas Nagel and Analytic Philosophy & Human Life by Thomas Nagel
- Everything, All the Time, Everywhere: How We Became Postmodern by Stuart Jeffries
- Brief Lives – Sholem Asch (1880-1957)
- TV: SpongeBob SquarePants
- Tallis in Wonderland – Atomism & Smallism
- Philosophical Haiku – Denis Diderot
- Philosophy Shorts – Philosophers on Bread
- Stoics in Need of Anger Management
- Value Pluralism & Plurality of Choice
- The Unfreedom of Liberty
- Poem: The Unclassifiables
- On Retributive Punishment
- The Domesticated Foxes of Bastøy
- Islamic Philosophers – On Music
- Authenticity & Absurdity
- Doughnut Economics
- Interview: Brian Leiter
- The Art of Living – The Epicurean Cure For Life
- Freedom & State Intervention
- The Politics of Freedom
- Finding Meaning in Suffering
- The Two Dennises
- Abelard & Carneades: Yes and No
- Tallis in Wonderland – Does the Cosmos Have a Purpose?
- Philosophical Haiku: Noam Chomsky
- Sophie’s World: A Graphic Novel by Vincent Zabus & Nicoby
- From Postmodernism to Metamodernism
- Significance
- Daniel C. Dennett: Obituary
- Is Driving Fossil-Fuelled Cars Immoral?
- Reality, Humanity and AI
- Shorts – Philosophers on Cheese
- Philosophers Exploring the Good Life
- The Present is Not All There Is to Happiness
- Poem: A Philosopher’s Life
- What Is Life Worth?
- The Art of Living – Three Types of Philosophical Texts
- Frankl & Sartre in Search of Meaning
- The Crisis of Culture: Identity Politics and the Empire of Norms by Olivier Roy
- Interview with Luce Irigaray
- Brief Lives: Heraclitus (c.500 BC)
- Film: The Exorcist: Believer
- Editorial – The Search for Meaning
- The Healing of Philosophy
- Who’s Watching Who?
- Tallis in Wonderland – The Illusion of Illusionism
- The Art of Living: On Listening
- Failures of Forgiveness by Myisha Cherry
- Intimate Diaries of Great Philosophers – Kant in the Café
- What You Need to Read Before You Read Kant
- Kant and Love
- Kant the (P)Russian Philosopher?
- Brief Lives: M.M. Bakhtin
- I’ve Been Thinking by Daniel C. Dennett
- Film: Witness for the Prosecution
- Ways of Being Alive by Baptiste Morizot
- Question of the Month – How Can We Achieve World Peace?
- Philosophical Haiku: Leo Tolstoy
- Philosophy Shorts – Philosophers on Baseball
- Bookmarks & Nothingness
- Plato versus Literature
- Milan Kundera’s Philosophy of the Novel
- What Makes A Book Great?
- Don Quixote & Narrative Identity
- Shakespeare: Folly, Humanism & Critical Theory
- How to be an Antiracist Consequentialist
- When to Hold Your Friends’ Feet to the Fire
- Editorial – What’s the Story?
- Islamic Philosophers: On Love
- Poem: Greek Statue
- “Stand Out Of My Light”
- Philosophical Haiku: G.E. Moore
- Brief Lives: Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
- Hume’s Problem of Induction
- Enjoy the Silence
- A History of Transhumanism
- Sad Love by Carrie Jenkins
- How to Have a Good Life
- The Art of Living: The Discipline of Assent
- Horseplay in Hibernia
- Interview: Steven Pinker
- The Philosophy of Work
- Irish Philosophy & Me
- Edmund Burke & the Politics of Reform
- Philip Petitt & The Birth of Ethics
- Philosophy & Hurling – Thinking & Playing
- The Rigor of Angels: Borges, Heisenberg, Kant & the Ultimate Nature of Reality by William Egginton
- Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
- Tallis in Wonderland: Cogito, Ergo Sum?
- Thomas Duddy & Irish Philosophy
- Towards Love
- Rudolph’s Revenge
- The Enlightenment Philosophers’ Seven-A-Side Football Team
- Brief Lives: G.W.F. Hegel
- Looking for Theophrastus: Travels in Search of a Lost Philosopher by Laura Beatty
- Debating Multiculturalism: Should There Be Minority Rights? by Peter Balint & Patti Tamara Lenard
- The Art of Living – The Discipline of Action
- The Revolt Against Humanity by Adam Kirsch
- Rationalism in Politics by Michael Oakeshott
- Tallis in Wonderland – The How & Why of Consciousness
- Question of the Month – What are the Limits of Knowledge?
- Film: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
- Parrhesia & Doing Philosophy with Children
- Shorts – Philosophers on Football
- What Is Free Will?
- Philosophical Haiku: William James
- Spinoza and Other Determinists
- Criticising Strawson’s Compatibilism
- The Will Is Not Free: You Have to Earn It
- Saying, Keeping Silent and Showing
- The Ides of March
- Torture and Ticking Bombs
- Materialism, Freedom and Ethics
- Russell’s Moral Quandary
- Therefore, Socrates is a Philosopher
- Tallis in Wonderland – An Itsy-Bitsy Universe?
- A History of Lying by Juan Jacinto Muñoz-Rengel
- Film: The Banshees of Inisherin
- Seeing Through Transparency
- Hannah Arendt & the Complexities of Loving
- Brief Lives – Prince Shōtoku (574–622)
- In search of us: Adventures in Anthropology by Lucy Moore
- The Art of Living – The Discipline of Desire
- The Soul of the Marionette by John Gray
- The Game of Skeptics
- Is Progress Possible in Philosophy?
- Does a Just Society Require Just Citizens?
- Why Write Philosophy?
- What Happened to Philosophy?
- Philosophical Haiku
- Where Do Philosophers Get Their Ideas?
- What is the Philosophical Experience?
- Hannah Arendt & the Banality of Evil
- Shorts – Philosophers on Cats
- Can Animal Experimentation Be Justified?
- Brief Lives: Augustine
- Nostalgia, Morality & Mass Entertainment
- Philosophical Haiku: Benedetto Croce
- The Postmodern Condition by Jean-François Lyotard
- Overwhelming Evil
- The Art of Living – The Three Disciplines of Epictetus
- Stoicism in History and Modern Life
- The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan
- Metamodernism: The Future of Theory by Jason Storm
- Tallis in Wonderland – Reflections on Reality
- TV: The Sopranos
- Being as Onion
- Question of the Month – How Will Humanity End?
- Reality, Time and All That
- Austin & ‘Reality’
- Solving the Mystery of Mathematics
- The Association of Philosophy Teachers Conference Report
- Kant’s Critique
- Metaphysical Scepticism
- Nothing
- The Best Criticism of Ethical Egoism
- Technology and Transformation
- Kant on Time
- John Locke & Personal Identity
- Can You Be Both A Moral Rationalist & A Moral Sentimentalist?
- Tallis in Wonderland: Remembering Memory
- Philosophical Haiku: Herbert Spencer
- The Art of Living: The Six Core Virtues
- Should We Take Vagueness Seriously?
- Uncertainty Made Measurable
- Interview: Jeffrey Raff
- Brief Lives: Nima Adlerblum
- Debating the A Priori by Paul Boghossian & Timothy Williamson
- When Animals Dream by David M. Pena-Guzman
- Free Will: An Opinionated Guide by Alfred R. Mele
- Film: The Horror Anomaly
- Back to the Sophists
- Bygone Days Yet to Come
- On Being One With Nature
- Will the Real John Locke Please Step Forward?
- The Cognitive Gap
- Who’s To Say?
- The Opposite of Virtue
- Right & Wrong About Right & Wrong
- Consequentialism at the Pearly Gates
- Ethical Truth in a Quantum Light
- Let’s Get Meta!
- Spinoza’s Godly Mystery
- The Last Thought
- Question of the Month: What is Time?
- Typing to Turing
- Editorial – Mind and Artificial Intelligence: A Dialogue
- Ergoing Nowhere
- Tallis in Wonderland: Reflections on Taking My Blood Pressure
- Book: In Praise of Failure by Costica Bradatan
- The Urgency of Art
- The Art of Living: How To Live A Happy Life, With Seneca
- Hannah Arendt & the Spectre of Nuclear War
- Brief Lives: Chamfort the Moraliste
- Philosophical Haiku: Thomas Carlyle
- AI & Human Interaction
- Arguing with the Chinese Room
- What’s Stopping Us Achieving Artificial General Intelligence?
- Can Machines Be Conscious?
- Hap & Happiness
- Book: We Have Always Been Cyborgs by Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
- Film: Ghostbusters (Original)
- What it Means to be Human – Blade Runner 2049
- Descartes & Stupidity
- How Descartes Inspired Science
- Shorts – Philosophers on Beer
- A Solution to the Trolley Problem
- The Last Oracle
- Classic: The Birth of Tragedy Friedrich Nietzsche
- Philosophical Haiku: Joseph de Maistre
- Tallis in Wonderland: An Encounter with Radical Darwinitis
- The Rime of the Ancient Geometer
- Evil From The Outside
- The Theodicies of Allama Iqbal & John Hick
- Interview: Rebecca Buxton talks with Reece Stafferton about women in philosophy
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by 48 Book: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
- The Art of Living: Philosophy For Everyday Life – Massimo Pigliucci introduces his new column
- The Free Will Exam
- The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture by Yoram Hazony
- Theatre: Wittgenstein: Stoppard’s Muse – Fergus Edwards finds the philosopher to be an unexpected influence on the playwright
- Intimate Diaries of Great Philosophers: God Bless Karl Marx!
- Brief Lives: Émilie du Châtelet
- Virtual Dissolution
- Shorts – Philosophers on Laziness
- Humans, The Believing Animals
- One Logic, Or Many?
- Postmodern Flames in Brazil
- Six Signs You’ve Taken The Blue Pill
- Bricolage: Natural Epistemology
- Mill & Taylor on Marriage & Equality
- World Wide Web or Library of Babel?
- Obituary: Saul Kripke
- At My Leisure
- The Great Crumpled Paper Hoax
- Poetry & Philosophy in the 21st Century
- Tallis in Wonderland: An Invitation to Navel Gazing
- On Regret
- Television: Babylon 5
- French Philosophy Now
- Seven Ways of Looking at Suffering by Scott Samuelson
- Philosophical Haiku: Machiavelli
- Ethics in Politics
- What Am I Doing?
- Moral Education in Confucianism
- Philosophy Shorts – Philosophers on Kissing
- Plaiting Gravy
- Haus Wittgenstein, Vienna
- Creating Cities
- Mohist Anti-Militarism & Just War Theory
- In Praise of Aphorisms
- Brief Lives: Cicero (106-43 BC)
- Question of the Month: What Grounds or Justifies Morality?
- The Monarchy of Fear by Martha Nussbaum
- Creative Being
- The Horror of Relations
- The Ahuman Manifesto by Patricia MacCormack
- Secrets
- The Strange Story of the Soviet Spinoza
- Philosophy Café
- Calling Time
- Proof
- Interview: Nat Rutherford
- The Phenomenology of Time in Memento
- Philosophical Haiku: St Augustine
- Brief Lives: Michel Foucault
- The Enigma of Reason by Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber
- TV: WandaVision
- Classic: Existentialism is a Humanism by Jean-Paul Sartre
- Street Philosopher – Selling Snake Oil
- The Bataillean-Freudian Cat
- Tallis in Wonderland – The Fantasy of Conscious Machines
- Editorial – God and the Philosophers
- God & Humility
- De Omnibus Dubitandum
- The Ontological Argument Revisited
- A Theological Self
- Faith & An Unreliable God
- How Theology Pre-Empts Philosophy
- Deism: Traditional & Contemporary
- Shorts – Philosophers on Sport
- Question of the Month – How Do You Change Someone’s Mind?
- Glaucon Before Lachesis
- Philosophical Haiku: Thomas Aquinas
- The Life Inside: A Memoir of Prison, Family & Philosophy by Andy West
- Film: Don’t Look Up
- Was Spinoza Actually an Atheist?
- Digital Freedom
- Brief Lives: Daisetsu Suzuki
- Metaphysical Animals by Clare Mac Cumhaill & Rachael Wiseman and The Women Are Up To Something by Benjamin J.B. Lipscomb
- Tallis in Wonderland – How Did We Get To Be So Different?
- Socrates & Xanthippe
- How To Be A Really Good Person
- Plato’s Myths
- Levinas & Post-Pandemic Masking
- The Pandemos
- Aristotle’s Guide to Living Well
- The Uses & Misuses of Socrates
- Of Clouds & Shadows
- The Song of Ulysses
- Mill, Free Speech & Social Media
- An Ancient Conversation About Motion
- Existential Comics
- Philosophy Shorts – Philosophers on Coffee
- Zhuangzi, Language and Gender
- A Philosophical Lunch
- Philosophical Haiku: Simone Weil
- Gender as Biological Fact vs Gender as Social Construction
- Brief Lives: Pylyp Orlyk
- The Deep
- Street Philosopher – Kindly with Kant
- Advertising is Immoral
- Organicity: Entropy or Evolution by David Dobereiner
- The Enticing Light of Progress
- How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson
- Transcending Kant
- Interview: Henk Manschot
- Wittgenstein Plays Snooker
- The Confession
- Shorts – Philosophers on Wine
- Kant’s Political Philosophy
- Kant’s Theory of Human Dignity
- In Search of an Ethical Roadmap
- Did Kant Solve Skepticism?
- Why Does Inequality Matter? by T.M. Scanlon
- Tallis in Wonderland – An Unholy Trinity
- Film: Good Will Hunting
- The World in Kant’s Head
- The Goodness of Existence
- Humankind: A Hopeful History, by Rutger Bregman
- What is Truth?
- The Determined Will
- The Golden State Killer & Deleuze’s ‘Dividual’
- Question of the Month – What Is A Person?
- Paradox Lost
- Interview
- Philosophy Then – Looking to the Past
- Freedom: An Impossible Reality by Raymond Tallis
- Androids at the Cinema
- Beyond Bad, by Chris Paley
- Brief Lives – Diogenes the Cynic
- Sour
- Tallis in Wonderland – Perception as a Controlled Hallucination
- Editorial – A Serious Matter
- The Global Village
- The Causes of Peace
- Philosophical Haiku – Sir Karl Popper
- Cultural Colonialism & Aesthetic Injustice
- Revolt & Complacency
- Robert Nozick’s Metaverse Machine
- A Map of Contemporary Political Ideas
- ‘The Lottery’ & Locke’s Politics
- Shorts – War & Peace
- Tallis in Wonderland – The Philosopher in the Café
- Philosophical Haiku: Pierre Abelard
- Socrates’ Home Life
- Street Philosopher – Smooching by the Seine
- Harmony & Cancellation Culture
- The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
- Should Kant Be Canceled?
- Kierkegaard & the Question Concerning Technology by Christopher Barnett
- Men of Steel – Superman vs Übermensch
- Philosophy Then – All Your Love is Need
- Pascal’s Climate Wager
- Brief Lives: C.L.R. James
- Demons of the Self
- Living & Coexisting by Courage, Generosity & Wisdom
- Shorts – Play
- Iris Murdoch & the Mystery of Love
- The Philosophy of Romantic Love
- Cogito Ergo Sum
- Spinoza & the Troubles of the Heart
- Interview: David Chalmers
- The Unlovable Parts of a Loving Society
- Modern Europe & the Enlightenment by Rumy Hasan
- Film: Tenet
- Pandora’s Book by David Birch
- Birds Do It
- Hegel Reading Heraclitus
- The Happy State
- Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft
- Santa’s Existential Crisis
- On Philosophy and Philosophers by Richard Rorty
- What Is Guilt?
- Philosophy Then: Living the Good Life
- What Is Happiness?
- Friday Nights
- Philosophical Haiku: Philo of Alexandria
- The Philosopher with a Thousand Faces
- An Event, Perhaps: A Biography of Jacques Derrida
- Huygens – A Scientist Among the Philosophers
- Film: Minding the Gap
- Interview: Samuel Grove
- Question of the Month – Can Eating Meat Be Justified?
- Tallis in Wonderland – Dust To Dust
- Exploring Time
- Brief Lives: Benedict de Spinoza
- Why You’re (Probably) Wrong About The Meaning of Life
- Looking for the Purpose of Life
- Shorts – Laughter
- Brief Lives: Thomas Aquinas
- Against Veganism
- The Parable of Aladdina
- Tallis in Wonderland: On Making and Keeping Appointments
- Expanding the Original Position to Animals
- Philosophy Then: Mind Without Matter
- Liberal Individualism & Cultural Decay
- All Things are Nothing To Me: The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner by Jacob Blumenfeld
- The Philosophy of Japanese Gardens
- So You Think There are Laws in Nature?
- Philosophical Haiku: A.J. Ayer
- Categories & Their Discontents
- Pascal’s Carriage
- Shorts: Marriage
- Get Real
- Against Direct Realism
- Buddhist Metaphysics
- Corona, Correlation & Causation
- Moral Philosophy & Being Good
- Is Mathematics in the Fabric of the Universe?
- Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger and the Decade That Reinvented Philosophy by Wolfram Eilenberger
- Interview: Terry Pinkard
- Street Philosopher: Cogitating in Cambridge
- We’re All Just Rats in Mazes
- Reality Check
- Film: Brimstone & Treacle
- Freedom & Responsibility
- Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism by Kristen R. Ghodsee
- Good Sport by Thomas H. Murray
- Tallis in Wonderland – The Riddle of the Sphincter
- Existentialism from an African-American Perspective
- Philosophical Haiku – Jean-François Lyotard
- Philosophy Shorts
- Jonathan Edwards on Spiders
- Sartre Poem
- The Adventures of Jean-Paul Sartre
- Philosophy Then – Existentialism in Iran
- Question of the Month – What’s The Most Fundamental Value?
- Philosopher’s Café
- Brief Lives: Anne Conway
- We’re All Existentialists Now
- The Existential Yomps of Simone de Beauvoir
- No Hats on Sunday
- The Myth of Sisyphus
- Zapffe for a New Political Age
- Just Deserts: Debating Free Will by Daniel Dennett & Gregg Caruso
- Kierkegaard: Young, Free and Anxious
- Taylor Swift’s Liar Paradox
- The Stoic’s Lacuna
- Would Kant Have Worn a Face Mask?
- Interview: Michael Hauskeller
- René Descartes: A Yogi?
- Street Philosopher: Bicycling in Brussels
- Leibniz on Unicorns
- Brief Lives: C.S. Lewis
- Interview: Martin Savransky
- Simon & Finn Melissa Felder
- Philosophy Then: Evil Overruled
- Philosophy in a Technological World by James Tartaglia
- What is Philosophy For? by Mary Midgley
- Film: Casablanca
- The Promise of Artificial Intelligence by Brian Cantwell Smith
- Tallis in Wonderland: Laws of Nature
- The War with the Insectoids
- Reason & Emotion
- Philosophical Haiku: Albert Camus
- Phenomenology at the Beach
- John Stuart Mill
- Recognition & Protest
- The Ethics of Fat Shaming
- Is Election Meddling an Act of War?
- A Stoic Approach to Racism
- Nonhuman Persons
- Deleuze & Guattari’s Friendly Concepts
- Abortion & Artificial Wombs
- Tallis in Wonderland: Thinking About Thinking
- Friedrich Nietzsche’s Coffee Morning
- Brief Lives: Hannah Arendt
- Question of the Month: What is Freedom?
- Philosophical Haiku: John Ruskin
- Interview: Peter Adamson
- Philosophers’ Café
- Camus, The Plague and Us
- Truth & Alienation in a Covid World
- Pact or Artifact?
- Art & Morality
- Sci Fi & the Meaning of Life
- Disobey! by Frédéric Gros
- The Not So Benign World of Photography
- A Day by the Stream with Heraclitus
- From Conceptual Art to Social Art
- The Moore The Merrier
- A Philosophical Autobiography
- Flash Philosophy
- The Last Will & Testament of De Sade
- A Social Theory of Freedom
- Cynical Theories
- Further Animal Liberation
- How to Look at Facebook
- Story: The Real Thing
- Anxious Idleness
- Street Philosopher: Floating over Fallowfield
- The View From Somewhere Else
- Brief Lives: Plato
- Philosophy Then: The Missing Link
- Philosophy Friends! by Francisco Mejia Uribe
- Philosophical Haiku: George Berkeley
- The Limits of Computation
- The Limits of Argument
- Criticising Science
- Cartoon: Scepticism & Idealism
- I Don’t Believe It!
- Top Tips for Truth
- Escaping Scepticism with Hegel & Heidegger
- Film: Cuties (Mignonnes)
- Why We Are in Need of Tails by Maria daVenza Tillmanns
- Tallis in Wonderland: Perception & Reality
- Interview: Stefan Sorgner
- Poem: The Tragedy & Paradox of Greek Civilization
- Brief Lives: José Ortega y Gasset
- Story: Diminished Responsibility
- Question of the Month: Does History Progress?
- Perfect Me by Heather Widdows
- Cartoon: Western Philosophy
- On Not Being Someone Else by Andrew H. Miller
- On Casuistry
- Philosophical Haiku: Henri Bergson
- Hedonism in Ancient India & Greece
- Truth by Simon Blackburn
- Xenofeminism by Helen Hester
- Tallis in Wonderland: Arguing With A Solipsist
- Film: The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Philosophy Then: Do You Need Any Body?
- Poem: The Leviathan
- The Future of Philosophy is Cyborg
- Shorts
- The Metaphysics of Groundhog Day
- To Be is To Persist
- Free Will & The Brain
- Poem: Who Am I?
- Determinism versus Determinism
- Do We Want To Be Free?
- Homo Informaticus
- Homosexuality & Christianity
- Cartoon: Simon & Finn
- Editorial – Time and Being
- Tallis in Wonderland: The Mystery of Freedom
- Hegel Walks Into A Bar…
- The Meaning of Travel by Emily Thomas
- Street Philosopher: Bear-Faced in Bombay
- Philosophy Then: Come Together
- Enduring Time by Lisa Baraitser
- Doing Valuable Time by Cheshire Calhoun
- Succession
- Brief Lives: Mary Midgley
- Hegel’s Dialectic in a Coffee Cup
- Memory & Time
- Drugs & Harm
- G.W.F. Hegel: An Introduction
- Philosophical Haiku: Karl Marx
- Hegel’s Understanding of History
- Kant, Conflict & Universal History
- Hegel On The Future, Hegel In The Future
- Hegel’s Last System
- Taking our Vulnerability to Heart
- Hegel, ‘The Father of Art History’?
- ‘Comico, Ergo Sum’
- Obituary: Bernard Stiegler
- The Biggest Picture
- Brief Lives: Iris Murdoch
- What Colour Are Numbers?
- Film: Crimes & Misdemeanors
- The Existentialist’s Survival Guide by Gordon Marino
- Philosophy Then: Back to the Future
- Philosopher of the Heart [Kierkegaard] by Clare Carlisle
- Tallis in Wonderland: Philosophy in the Time of Plague, pt.2
- Uploaded
- Neoliberalism & Social Control
- Philosophical Misanthropy
- Pascal’s Artificial Intelligence Wager
- The Meaning of Death
- Virtual Reality as a Catalyst for Thought
- The Singularity of the Human Hive Mind
- The Battle for the Robot Soul
- A Survival Guide for Living in the Simulation
- Leo Tolstoy & the Silent Universe
- Robot Rules!
- Philosophical Haiku: Plotinus
- Question of the Month – How Do We Understand Each Other?
- Interview: Graham Harman
- The Shock of Things to Come
- A Few Good Men
- Buddha Travels West
- The Plague & The Plague
- Taurek & the Drowned Man
- Social Distancing in Solitude
- Those Who Justify Genocide
- The Power of Argument
- Philosophy and the Creation of the Individual
- Philosophical Haiku: Teresa de Avila
- Brief Lives: John Locke
- Philosophy Then: Minor Figures Can Be Majorly Interesting
- The Subject of Experience by Galen Strawson
- The Character Gap by Christian B. Miller
- Tallis In Wonderland: Philosophy in the Time of Plague, pt.1
- Et In Arcadia Ego
- Street Philosopher: Corvid Captured
- When Tides of Thought Meet
- Christianity and Homosexuality
- Suffering and the Media
- Beyond Humanism?
- Einstein and the Rebbe
- Meaning in the Executive Suite
- The Last Question
- Question of the Month: What & Why are Human Rights?
- Brief Lives: Leonardo da Vinci
- Morality Games
- Return To Infinity!
- Philosophy Then: Life & the Mind
- Philosophical Posthumanism by Francesca Ferrando
- Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
- Fellow Creatures by Christine M. Korsgaard
- Zombies at the Movies
- Obituary: Roger Scruton
- Escaping the Academic Coal Mine
- Tallis In Wonderland: Against Neural Philosophy of Mind
- Nietzsche’s Hammer
- ‘I Am A God’
- Report: Philosophy Now Festival
- Nietzsche & History
- Our Nietzschean Future
- When Moral & Causal Words Collide
- To Infinity… and Beyond?
- Two Famous Philistines of Philosophy
- Philosophical Haiku: Friedrich Hayek
- Eternal Recurrence Revisited
- Street Philosopher: Destined In Delhi
- Achilles and the Tortoise
- What Philosophy Does to Philosophers
- Philosophy Then: The Pleasure Principle
- Nihilism & Philosophy by Gideon Baker
- I Am Dynamite! by Sue Prideaux
- Film: Joker
- Probably Approximately Correct by Leslie Valiant
- Tallis In Wonderland: Paying Attention To Attention
- Ambivalence
- The Fellowship of Aristotle & Tolkein
- Brief Lives: Etienne De La Boétie
- Kant’s Opus Postumum
- Philosophical Haiku: Heraclitus
- A Stoic Response to the Climate Crisis
- The Tragedy That Was Athens
- Let Plato Plan Your Wedding!
- An Essay on Nothing
- Interview with Gary Cox
- How To Change Your Mind
- Francis Fukuyama & the Perils of Identity
- What is Freedom?
- Immanuel Kant’s Globalization Program
- Greeks Bearing Gifts
- The Wisdom of Ignorance
- Bertrand Russell & Common Sense for Savages
- Interview: Michael Ruse
- Trump & Arendt Debate the Wall
- The Twilight Zone
- Lies, Damn Lies & Santa Claus
- The Philosothon Phenomenon
- Consciousness Matters by Oliver Leech
- Galileo’s Error by Philip Goff
- Am I Dreaming? by James Kingsland
- The Astrobiological Cat
- Philosophy Then – Would Machiavelli Vote For Trump?
- Emojivism
- Into the Cauldron
- Protecting Academic Freedom
- The Ethics of Discrimination
- Dewey & Climate Denial2
- Cosmopolitanism & Immigration
- Question of the Month – Who Is The Worst Philosopher?
- Brief Lives – Michel de Montaigne
- Philosophical Haiku – Simone de Beauvoir
- Should a Liberal State Ban the Burqa?
- Brief Lives: Peter Abelard
- Poodle as Representation, Rottweiler as Will
- Street Entertainment
- Philosophical Haiku: Friedrich Nietzsche
- Tallis In Wonderland: Religion & Evil
- Elastic Selves in the Age of Human Enhancement
- Film: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
- Conceptual Origami
- Dangerous Minds by Ronald Beiner
- The Mind of Leonardo da Vinci
- Schopenhauer the Optimist
- Interview: Costica Bradatan
- Simon & Finn
- Philosophical Outlook & Mental Well-Being
- The Ethics of a Pessimist
- How to be a Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci
- About Free Time
- Obituary: Michel Serres
- Street Philosopher: Goading Gladiators
- Challenge, Enhancement & Martial Arts
- News Reports
- Brilliance and Gloom
- Tallis In Wonderland – In Measure Began Our Might
- Philosophical Haiku – William of Ockham
- Philosophy Then: First Believe, Then Understand
- An Appeal to the World by the Dalai Lama
- Understanding Ignorance by Daniel R. DeNicola
- Film: Nightcrawler
- Mill Meets Gandhi
- Einstein versus Logical Positivism
- Question of the Month – What Is The Third Way?
- Philosophy of Science: The First 2.5 Millennia
- Is Attributing Evil A Cognitive Bias?
- Phenomenology & Science
- DNA & Identity
- Flora or Mona Lisa?
- Interview: John Dupré
- Aristotle and the Good Ruler
- The Good, The Bad and Theodicy
- Brief Lives: Maine de Biran
- Tidying Up With Socrates
- Down Girl by Kate Manne
- Scientific Knowledge
- Encounters with the (Post) Sublime
- Interview: Joerg Tuske talks to Anja Steinbauer
- The Atheist & the Logical Positivist
- Awe & Sublimity
- Tallis In Wonderland: About Aboutness
- Ethics & Uncertainty
- Philosopher at a Film Festival
- From Ape to Man & Beyond
- Living with Robots by Dumouchel & Damiano
- Obituary: Mary Warnock
- Brief Lives – Yamamoto Tsunetomo
- Beauty versus Evil
- Philosophical Haiku: Confucius
- Young Philosophers: Positively Powerful
- Meditating with Descartes
- Some Solid Ideas
- Poem: Solid Ground
- Seeing True Nature
- Truth and The True
- Is Karma a Law of Nature?
- Impermanence
- Philosophy Then – A Passage to India
- Artificial Consciousness – Our Greatest Ethical Challenge
- Street Philosopher: Secure in Sindh
- Kant and the Science of Logic by Huaping Lu-Adler
- The Impossible Issue
- What is it Like to be a Dragonfly?
- Karl Marx: Man & Mind
- An Unwanted Visitation
- Award 2019: Against Stupidity in the Media
- Film: Arrival
- Socratic Wisdom & the Knowledge of Children
- Logos by Raymond Tallis
- Question of the Month: Readers’ Answers – Is Philosophy Still the Friend of Wisdom?
- Brief Lives: Thomas Kuhn
- Locke’s Question To Berkeley
- A New Twist on an Old Idea
- What is Panspiritism?
- Philosophical Haiku: R.G. Collingwood
- Popper on Marx on History
- Marx & Nietzsche
- How Can Anybody Change Culture?
- Marx’s Leviathan
- Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright
- Philosophy Then: The Other Side of the Coins
- Tallis In Wonderland: On Failing To Be A Philosopher
- The Masterplan
- Question Marx
- Kierkegaard on the Perils of Procrastination
- The Free Will Pill
- The Decline and Rebirth of Philosophy
- Tallis In Wonderland – Homo Faber
- Call the Midwife
- Ethics of the Future
- In Defence of War
- Can An ‘Ought’ Be Derived From An ‘Is’?
- War: An Enquiry
- Francis Crick’s Deliberately Provocative Reductionism
- Thought, Consciousness, Brains and Machines
- Being-With-Significant-Others
- Humanity, Metaphor and the Recursive Mind
- Philosophical Haiku – Roger Bacon
- Brief Lives – Ayn Rand
- Selves Into Self
- Street Philosopher – Hounded in Holland
- Saving Beauty
- The Sum of My Parts
- Young Philosophers – Toughing It Out
- A Moral Education – Teaching Ethics: What’s the Harm?
- Philosophy Then – Opinions Divided
- You and Your Mind
- Defending Free Will and the Self
- Tallis In Wonderland – Brains, Minds, Selves
- The Light From Our Eyes
- Film: Santa Claus, The Movie
- Philosophical Haiku – Iris Murdoch
- A Moral Education – Ethics of Education in the Secular State
- Philosophy Then – Philosophy for the Young, Medieval Style
- I Am Not A Brain
- Question of the Month – Is The World An Illusion?
- Hegel on History
- Putting Animals & Humans To Sleep
- A Forgiving Reason – The Secret of Holmes’ Success
- The Trouble with Hegel
- Can Art Fight Fascism?
- Ockham’s Rose
- Creating the Beautiful Society
- Should We Pursue Happiness?
- Brief Lives – Hermann von Helmholtz
- Obituary: Mary Midgley
- The Case Against Conceptual Art
- Philosophy: A Call To Action
- I Hate Philosophy!
- The Functions of Art
- Tallis In Wonderland – Technoimmortalization
- At The Existentialist Park
- Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
- A Moral Education – Moral Education for Digital Natives
- Street Philosopher – Instrumental in Iraq
- Philosophy Then – Mary Wollstonecraft
- Judged
- To Be Born
- Philosophy For Non-Philosophers
- Young Philosophers – Learning To Love Our Teachers
- A Brief Explanation of Anarchism
- Brief Lives – Mary Wollstonecraft
- Frankenstein Lives!
- Abortion & Phenomenology
- Moral Blind Spots
- Interview: Kathryn Harkup
- Why Is There A World?
- Philosophical Haiku – John Stuart Mill
- What Makes A Philosopher?
- Does Western Philosophy Have Egyptian Roots?
- Mary Shelley, Frankenstein & Moral Philosophy
- Creature Discomforts
- The Wisdom of Frugality
- What is Derrida Saying to Us?
- The Parable of the Ultimate Computer
- Indigenous Philosophies
- Tallis In Wonderland – Fifty Shades of Black
- The Ultimate Tranquilizer
- Rashomon
- Free Will in the Age of Neuromodulation
- Decoding Chomsky
- The Concept of the Other from Kant to Lacan
- Foucault’s Elephant
- Brief Lives: Duns Scotus
- Georges Bataille’s Experience
- A Radical Cure – Hannah Arendt & Simone Weil on the Need for Roots
- Which Is To Say
- Dogmas
- Question of the Month – What are the Moral Limits of Free Speech and Action?
- A Moral Education – Making Children Moral
- Philosophical Haiku – Giambattista Vico
- Quotation Marks Needed
- Inborn Knowledge
- The Language Animal
- Philosophy Now Festival Report
- The Not So Golden Rule
- Question of the Month – Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
- Young Philosophers: The Sheep & The Dogs
- The Trouble with Martin
- Could A Robot Be Conscious?
- The Gift of Becoming Stranded
- The Birth of Celebrity Culture out of Philosophy
- Hannah Arendt and the Human Duty to Think
- Heidegger & Faulkner Against Modern Technology
- Heidegger’s Ways of Being
- The Last Jedi
- Hail, Malthus!
- Brief Lives: Blaise Pascal
- Philosophical Haiku: Michel Foucault
- Tallis In Wonderland: Problems & Mysteries
- The Golden Rule Revisited
- Mink & Brace’s Accidental Conference
- The Fight for the Soul of Philosophy
- Tallis in Wonderland – On Looking at the Back of My Hand
- Anger & Forgiveness
- Freedom 2199
- The Street Philosopher – Torpid In A Taxi
- Obituary: Jerry Fodor
- Alien: Covenant
- Brief Lives: Thomas Hobbes
- Philosophy Then – Wittgenstein & The War
- The Trolley Problem Mysteries
- Free Will Is Still Alive!
- Asian Non-Violent Voices
- Interview: Aaron James – Surfing With Sartre
- Why False Beliefs Are Not Always Bad
- Bergson: Rights, Instincts, Visions & War
- Splitting Chairs
- Is Everything A Computer?
- The Puzzle of Patriotism
- Twelve Principles of Knowledge
- Philosophical Haiku – Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha
- Are You A Garbled Relativist?
- Sticks and Stones
- The Philosophy of War
- Tallis in Wonderland – Death and the Philosopher
- The Truth
- Philosophy Then – When Your Favorite Philosopher Is A Bigot
- Aesthetics and the Sciences of Mind
- The Big Lebowski
- Ultimate Questions
- Brief Lives: Henry David Thoreau
- Question of the Month – How Can I Know Right From Wrong?
- Seeing the Future in the Present Past
- Defending Humanistic Reasoning
- Perfectionism & Hate Speech Law
- Santa Claus and the Problem of Evil
- Kant and the Human Subject
- The Rise of the Intelligent Authors
- What’s So Bad About Smugness?
- An Education In Diversity?
- Prostitution & Instrumentalisation
- Homelessness & the Limits of Hospitality
- Photography in the Eighteenth Century
- Xenos: Jacques Derrida on Hospitality
- Philosophical Haiku: Laozi (Lao Tzu)
- The False Mirror