- ‘Like to comment on that?’
- Discursive positioning of doctors and e‑patients in online medical consultations in China
- Dealing with the dual demands of expertise and democracy
- Conspiracy theories and passion
- Negotiating academic conflict in discussion sections of doctoral dissertations
- Representation of women in English and Persian proverbs
- Review of Panther (2022): Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics
- Review of Yus (2023): Pragmatics of Internet Humour
- On the constitutional relevance of non‑discursive enlanguaged doings to sociomaterial practices
- “Not everything is on the hostess”
- Affect in the pragmeme of delivering a health directive
- A politeness-theoretic approach to mitigated disagreements in online radio medical consultations
- Politely warning?
- Exploring lexical associations in English as a Lingua Franca interactions
- Review of House & Kádár (2021): Cross-cultural pragmatics
- Review of McCready (2019): The Semantics and Pragmatics of Honorification: Register and Social Meaning
- “Trust X, because Y”
- Rhetorical strategies for the construction of a corporate identity
- Review of Economidou-Kogetsidis, Savić & Halenko (2021): Email Pragmatics and Second Language Learners
- From evaluative authorities to involved narrators
- Representations of ‘leftover women’ in the Chinese English-medium newspapers
- Parents’ indirect utterances in an Indonesian family
- “A tour guide losing her cool”
- Meschonnic, Wittgenstein and translation as form of life
- Parentheses used as pragmatic strategies in Chinese online socialization
- Deconstructing imagined identities and imagined communities through humor
- Evidential meanings in native and learner Japanese and English
- Review of Scott (2022): Pragmatics Online
- Review of Robles & Weatherall (2021): How Emotions Are Made in Talk
- Initiating reason-for-the-call action in mundane mobile phone conversation
- Getting involved or acting in defence
- “Jerry was a terrific host!” “You were a brilliant guest!” : Reciprocal compliments on Airbnb
- Would you like a bag for that? : Environmental awareness and changing practices for closing buying and selling encounters in retail shopping
- On the nature of pragmatic constituents : Considerations on the semantics/pragmatics debate
- Review of Xie, Yus & Haberland (2021): Approaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice
- Review of Yus (2022): Smartphone Communication. Interactions in the App Ecosystem
- Disagreement strategies and institutional face attack in Chinese mainstream media editorial comments on Weibo
- One issue, two genres : A comparison of interactional metadiscourse in the news
- Semiotic manipulation strategies employed in Iranian printed advertisements
- Metaphor analysis of the COVID-19 public health emergency on Chinese national news media
- Idioms, proverbs and body part expressions on Yiedie “wellbeing” in Akan
- Dialogic meaning-making in political settings : An introduction
- Virtual dialogues in monologic political discourse : Constructing privileged and oppositional future in political speeches
- Doing things with discourse in the mediated political arena : Participation and pluralism of discursive action
- When invoked voices blame real politicians : Confrontational blaming in a speech from Austria’s “commemorative year” 2018
- Polemic polyphony : Voices of the fools and the righteous in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem
- Dialogic language and meta-language in a conflictual discourse
- Resemblance in comments/posts interaction : Forms and functions of dialogicity
- Reduction in and out of context
- The role of prior and actual situational context in conversational routines produced by Chinese learners of English
- Kwame Nkrumah’s construction of ‘the African people’ via the Unite or Perish myth : A discourse-historical analysis of populist performance
- The performance and relational role of toast intervention in Chinese dining contexts
- Multivaried acceptance of post-editing in China : Attitude, practice, and training
- Mitigating requesting acts by deaf Jordanian adults
- Situated co-operative creativity
- Trust me, trust my words : Trustworthiness construction in Chinese online medical crowd-funding discourses
- Review of Betz, Deppermann, Mondada & Sorjonen (2021): OKAY across Languages: Toward a Comparative Approach to its Use in Talk-in-interaction
- Transdisciplinary approaches to the discourse of Islamist extremism
- Urban environments favorable to radical narratives : The case of El Puche
- From image to function : Automated analysis of online jihadi videos
- Approaches to the discourse of terror : How power relations are represented through forced primings in jihadist magazines
- “They fabricated lies against us and described us in the harshest of ways” : An analysis of the transitivity patterns used in the online magazine DABIQ
- From our sisters/to our sisters : The discursive construction of ideal womanhood in the official magazines of the Islamic State
- Under the shadow of swords: The Rhetoric of Jihad : A corpus-based critical analysis of religious metaphors in jihadist magazines
- “I Am Proud to Be a Traitor” : The emotion/opinion interplay in jihadist magazines
- A semi-supervised algorithm for detecting extremism propaganda diffusion on social media
- A study of linguistic manipulations of activating, seeking and creating common ground in intercultural business communication
- Clean room, uncomfortable bed : A corpus analysis of evaluation devices in hotel reviews
- Politeness in hotel service encounter interactions in Spain : The receptionist’s point of view
- Repetition and paraphrase in contexts of concordant and discordant orientations
- The role of object distance and gender in Persian compliment responses
- More than writing on the wall : An examination of writing and image in a Finnish primary and secondary level learning environment
- Language change among Kalhuri Kurdish speakers in Iran : A gain or in vain?
- Review of Schneider & Ifantidou (2020): Developmental and Clinical Pragmatics
- Review of Haugh, Kádár & Terkourafi (2021): The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics
- Sociality and moral conflicts : Migrant stories of relational vulnerability
- Negotiating identities : First person pronominal use between Japanese university students
- A sociopragmatic account of religiosity and secularity in fictional narratives
- The Ethnopragmatics of Jish Arabic-speaking culture
- Performing right-wing political identities on reader comments pages
- Challenges of trust in atypical interaction
- Using wmen (we) to mean s/he in Chinese parents’ interaction : Interpersonal meanings and relational work
- Review of Schneider & Eitelmann (2020): Linguistic Inquiries into Donald Trump’s Language. From ‘Fake News’ to ‘Tremendous Success’
- Review of Taleghani-Nikazm, Betz & Golato (2020): Mobilizing Others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities
- Review of Archer, Grainger & Jagodziński (2020): Politeness in Professional Contexts
- Sociality in complex, multi-layered, technoscapes
- Polymedia life
- Review of Jucker (2020): Politeness in the History of English – From the Middle Ages to the Present Day
- Review of Hidalgo-Downing & Mujic Kraljevic (2020): Performing Metaphoric Creativity across Modes and Contexts
- Polymedia in interaction
- Polymedia repertoires of networked individuals : A day-in-the-life approach
- The metapragmatics of mode choice
- Polymedia and family multilingualism : Linguistic repertoires and relationships in digitally mediated interaction
- ‘I’m not a tech person’ : Negotiation of academic personas in polymedia environments
- Idioms of polymediated practices and the techno-social accomplishment of co-presence in transnational families
- Review of Kecskes (2019): English as a Lingua Franca: The Pragmatic Perspective
- Review of Page, Busse & Nørgaard (2019): Rethinking Language, Text and Context: Interdisciplinary Research in Stylistics in Honour of Michael Toolan
- Gratitude communication in academic written acknowledgement : Gender variation
- Compliments and compliment responses in Egyptian and Saudi Arabic : A variational pragmatic comparison
- “Boom! You bought them.” : A metalinguistic analysis of Apple infomercials based on Aristotle’s modes of persuasion
- Motivation and attitudes of Israeli Druze schoolchildren toward L2 Hebrew compared to Modern Standard Arabic
- (Neo)liberalizing the state – Privatization of core government competencies : A CDA approach
- Painting the state in the text : A pragmatic analysis of Remi Raji’s A Harvest of Laughters
- Withholding consent : How citizens resist expert responses by positioning themselves as ‘the ones to be convinced’
- Review of Deppermann & Streeck (2018): Time in embodied interaction: Synchronicity and sequentiality of multimodal resources
- Review of Weigand & Kecskes (2018): From pragmatics to dialogue
- Disagreement realizations in Arabic : Evidence from the University of Jordan
- Face-oriented acts of empathy in psychotherapy
- Radio program hosts’ self-identity mobilization in Chinese radio-mediated medical consultations
- Changing patterns of apology in spoken British English : A local grammar based diachronic investigation
- Sancte et sapienter : Joint fantasizing as the interactional practice of micro and macro contextual understanding
- Taking an authorial stance in English and Arabic research article discussions
- Hedged Turkish complaints and requests in the Problem-Solution text pattern
- Analysing the functions of online destination forums through a corpus-assisted discourse-analytic approach
- “It’s of no value compared to your value” : Developing EFL learners’ metapragmatic awareness of complimenting
- Autism spectrum disorder and language choice in Ghana
- On the development of the social-linguistic nexus in discourse research : A critical review
- Review of Paternoster & Fitzmaurice (2019): Politeness in Nineteenth-Century Europe
- Review of Crespo-Fernández (2018): Taboo in discourse: Studies on attenuation and offence in communication
- Review of Giora & Haugh (2017): Doing Pragmatics Interculturally: Cognitive, Philosophical, and Sociopragmatic Perspectives
- Drilling for fissures and exploiting common ground in the discourse of oil production : An enhanced eco-discourse analysis, Part 2
- Towards a discourse-semantic approach to visual narrative analysis : The case of the BBC news story of Islamic State (IS)
- Efficiency in shaping grammars : The case of multiple occurrences of the Chinese reflexive ziji
- Heteroglossia in mother tongue instruction in Sweden and the development of plurilingual literacies
- Why does Lee say what he says the way he says it? : A socio-cognitive approach to understanding the Chinese character in East of Eden
- Review of Berman (2019): Talking like Children: Language and the Production of Age in the Marshall Islands
- Review of Culpeper, Haugh & Kádár (2017): The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)politeness
- Review of Huang & Jaszczolt (2018): Expressing the Self: Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Universals
- Review of Arnold (2018): Climate change and storytelling. Narratives and cultural meaning in environmental communication
- Professor Farzad Sharifian (1964–2020) : Scholar and pioneer of cultural linguistics
- The erasure of nature in the discourse of oil production : An enhanced eco-discourse analysis, Part 1
- Insults in political comments on GhanaWeb : Ethnopragmatic perspectives
- Critical sociocognitive analysis of hate speech in the 2015 Nigerian presidential election campaigns
- Swear words for sale : The commodification of swearing
- Maji ssu ka? Isn’t that honorific? : Ambiguity of New Japanese honorific ssu
- Criticism in the Javanese Arek Cultural Community : Its expression context and strategy use
- The interplay of cultural expectation, gender role, and communicative behavior : Evidence from compliment-responding behavior
- The impact of pragmatic consciousness-raising tasks on EFL learners’ speech act strategy use
- Text selection proposals in dialogic reading in primary school
- Analyzing interdiscursivity in legal genres : The case of Chinese lawyers’ written opinions
- A corpus-based study of metaphors used to describe Syrian refugees in Jordanian politico-economic discourse : A critical metaphor analysis approach
- Review of Fetzer & Weizman (2019): The Construction of ‘Ordinariness’ across Media Genres
- Review of Freytag (2020): Exploring Politeness in Business Emails: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
- Review of He (2019): Patient-Subject Constructions in Mandarin Chinese: Syntax, semantics, discourse
- Government of oneself and others via a Facebook profile : Rhetorical and ethical dimensions of neoliberal governmentality
- Scott Saft, Exploring multilingual hawaii: Language use and language ideologies in a diverse society
- Mostafa Morady MoghaddamThe praxis of indirect reports: cognitive, sociopragmatic, and philosophical issues
- Patricia Bou-Franch and Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (eds.), Analyzing digital discourse: New insights and future directions
- Cohesion, coherence and temporal reference from an experimental corpus pragmatics perspective
- Development of deontic modality in Chinese civil laws : A corpus study
- The freshman swimmer and the intoxicated woman : Sexist discourse in news coverage of the Stanford rape case
- Communicative problems in Boeing’s advertisement campaign for the combat aircraft Super Hornet
- The thought processes of criminals : A semantic perspective
- Instrumental and moral assistance : An embodied interaction analysis of assisted shopping activities between a person with acquired brain injury and her caregivers
- Culture-driven emotional profiles and online discourse extremism
- “They cowardly attack US, so we nobly eliminate them…” : The emergence of the translocal group in the propaganda of the Islamic State
- Civil courage as a communicative act : Countering the harms of hate violence
- Introduction : Defining, performing and countering hate speech
- Incitement to discriminatory hatred, illocution and perlocution
- Pragmatics lost? : Overview, synthesis and proposition in defining online hate speech
- The Multi-Component Model for the semantic analysis of slurs
- The use of hyperlinking as evidential practice in Danish online hate speech
- An emergent English-mediated identity and a Chinese variety of WE
- Metonymic and metaphoric meaning extensions of Chinese FACE and its collocations
- When lying is more than deceiving : A pragmatic study of lying, based on the relevance-adaptation model
- A cognitive-pragmatic study of non-scalar implicatures
- Charles Goodwin, Co-Operative Action
- Discourse markers as indicators of connectedness between expositive illocutionary acts
- What makes a good story? : Exemplification and explication of salient linguistic characteristics in a narrative preferred by the majority of a Danish population
- Extraordinary emergencies : Reproducing moral discourses of the child in institutional interaction
- Hotel management’s attempts at repairing customers’ trust : The use of apology and denial
- Interactional metadiscourse of gender in Persian : The case of conference presentations
- An activity theory approach to the contextualization mechanism of language use : Taking translation, pseudo-translation and self-translation as examples
- Doing business and constructing identities through small talk in workplace instant messaging
- How can CDA unravel power relations in media representations of conflict in the Middle East? : Transediting as a case study
- Kinship term generalization as a cultural pragmatic strategy among Chinese graduate students
- Ritual frame and ‘politeness markers’
- Larssyn Staley, Socioeconomic Pragmatic Variation: Speech acts and address forms in context
- Václav Brezina, Robbie Love and Karin Aijmer (eds.), Corpus Approaches to Contemporary British Speech: Sociolinguistic Studies of the Spoken BNC2014
- Karen Risager Representations of the World in Language Textbooks
- Julia Muschalik, Threatening in English: A mixed method approach
- Constructing desirable brides
- “I am an adult now”
- The importance of borrowing across disciplines
- Alessandro Capone, The Pragmatics of Indirect Reports: Socio-philosophical Considerations
- Cornelia Ilie and Neal R. Norrick (eds.), Pragmatics and its Interfaces
- Place and membership categorization in a Hawaiian language radio show
- Categorization in multilingual storytelling
- Multimodal membership categorization and storytelling in a guided tour
- Membership categorization and storytelling
- Describing the Cookie Theft picture
- What makes a positive experience?
- Responding to customer complaints on English and Polish corporate profiles on Twitter
- Time tells a story
- Interpersonal rhetoric of attitude in news
- Epistemic and deontic authority in the argumentum ad verecundiam
- David Chor Shing Li Multilingual Hong Kong: Languages, Literacies and Identities
- Alwin F. Fill and Hermine Penz, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics
- Striving for impartiality
- Rapport-building in suspects’ police interviews
- “Would it be fair to say that you actively sought out material?”
- Translating accurately or sounding natural?
- Evidence-gathering in police interviews
- “You keep telling us different things, what do we believe?”
- Police interviews
- Debating or displaying political positions?
- Investigating the apology strategies of Saudi learners of English
- A diachronic analysis of metaphor clusters in political discourse
- Osamu Sawada, 2018. Pragmatic aspects of scalar modifiers: The semantics-pragmatics interface
- Asian slurs and stereotypes in the USA
- Multimodal acquisition of interactive aptitudes
- Investigating audience orientation in courtroom communication
- Does the source matter?
- Evidentiality in illness narratives
- Evidential language in Internet forums
- What genres tell us about evidentials and vice versa
- Evidentials as a mark of genre
- Embodied departure from focal objects in a lingua franca campus tour
- Rodney H. Jones Spoken Discourse
- Kerstin Fischer Designing Speech for a Recipient: The Roles of Partner Modeling, Alignment and Feedback in so-called ‘Simplified Registers’
- Conflicts in comparison
- The afterlife of an infamous gaffe
- How words behave in other languages
- Crossing languages – crossing discourses
- Anne Barron, Yueguo Gu and Gerard Steen (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics
- Dorien Van De Mieroop and Stephanie Schnurr (eds) Identity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world
- Stephen Evans The English Language in Hong Kong: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives
- Jackie Jia Lou The Linguistic Landscape of Chinatown: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography
- Lexical chains and topic continuity in the register of popular scientific writing
- “Well would you believe it, I have failed the exam again”
- Nations in news
- Variations in the use of metaphor at the macro-contextual level
- Order in disorder
- The question of power in language classes from a critical discourse analysis perspective
- Performing acts of impoliteness through code-switching to English in colloquial Jordanian Arabic interactions
- Lexicography, discourse and power
- Hans J. Ladegaard, The Discourse of Powerlessness and Repression: Life Stories of Domestic Migrant Workers in Hong Kong
- Alessandro Capone and Jacob L. Mey (eds) Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society
- Emotional positioning as a cognitive resource for arguing
- How the initiation and resolution of repair sequences act as a device for the co-construction of membership and identity
- Is variety as neutral as it seems?
- But as a stance marker in Nigerian investigative public hearings
- Compliment response patterns between younger and older generations of Persian speakers
- “Are men sexually harassed?”
- Daria Dayter. Discursive Self in Microblogging: Speech acts, stories and self-praise
- “Can I say something?”
- Prompting offers of assistance in interaction
- Culture-generality and culture-specificity of face
- Perception of (im)politeness and the underlying cultural conceptualisations
- Initiating side-sequenced vocabulary lessons
- Metaphors of parliamentary budget debates in times of crisis
- Anita Fetzer (ed) The Pragmatics of Political Discourse: Explorations across Cultures
- Jan-Ola Östman and Anna Solin (eds) Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings
- Karachi weds Lahore
- The very sensitive question
- The impact of face systems on the pragmalinguistic features of academic e-mail requests
- A subtle kind of certainty
- Scope and partitivity of plural indefinite noun phrases in Spanish
- Aligning caller and call-taker
- Review of Bhatia, Aditi (2015) Discursive Illusions in Public Discourse: Theory and Practice
- Sociolinguistic representations of the military in Greek comedy films