- Is commenting an expositive illocutionary act?
- Cause and comment
- Specified compliments in comments to politicians’ Facebook posts
- Sisterhood construction through commenting by Chinese women
- The functions of “I think” in TED Talks and their Turkish translations
- Pragmatics and cognition in Easy Language
- When do people dislike self-enhancers?
- Four-year-olds’ visuospatial cognitive abilities and their relation to observer‑viewpoint gestures across three communicative tasks
- Ironic criticisms and responses on Chinese social media
- Demonstrative this/that and gestures
- Japanese unnun as a meta-discourse placeholder
- Definiteness matters as a discourse cue in L1 and L2 processing of relative clauses
- The role of logical reasoning, belief-content and the type of inference in belief revision
- Fallacies and biases
- The visibility of speech
- Pragmatic development in Peruvian children
- Verbal irony and the implicitness of the echo
- Review of Ruytenbeek (2021): Indirect Speech Acts
- Language variation and temporary norm development in intercultural interactions
- Dynamic schematic complexes
- On comprehending adjectival antonyms and negation
- Levels of metaphor in gesture
- Managing turns, building common ground, planning discourse : Discursive and interpersonal functions of Italian no(?)
- Investigation into the linguistic category membership of the Finnish planning particle tota
- Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses : Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives
- Crosslinguistic paths of pragmatic development : The acquisition of actually and en fait by British and French children
- L1 and non-L1 perceptions of discourse markers in English
- The three-dot sign in language contact
- Exploring the status of filled pauses as pragmatic markers : The role of gaze and gesture
- Between placeholder and filler : Degrees of prosodic prominence of French machin and truc
- Linguistic and paralinguistic constraints on the function of (eu) acho que as DM in Brazilian Portuguese : A multilevel approach
- Mathematics, relevance theory and the situated cognition paradigm
- On the strength of presumptions
- Modular vs. diagrammatic reasoning : The pragmatist side of human understanding
- “Dr. Shelby, that’s a world record!” : Frame breaking in experimental settings
- Worrying about your future : How anxiety influences people’s implicit spatial conceptions of time
- Ad hoc concepts, affective attitude and epistemic stance
- From implicit to explicit : The processing of forward causal and temporal relations
- Being ambivalent by exploiting indeterminacy in the explicit import of an utterance
- Interpretation, relevance and the ideological effects of discursive practice
- Why truth matters : When relevance meets truthfulness
- New developments in relevance theory
- Pragmatic resolutions of temporal and aspectual mismatches
- On the interpretation of utterances with expressive expletives
- Memes as multimodal metaphors : A relevance theory analysis
- Metaphor and mental shortcuts : The role of non-propositional effects
- Relevance : Communication and cognition and…?
- Onomatopoeia, translation and relevance
- Sex, death & politics – taboos in language : Introduction
- Circumnavigating taboos : A functional and formal typology
- Tongan honorifics and their underlying concepts of mana and tapu : A verbal taboo in its emic sense
- Obscene language and the renegotiation of gender roles in post-Soviet contexts
- The sound of taboo : Exploring a sound-meaning association in swear words of English and French
- When humour questions taboo : A typology of twisted euphemism use
- Borrowing and the historical LGBTQ lexicon : Profile of a pragmatically marked field
- Word norms and measures of linguistic reclamation for LGBTQ+ slurs
- The role of non-connective discourse cues and their interaction with connectives
- A new perspective on the Basque kopla zaharrak from the Moroccan ayyus : An empirically supported cognitive analysis of traditional oral genres
- Frameshifting : Creative impoliteness in conflict communication
- A properly pragmatist pragmatics : Peircean reflections on the distinction between semantics and pragmatics
- ‘Die’ and its different situation-bound utterances in Persian
- An overview of the Japanese copula da as an utterance-final expression in conversation
- An experimental study of the detection of clicks in English
- Metaphor and metonymy in Chinese and American political cartoons (2018–2019) about the Sino-US trade conflict
- The expressive dimension of interpersonal coordination and collaborative remembering
- Introduction : Grammar, culture, and emotion tropes
- The role of the body in descriptions of emotions : A typology of the Australian continent
- The expression of emotions in Kunbarlang and its neighbours in the multilingual context of western and central Arnhem Land
- Feeling through your chest : Body-based tropes for emotion in Anindilyakwa
- Be happy when your stomach is : Figurative extensions of the body in MalakMalak
- The body and the verb : Emotion in Gija
- Ear and belly in Warlpiri descriptions of cognitive and emotional experience
- Emotion metaphors in an awakening language : Kaurna, the language of the Adelaide Plains
- The Wheel of Time : The relationship between religious experiences and Chinese Buddhists’ spatial representations of time
- Poly-procedural meaning and rhetoric : The case of afu in Modern Greek
- The Liar Paradox in the predictive mind
- Metonymic construal and vehicle selection : The case study of Polish Sign Language (PJM)
- How linguistic meaning harmonizes with information through meaning conservation
- On perception as the basis for object concepts : A critical analysis
- Now, never, or coming soon? : Prediction and efficient language processing
- Identity studies and identity construction : Insights from Donald J. Trump’s (un)presidentiality
- Meaning construction in interactive academic talk : A conversation-analytic approach to mental spaces
- Pragmatic awareness and second language learning motivation : A mixed-methods investigation
- Review of Noveck (2018): Experimental Pragmatics. The Making of a Cognitive Science
- The intercorporeality of closing a curtain : Sharing similar past experiences in interaction
- “Pragmatics and its interfaces as related to the expression of intention”
- Theory of Mind, pragmatics and the brain : Converging evidence for the role of intention processing as a core feature ofhuman communication
- Siberian-American cognitive and cultural interface through eco-ethnic lexicon
- What is an indirect speech act? : Reconsidering the literal force hypothesis
- Indirect reporting and pragmatically enriched context : A case study into Russian learners of English
- The interplay of prior experience and actual situational context in intercultural first encounters
- The use of indexicals to co-construct common ground on the continuum of intra- and intercultural communicative contexts
- Introduction : Cognitive perspectives on genre
- A cognitive framework for understanding genre : The Entrenchment-and-Conventionalization Model
- Satire as a genre
- genre as struggle : Toward a cognitive-pragmatic account of an emerging genre
- Building brand narratives with hashtags on Twitter : A cognitive-pragmatic analysis on the emergence of a new advertising subgenre
- Genre and constructional analysis
- Genre as cognitive construction : An analysis of discourse connectors in academic lectures
- Argumentation as a dimension of discourse : The case of news articles
- From justification to modulation : Similarities and differences of after all and datte
- Inference from academic texts in children with autism
- Beyond triadic communication : A three-dimensional conceptual space for modelling intersubjectivity
- Obituary – Marcelo Dascal
- Is up always good and down always bad? : From linguistic to conceptual orientational metaphors in Arabic
- The linguistic marking of coherence relations : Interactions between connectives and segment-internal elements
- Studying characterization in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible : A cognitive stylistic analysis
- From speaker innovation to lexical change
- Explorations into the social contexts of neologism use in early English correspondence
- Lexical change often begins and ends in semantic peripheries
- Acceptability and diffusion of luxury Anglicisms in present-day Romanian
- Metalinguistic comments and signals
- Cognitive constraints in English lexical blending
- Using data-mining to identify and study patterns in lexical innovation on the web
- The dynamics of lexical innovation
- Figurative uses of the head-denoting words baş and kafa in Turkish idioms
- Figurative uses of the head-denoting words baş and kafa in Turkish idioms
- Embodied concept mapping
- When language bites
- From conceptualization to constructions in Finnish as an L2
- Evidence and presumptions for analyzing and detecting misunderstandings
- Why some children accept under-informative utterances
- Responding to direct complaints
- Gestures of the abstract
- Insights and their emergence in everyday practices
- Do the meanings of abstract nouns correlate with the meanings of their complementation patterns?
- Recovering alcoholic
- Terror and the Leviathan
- Soft logic and numbers
- Controversies on Body
- Communication disorders, interpersonal conflicts and sexual dysfunctions
- The Babel tower of the body
- Uses and abuses of the body in the postmodern era
- Remarks on the Barthesian notion of punctum
- Place and Person(a)
- Coordination, negotiation, and social attention
- Marcelo Dascal’s Theory of Controversies
- Perpetual beginners
- Biosemiotic conflict in communication
- The Cobweb of Context