- Thomas Jay Oord. Pluriform Love: An Open and Relational Theology of Well-Being
- Lynn Sargent De Jonghe. Starting With Whitehead: Raising Children to Thrive in Treacherous Times
- Patrick Todd. The Open Future: Why Future Contingents Are All False
- The Path to Understanding – Relation and Solidarity in Whitehead s Metaphysics
- Locating Freedom in Bergson’s Time and Free Will
- Whitehead’s 1925-1927 View of Function and Time
- From a Philosophy of Evolution to a Philosophy of Organism
- Whitehead’s Ethics – Fill in the Blanks
- Standing Firm in the Flux – On Whitehead’s Eternal Objects
- Wahida Khandker. Process Metaphysics and Mutative Life: Sketches Of Lived Time
- Timothy E. Eastman. Untying the Gordian Knot: Process Reality and Context
- For What Can We Still Hope?
- Is There a Principle of Continued Material Being?
- From Drive to Value
- Identity: Duality or Tripartism?
- Performing Flights: Perspectivism and Shamanic Epistemology in the Amazon
- Something Unheard Of: The Unparalleled Legacy of Jules Lequyer
- Ondrej Dadejik, Martin Kaplicky, Milos Sevcik, and Vlastimil Zuska. Process and Aesthetics: An Outline of Whiteheadian Aesthetics and Beyond
- Andrew Davis. Mind, Value, and Cosmos: On the Relational Nature of Ultimacy
- Whitehead on Religion in a Metaphysical Context – Some Pros and Cons
- The Dipolar Character of Being in Plato and Whitehead
- The Philosophical Advantages of Whitehead’s Physics – Explanation as Primary
- Conceptions of Experienced Time and the Practice of Life
- Metaphysical Doctrines of the Anlo of Ghana and Process Philosophy
- Religion and Hatred: Examining an Unpublished Whitehead Essay
- Ode to Heraclitus
- Michael S. Hogue. American Immanence: Democracy for An Uncertain World
- The Ecological Turn – Constructive Postmodernism and Construction of Ecological Civilization in China
- Richard Rice. The Future of Open Theism: From Antecedents to Opportunities
- Can Chinese Harmonism Help Reconcile the Clash of Civilizations? – Reading Zhihe Wang’s Process and Pluralism: Chinese Thought on the Harmony of Diversity
- From Modernity to Ecological Civilization
- Virginia Woolf’s “Ontoethics” in Her Late Oeuvre from the Perspective of Alfred North Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism
- Whitehead and the Immanence of Extension
- The Intervening Touch of Mentality – Food Seeking in Frogs and Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism
- Franklin Gamwell, On Metaphysical Necessity: Essays on God, the World, Morality, and Democracy
- Strategically Opposing Injustice – A Feminist Approach to John Cobb’s and James Cone’s Theologies
- A Frequency Ratio Account of Temporal Atomism
- The God of Religion and the God of Philosophy Debate Revisited – Hartshorne, Peirce, and Weil
- Freedom as a Centralizing Motif in the Work of Henri Bergson
- Not with a Ten-Foot Pole? – A Mutually Enriching Dialogue Between Whitehead and Śaṅkara on Causation
- On Hartshorne’s Creative Understanding of the Christian View of Love and Its Significance for Comparative Religious Studies
- The Animacy of Stone – A Whiteheadian Perspective
- Nygren and Oord on Love – A Critique
- Religious Perspectives on Environmental Issues – A Dialogue with John Cobb
- The Road from Leibniz to Whitehead (and Beyond) – Monadology and Process Philosophy
- The Process-Oriented Conception of Truth in William James
- Progress and Civilization in Whitehead
- Whitehead’s God and the Bahἄí Concept of the Manifestation of God
- Rhythms and Drives – Quantal Ontology in Bergson’s and Nietzsche’s Naturalism
- A Systemic Reading of Whitehead’s Organic Philosophy
- Farewell to a Full Process Theodicy – Reply to Ruslan Elistratov
- Omnipotence Ruins Divine Friendship but Process Theology Saves It – Response to Paul Moser
- Divine Power, Friendship, and Theodicy
- An Incoherence in Process and Reality
- Does “Divine Hiddenness” Neutralize the Problem of Evil? Is Process Theodicy More Adequate? – A Constructive Process Critique of Paul Moser’s Proposals
- Novelty in Twentieth-Century French and Process Philosophy – Contours and Conversations
- Atomistic Intuitions: An Essay on Classification
- Three Ideas from American Pragmatism Interpreted in Terms of Whitehead’s Metaphysics
- Panentheism or Pansyntheism?
- Whitehead and Media Ecology – Toward a Communicative Cosmos
- The Creativity that Drives the World – Prophetic Realism
- Language about God in Whitehead’s Philosophy – An Analysis and Evaluation of Whitehead’s God-Talk
- Examining Whitehead’s “First Lecture: September, 1924”
- First Lecture: September, 1924
- Editor’s Notes
- The Harvard Lectures of Alfred North Whitehead (1924–1925): Philosophical Presuppositions of Science
- A New Process-Oriented Approach to Theodicy
- Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology
- Event Ontology, Habit, and Agency
- Three Paradigm Theories of Time – Bergson, McTaggart, and Whitehead
- A Note Regarding Relational Ontology in Chemistry
- How Subjects Can Emerge from Neurons
- Conflicting Process Theodicies
- Thinking with Whitehead on Transcendence and Its Failures – A Challenge to Stengers and Derrida
- Intuition in Mathematics and Physics: A Whiteheadian Approach
- The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A Manifesto for the Future
- God Is Not Eternal, Nor Are We – On the Blessedness of Being in Time
- The Event Universe: The Revisionary Metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead
- Theoretical Note on the Nature of the Present
- Process Perspectivism and Linguistic Relativity
- A Taiji-Bagua Diagram for Whitehead’s Categoreal Scheme
- The Worship of God as “Sick Men’s Dreams” – A Response to David Hume
- God’s Power and Almightiness in Whitehead’s Thought
- The Trails of the Unspoken – Bergson and Whitehead on Language and Time
- Merleau-Ponty’s Reading of Whitehead – A Romantic and Invisible Influence
- The Extensive Continuum versus the “Extensive Dis-Continuum” in Whitehead
- Interstitial Life and the Banality of Novelty in Whitehead’s Process and Reality
- God Exists but Gawd Does Not
- God and the History of the Universe
- Nature as Sacred Ground: A Metaphysics for Religious Naturalism
- Eros, Creativity, and Cosmological Individuation – A Vision of Spiritual Process Emerging through the Thought of Jung and Whitehead
- Actual Entity and Actual Occasion – Are these Terms Interchangeable or Quite Different?
- The Helios Theory – The Sun as a Self-Regulating System and as a Cosmic Living Organism
- Cancer, Theodicy, and Theology – A Personal Reflection
- Christian Ideas as “Nonsense” – The Continuing Legacy of Kant s Worldview
- The Continuation of Material Being in Seibt’s Process Theory
- Being and Nothingness versus Bergson’s Striving Being
- Can Whitehead’s Philosophy Provide an Adequate Theoretical Foundation for Today’s Neuroscience?
- Trees: A Panexperiential Exploration
- Whitehead and Efficient Causation – The Physical as Conceptual Realization
- On the Trail of Whitehead – Part Two: The Emergence of Whitehead’s Metaphysics, 1925–29
- On Not Seeing What Lies Open to View in Wittgenstein and Whitehead – A Response to Jerry H. Gill and Richard McDonough
- The Problem of Identity and Eternal Objects in Whitehead
- Petite philosophie de l’Art Royal: Analyse de I’alchimie franc-maçonne
- Dissertation Abstracts
- Article Abstracts
- Process and Dipolar Reality: An Essay in Process, Event Metaphysics: Rethinking Whitehead’s Categoreal Scheme
- Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety: An Essay in Religion and Political Liberalism
- God of Empowering Love: A History and Reconception of the Theodicy Conundrum
- The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History, and Us
- Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature: A Common World for Animals and the Environment
- The Structure of Rationality and the Ideal of Aesthetic Harmony in Whitehead’s Pragmatic Philosophical Theology
- Wittgenstein and Whitehead Revisited
- Moral Vegetarianism – A Whiteheadian Response to Andrew F. Smith
- Process Ecology – Philosophy Passes into Praxis
- God Almighty and God All-Loving – A Review Article of David Ray Griffin’s God Exists But Gawd Does Not
- Physics and Philosophy in Whitehead
- Whitehead, God, and a Contemporary Rift Among Whiteheadians