- Call for Submissions – Special Issue on Rationality and the First Person
- Lackey on the Epistemology of Group Agents
- On St. Thomas Aquinas’s Elimination Argument for the Soul as Form of the Body in Summa Theologiae I.76.1
- Descartes and the Scholastic Theory of Concursus
- Inscrutable Evil, Absurdity, and Skeptical Theism
- New Frontiers in Epistemic Evaluation – Lackey on the Epistemology of Groups
- Taking Aim at Long Range – Marginalia on W. E. B. Du Bois’s Intellectual Maturation and His Root Expansion of Human Thought Through the Ideology of Pan-Africanism
- The Dilemma Defense and Setting Things Aside in the Right Way
- The New Moral Argument for God Fares No Better
- Blame-Free Desert – Śāntideva’s Actual-Sequence View
- Phenomenology and Metaphysics in Being and Time
- On Hannah Arendt’s Aestheticism
- Making Sense of Race-Based Affirmative Action in Allocating Scarce Medical Resources
- Mind-to-Mind Communication and the Case of Inter-mental Occasionalism
- Prenatal Injury
- Against the Supposed Obligation to Prolong the Human Species
- The Unconscious in Personalism – Antecedent and Counterpoint to Psychoanalytic Theory
- Against the Property Theory of Musical Works
- Responses to the Reviews of Stephen Harrop, Kristin Primus, and Brook Ziporyn
- The Rational Force of Clarity – Descartes’s Rejection of Psychologism
- The Rediscovery of the Superdeterminate – Alexander Douglas and the Meeting of Spinoza and Zhuangzi
- What Can We Take Ourselves To Be? – On Alexander Douglas’s The Philosophy of Hope
- Wisdom and Beatitude in Spinoza and Qoheleth
- Précis of The Philosophy of Hope: Beatitude in Spinoza
- How Lincoln Scooped Habermas – Co-Originality and the Presuppositional Critique of Slave Constitutions
- The Conceptual Plurality in Jürgen Habermas’s Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie
- Jürgen Habermas – A Political Pacifist?
- The Habermasian Translation Proviso of Religious Content – Limitations in Understanding the Tzimtzum Concept
- Meaning, Metalepsis, Time-Travel – Habermas’s Politics of Refusal and Recovery
- Toward A Formal-Pragmatic Theory of Communicative Memory – Rethinking Habermas’s Isolated Speech Situation
- Why Professor Habermas Would Fail a Class on Dialectic of Enlightenment
- Thoughts on Reading Kierkegaard in a Pluralist Society
- Revisiting the Liberal Case against Liberal Eugenics – Habermas on the Future of the Human Species and Biotechnology
- Still the “Last Marxist”? – Habermas’s Ongoing “Reconstruction” of Historical Materialism
- A Timid and Tepid Appropriation – Divine Presence, the Sensus Divinitatis, and Phenomenal Conservativism
- The Ambitious and the Modest Meta-Argumentation Theses
- Emilio Uranga and Jorge Portilla on Accidentality as a Decolonial Tool
- Emanuele Severino on the Words of Philosophy
- Prolegomenon to an “Originary” Politics – Heidegger’s Hermeneutic Signposts
- Leibniz on Spinoza’s Priority by Nature
- From the Perspective of Prudence, Is It Just as Reasonable to Change Your Desires to Fit the World as It Is to Change the World to Fit Your Desires?
- Response to Heathwood and Bradley
- Dorsey’s Welfare Subjectivism
- Virtue Ethics and Animal Moral Status
- Trust Architectures in Research
- A Right Response to Anti-Natalism
- Philosophy – A Fly in the Bioethics Ointment
- An Alternative to the Rational Substance Pro-life View
- The Difference-to-Inference Model for Values in Science
- Modal Inertness and the Zombie Argument
- Kant on the Nature of Logical and Moral Laws
- Eidetic Variation as a Source of Metaphysical Knowledge – A Phenomenological Contribution to Neo-Aristotelian Metaphysics
- Kant’s Favorite Argument for Our Immortality – The Teleological Argument
- C. S. Lewis’s Argument against Naturalism Revisited
- Kant on Natural Ends and the Science of Life
- Sosa on the New Evil Demon Problem
- Thomas Aquinas on Malice – Three Interpretive Errors
- Humean Arguments from Evil, Updating Procedures, and Perspectival Skeptical Theism
- Intention, Judgment Dependence, and Self-Deception
- Perspectival Logical Pluralism
- The Last Word on Emergence
- “See You in Your Next Life” – Cretivity, the Zhuangzi, and Grief
- Holistic Cognitive Style, Chinese Culture, and the Sinification of Buddhism
- A Neuro-Yogacara Manifesto
- Robots, Rebukes, and Relationships – Confucian Ethics and the Study of Human-Robot Interactions
- What, Exactly, Is Wrong with Confucian Filial Morality?
- Why Variation Matters to Philosophy
- On Epistemic Explanations – Response to Two Critics
- The Aim of Suspension
- Sosa on Permissible Suspension and the Proper Remit of the Theory of Knowledge
- Are Mass Shooters a Social Kind?
- Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater – The Dangers of Global and Local Ontologies in Scientific Metaphysics
- Carlos Vaz Ferreira on Freedom and Determinism
- The Puzzle of Fictional Resemblance
- About the Scope of Non-Observational Practical Knowledge
- Justice toward God – Piety and the Problem of Human-Divine Reciprocity
- An Ignorance Account of Hard Choices
- Aquinas on Wrong Judgments of Conscience
- Doing Public Philosophy in the Middle Ages? – On the Philosophical Potential of Medieval Devotional Texts
- The Beatific Vision and the Metaphysics of Conscious Experience in John of Ripa
- Christine de Pizan on Worldly Prudence and Loving God in The Treasure of the City of Ladies
- The Voice of Reason – Medieval Contemplative Philosophy
- Sine qua non Causes and Their Discontents
- Making Room for Miracles – John Duns Scotus on Homeless Accidents
- The Changing Role of Theological Authority in Ockham’s Razor
- Zombies, Functionalism and Qualia
- A Davidsonian Account of the Practicality of Practical Reasoning
- An Epistemic Defeater for the Asharite Metaethical Theory
- Mereological Nihilism and Simple Substance in Leibniz
- Thomas Aquinas on Reprobation – The Arbitrariness Problem and Some Quiescence Solutions
- Replies to Ivanhoe and Miller
- Comments on David McPherson’s Virtue and Meaning: A Neo-Aristotelian Perspective
- McPherson on Virtue and Meaning
- Recanati on ‘That”-clauses
- Rationality and Cognitive Enhancement
- Why Future-Bias Isn’t Rationally Evaluable
- Artifactualization without Physical Modification
- Comments on Mary Kate McGowan’s Just Words
- New Applications, Hepeating, and Discrimination – Response to Anderson, Horisk, and Watson
- Reflections on McGowan’s Just Words
- Can McGowan Explain Hepeating?
- Phenomenal Concepts as Complex Demonstratives
- Précis for Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm
- The Priority of Natural Laws in Kant’s Early Philosophy
- Scientific Epistemology – Exploring the Primacy of Science in the Writing of Gaston Bachelard
- Hopeless Fools and Impossible Ideals
- Moral Incapacities of Vice
- Social Choice, Nondeterminacy, and Public Reasoning
- Knowledge and Theological Predication – Lessons from the Medieval Islamic Tradition
- Illumination of the Heart – Doubt, Certainty, and Knowledge Acquisition in al-Ghazali and Augustine
- Can al-Ghazali’s Conception of Modality Propose a Solution to Rowe’s Argument against Divine Freedom?
- Epistemic Paternalism, Open Group Inquiry, and Religious Knowledge
- Revelation, Moral Skepticism, and the Mu’tazilites
- In Pursuit of the World’s Creator – Fakhr al-Din al-Razi on the Origins of the Universe in al-Matalib al-‘Aliya
- Ontological Pluralism and Divine Naming – Insights from Avicenna
- Creative Imagining as Practical Knowing – An Akbariyya Account
- Recovering a Role for Moral Character and Ascetic Practice in Religious Epistemology
- Editors’ Note
- Replies to Bradley, Rosait, and Visak
- The Normative Significance of Temporal Well-Being
- How to Resist Bramble’s Arguments against Temporal Well-Being?
- Précis of “The Passing of Temporal Well-Being”
- A Defense of Temporal Well-Being
- Nominalism and Material Plenitude
- Persistence Egalitarianism
- Causation and Ontic Indeterminacy
- Critical Reasoning and the Inferential Transparency Method
- Moral Confirmation vs. Moral Explanation – A Tale of Two Challenges
- The Problem of Modally Bad Company
- Imaginative Resistance and Modal Knowledge
- Is Knowledge of Essence the Basis of Modal Knowledge?
- Epistemic Projects, Indispensability, and the Structure of Modal Thought
- A Case Study in Formalizing Contingent a priori Claims
- A Case for Weak Safety
- A Counterfactual Theory of Epistemic Possibility
- Privilege and Position
- Knowledge Second
- Rip Van Winkle and the Retention of ‘Today’-Belief – A Puzzle
- The Role of Plurality in Leibniz’s Argument from Unity
- The Word Became an Individual – The Hermeneutic of Upbuilding as a Method of Christian Anthropology in the Religious Discourses of Kierkegaard
- The Irreducibility of the Good – G. E. Moore and Bernard Lonergan
- Are Persons Human Beings?
- Two Models of Agent-Centered Value
- The Semantic Foundations of White Fragility and the Consequences for Justice
- Punishing the Oppressed and the Standing to Blame
- Prison as a Torturous Institution
- The Moral Burdens of Police Wrongdoing
- Punishing Them All – How Criminal Justice Should Account for Mass Incarceration
- Rethinking Criminal Justice
- Drug War Reparations
- Reply to MacFarlane and Greco
- On Probabilistic Knowledge
- Acting on Probabilistic Knowledge
- Précis of Probabilistic Knowledge
- Toward an Epistemology of Moral Principles
- Living with Autism – Quus-ing in a Plus-ers World
- Thomas Aquinas on the Basis of the Irascible-Concupiscible Division
- A Curse on Both Houses – Naturalistic versus A Priori Metaphysics and the Problem of Progress
- Reply to Hawkins, Hassoun, and Arneson
- Thoughts on Philosophy and the Science of Well-Being
- Diversity of Meaning and the Value of a Concept – Comments on Anna Alexandrova’s A Philosophy for the Science of Well-Being
- Précis for A Philosophy for the Science of Well-Being
- Comments on Anna Alexandrova, A Philosophy for the Science of Well-Being
- Bundle Theory and the Identity of Indiscernibles
- Good Luck, Nature, and God – Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics 8.2
- Arnauld’s Silence on the Creation of the Eternal Truths
- Reid on Moral Sentimentalism
- Not Expressivist Enough – Normative Disagreement about Belief Attribution
- Moral Psychology of Vulnerability and Ing’s Interpretation of Confucian Moral Integrity
- Sages, Integrity, and the Paradox of Vulnerability – Reply to Chung, McLeod, and Seok
- A Paradox of Vulnerability
- Comments on Michael Ing’s The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought
- Précis to The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought
- Aiming for Moral Mediocrity
- Who Must Benefit from Divine Hiddenness?
- Freedom, Gratitude, and Resentment – Olivi and Strawson
- What Can Phenomenology Bring to Ontology?
- Disagreement as Interpersonal Incoherence
- Second Thoughts about “Wishful Thinking” (and Non-Cognitivism)
- An Objectivist’s Guide to Subjective Reasons
- Collectivized Individualism
- Rationality, Reasoning Well, and Extramental Props
- If There Are No Diachronic Norms of Rationality, Why Does It Seem Like There Are?
- The Self-Effacement Gambit
- Thomas Aquinas and the Baptism of Desire
- Rodrigo de Arriaga, S.J. (1592-1667), on Analogy and the Concept of Being
- In Defense of Divine Truthmaker Simplicity
- The Transmission of Understanding
- Moral Ecology, Disabilities, and Human Agency
- Spell-Breaking with Revitalizing Metaphors
- Perception as Guessing Versus Perception as Knowing – Replies to Clark and Peacocke
- Priors and Prejudices – Comments on Susanna Siegel’s The Rationality of Perception
- Are Perceptions Reached by Rational Inference? – Comments on Susanna Siegel, The Rationality of Perception
- The Therapeutic Reconstruction of Affordances
- Précis to The Rationality of Perception
- Health, Moral Status, and a Minimal Speciesism
- Locke’s Last Word on Freedom – Correspondence with Limborch
- Placing the Human – Establishing Reason by Its Participation in Divine Intellect for Boethius and Aquinas
- Critical Study of Kris McDaniel’s The Fragmentation of Being
- Fine-Tuned of Necessity?
- Robert Holcot on Doxastic Voluntarism and the Ethics of Belief
- Belief in a Fallen World
- A Conceptual Analysis of Glory
- The Shattered Spiritual Self – A Philosophical Exploration of Religious Trauma
- Religious Beliefs and Philosohpical Views – A Qualitative Study
- Inclusive Worship and Group Liturgical Action
- God and Interpersonal Knowledge
- Leibniz, a Friend of Molinism
- Disagreement from the Religious Margins
- Divine Ineffability and Franciscan Knowledge
- Thinking through Some Themes of Race and More
- In Black and White – A Hermeneutic Argument against “Transracialism”
- Necro-Being – An Actuarial Account of Racism
- Killing Boogeymen – Phallicism and the Misandric Mischaracterizations of Black Males in Theory
- Contemporary Claims of Political Injustice – History and the Race to the Bottom
- Democracy, Identity, and Politics
- Reconciling Scientific Naturalism with the Unconditionality of the Moral Point of View – A Sellars-Inspired Account
- Against an Updated Ontological Argument
- Wagering with and without Pascal
- Aristotle on the Reality of Colors and Other Perciptible Qualities
- Troubles for Bayesian Formal Epistemology? – A Response to Horgan
- Pluriform Accommodation – Justice beyond Multiculturalism and Freedom of Religion
- Leibniz on Plurality, Dependence, and Unity
- Black Radical Kantianism
- The Nature and Scope of Spinoza’s “One and the Same” Relation
- Agency in Social Context
- Circularity, Naturalism, and Desire-Based Reasons
- Music and Vague Existence
- The Problem of Kierkegaard’s Socrates
- Descartes and the Possibility of Enlightened Freedom
- Modality as a Subject for Science
- Boring Ontological Realism
- Indexicals and Sider’s Neo-Linguistic Account of Necessity
- The Nature of Necessity
- Truth-assessment Methodology and the Case against the Relativist Case against Contextualism about Deontic Modals
- Should I Pretend I’m Perfect?
- Closure Failure and Scientific Inquiry
- Imprecise Probability and Higher Order Vagueness
- Troubles for Bayesian Formal Epistemology
- A Tale of Two Epistemologies?
- The Tripartite Role of Belief – Evidence, Truth, and Action
- Racism, Ideology, and Social Movements
- On Inadvertently Created Abstracta, Fictional Storytelling, and Scientific Hypothesizing
- A Limited Defense of the Kalām Cosmological Argument
- Sellars’s Synoptic Vision – A ‘Dialectical’ Ascent Toward ‘Absorbed Skillful Coping’?
- The Social Transmission of Direct Cognitive Relations
- Agent-Regret and the Social Practice of Moral Luck
- Transformative Understanding Acquisition
- Aquinas and the Epistemic Condition for Moral Responsibility
- The Silence of God and the Theological Virtue of Hope