- A Service Conception of Democratic Authority
- Correction: The Indirect Approach: Towards Non-Dominating Dementia Care
- Injustice without Victims or Arguments from Generational Overlap?: A Reply to Gosseries on Non-Identity
- Intergenerational Distributive (Climate) Justice
- Review of Luigina Mortari’s The Philosophy of Care
- What Does it Take to be Oneself? Raz, Frankfurt and Being a Person
- Legacies of Historical Injustice: What is Owed to the Victims of Past Injustices? Introduction to the Special Issue
- How Should We Distribute Education in Property-Owning Democracy and Liberal Socialism?
- Anti-Natalism and (The Right Kinds of) Environmental Attitudes
- Legal Pluralism and the Limits of Law
- Heterogeneous Electoral Constituencies Against Legislative Gridlock
- Exploitation as Domination? A Response to Bryan and Kouris
- Relating to Each Other as Free and as Equals: Beyond the Egalitarian Justification of Democracy
- What Should We Say to Denmark? Mentalism as an Essential Complement to Behavourism
- Animals, Distributive Justice, and Desert
- Comparative Historical Analysis in Political Theory
- A Duty to Vote? The Polycentric Alternative
- Ignorance, Impairment and Quality of Will
- Autonomous Weapon Systems and Acting for the Right Reasons
- Revised Normative Behaviourism: An Experimental Proposal
- Can Experimental Political Philosophers be Modest in their Aims?
- Self-Interest, Justification, and Moral Belief
- X-Phi and Theory Acceptance in Political Philosophy
- Democratic Innovation Beyond Contestation: The Realist Case for Authorial Empowerment
- Borders, Movement, and Global Egalitarianism
- Why Normative Behaviourism Does Not Improve Political Realism
- Degrees of Legitimacy
- Fabienne Peter, The Grounds of Political Legitimacy,
- Proportionality in Its Place: Weighted Internal Deliberation
- The Language of Dignity in International Law
- The Foundation of Liberty for the Normativity in Bernard Williams’s Realist Theory of Legitimacy
- Uncontrolled Power: Independence and Markets in Republicanism
- Darrel Moellendorf. Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty, Oxford University Press, 2022, ISBN: 9780190875619, 248 pp.
- Ambivalent Stereotypes
- Rawls and Economic Liberties
- Correction: Towards an Epistemology of ‘Speciesist Ignorance’
- Migration as Reparation for Colonialism
- Less is More: A Normative Evaluation of the ECtHR’s Protection of Commercial Speech
- Compensation for Historic Injustice: Does it Matter how the Victims Respond?
- Relational Egalitarianism and Intergenerational Justice: Reply to Sommers
- Rectifying Historical Territorial Injustices
- Limitarianism, Upper Limits, and Minimal Thresholds
- Two Metaverse Dystopias
- Publicity’s Misinformation Problem
- Towards an Epistemology of ‘Speciesist Ignorance’
- Historic Injustices as Matters of the Present
- Philip Pettit: The State
- Philosophy, Policy, and Moral Expertise
- Fighting Political Corruption with the Citizens
- Violence Against Persons, Political Commitment, and Civil Disobedience: A Reply to Adams
- Compensation and Overcoming of Historical Injustice
- The Indeterminacy of the Principles of Justice: The Debate on Property-Owing Democracy Versus the Welfare State and the Ideal of Social Union
- Review of Sharon Krause’s Eco-Emancipation: An Earthly Politics of Freedom
- Group (Non) Identity and Historical Justice
- Referendums, Initiatives, and Voters’ Accountability
- The Right to Expressive Voting Methods
- Wealth, Political Inequality, and Resilience: Revisiting the Democratic Argument for Limitarianism
- Lottocracy Versus Democracy
- Punishing the Last Citizens? On the Climate Necessity Defence
- The Promise of Representative Democracy: Deliberative Responsiveness
- Domination and Freedom: Quality, not Quantity*
- Which Elections? A Dilemma for Proponents of the Duty to Vote
- Blaming Reasonable Wrongdoers
- On a Columnar Self: Two Senses of Expressing Partisanship
- Hessler’s New Feminist Approach to Human Rights Theorizing
- The Spectrum of Liability to Defensive Harm and the Case of Child Soldiers
- Why Deliberation and Voting Belong Together
- When ‘Enough and as Good’ is Not Good Enough
- Is Belief in Political Obligation Ideological?
- Deliberation and Voting: An Institutional Account of the Legitimacy of Democratic Decision-Making Procedures
- Consequentialism and the Role of Practices in Political Philosophy
- Is Lack of Literature Engagement a Reason for Rejecting a Paper in Philosophy?
- Understanding Reciprocity and the Importance of Civic Friendship
- The Moral Argument Against Monarchy (Absolute or Constitutional)
- Exploitation without Fairness
- How Could They Let This Happen? Cover Ups, Complicity, and the Problem of Accountability
- Mono No Aware: How Conservatives Should do Change
- Should Traditional Representative Institutions be Abolished? A Critical Comment on Hélène Landemore’s Open Democracy
- Cultural Diversity, Integration and Harm Protection in Liberal Societies
- Motivational Facts, Legitimacy, and the Justification of Political Ideals
- Trustworthy Science Advice: The Case of Policy Recommendations
- Why Ethics Commissions? Four Normative Models
- The Boundary Problem in Democratic Theory: A Methodological Approach
- All Things Considered, Should Egalitarian Movements Accept Philanthropic Funding?
- Worries About Philosopher Experts
- Distributive Justice, Political Legitimacy, and Independent Central Banks
- Nudging Voters and Encouraging Pre-commitment: Beyond Mandatory Turnout
- Culturally Diverse Societies and Genital Cutting Controversies
- Addiction and the Capability to Abstain
- On the Individuation of Laws and the Interpretation-Construction Distinction
- Is Approximation of an Ideal Defensible?
- Correction to: Random Selection, Democracy and Citizen Expertise
- Multiculturalism and Migration: Reconfiguring the Debate
- Correction: The Fair Chances in Algorithmic Fairness: A Response to Holm
- Positional Goods and Social Equality: Examining the Convergence Thesis
- Review of Christine Hobden’s Citizenship in a Globalised World
- Nicholas Vrousalis: Exploitation as Domination: What Makes Capitalism Unjust
- The Role of Moral Experts in Secret Policy
- Without Exemptions: Reconciling Equality with the Accommodation of Diversity
- Ethicisation and Reliance on Ethics Expertise
- Multiculturalism as Harm Reduction
- Ethical Expertise and Moral Authority
- Can There be Relational Equality Across Generations? Or at All?
- Notes on Bilgrami’s Notion of Identity
- Pluralising (Not Limiting) the Agent of Change: A Task for Real-World Political Philosophy
- Random Selection, Democracy and Citizen Expertise
- Discrimination, Fairness, and the Use of Algorithms
- Pro Tanto Wrongness and the Case of Whistleblowing
- Are Rights of Nature Manifesto Rights (And is That a Problem)?
- How I Would have been Differently Treated. Discrimination Through the Lens of Counterfactual Fairness
- Care as a Thick Ethical Concept
- Three Lessons for and from Algorithmic Discrimination
- Policy-Development and Deference to Moral Experts
- A Right to Break the Law? On the Political Function and Moral Grounds of Civil Disobedience
- What Went Wrong with Saman’s Story? Cultural Practice, Individual Rights, Gender, and Political Polarization
- Paternalism and Evidence of Incapacity: Taking Reasons Seriously
- Christian Schemmel: Justice and Egalitarian Relations
- Beyond Choice: A Non-Ideal Feminist Approach to Body Modification
- Review of Avia Pasternak’s Responsible Citizens, Irresponsible States: Should Citizens Pay for Their State’s Wrongdoing? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
- Entrapment and Manipulation
- Backward-Looking Principles of Climate Justice: The Unjustified Move from the Polluter Pays Principle to the Beneficiary Pays Principle
- The Duty to Edit the Human Germline
- The Fair Chances in Algorithmic Fairness: A Response to Holm
- Consent and Behavioral Public Policies: A Social Choice Perspective
- Ejection for Democracy Protection: On the Expulsion of EU Member States
- Ought the State Use Non-Consensual Treatment to Restore Trial Competence?
- On Being a Realist about Migration
- What Libertarians (Should) Think About Inheritance Taxation
- Using (Un)Fair Algorithms in an Unjust World
- Why and How Should the European Union Defend its Values?
- Must a Just Distribution of Emissions Shares Respect Territorial Claims to Terrestrial Sink Capacity?
- Egalitarian Machine Learning
- Normativity, Legitimacy, and Strengthening Migration Justice Mechanisms: A Reply to My Critics
- Do Immigrants have a Moral Duty to Learn the Host Society’s Language?
- Why Conscience Matters: A Theory of Conscience and Its Relevance to Conscientious Objection in Medicine
- Review of Achille Mbembe, Out of the Dark Night: Essays on Decolonization, Columbia University Press, New York, 2021. Viii + 280 pp. Hardcover $30.00, E-book $29.99. ISBN: 9780231160285
- Correction to: Justice and the EU: Productive or Relational Reciprocity?
- What Is Wrong with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s Definition of Antisemitism?
- Plural Approaches to Theorizing Justice and Legitimacy in Europe
- Rescue Missions in the Mediterranean and the Legitimacy of the EU’s Border Regime
- One Year on: Michael Sandel’s Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good? (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020)
- Justice and the EU: Productive or Relational Reciprocity?
- Proportionality without Inequality: Defending Lifetime Political Equality through Storable Votes
- Justice and Migration. Europe’s Most Cruel Dilemma
- EU Citizens’ Access to Welfare Rights: How (not) to Think About Unreasonable Burdens?
- The Fairness in Algorithmic Fairness
- AI and the Social Sciences: Why All Variables are Not Created Equal
- Ideal Theory for a Complex World
- Should Republicans be Interested in Exploitation?
- Pietro Maffettone, International Toleration: A Theory (Oxford: Routledge, 2020), pp. 186
- The Need for an EU Expulsion Mechanism: Democratic Backsliding and the Failure of Article 7
- The Glowing Screen Before Me and the Moral Law Within me: A Kantian Duty Against Screen Overexposure
- The Indirect Approach: Towards Non-Dominating Dementia Care
- Do Victims of Injustice Have a Fairness-Based Duty to Resist?
- Why Europe Does not Need a Constitution: On the Limits of Constituent Power as a Tool for Democratization
- Assessing States’ Claims to Self-Determination in the Real World
- Migration as a Matter of International Concern
- Migration Justice and Legitimacy
- The Empathy Dilemma: Democratic Deliberation, Epistemic Injustice and the Problem of Empathetic Imagination
- The Grounds and Demands of Public Recognition: How Religious Exemptions Corrode Civic Self-Respect
- The Many Faces of Dignity
- Transformative Experimentation, Perspectival Diversity, and the Polycentric Liberal Order
- Why Not Community? An Exploration of the Value of Community in Cohen’s Socialism
- Abraham A. Singer: The Form of the Firm: A Normative Political Theory of the Corporation
- Review of Allyn Fives, Judith Shklar and the Liberalism of Fear, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2020, 288 pp. ISBN: 9781526147738
- Genealogical Solutions to the Problem of Critical Distance: Political Theory, Contextualism and the case of Punishment in Transitional Scenarios
- Are Hate Speech Laws Useless? An Appraisal of Eric Heinze’s Arguments
- Why are Muslim Bans Wrong? Diagnosing Discriminatory Immigration Policies with Brock’s Human Rights Framework
- Privacy Rights, and Why Negative Control is Not a Dead End: A Reply to Munch and Lundgren
- National Injustice, Caring Institutions and Cosmopolitan Motivation
- The Ethics of Automated Vehicles: Why Self-driving Cars Should not Swerve in Dilemma Cases
- An Indirect Argument for the Access Theory of Privacy
- The Failure of Traditional Environmental Philosophy
- Epistocracy and Public Interests
- Contracting for Catastrophe:Legitimizing Emergency Constitutions by Drawing on Social Contract Theory
- Libertarianism, Climate Change, and Individual Responsibility
- Come as you are? Public Reason and Climate Change
- Populist Anti-immigrant Sentiments Taken Seriously: A Realistic Approach
- Climate Refugees, Demandingness and Kagan’s Conditional
- Realizing Freedom as Non-domination: Political Obligation in Kant’s Doctrine of Right
- Where Democracy Should Be: On the Site(s) of the All-Subjected Principle
- Relational Egalitarianism and Emergent Social Inequalities
- The Union Makes us Strong, but Does it Make Us Free? A Review of Mark Reiff’s In the Name of Liberty: The Argument for Universal Unionization
- Being Responsible and Holding Responsible: On the Role of Individual Responsibility in Political Philosophy
- Why ‘Negative Control’ is a Dead End: A Reply to Mainz and Uhrenfeldt
- Science as Public Reason and the Controversiality Objection
- Confusion and the Role of Intuitions in the Debate on the Conception of the Right to Privacy
- On Amy Reed-Sandoval’s Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020)
- Patti Tamara Lenard: How Should Democracies Fight Terrorism?
- Disobedience of Judges as a Problem of Legal Philosophy and Comparative Constitutionalism: A Polish Case
- Structural Injustice and the Emotions
- Political Obligations and Public Goods
- The Concept of Feasibility: A Multivocal Account
- The Moral Incompetence of Anti-corruption Experts
- Tongdong Bai: Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case
- Review of Daniel Bell and Wang Pei, Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World , Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. x + 270., Hardcover $29.95. ISBN: 9780691200897
- Review of Gina Schouten’s Liberalism and Neutrality and the Gendered Division of Labor
- The Child’s Right to a Voice
- Whaling, Bullfighting, and the Conditional Value of Tradition
- Review of Michael Blake, Justice, Migration, and Mercy , Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, 266 pp, ISBN: 9780190879556
- Neo-Republicanism and the Domination of Immigrants
- Work, Domination, and the False Hope of Universal Basic Income
- The Ethics of Economic Sanctions: Why Just War Theory is Not the Answer
- Weaponising Freedom of Speech
- Is the All-Subjected Principle Extensionally Adequate?
- Friend or Foe?: Bernard Williams and Political Constitutionalism
- Politics by Other Means? Rawls, Feminists, Religious Conservatives, and Public Education
- Antigone in Hertfordshire: Moral Conflict and Moral Pluralism in Forster’s Howards End
- Why Dependence Grounds Duties of Trade Justice
- Moral Conflict and Political Obligation in (Highly) Non-ideal Conditions
- Political Moralism and Constitutional Reasoning: A Reply to Bernard Williams
- Answering the Conventionalist Challenge to Natural Rights Theory
- Cosmopolitan Sentiment: Politics, Charity, and Global Poverty
- Conflict in Political Liberalism: Judith Shklar’s Liberalism of Fear
- Political Obligations in Illiberal Regimes
- Too Much Info: Data Surveillance and Reasons to Favor the Control Account of the Right to Privacy
- I Have Got a Personal Non-identity Problem: On What We Owe Our Future Selves
- On the Permissibility of Free-Riding on the Global Lingua Franca
- The Ethics of Obeying Judicial Orders in Flawed Societies
- Naturally and Socially Caused Inequalities: Is the Distinction Relevant for Assessments of Justice?
- Williams, Pragmatism, and the Law
- Human Rights, Legitimacy, Political Judgement
- Time and Timelessness in Constitutional Thought
- The Inevitable Social Contract
- Moral Luck, Responsibility, and Systems of Tort Liability
- Value Pluralism, Realism and Pessimism
- Conflicts and Reasons in Contextual Normative Theory: A Reply to Modood and Thompson
- Lying, Misleading, and the Argument from Cultural Slopes
- The Impact of Trade Policy Decisions on Social Justice
- What the Victims of Tyranny Owe Each Other: On Judith Shklar’s Value Monism
- Editorial, March 2020
- Extrinsic Democratic Proceduralism: A Modest Defence
- A Buck-Passing Account of ‘Moral Equality’
- Williams and Rawls in Philadelphia
- Equality of Resources and Non-domination: Can the Two be Compatible?
- Anna Stilz: Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration
- Dworkin’s Unity of Value: An Interpretation and Defense
- The Teleological Account of Proportional Surveillance
- A Sense of Proportion: Some Thoughts on Equality, Security and Justice
- Review Essay: The Case for ‘Moderate Nationalism’
- The Liberty of the Liberty Principle
- Refugees as (Political) Agents: A Review of Three Recent Books in the Political Theory of Refugees
- With or Without Religious Symbols? Why Political Liberalism is Inconclusive in the Case of Civil Servants
- Spoilage and Squatting: A Lockean Argument
- Green Republicanism and the Shift to Post-productivism: A Defence of an Unconditional Basic Income
- Comment: Reciprocity and the Rise of Populism
- Justice, Political Obligation and Public Reason: Rethinking Partisanship and Political Liberalism
- A Sufficiently Just Liberal Society is an Illusion
- Partisanship and Political Obligation: Some Sceptical Thoughts
- The Present and Future of Political Realism
- A Defence of Voluntary Sterilisation
- Pluralistic Partisanship
- Revolution Against Non-violent Oppression
- Deliberative Democracy, Diversity, and Restraint
- Against Civil Disobedience: On Candice Delmas’ A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should be Uncivil (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018)
- Is Multiculturalism Discriminatory?
- Does Regulating Hate Speech Undermine Democratic Legitimacy? A Cautious ‘No’
- Is the Reasonable Person a Person of Virtue?
- Constitutional Democracy in the Age of Populisms: A Commentary to Mark Tushnet’s Populist Constitutional Law
- Rainer Bauböck: Democratic Inclusion: Rainer Bauböck in Dialogue
- Border Coercion and ‘Democratic Legitimacy’: On Abizadeh’s Argument Against Current Regimes of Border Control
- Response to Umbers: An Instability of the Duty and Right to Vote
- A Soft Defense of a Utilitarian Principle of Criminalization
- Towards Critical Transparency Studies
- Respect in Neo-Republicanism: A Good Too Rich or Too Thin?
- Boycotting and Public Mourning
- Justifying Partiality in Care Ethics
- Hate Speech on Campus: What Public Universities Can and Should Do to Counter Weaponized Intolerance
- The Costs of Disobedience: A Reply to Delmas
- What is the Wrong in Retaining Benefits from Wrongdoing? How Recent Attempts to Formulate a Plausible Rationale for the ‘Beneficiary Pays Principle’ Have Failed
- Further Thoughts on Talking to the Unreasonable: A Response to Wong
- Matthew Kramer: Liberalism with Excellence
- A World of Possibilities: The Place of Feasibility in Political Theory
- Rescuing Rawls’s Institutionalism and Incentives Inequality
- Jamie Carlin Watson’s Winning Votes by Abusing Reason: Responsible Belief and Political Rhetoric
- Rawls’s Ideal Theory: A Clarification and Defense
- Science as Public Reason: A Restatement
- The Old ‘New’ Dignitarianism
- Co-responsibility for Individualists
- Matteo Bonotti: Partisanship and Political Liberalism in Diverse Societies
- The Right to be Publicly Naked: A Defence of Nudism
- Expression and Indication in Ethics and Political Philosophy
- What Is Dissent?
- Moral Distress as a Symptom of Dirty Hands
- On a Belief-Relative Moral Right to Civil Disobedience
- The Morality of Price/Quality and Ethical Consumerism
- Two Tales of Civil Disobedience: A Reply to David Lefkowitz
- Accommodating Closed Material Procedures within Rawls’ Theory of Justice
- Three Types of Sufficientarian Libertarianism
- Should Abraham Get a Religious Exemption?
- Towards a More Particularist View of Rights’ Stringency
- Overcoming the Institutional Deficit of Agonistic Democracy
- Democratic Legitimacy and the Competence Objection
- Regulating Compensatory Paternalism
- Correction to: Does the Demographic Objection to Epistocracy Succeed?
- A Further Defence of the Right Not to Vote
- The Ethics of Political Participation: Engagement and Democracy in the 21st Century
- Germ-Line Genetic Information as a Natural Resource as a Means to Achieving Luck-Egalitarian Equality: Some Difficulties
- Democratic Norms, Empirical Realities and Approaches to Improving Voter Turnout
- Reflections on a Crisis: Political Disenchantment, Moral Desolation, and Political Integrity
- The Political Legitimacy of Global Governance and the Proper Role of Civil Society Actors
- A Puzzle About Proportionality
- The Demographic Objection to Epistocracy
- Democracy Without Participation: A New Politics for a Disengaged Era
- A Fluid Demos for a Hypermigration Polity
- Regaining Traction on the Problem of Punishment: A Critique of David Boonin’s Use of the Entailment Test
- Making Attentive Citizens: The Ethics of Democratic Engagement, Political Equality, and Social Justice
- On Respecting Animals, or Can Animals be Wronged Without Being Harmed?
- Linguistic Integration—Valuable but Voluntary
- Effective Vote Markets and the Tyranny of Wealth
- Why the Duty to Self-Censor Requires Social-Media Users to Maintain Their Own Privacy
- What is Wrong with Sufficiency?
- Political Integrity and Dirty Hands: Compromise and the Ambiguities of Betrayal
- Karl Marx and Wilt Chamberlain, or: Luck Egalitarianism, Exploitation, and the Clean Path to Capitalism Argument
- Pluralist Partially Comprehensive Doctrines, Moral Motivation, and the Problem of Stability
- Three Feasibility Constraints on the Concept of Justice
- Misinformation as Immigration Control
- Rational Persuasion, Paternalism, and Respect
- Conjecture and the Division of Justificatory Labour: A Comment on Clayton and Stevens
- Who Should Intervene?
- Political Agency, Citizenship, and Non-human Animals
- A Critical Review of Rightness as Fairness: A Moral and Political Theory
- Intentions, Permissibility, and Choice
- All Liberty is Basic
- Uncivil Disobedience: Political Commitment and Violence
- The Implicit Argument for the Basic Liberties
- Autonomy and the Moral Symmetry Principle: Reply to Frowe and Tooley
- The Choice Architect’s Trilemma
- Blending Arendtian Exemplarity with Weberian Ideal-Typic Analysis: Arendt’s ‘Socrates’ as a Vehicle for Social Critique
- Markets in Votes and the Tyranny of Wealth
- Responsibility and Self-Defense: Can We Have It All?
- Finding Space for the Truth: Joshua Cohen on Truth and Public Reason
- In Defence of Conceptual Integration
- Discrimination Against Vegans
- In Defense of Penalizing (but not Punishing) Civil Disobedience
- Animal Rescue as Civil Disobedience
- Privacy and Self-Presentation
- Brain Privacy, Intimacy, and Authenticity: Why a Complete Lack of the Former Might Undermine Neither of the Latter!
- Privacy, Neuroscience, and Neuro-Surveillance
- Neuroscience, Mind Reading and Mental Privacy
- Time to Battle International Tax Evasion and Avoidance
- On the Theoretical Significance of G. A. Cohen’s Fact-Insensitivity Thesis
- Animal Activists, Civil Disobedience and Global Responses to Transnational Injustice
- Religiosity and Public Reason: The Case of Direct Action Animal Rights Advocacy
- Revisiting Contextualism in Political Theory: Putting Principles into Context
- Does Purchasing Make Consumers Complicit in Global Labour Injustice?
- Two Concepts of Basic Equality
- Worth Your Time: Free Time by Julie Rose
- The Discontent of Social and Economic Rights
- Neuroethics and Brain Privacy: Setting the Stage
- A Defense of the Human Right to Adequate Food
- The Gauthier Contract: Applicable or Not?
- Group Virtues: No Great Leap Forward with Collectivism
- Sharing in a Common Life: People with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
- Contractualism and the Right to Strike
- Hohfeldian Infinities: Why Not to Worry
- John Hadley: Animal Property Rights: A Theory of Habitat Rights for Wild Animals
- Second Person Rules: An Alternative Approach to Second-Personal Normativity
- Fact-Sensitivity and the ‘Defining-Down’ Objection
- Brain Privacy and the Case of Cannibal Cop
- The Samaritan State and Social Welfare Provision
- Egalitarianism and the Great Recession: A Tale of Missed Connections?
- Legal Punishment and the Public Identification of Offenders
- Political Anti-Intentionalism
- Freedom as Non-domination and Democratic Inclusion