- Presidential Address : 25th World Congress of Philosophy
- Remembering Anand Jayprakash Vaidya
- Review of Christine Abigail L. Tan, Freedom’s Frailty: Self-Realization in the Neo-Daoist Philosophy of Guo Xiang’s Zhuangzi
- Embodiment and Violence: From Lived Experience to Imagistic Givenness
- Phenomenology of Mystical Psychedelic Experiences: The Case of Existential Anxiety
- Sufism and Islam: The Chishtī Sufī Order’s Dynamics
- A Multifaceted Model of the Imago Dei Based on Thomistic Love
- On Religious and Spiritual Experiences a Comparative Study of John Hick and Yoga Philosophy
- Applying Indian Ethics to Real World Issues: ethikos and phronesis
- An Ontological Reading of Sufism: Examining Sufism Through the Philosophy of Heidegger
- Concepts of God and the Divine in Indian Traditions
- Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism and Personal Identity: A Reductionist Approach
- Review of Bidyut Chakrabarty and Rajendra K. Pandey, Modern Indian Political Thought: Text and Context
- Review of Loriliai Biernacki, The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta’s Panentheism and New Materialism
- Buddhaghosa’s Model of Temporality seen through the Prism of Bergson’s Duration
- What Kind of ‘God’ do Hindu Arguments for the Divine Show? Five Novel Divine Attributes of Brahman
- Applying Pascal’s Wager to Procreation
- Reconstructing William Lane Craig’s Explanation of Absolute Time Based on Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy
- Mirabai Seeks God: A Journey of Devotional Love and Longing
- God, Īśvara, and the Brahman: A Case for a Post-Perennial Comparative Theology
- What is spirituality? The challenges of a philosophical definition
- “Palamism” and “Barlaamism” in the Russian Name-Glorifiers Controversy of the 1910s: The Philosophical Background
- Secularisation and Kenosis in Gianni Vattimo’s Kehre
- Hope(lessness) in the Stories of Abraham and Sisyphus
- Meanders of Vilém Flusser’s Ethics of Alterity
- On the Logical Argument from Natural Evil: A Response to Moore
- Gods, Absolute, Non-theistic Divinity, and Monotheism in Indian Philosophy of Religion: A Genealogical Critique of Evolutionary Theogony
- The (Father Almighty) God We Worship: The Epistemological Role of Liturgy in Christian Theology
- Review of Petri Berndtson, Phenomenological Ontology of Breathing: The Respiratory Primacy of Being
- A Better Argument for Tawḥīd?: Philosophical Discussions of Divine Attributes in the Sharḥ Al-ʿaqāid Tradition
- Hegel’s Political Theology of Kenosis: From the Death of God to the Hegelian Monarch
- The Panpsychist Dimension of Kwame Gyekye’s Theistic Conception of God
- Arising from, Arriving at ‘Integrality’: Delving into the Wisdom of Sri Aurobindo via Bindu Puri’s Reading Sri Aurobindo
- Panentheism and Theistic Cosmopsychism: God and the Cosmos in the Bhavagad Gītā
- Adhipati, Yogācāra Intersubjectivity, and Soteriology in Kuiji’s Commentaries
- Review of Mimi Chandran and Sreenath V.S., An Introduction to Indian Aesthetics: History, Theory, and Theoreticians
- Re-appropriating Freedom: Agamben’s Form-of-Life as a Response to Foucault’s Biopower
- Review of Tadd Graham Fernée, Enlightenment and Violence: Modernity and Nation-Making
- What if A Teleological Conception of Value is False?
- A Close Examination of Beginningless Karman and Vedāntic First Causes
- J. N. (Jitendra Nath) Mohanty
- Multiplicities and Contingency: Rethinking ‘Popular Buddhism’, Religious Practices and Ontologies in Thailand
- Correction to: Review of Hans Van Eyghen, The Epistemology of Spirit Beliefs
- Why Do We Need to Discuss the Practice of Veiling?
- The Idea of Human Distinctiveness: Unavoidable or Untenable?
- Divine Relations: Jīva Gosvāmin and Thomas Aquinas on Acintya and Mystery
- How Not to Diversify Philosophy of Religion: A Critique from the Twenty-First Century
- Hans Van Eyghen: The Epistemology of Spirit Beliefs
- Unlimited Nature: A Śaivist Model of Divine Greatness
- Would God Really Send Me to Hell for Stealing a Wispa Bar?
- A Naturalistic Theodicy for Sterba’s Problem of Natural Evil
- ‘Metaphysics of the Exodus’: Debating Platonic Versus Christian Traces in St Thomas’ Concept of Being
- The Law of Non-contradiction and Global Philosophy of Religion
- Truth in Metaphor: an Exploration into Indian Aesthetics
- Rescuing the (Open) Theistic Multiverse Against Two Recent Challenges
- The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: Debates on Gender, Varṇa, and Species — A Reply to Simon Brodbeck
- Heidegger and the Riddle of the Early Greeks’ Encounter with das Asiatische
- The Mātṛkā Dance: Conceptualizing the Dancing Body of the Goddess
- How to Move Beyond the Human
- Back to the Supernatural via the Posthumanist Turn
- Sengzhao’s Philosophy of Time
- Toward a Neuro-ethics in Islamic Philosophy: Trauma, Memory, and Personal Identity
- Conceptions of Supreme Deity
- Is Your Computer Lying? AI and Deception
- Decentering Humanism in Philosophy and the Sciences: Ecologies of Agency, Subversive Animism, and Diffractional Knowledge
- Review of Claire Carlisle, Spinoza’s Religion: a New Reading of the Ethics
- Remembrance for Patrick Alfred (Æ) Hutchings, Esquire
- Steps to a Global Thought: Thinking from Elsewhere
- Fudo: a Buddhist Response to the Anthropocene
- A New Day for Perennialism: the Case for a Perennial Phenomenology, or ‘Soft’ Perennialism
- ‘Surabhi Candanam’: the First Acquaintance of Fragrant Sandal: a Problem
- Fleeing the Absolute: Derrida and the Problem of Anti-Hegelianism
- The ‘Therapy of Desire’ in Kierkegaard’s Discourse on Lk 22:15
- Heidegger’s Answer to Plato’s Parmenides
- Review of Tom Jones, George Berkeley: A Philosophical Life, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021, xxi + 621 pp.
- Review of Ruth Vanita, The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: Debates on Gender, Varna, and Species
- Wes Morriston’s ‘Skeptical Demonism’ Argument from Evil and Timothy Perrine’s Response
- Casting Justice Before Swine: Late Mediaeval Pig Trials as Instances of Human Exceptionalism
- Answering Divine Love: Human Distinctiveness in the Light of Islam and Artificial Superintelligence
- Inhuman Rationality: Speculative Realism, Normativity, and Praxis
- An Early Medieval Account of the Human Condition: Augustine’s liberum arbitrium as a Mediator Between Reason and the Will
- Vasubandhu’s Refutation of the Aggregate of Atoms: a Reading Inspired by Van Inwagen’s Objection to Series-Style Answers to the Special Composition Question
- Gappying Curry Redux
- What Comes After Postcolonial Theory?
- Afterword: Steps to a Global Thought
- Cognitive Science of Religion Debunking Arguments: Some Methodological Considerations
- Two Accounts of Deity: Classical Theism versus Theistic Personalism
- Heidegger’s Question of Being: the Unity of Topos and Logos
- Cosmopsychism and the Problem of Evil
- What is Western About Western thought?
- An Everyday Malhar: A Raag’s Relation to the Earth
- Natural Theology and Divine Freedom
- The Luckiest of All Possible Beings: Divine Perfections and Constitutive Luck
- Language in Flight: Home and Elsewhere
- The Ordinary Global
- Iqbal Before the Mosque of Cordoba: Goethean Crossings
- Colonial India in a Crusades Mirror: Fantasy and Reality in a Nineteenth-Century Urdu Novel
- ‘The More You Think of It, the Less the Difference’: Rebirth and Animals in Thoreau and Tagore
- Religious Parallels to the Simulation Hypothesis: Gnosticism, Mormonism, and Neoplatonism
- God’s Love and the Horrendous Deeds Objection: a Response to Flannagan
- Übermensch or Untermensch: an Existential Critique of Heidegger’s ‘Overman’
- On the Autonomy of the Transcendental Time-Horizon: an Essay in De-Subjectivizing Heidegger’s Kant-Interpretation
- Muḥammad as the Qur’an in Ibn ‘Arabī’s Metaphysics
- Review of Seyyed Khalil Toussi, The Political Philosophy of Mulla Sadra, Routledge, 2020, ISBN: 978–1 315–75,116-0, xi + 246 pp
- Moral Difference and Moral Differences
- When Pain Becomes an Expression of Love: a Phenomenological Analysis of Self-inflicted Pain Among Christian Monastic Ascetics in Central Medieval Europe
- The Strange Implications for Bioethics of Taking Christianity Seriously
- A Strategy for Interpreting the Philokalia by Peter D. Ouspensky in Tertium Organum
- Religious Belief and the Wisdom of Crowds
- The Modal-Epistemic Argument Self-undermined
- The Psychopath Challenge to Divine Command Theory: Reply to Flannagan
- How to Speak the Truth According to Kierkegaard
- A Natural Philosopher in Solidarity with the Oppressed: Savita Singh’s Interview with Roy Bhaskar
- A Critical Notice on the Moral Grounding Question in David Chalmers’ Reality+
- Madhyamaka Metaethics
- Obituary: Dr. Brian Francis Scarlett
- Bergson, Pan(en)theism, and ‘Being-in-Life’
- Doing Philosophy in a Cosmopolitan Key
- Alienation and Attunement in the Zhuangzi
- Review of David Newheiser, Hope in a Secular Age: Deconstruction, Negative Theology, and the Future of Faith
- Cannibalism and the Eucharist: the Ethics of Eating the Human and the Divine
- Review of Julianne Schultz, The Idea of Australia: A Search for the Soul of the Nation
- Divine Revelation and Justification of Belief in God: a Comparative Study of the Views of Paul Moser and Mulla Sadra
- A Theo-logy Without logos: On Jean-Luc Marion’s Axio-meonto-theology
- Giving the Imaginary Interlocutor Her Due: Existential Anguish in the Madhyamaka
- Heidegger, Marion, and the Theological Turn: “The Vanity of Authenticity” and the Answer to Nihilism
- God’s Personal Reasons for Creation
- The Difference Between Ren and Yi: Mengzi’s Anti-Guodianism at 6A4-5
- The Binding Problem for Strong Experiential Monism
- Sexuate Difference, Sovereignty and Colonialism: Reading Luce Irigaray with Irene Watson
- The Modal-Epistemic Argument Defended: Reply to Wintein
- On Peaceful Political Relations Between Two in Luce Irigaray’s Work
- Thinking Politically with Luce Irigaray
- Luce Irigaray’s Philosophy of the Child and Philosophical Thinking for a New Era
- Religious Doubt in New Zealand
- Review of The Nature of Reality: Philosophical Discourses on Language, Religion and Culture, edited by Jyotsna Saha, Jhadeswar Ghosh, and Purbayan Jha
- Locke’s Miracle Mistake
- Speech to the XVIIIth Congress of the Italian Communist Party
- Guru Nanak’s Siddh Gosti: a Dialogue Between Established and Emerging Discourse
- Never Waking into Reality: Narrative Self in the Madhyamaka
- Dreaming of a Truly Democratic World
- Language of Religion, Religions as Languages. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Religions and Languages: A Polyphony of Faiths’
- Islamic Geometries: Spiritual Affects Against a Secularist Grid
- Nature, Obligation, and Transcendence: Reading Luce Irigaray with Mary Graham
- Democracy of Breath and Fire: Irigarayan Meditations
- Disidentification in Irigaray and Anzaldúa: Nepantla and Sexuate Politics
- On Williamson’s Armchair Philosophical Knowledge
- The Ethical Self in the Later Foucault: the Question of Normativity
- Air Democracy: on the Principles of Breathing Together
- How to Solve The Euthyphro Problem
- Review of Eli Kramer, Intercultural Modes of Philosophy, Volume One: Principles to Guide Philosophical Community
- Declaration and Bestowal: A Love Story
- Classical Theism, Arbitrary Creation, and Reason-Based Action
- Correction to: ‘Humankind. The Best of Molds’—Islam Confronting Transhumanism
- (Online) Spelling the (Digital) Spell: Talking About Magic in the Digital Revolution
- Can Ultimate Reality Change? The Three Natures/Three Characters Doctrine in Indian Yogācāra Literature and Contemporary Scholarship
- A Bayesian Exploration of C.S. Lewis’s ‘Argument from Desire’
- Desiderata for Rational, Non-doxastic Faith
- Divided by Language, but United in the Imagination?
- (Re)Connecting Analytic Philosophy and Empirical Research: The Example of Ritual Speech Acts and Religious Collectivities
- On the Power of Imperfect Words: an Inquiry into the Revelatory Power of a Single Hindu Verse
- Review of P. K. Mohapatra, An Applied Perspective on Indian Ethics
- Correction to: Atheisms: Plural Contexts of Being Godless
- Horrendous Evil and the Loving God: a Reply to Joshua Thurow
- Beyond the Negative: Appropriation and Surpassing of Negative Theology in Vladimir Jankélévitch’s Philosophie Première
- On the Difficulty of the Evolutionary Debunking of Scientific Realism: Graber and Golemon Buttressed
- The Image of God in Western (Christian) Panentheism: A Critical Evaluation from the Point of View of Classical Theism
- Can Nāstikas Taste Āstika Poetry? Tagore’s Poetry and the Critique of Secularity
- Correction to: Spinning Solitude: Coronavirus and the Philosopher
- ‘Do You Believe in God, Doctor?’ The Atheism of Fiction and the Fiction of Atheism
- Atheism is Nothing but an Expression of Buddha-Nature
- The Missing God of Heidegger and Karl Jaspers: Too late for God; too Early for the Gods—with a vignette from Indian Philosophy
- Correction to: Postsecularity and the Poetry of T.S. Eliot, Stevie Smith, and Carol Ann Duffy
- Atheisms: Plural Contexts of Being Godless
- Raimon Panikkar’s Cosmotheandric Secularity, Wilber’s Integral Theory: Living With and Without the Divine
- Pursuits of Belief: Reflecting on the Cessation of Belief
- Living Without God: Multicultural Spectrums of the Atheist/Nastika: Postsecularity and the Poetry of T.S. Eliot, Stevie Smith, and Carol Ann Duffy
- Buddhist Philosophy and Scientific Naturalism
- Finite-Length Timelike Paths and Kalām Cosmological Argument
- Eternally Choosing Hell: Can Hard-Heartedness Explain Why Some Remain in Hell Forever?
- The Divine Knowledge in Relation to Determinism in the Philosophy of Avicenna
- Zero—a Tangible Representation of Nonexistence: Implications for Modern Science and the Fundamental
- From the Aesthetic Theme to the Aesthetic Myth: a Reflection on the Trinitarian God’s Connection to Nature and the Problem of Evil
- Schopenhauer, the Philosophy of Music, and the Wisdom of Classical Indian Philosophy
- Maitzen’s Objection from God’s Goodness
- Deification in Two Early Writings of St. Maximos the Confessor: Attaining Likeness to God
- ‘And Therefore I Hasten to Return My Ticket’: Anti-theodicy Radicalised
- Review of Karl-Stéphan Bouthillette, Dialogue and Doxography in Indian Philosophy: Points of View in Buddhist, Jaina, and Advaita Vedānta Traditions
- Spinning Solitude: Coronavirus and the Philosopher
- Religious Conversion and Loss of Faith: Cases of Personal Paradigm Shift?
- The Middle Way to Reality: on Why I Am Not a Buddhist and Other Philosophical Curiosities
- God Actually Does Exist: a Critical Discussion of Nagasawa’s Perfect Being Theism
- Islamic Beliefs and Epistemic Defeaters: a Response to Baldwin and McNabb
- On Being an Infidel
- Defining ‘Religion’ and ‘Atheism’
- Has God Been and Gone?
- Comparative Political Theory and Heterology
- Confessions of an Agnostic: Apologia Pro Vita Sua
- From a Certain Point of View… Jain Theism and Atheism
- Forms of Life and the Phenomenological Ontology of Conversion
- Correction to: Rethinking Augustine’s Misunderstanding of First Movements: the Moral Psychology of Preliminary Passions
- God and the Value of Free Will
- Stage One of the Aristotelian Proof: A Critical Appraisal
- Perennial Philosophy and the History of Mysticism
- The Existence of Arguments in Classical Islamic Thought: Reply to Hannah Erlwein
- The Natural Theology of Beauty, and the Glory of Love
- Review of John M. DePoe and Tyler Dalton McNabb (Eds.), Debating Christian Religious Epistemology: An Introduction to Five Views on the Knowledge of God
- On an Epistemic Cornerstone of Skeptical Theism: in Defense of CORNEA
- Correction to: Leibniz’s Doctrine of Reincarnation as Metamorphosis
- Review of Özgür Koca, Islam, Causality, and Freedom: From the Medieval to the Modern Era
- Correction to: ‘That’s What Art Does’: Disclosing Religious and Ethical Possibilities Through Film
- Kant and Russell on Leibniz’ Existential Assertions
- Whither Transcendence? Immanence and Critique in The Self-Emptying Subject
- On Jamesian ‘Passionally Caused Atheistic Belief’: a Reply to Cockayne and Warman
- Providence and Pantheism
- Divine Gütigkeit , Divine Güte : Kant on an Ancient Query
- Evolutionary Debunking and Normative Arguments Against Theism
- Necessary Suffering and Lewisian Theism
- Kant’s Philosophy of Moral Luck
- Jamming with the Gods—Reflections on Writing the History of Late Antique Platonism
- Review of Michelle Boulous Walker, Slow Philosophy: Reading Against the Institution
- The Phenomenon of Sentiments and Love in Non-human Animals from the Ontological Point of View of Mulla Sadra
- Review of Laura Roberts, Irigaray and Politics: A Critical Introduction
- Amor Mundi : Reading Arendt Alongside Native American Philosophy
- Review of Pope Francis, Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future
- Why the Horrendous Deeds Objection Is Still a Bad Argument
- ‘That’s What Art Does’: Disclosing Religious and Ethical Possibilities Through Film
- Faith and Doubt at the Cry of Dereliction: a Defense of Doxasticism
- Gratitude Is Only Fittingly Targeted Towards Agents
- Can God Be Perceived? A Phenomenological Critique of the Perceptual Model of Mystical Experience
- ‘Snakes and Ladders’ – ‘Therapy’ as Liberation in Nagarjuna and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
- No-fault Unbelief Defended: a Reply to Roberto Di Ceglie
- Causal Relations and Abraham’s Dilemma: a Qur’anic Perspective
- From the Appearance to the Reality of Excessive Suffering: Theodicy and Bruce Russell’s ‘Matrix’ Example
- Answering Pilate: Options for Interpreting Religious Truth
- The Challenge of Mysticism: a Primer from a Christian Perspective
- Review of Sanjit Chakraborty, The Labyrinth of Mind and World: Beyond Internalism and Externalism
- A Theory of Creation Ex Deo
- Kierkegaard’s Divine Distractions
- Leibniz’s Doctrine of Reincarnation as Metamorphosis
- Nikolai Lossky’s Evolutionary Metaphysics of Reincarnation
- Reactualizing Hegel: Žižek, the Universality of Islam, and Its Political Potentiality (Revisiting “the Archives of Islam”)
- Advantages and Paradoxes of Regarding Omniscience as Subjective Certainty in Wittgenstein’s Sense
- Elemental Optics: Nicholas of Cusa, Omnivoyance and the Aquatic Gaze
- Is There a Duty-Generating Special Relationship of Creator to Creature?
- Multi-Factor Causal Disjunctivism: a Nyāya-Informed Account of Perceptual Disjunctivism
- Review of Integral Yoga Psychology: Metaphysics & Transformation as Taught by Sri Aurobindo , edited by Debashish Banerji
- Is There a Case Against Being a Human Being? Reappraising David Benatar’s Better Never to Have Been : Can Late Capitalism Halt Climate Change? If Not, Who Wants to Be a Human, or Posthuman?
- Review of Imran Aijaz, Islam: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation
- Writing Philosophy from the Periphery: Lixing as Foundational Empty Signifier in Tang Junyi’s Cultural Consciousness and Moral Reason
- Chinese Processual Holism and Its Attitude Towards “Barbarians” and Non-Humans
- Faith Assimilated to Perception: the Embodied Perspective
- Schelling as a Thinker of Immanence: contra Heidegger and Jaspers
- Phos, Our Other Greek Name
- Voluntarism and Love: Grant and Nygren on Agapé and Eros
- The Kalam Cosmological Argument and Divine Omniscience: an Evaluation of Recent Discussions in Sophia
- Review of Anna M. Hennessey, Imagery, Ritual, and Birth: Ontology Between the Sacred and the Secular
- Review of David Kloos, Becoming Better Muslims: Religious Authority and Ethical Improvement in Aceh, Indonesia
- Antitheodicy and the Grading of Theodicies by Moral Offensiveness
- A Philosophical Path from Königsberg to Kyoto
- Ni ṣ kāmakarma and the Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Review of Bernard T. Adeney-Risakotta, Living in a Sacred Cosmos: Indonesia and the Future of Islam
- The ‘Magical World’ of Emotions and Its Triumph: on the Ontological Inconsistency in Sartre’s Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
- Problems for the Argument from Logic: a Response to the Lord of Non-Contradiction
- ‘I Am that I Am’ (Ex. 3.14): from Augustine to Abhishiktānanda—Holy Ground Between Neoplatonism and Advaita Vedānta
- Review of Eiichi Tosaki, Mondrian’s Philosophy of Visual Rhythm: Phenomenology, Wittgenstein, and Eastern Thought
- The Third Age: Reflections on Our Hidden Material Core
- Shame and Absence: Feminist and Theological Reflections
- Mystical Death in the Spirituality of Saint Teresa of Ávila
- Review of Anthony McCarten, The Two Popes
- Shame, Vulnerability and Philosophical Thinking
- The Missing Hymn of Metis: an Origin of Loss
- Shame, Depression, and Social Melancholy
- Politics of Shame in Turkey: Public Shaming and Mourning
- Silence and Absence: Feminist Philosophical Implications of Mormonism’s Heavenly Mother
- Violence, Vulnerability, Precariousness, and Their Contemporary Modifications
- Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya’s Interpolation of Kant’s Idea of the “Self”
- No-Fault Unbelief
- The Problem of Genesis in Derrida and Daoism
- Review of Alexandre Kojève, The Religious Metaphysics of Vladimir Solovyov , translated by Ilya Merlin and Mikhail Pozdniakov
- Review of Marek Piechowiak, Plato’s Conception of Justice and the Question of Human Dignity
- Review of Nirmalangshu Mukherji, Reflections on human inquiry: science, philosophy, and common life
- The Prospects for Debunking Non-Theistic Belief
- Does the Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism Defeat God’s Beliefs?
- Where, Not When, Did the Cosmos ‘Begin’?
- An Axiological-Trajectory Theodicy
- A Pāli Buddhist Philosophy of Sentience: Reflections on Bhavaṅga Citta
- Posthuman Perspectivism and Technologies of the Self
- Spiritual Values for Those Without Eternal Life
- ‘Humankind. The Best of Molds’—Islam Confronting Transhumanism
- The Posthuman Divine: When Robots Can Be Enlightened
- Worldwide Cryonics Attitudes About the Body, Cryopreservation, and Revival: Personal Identity Malleability and a Theory of Cryonic Life Extension
- Review of Aaron James Wendland, Christopher Merwin, and Christos Hadjioannou, Eds., Heidegger on Technology
- On the Will Not to Believe and Axiological Atheism: a Reply to Cockayne and Warman
- Dialogue as the Conditio Humana : a Critical Account of Dmitri Nikulin’s Theory of the Dialogical
- Where Human and Divine Intimacy Meet: an Insight into the Theodicy of Marilyn McCord Adams
- Rethinking Augustine’s Misunderstanding of First Movements: the Moral Psychology of Preliminary Passions
- Presupposing, Believing, Having Faith
- ‘Grasping the Difficulty in its Depth’: Wittgenstein and Globally Engaged Philosophy
- Deirdre’s Smile: Names, Faces, and ‘the Simple Actuality’ of Another
- A Moral Argument Against Absolute Authority of the Torah
- ‘Hope and Death, Self and Other’
- Schellenberg’s Ultimism as the Proper Object of Non-Doxastic Religion
- Does God Know that the Flower in My Hand Is Red ? Avicenna and the Problem of God’s Perceptual Knowledge
- On Being Known: God and the Private-I
- Review of Aakash Singh Rathore, Plato’s Labyrinth: Sophistries, Lies and Conspiracies in Socratic Dialogues
- Review of History of Indian Philosophy, by Purushottama Bilimoria, Editor-in Chief; J.N. Mohanty, Amy Rayner, John Powers, Stephen Phillips, Richard King, and Christopher Key Chapple, Associate Editors, Routledge History of World Philosophies
- Review of Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology , edited by Matthew Benton, John Hawthorne, and Dani Rabinowitz
- Could the Buddha Have Been a Naturalist?
- Review of Philip C. Almond, God: A New Biography
- Review of Thomas R. Flynn, Sartre: A Philosophical Biography
- Problems with Compensation: Gleeson on Marilyn McCord Adams on Evil
- A Zhuangzian Critique of John Hick’s Theodicy
- In Defense of Physicalist Christology
- The Holy Trinity and the Ontology of Relations
- Won’t Get Fooled Again: Wittgensteinian Philosophy and the Rhetoric of Empiricism
- Adorno and Arendt: Evil, Modernity and the Underside of Theodicy
- Review of Robert D. Stolorow and George E. Atwood, The Power of Phenomenology: Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Perspectives
- What Matters in Caring: Some Reflections on Derek Parfit’s On What Matters
- Intervening on the Indian Renaissance, or a User’s Guide to the Dreary Sands of Dead Habit
- Wang Yangming’s Reductionist Account of Practical Necessity: General and Particular
- Preamble
- The Modernist Turn in Indian Philosophy
- Ratnakīrti and the Extent of Inner Space: an Essay on Yogācāra and the Threat of Genuine Solipsism
- The Force of Existence. Looking for Spinoza in Heidegger
- Panentheism and the Conception of the Ultimate in John B. Cobb’s Process Philosophy
- The Buddhist Philosophical Conception of Intersubjectivity: an Introduction
- Alexander of Hales on Panentheism
- Review of Roy Tzohar, A Yogācāra Buddhist Theory of Metaphor
- Further Thoughts about Colonial Subjectivity: a Reply to our Critics
- In a Mirror and an Enigma: Nicholas of Cusa’s De Visione Dei and the Milieu of Vision
- Giving Context Where Context Is Due: Review of Meditation , Buddhism and Science , edited by David McMahan and Erik Braun
- Revisiting the Concepts of Necessity and Freedom in Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) (c. 980–1037)
- Review of Crockett Clayton, Derrida and the End of Writing: Political Theology and New Materialism
- Mystery of the Trinity: a Reply to Einar Bøhn
- Solving Darwin’s Problem of Natural Evil
- Kenotic Chorology as A/theology in Nishida and beyond
- I Take Refuge in the Sangha. But how? The Puzzle of Intersubjectivity in Buddhist Philosophy Comments on Tzohar, Prueitt, and Kachru
- Plantinga Redux: Is the Scientific Realist Committed to the Rejection of Naturalism?
- Comments on Bhushan & Garfield, Minds Without Fear
- The Paradox of Egocentricity
- Rethinking the Indian ‘Renaissance Modernity’: Comments on Nalini Bhusan and Jay Garfield’s Minds Without Fear
- Indifference and the World: Schelling’s Pantheism of Bliss
- Hunky Panentheism
- The Vanity of Authenticity
- The Crisis of Western Sciences and Husserl’s Critique in the Vienna Lecture
- On Engaging Buddhism Philosophically
- Review of Jim Forest, At Play In The Lion’s Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan
- The Will Not to Believe
- The Necessity of the Best Possible World, Divine Thankworthiness, and Grace
- S. Radhakrishnan: ‘Saving the Appearances’ in East-West Academy
- Instrumentalist Interpretations of Hindu Environmental Ethics
- Bonhoeffer and Løgstrup: the Ethics of Disclosure in a State of Exception
- Unity Between God and Mind? A Study on the Relationship Between Panpsychism and Pantheism
- Maimonides’ Secret: Leo Strauss’s “The Literary Character of the Guide for the Perplexed ”
- Buddhism and Our Posthuman Future
- Does a Truly Ultimate God Need to Exist?
- Review of Miklós Vassányi, Enikő Sepsi, and Anikó Daróczi (eds.), The Immediacy of Mystical Experience in the European Tradition
- Engaging with Buddhism
- Politics of Addressing, Problems of Reception: To Whom Are Anglophone Indian Philosophers Speaking?
- Bending Deleuze and Guattari for India: Re-Examining the Relation Between Art and Politics in Europe and India
- Hell, Heaven, Neither, or Both: the Afterlife and Sider’s Puzzle
- Lala Lajpat Rai’s Classification of Nationalism: Can It Help Us to Understand Contemporary Nationalist Movements?
- Representing Indian Philosophy Through the Nation: an Exploration of the Public Philosopher Radhakrishnan
- Rethinking Advaita Within the Colonial Predicament: the ‘Confrontative’ Philosophy of K. C. Bhattacharyya (1875–1949)
- Consciousness, Idealism, and Skepticism: Reflections on Jay Garfield’s Engaging Buddhism
- Reading Derrida with Daya Krishna: Postmodern Trends in Contemporary Indian Philosophy
- Indian Philosophy and Ethics: Dialogical Method as a Fresh Possibility
- That in the Martyā Which is Amṛta : a Dialog with Ramchandra Gandhi
- Engaging Engagements with Engaging Buddhism
- Sellarsian Buddhism Comments on Jay Garfield, Engaging Buddhism: Why It Matters to Philosophy
- ‘Philosophy in India’ or ‘Indian Philosophy’: Some Post-Colonial Questions
- Contemporary Indian Philosophy: Why It Is Worth Taking Up the Challenge
- Exploring the Buddhist Middle Way from a Middle Ground: In Memoriam Steven Collins
- Buddhism as Reductionism: Personal Identity and Ethics in Parfitian Readings of Buddhist Philosophy; from Steven Collins to the Present
- Humus and Sky Gods: Partnership and Post/Humans in Genesis 2 and the Chthulucene
- God’s Necessity on Anselmian Theistic Genuine Modal Realism
- Collins and Parfit Three Decades On
- Sameness and Difference in the Piety of Thought
- Faith, Belief, and Will: Toward a Volitional Stance Theory of Faith
- Religious Commitment and the Benefits of Cognitive Diversity: a Reply to Trakakis
- Straight out of Durkheim? Haidt’s Neo-Durkheimian Account of Religion and the Cognitive Science of Religion
- Review of Jim Kanaris, Ed., Reconfigurations of Philosophy of Religion: A Possible Future
- The Undeniable Reality of Evil: a Response to W.J. Mander
- The Realism and Evolutionary Personalism of N.O. Lossky
- Review of Paolo Diego Bubbio, God and the Self in Hegel: Beyond Subjectivism
- Powers and the Pantheistic Problem of Unity
- Language and Extra-linguistic Reality in Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya
- The Question of Human Animality in Heidegger
- Animal Justice and Moral Mendacity
- A Case of Relational Autonomy in the Mahābhārata : the Story of Pūjanī
- Animal Ethics
- Special Issue on Animals and Philosophy
- Skeptical Theism and Morriston’s Humean Argument from Evil
- God, Incarnation in the Feminine, and the Third Presence
- Moral Agency and the Paradox of Self-Interested Concern for the Future in Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya
- Animal ethics and Hinduism’s milking, mothering legends: analysing Krishna the butter thief and the Ocean of Milk
- The Tyranny of Taxonomy Sexuality and Anomaly
- Loving Yourself as Your Neighbor: a Critique and Some Friendly Suggestions for Eleonore Stump’s Neo-Thomistic Account of Love
- Review of Yujin Nagasawa, Maximal God: A New Defence of Perfect Being Theism
- Weber and Coyote: Polytheism as a Practical Attitude
- Divine Command Theory and Horrendous Deeds: a Reply to Wielenberg
- Animals with Soul
- Religious Diversity and Conceptual Schemes: Critically Appraising Internalist Pluralism
- How Not to Lie About God: a Review of Elliot Wolfson’s Giving Beyond the Gift : Apophasis an Overcoming Theomania
- Religious Pluralisms: From Homogenization to Radicality
- Aristotelian Diagrams in the Debate on Future Contingents
- In Communion with God’s Sparrow: Incorporating Animal Agency into the Environmental Vision of Laudato Sí
- Review of William Desmond, The Intimate Universal: The Hidden Porosity among Religion, Art, Philosophy and Politics
- Review of Richard Dawkins, Science In The Soul: Selected Writings Of A Passionate Rationalist
- Robotic Bodies and the Kairos of Humanoid Theologies
- Heidegger’s Argument for the Existence of God?
- Gifts without Givers: Secular Spirituality and Metaphorical Cognition
- An All Too Radical Solution to the Problem of Evil: a Reply to Harrison
- Karmic Imprints, Exclusion, and the Creation of the Worlds of Conventional Experience in Dharmakīrti’s Thought
- The World as a Theophany and Causality: Ibn ʿArabī, Causes and Freedom
- Animality in Lacan and Derrida: the Deconstruction of the Other
- Foreknowledge Without Determinism
- Review of Susanne Claxton, Heidegger’s Gods: An Ecofeminist Perspective
- In Defence of the Epistemological Objection to Divine Command Theory
- Eternal, Transcendent, and Divine: Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Youth
- A Nirvana that Is Burning in Hell: Pain and Flourishing in Mahayana Buddhist Moral Thought
- God’s Purpose for the Universe and the Problem of Animal Suffering
- Logic and Philosophy of Religion
- Pamela Sue Anderson (1955–2017) in Memoriam
- Divine Simplicity, Aseity, and Sovereignty
- Markus Gabriel Against the World
- The Flexible Rule of the Hermeneut
- Perfecting the Self: From the Moral Sense to Conscience
- Dislocating the Eschaton? Appraising Realized Eschatology
- Second Order Repentance: Official
- Booknote on Johann August Eberhard and Immanuel Kant, Preparation for Natural Theology : with Kant ’ s notes and the Danzig Rational Theology Transcript , Ed. & Trans. Courtney D. Fugate & John Hymers
- Loke on the Infinite God Objection
- God’s Love is Irrelevant to the Euthyphro Problem
- The Vagueness of the Muse—The Logic of Peirce’s Humble Argument for the Reality of God
- The Logical Problem of the Trinity and the Strong Theory of Relative Identity
- Theorizing Nationalism: a Buddhist Perspective
- Against Animal Liberation? Peter Singer and His Critics
- Freedom and Servitude in Heidegger’s Dasein and Luther’s Christian
- Moral Transformation and Duties of Beneficence
- Thomas Aquinas on Logic, Being, and Power, and Contemporary Problems for Divine Omnipotence
- The Problem with the Satan Hypothesis: Natural Evil and Fallen Angel Theodicies
- On the Concept of Theodicy
- An Introduction to the Daśaślokī of Śaṃkara and Its Commentary Siddhāntabindu by Madhusūdana Sarasvatī
- Blaming the Buddha: Buddhism and Moral Responsibility
- Jacob’s Ladder: Logics of Magic, Metaphor and Metaphysics
- Call or Question: a Rehabilitation of Conscience as Dialogical
- Why Organ Conscription Should Be off the Table: Extrapolation from Heidegger’s Being and Time
- Review of Keith Ward, Christ and the Cosmos: A Reformulation of Trinitarian Doctrine Cambridge University Press, 2015, ISBN:978-1107531819, pb, xvii+271pp
- A Radical Solution to the Problem of Evil
- Review of Rupert Shortt, God Is No Thing: Coherent Christianity
- From Yogācāra to Philosophical Tantra in Kashmir and Tibet
- Xiong Shili and the New Treatise: A review discussion of Xiong Shili , New Treatise on the Uniqueness of Consciousness, an annotated translation by John Makeham
- Skeptical Theism Remains Refuted: a Reply to Perrine
- Misunderstanding the Talk(s) of the Divine: Theodicy in the Wittgensteinian Tradition
- The End of Eternity
- Doubting Thomists and Intelligent Design
- Response to John Makeham on Xiong Shili
- The Problem of Grounding: Schelling on the Metaphysics of Evil
- The Binding of Abraham: Levinas’s Moment in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling
- Hermeneutic Perspectives on Ontology, After Metaphysics has Been Overcome: From Levinas to Merleau-Ponty
- The Affective Subject: Emmanuel Levinas and Michel Henry on the Role of Affect in the Constitution of Subjectivity
- Review of Shé Hawke, Aquamorphia: falling for water
- A Poetics of Parable and the ‘Basileic Reduction’: Ricoeurean Reflections on Kevin Hart’s Kingdoms of God
- On the Non-worshipping Character of the Akan of Africa
- Philosophy and Religious Commitment
- Xiong Shili on Why Reality Cannot be Sought Independent of Phenomena
- The Unreality of Evil
- Spirit
- Concretion and the Concrete: a Response to My Critics
- Questions from the Borders: a Response to Kevin Hart’s Kingdoms of God
- Editorial Introduction to Special Issue on Kevin Hart
- Does a Delayed Origin for Biological Life Count as Evidence Against the Existence of God?
- Review of J. Aaron Simmons and Bruce Ellis Benson, The New Phenomenology : A Philosophical Introduction
- Review of Peter Chong-Beng Gan, Dialectics and the Sublime in Underhill’s Mysticism
- The Kingdom of Heaven as Endless Hermeneutic: A Phenomenology of the Way
- Cheaper than a Corvette: The Relevance of Phenomenology for Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
- Between a Saint and a Phenomenologist: Hart’s Theological Criticism of Marion
- Review of A. A. Long, Greek Models of Mind and Self
- Do Religious Beliefs Have a Place within an ‘Epistemically Naturalized’ Cognitive System?
- Divine Hiddenness, Greater Goods, and Accommodation
- Free Will Theodicies for Theological Determinists
- The Open Future Square of Opposition: a Defense