- Review of: Teresa Obolevitch, Semen Frank v evropeiskoi i emigrantskoi kulture [Semyon Frank in European and Émigré Culture], Zielona Góra, University of Zielona Góra Press, 2023, 530 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 978-83-7842-515-1, € 9.19
- Review of: Emily Wang, Pushkin, the Decembrists, and Civic Sentimentalism, Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2023, 224 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 9780299345808, $99.95
- Correction to: At the crossroads: Patočka and Althusser on the idea of modern science
- The split subject of ‘Russian’ history in A Disgraceful Affair – Skverny Anekdot
- The anthropological (humanist) tendency within Marxist philosophy in Poland
- The History and Future of Theocracy by Vladimir Solovyov: sources, editions, and the manuscript
- Józef Tischner’s early thought as phenomenological axiology
- Celebrating scholarly excellence: insights from leading scholars
- Philosophy as novelistic fiction in the work of two old friends: Mikhail Epstein and Vladimir Sharov
- Lev Karsavin’s Dostoevsky
- Review of: N. V. Motroshilova, Ranniaia filosofiia Ėdmunda Gusserlia (Galle, 1887-1901), Moskva: Progress-Traditsiia, 2018, 624 pages. Paperback, ISBN 978-5-89826-509-9, 300
- Conservatism and illiberalism in contradistinction
- Conservatism and the dialectic of ideology
- “Between continuity and discontinuity.” On the question of how to approach Patočka’s philosophy and its historical transformations
- Turkish literary journal HECE commemorates the 200th anniversary of Dostoevsky’s birth
- Review of: Petar Bojanič (ed.), Etika voiny v stranakh pravoslavnoi kul’tury [Ethics of War in Countries of Orthodox Culture], St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal’, 2022, ISBN 978-5-93615-320-4 311 pages, 618 rubles
- Neopatristics for the twenty-first century: neglected and new perspectives
- The Tyumen ethical and philosophical tradition: events and ideas
- Review of: Mikhail Blumenkranz (Ed.), Second Navigation, Sandermoen Publishing, Switzerland, 2024, 308 pages, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-03974-35-2, 25 Euro; E-book ISBN 978-3-03974-037-6, 10 Euros
- Review of: Julie A. Cassiday, Russian Style: Performing Gender, Power, and Putinism, University of Wisconsin Press, 2023, 326 pages, Hardback ISBN 978-0-299-32670-6, $79.95
- Luigi Lugiato’s “Madmen, deranged, criminals”: Dostoevsky and Italian psychiatry after Cesare Lombroso
- Influence of personalism on Latvian theory up to the early twentieth century: substantiality and panentheism
- At the crossroads: Patočka and Althusser on the idea of modern science
- Two Solovyovs: uncle and nephew
- Westalgia as the infantilization of the East: narrating communist childhood in post-1989 Romania and the administration of the recent past
- Dostoevsky studies in China from the perspective of big data analysis
- Marian Zdziechowski and Leo Tolstoy: on true Christianity and Polish patriotism
- Independence of thought and national sentiment in the Russian Religious Renaissance
- The Slovak ethos of plebeian resistance and the First World War
- Review of: Marcus Plested, Wisdom in Christian Tradition: The Patristic Roots of Modern Russian Sophiology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, xiv + 274 pages, ISBN 9780191954153, $100
- How ideas connect to the world
- 100 years of Evald Ilyenkov
- Review of: Grzegorz Przebinda, From Chaadayev to Solovyov: Russian modern thinkers between East and West. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang, 2022. 482 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 9783631887615, US$ 90.99; eBook: ISBN (PDF) 9783631889367, ISBN (ePUB) 9783631889961, US$ 93.99
- Is Law Possible?
- Syntax and temporality in the photographic thinking of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Bruno Schulz
- Development or self-destruction? Evald Ilyenkov vs. Slavoj Žižek on the problem of radical negativity
- Georges Florovsky: Letter to Davis McCaughey
- Georges Florovsky on nuclear restraint and responsibility: introduction to Florovsky’s letter
- Russian pseudo-conservatism in an international context
- Review of: Pavel Khazanov, The Russia That We Have Lost, University of Wisconsin Press, 2023, 191 pages, Hardcover ISBN:9780299345105, $89.95
- Review of Tatiana Schedrina (ed.), Nikolai Berdyaev, Epistolyarniy Razgovor. Archivniye Materialy, Moscow, Rosspen, 2023, 303 pages, Hardcover, ISBN 978-5-8243-2553-9, 750
- The role of gossip and money in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Insulted and Injured, The Idiot and Evdokiia Rostopchina’s “Rank and Money” («Chiny i Den’gi» (1838))
- Searching for the Fundamental Book of Buddhism in the Czech Lands and Slovakia
- “Well, go, love Ivan!”: Ivan Karamazov unveiled and the “Pro and Contra” debate revisited
- Panspermia and the Golden Age in The Brothers Karamazov: Reading Beyond the Religious Paradigm
- The phenomenology of human existence movement: worldliness, transcendence, and responsibility
- Roman Witold Ingarden’s discussions on artistic style: A contribution
- Revolt against modernity?
- The finite subject and reflection in Jan Patočka
- Review of: Jan Svoboda and Aleš Prázný (eds), Recalling Masaryk’s The Czech Question. Humanity and Politics on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century, Leiden Brill, 2023. Hardcover ISBN: 978-90-04-53490-2, € 149,00; E-book ISBN: 978-90-04-53491-9, € 149,00
- Observing logics: revisiting reason in The Brothers Karamazov
- On the legitimacy of conservative ideology
- Evald Ilyenkov and the enactive approach
- A fallible narrator and an inscrutable object: desire as structure in Dostoevsky’s The Eternal Husband
- Bergson’s Fundamental Intuition
- Zdziechowski, Masaryk and Russian philosophy
- The generation and suspension of meaning in Dostoevsky’s Demons
- Zdziechowski’s distinctiveness: on the distinctive differences between Marian Zdziechowski’s thought and the Russian Renaissance
- Czechoslovak praxeology—a discipline that did not exist?
- Interview with Keti Chukhrov
- The problem of subjectivity in the works of Evald Ilyenkov and Slavoj Žižek
- Towards understanding the nature of theology in the thought of Frs. S. N. Bulgakov, G. V. Florovsky and the Venerable Sophrony Sakharov
- Review of: Jonas Vanbrabant (ed.), Philosophers on the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, Germany, Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2023, 123 pages, ISBN 978-3-95948-602-6, € 18,00
- Ivan Ilyin: fascist or ideologue of the White Movement utopia?
- Religion in Alexandre Kojève’s atheistic philosophy of science
- “The Polish question” in the correspondence of Prince Evgenii Nikolaevitch Troubetzkoy and Marian Zdziechowski
- Fighting for philosophy in the Marxian sense: introduction to Evald Ilyenkov’s “On the state of philosophy [letter to the Central Committee of the Party]
- The dual meaning of ‘empiriomonism’ in the work of Alexander Bogdanov
- Review of: Maksim Hanukai, Tragic Encounters: Pushkin and European Romanticism, Madison Wisconsin, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2023, 266 pages, cloth, ISBN 978-0-299-34140-4, $89.95
- Ukraine, language policies and liberalism: a mixed second act
- Ilyenkov’s cry from the heart: dialectics and the critique of positivism
- Evald Ilyenkov and the imperialist unconscious in Soviet philosophy
- Evald Ilyenkov’s legacy in Ukraine
- Materialism and legal challenges in Albania’s proletariat dictatorship: a critical examination
- The Different Senses of the Word Intuition
- Moral philosophy in the USSR: key trends of change
- Ilyenkov and Vygotsky on imagination
- Evald Ilyenkov: “On the State of Philosophy [Letter to the Central Committee of the Party]”
- Review of: Nikolaj Plotnikov (ed.), Pered litsom katastrofy [In the Face of Catastrophe], LIT Verlag, Münster, 2023, ISBN 978-3-643-15317-3 (br.), ISBN 978-3-643-35317-7 (PDF), ISBN 978-3-643-15333-3 (OA), 180 pages, € 24.90
- Analytic patristics
- Pessimism, Schopenhauer, and Schopenhauerianism in nineteenth century Romania. The case of the poet Mihai Eminescu
- Introduction to Evald Ilyenkov, “Notes on Wagner”
- Marian Zdziechowski’s work On Cruelty (1928–1938). Between past and present
- Translation of Evald Ilyenkov, “Notes on Wagner”
- The theological program of Fr. Georges Florovsky from the Russian perspective
- Two types of Orthodox theological personalism: Vasily Zenkovsky and Vladimir Lossky
- Science and ideology in the Soviet capital discourse of religious studies: dichotomous analysis
- Review of: John Garrard and Carol Garrard, Russian Orthodoxy Resurgent, Princeton University Press, 2008, 326 pages, Paperback ISBN 978069125732, £28.00
- Correction to: From fertile hostility to stale benevolence
- Alexander Scriabin as a Russian Cosmist
- The significance of the relation of the logical and the historical in Ilyenkov’s approach to dialectics
- Review of: David Bakhurst, The Heart of the Matter: Ilyenkov, Vygotsky and the Courage of Thought, Leiden, Brill, 2023, 402 pp., ISBN: 1570-1522, ISBN: 978-90-04-32243-1 (hardback), ISBN: 978-90-04-54425-3 (e-book), $180.82 (hardcover)
- Correction to: Existentialism, existentialists, and Marxism: From critique to integration within the philosophical establishment in Socialist Romania
- Russian philosophy and the question of its exceptional nature
- Nikolai Lossky, Dimitar Mihalchev, and Rehmkeanism
- Contemplating the legacy of Russian thought amidst tragedy: an introduction to The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought book symposium
- Wholeness and totalitarianism
- Correction to: Encounters: East/West dialogs on existence
- Rethinking The Philosophers’ Steamboat: the tragedy of Sergei Bulgakov
- Review of Natasha Grigorian, Visions of the Future: Malthusian Thought Experiments in Russian Literature (1840–1960), Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2023, 134 pages, Hardback: ISBN 979-8-887190-55-6, $129.00
- Georges Florovsky and St. Justin Popović: brothers in arms for the Neopatristic synthesis
- Vratislav Effenberger’s conception of the role of imagination in ideological thought
- Nicholas Afanasiev and his neo-patristic approach
- Bulgakov’s sophiology and the neopatristic synthesis
- Politics, power, and bureaucracy through the lens of the conceptological approach: reflections on Viktor P. Makarenko, Sobranie sochineniy v 5 tomakh [Collected Works in 5 vols.]. Rostov-na-Donu; Taganrog: Izdatel’stvo Yuzhnogo Federal’nogo Universiteta, 2021
- De-imperializing Joseph Brodsky: “On the independence of Ukraine” and other poems
- On creative freedom and the souls’ fabrication
- Review of Teresa Obolevich, The eastern Christian tradition in modern Russian thought and beyond, Leiden, Brill, 2022, Hardcover ISBN 978-90-04-52181-0, € 119.00
- Natalie Duddington and perceptual knowledge of other minds
- “Time is our litmus test”: the philosophical world of Valentin Asmus
- False contradiction: a critique of Immanuel Kant’s transcendental dialectic in the Kantian thought of Valentin Asmus
- Mikhail Bakhtin and Lev Shestov on Dostoevsky: the unfinalized dialogue
- Review of: D. N. Drozdova, O. L. Granovskaia, and A. M. Rutkevich, eds., Perekrestki kul’tur: Aleksandr Koire, Aleksandr Kozhev, Isaiia Berlin [Crossroads of cultures: Alexandre Koyré, Alexandre Kojève, Isaiah Berlin], ROSSPEN, 2021, ISBN 978-5-8243-2425-9, 558 pages, 396 rubles
- The ideas of the Scottish Enlightenment in Russia: Adam Smith and Semyon Efimovich Desnitskii on the philosophy of history
- Robert Saudek’s graphology in the light of Fritz Mauthner’s critique of language
- Towards the future of Orthodox theology: Bulgakov and cyborg enhancement technology
- Review of Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, and Irina Wutsdorff (eds.), Central and Eastern European Literary Theory and the West, Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, 2023, 961 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-110-37872-6, E-book: ISBN 978-3-110-40030-4, € 129,95
- The concept of creativity in Georges Florovsky’s thought
- Introduction to Alexandre Kojève’s “Moscow, August 1957”
- Review of K. M. Antonov, G. E. Alyaev, F. Bubbayer et al., The Correspondence Between S. L. Frank and L. Binswanger (1934–1950), Moscow, St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological University for the Humanities Press, 2021, 960 pages. (In Russ.). Paperback: ISBN 978-5-7429-1369-6, 720.00
- Review of: Joshua Zimmerman, Pilsudski: Founding Father of Modern Poland, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2022, 640 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 9780674984271, $39.95
- Valentin Asmus’s first book in émigré and in Soviet criticism in the 1920s
- The paradoxical anchoring of Kojève’s philosophizing in the tradition of Russian religious philosophy
- Alexandre Kojève and Russian philosophy
- Review of: Robert F. Slesinski, Liebestod: The Philosophy of Lev Karsavin, Fairfax, VA, Eastern Christian Publications, 2023, 180 pages, Paperback: ISBN 978-1-940219-68-4, $ 25.00
- Florovsky’s logical relativism: a philosophical and theological analysis
- Defining nothingness: Kazimir Malevich and religious renaissance
- Introduction to Alexandre Kojève, “On Creative Freedom and Souls’ Fabrication. Response to Professor N. A. Berdyaev.”
- From fertile hostility to stale benevolence
- Review of: John Chryssavgis and Brandon Gallaher (eds), The Living Christ: The Theological Legacy of Georges Florovsky, London, T&T Clark, 2021, pp. 494
- Correction to: Deciphering Soviet philosophical forewords: an attentive reading of V.F. Asmus
- Review of Teresa Obolevitch, The Eastern Christian Tradition in Modern Russian Thought and Beyond, Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2022, 220 pages, Hardback: ISBN 978-90-04-52181-0, € 119.00
- Review of: Nicolas Tertulian, Modernité et antihumanisme. Les combats philosophiques de Georg Lukács, Paris, Klincksieck, 2019, 368 p.
- Alexandre Kojève: revolution and terror
- Deciphering Soviet philosophical forewords: an attentive reading of V.F. Asmus
- Sergius Bulgakov and his “neo-patristic” lens
- Moscow: August, 1957
- Review of Ivan Landa, Joseph Grim Feinberg and Jan Mervart (eds.), Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete, London, Brill 2022, Hardcover: ISBN 978-90-04-50324-4, E-book: ISBN 978-90-04-50324-3, € 144.45
- The Name-glorifying projects of Alexei Losev and Pavel Florensky: A question of their historical interrelation
- On Soviet criticism of fascist interpretation of Hegel: the case of V. F. Asmus
- Review of Dimitar Mihalchev, Metafisika (Zapiski), Sofia, Paradigma, 2021, 251 pages, ISBN 978-954-326-450-6, 16 leva
- Review of: Jeremy Pilch, ‘Breathing the Spirit With Both Lungs’: Deification in the Work of Vladimir Solov’ev, Eastern Christian Studies 25, Leuven, Paris & Bristol, Peeters, 2018, 249 pages, ISBN 978-90-429-3425-2 (paperback), €88.25
- Saving philosopher Descartes: Valentin Asmus as a guardian of culture
- What is the truth of the ridiculous man? The question of the ‘difference’ in Dostoevsky’s dream
- David Riazanov and the Leninist stage of Soviet Marxism
- Alexandre Kojève’s photography: some reflections
- Valentin Asmus’s historico-philosophical articles in the journal “Pod znamenem marksizma”: between philosophy and ideology
- Review of: Inessa Medzhibovskaya, Tolstoy as Philosopher. Essential Short Writings: An Anthology (1835–1910), Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2022, 426 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-644-69401-5, €114,98, Kindle: €33,25
- Review of: Paul Valliere and Randall A. Poole (eds.), Law and the Christian Tradition in Modern Russia, London & New York, Routledge, 2022, 339 pages, ISBN 978-0-367-86131-5, ISBN: 978-1-032-05442-1 [paperback: to appear], ISBN 978-1-003-01709-7
- Nikolai I. Zhinkin: Form of mythical consciousness
- Nikolai Zhinkin on Cassirer’s theory of myth
- Two responses to the “Sophia Affair” and Bulgakov’s theology of authority
- Review of: Marco Filoni, L’azione politica del filosofo: La vita e il pensiero di Alexandre Kojève, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri editore, 2021, 346 pages, paperback ISBN 978-88-339-3790-8
- Hegel and the origins of Marxism—remarks on Russian and Chinese Marxism
- Stalin with Kant or Hegel?
- Thinking in circles: Kojève and Russian Hegelianism
- Review of: Thomas Nemeth, The Later Solov’ëv; Philosophy in Imperial Russia, Cham, Springer, 2019, 317 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-20610-9 (hardcover, $87.88), ISBN 978-3-030-20613-0 (paperback, $39.17), ISBN 978-3-030-20611-6 (eBook, €19.41)
- The beginnings of Czechoslovak Buddhism
- The post festum-rationality of history in Georg Lukács’ Ontology
- Aza A. Takho-Godi’s contribution to the history of ideas and concepts
- Some notes on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought
- Review of: Evert van der Zweerde, Russian Political Philosophy: Anarchy, Authority, Autocracy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022, 280 pages, Paperback ISBN 9781474460378, £85.00
- People are born to struggle: Vladimír Čermák’s vision of democracy
- Review of: Mikhail Epstein, The Phoenix of Philosophy; Russian Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991), New York &c, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 300 pages, ISBN 978-1-5013-1639-5, hardcover €147.42, paperback €52.78, kindle €23.39; and idem, Ideas Against Ideocracy; Non-Marxist Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991), New York &c, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022, 264 pages, ISBN 978-1-5013-5059-7, hardcover €134.38, paperback €43.16, kindle, €32.37
- A way out of hell: Dante and the philosophy of personal salvation in post-Soviet Russia
- Review of: Diana Gasparyan, The Philosophic Path of Merab Mamardashvili, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2021, 176 pages, Hardcover ISBN 978-9004465817, £95.91
- Review of Sofya Khagi, Pelevin and Unfreedom: Poetics, Politics, Metaphysics, Evanston, IL, Northwestern University Press, 2021. xi+284 pp. $39.95; £36.50. ISBN 978-0-81014-302-9
- Ota Weinberger’s conception of democracy: reconstructing an unexplored political theory
- Russia and power: unmasking the historical origins of the present crisis
- Review of Thomas Nemeth, Russian Neo-Kantianism. Emergence, Dissemination, and Dissolution, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2022, IX + 345 pages, Hardcover ISBN 9783110755350, € 113.95, Ebook ISBN 9783110755404, € 113.95
- The crossing of borders
- Review of: Fred Leplat and Chris Ford (Eds.), Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity, London, Resistance Books, 2022, 168 pp., ISBN 9780902869257 (print), 9780902869240 9 (e-book), £10
- Comments for the book symposium “The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought”
- 100 years GAKhN. Artistic research between art and science
- Review of: Berdnikova, Aleksandra Yurievna, Neoleibnitsianstvo v Rossii, Moskva, Institut filosofii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 2021, 248 pages, ISBN 978-5-9540-0358-1, 154
- Feminism as an antiwar strategy and practice: the case of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine
- Roundtable: Q&A discussion
- Failed human: on national guilt and its religious roots
- Existentialism, existentialists, and Marxism: From critique to integration within the philosophical establishment in Socialist Romania
- Phenomenology and existentialism in dialogue with Marxist humanism in Yugoslavia in the 1950s and 1960s
- Review of: Viera Pejchal, Hate Speech and Human Rights in Eastern Europe: Legislating for Divergent Values, London and New York: Routledge, 2020, 321 pages. Hardback ISBN 978-0-367-43784-8, $48.95
- Review of: Velykaia druzhba: Perepiska Zhaka i Raisy Mariten z N.A. Berdiaievym [Great Friendship: Correspondence between Jacques and Raisa Maritain with N.A. Berdyaev], redaktsiya i perevod Teresa Obolevitch, Bernard Marchadier, Zeliona Gura, Universytet Zielonogurskiy, 2022, 232 pp. ISBN 9788378424772
- Review of: Lyudmila Gogotishvili, Lestnitsa Iakova. Arhitektonika lingvofilosofskogo prostranstva [Jacob’s Ladder. Architectonics of Linguo-philosophical Space], Moscow, Publishing House Languages of Slavic cultures, 2021, 616 pages. Dust-cover, ISBN 978-5-907290-35-8, 10 € (936 )
- Encounters: East/West dialogs on existence
- Shame as Sensus Communis
- The topophrenic space and the double exile: Norman Manea
- Imperialism and nationalism
- A return of barbarism
- Impromptu reflections on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought, edited by Marina F. Bykova, Michael N. Forster, Lina Steiner
- Justice, power, and truth: Plato and twentieth-century biopower in Karl Popper and Jan Patočka
- Remarks on The Palgrave Handbook of Russian Thought and the woman question
- “The Collapse of Empires” in music of the twentieth century: France–Russia, Maurice Ravel–Igor Stravinsky
- Russian guilt and Russian irresponsibility
- Marxism and existentialism in state socialist Czechoslovakia
- Unbalanced exposure: existentialism, Marxism, and philosophical culture in state socialist Hungary
- Intellectuals in the face of the war: between anger and guilt
- Review of: Svetlana Klimova: Russian Intelligentsia in Search of an Identity (Between Dostoevsky’s Oppositions and Tolstoy’s Holism), Leiden, Brill, 2020, Hardcover, ISBN 978-90-04-44060-9, $ 82,80
- Review of: Tatyana Popova, Istoriografija, bioistoriopisanie, bitsillievedenie: teorija, metodologija, praktika [Tatyana Popova, Historiography, Biohistoriography, Bitsilli Studies: Theory, Methodology, Practice], Odessa, Bondarenko M.A., 2022, 472 pp., Hardcover: ISBN 978-617-8005-47-4, ₴ 300
- Review of: Igor Zahrebelny, Evropeiski Khroniky [European Chronicles], Kyiv: Melnyk M.Y., 2020, 128 pp., Paperback: ISBN 978-617-7838-13-4, 250,00 UAH
- Beyond the divide. Introducing the work of Aleksandr L’vovich Dobrokhotov
- Explaining Russia’s war against Ukraine: How can foreign policy analysis and political theory be helpful?
- Russia as a patient for negative psychoanalysis
- Correction to: On the distorted structure of Russian guilt
- Guilty of goodness? Or innocently good?
- Reception of Emil Lask’s philosophy in Russia
- Knowledge of art vs. artistic knowledge. II. The GAKhN “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology”
- Knowledge of art versus artistic knowledge. I. The GAKhN “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology” in the context of European intellectual history
- On the distorted structure of Russian guilt
- Introduction to the section on time
- After the Ball: Appraisals of Leo Tolstoy by the theorists at the State Academy for the Study of Arts and Mikhail Bakhtin in the year of “The Great Turn”
- Schizophrenic fascism: on Russia’s war in Ukraine
- What is to be done? In the age of ignorance
- Empty spaces: empire versus life
- Paradoxical Russian nationalism in the Soviet context: a contentious literary debate in 1969–1970
- Solovyov and Schelling: two voices of culture
- Review of: Kandinskii, Vasilii. O duhkovnom v iskusstve. (Polnoe kriticheskoe izdanie s dopolneniiami i drugimi tekstami o nauke ob iskusstve: v 2 tomah; sost., stat’i i komment. N.P. Podzemskaia). – Moskva: BuksMArt, 2020. ISBN 978-5-907043-58-9. 4910
- Review of: Aleksej Losev and Valentina Loseva, La gioia per l’eternità: Lettere dal gulag (1931–1933) (Radost’ na veki: Perepiska lagernykh vreimen [1931–1933]), trans. and ed. Giorgia Rimondi, postscript Elena Takho-Godi, Milano: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati, 2021, 276 pp. Hardcover: ISBN 978-8862508247, 19,00 €
- German idealism and the early philosophy of S. L. Frank
- Review of: N. Sazonov, A. Hennig (Eds.), Synthesis of Modernity: The Ruins of GAKhN and Postdisciplinarity, Moscow, Gaidar Institute Press, 2021, 312 pp. Hardcover: ISBN 978-5-93255-605-4, 407
- Soviet Spinoza: introduction
- Patriotism: from Twardowski to Bocheński
- Ethical concepts in Russian Marxism of the first quarter of the twentieth century: A. Bogdanov, L. Aksel’rod, A. Lunacharsky
- Review of: Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov, Die Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft (1906–1943): Idee – Institution – Kontext, Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Sonderheft 20, 2021. 389 pages. Paperback: ISBN 978-3-7873-3648-7, € 138,00; PDF: ISBN 978-3-7873-3649-4, € 104,99
- Review of: Alexander S. Tsygankov, Filosofskie smysly skazok A.S. Pushkina: genii evropeiskogo romantizma [Philosophical meanings of A. S. Pushkin’s fairytales: a genius of European Romanticism], Moscow, GAUGN-Press, 2020, 76 pages, Paperback: ISBN 978-5-6042181-4-3, 320 P
- Lyudmila Gogotishvili’s predicative concept and Russian young symbolism
- Review of: Gennadij Aljaev, Tereza Obolevitch, Tatjana Rezvykh, Aleksandr Tsygankov, S.L. Frank o F.M. Dostoevskom: novye materialy (S.L. Frank on F.M. Dostoevsky: new materials), Moscow, Institut filosofii RAN, 2021, 368 pp.
- Józef M. Bocheński. Two Anniversaries
- The reception of Hegel in Józef Gołuchowski’s thought
- Different faces of Byzantium
- Soviet cosmologies and ontologies (1950s–1980s)
- Modern Western philosophy and Ukrainian philosophical ideas in Eastern Galicia: the cases of Hankevych and Svientsits’kyi
- Review of: Robert F. Slesinski, The Philosophy of Semyon Frank: Human Meaning in the Godhead. Fairfax, VA: Eastern Christian Publications, 2020. 266 pages. Paperback: ISBN 978-1-940219-50-9, $ 25.00
- Marina G. Ogden, Lev Shestov’s Angel of Death: Memory, Trauma and Rebirth. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2021. 270 pp. + xix. Softcover: ISBN 9781800791121, US $67.95, eBook ISBN 9781800791145, US $67.95
- Review of Mikhail Sergeev, Alexander Chumakov, Mary Theis (eds): Russian Philosophy in the Twentieth-First Century: An Anthology, with a Foreword by Alyssa DeBlasio, Leiden & Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2020. XVIII, 426 pp. Hardcover: ISBN 978-90-04-36997-6; e-book: ISBN 978-90-04-43254-3
- The authority of the text in Svetlana Aleksievich’s Secondhand Time
- The productiveness of errors and the GAKhN’s encyclopedia of artistic concepts
- Spinoza in Late-Soviet philosophy
- Czechoslovak intellectual debate on the crisis of democracy in the 1930s
- V. Bibikhin’s practical phenomenology
- Spinoza, Marx, and Ilyenkov (who did not know Marx’s transcription of Spinoza)
- Political religion at the level of specific theoretical concepts: a theoretical case study of Stalin’s intensification of class struggle under socialism
- The Brothers Karamazov and the theology of suffering
- Vygotsky and Spinoza
- The Key Figures in the Field
- Editorial: Celebrating the centennial of the RAS Institute of Philosophy
- Dialectical logic or logical dialectics? The Polish discussion on the principle of non-contradiction (1946–1957)
- Józef M. Bocheński and the categorial reconstruction of concepts in the Lvov–Warsaw School
- The correspondence between Józef M. Bocheński (1902–1995) and Heinrich Scholz (1946–1954)
- Bocheński’s model of the development of logic
- Translation of Jan Patočka’s “Galileo Galilei and the end of the ancient cosmos”
- The relation of master and disciple against the background of Józef M. Bocheński’s logic of authority
- Is praise possible in modernist poetry? Mandelstam through the lens of Hannah Arendt
- Review of Julie Chajes, Recycled Lives: A History of Reincarnation in Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, xii + 215 p., Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-19-090913-0, £64
- The philosophy of time of Henri Bergson and Russian culture of the nineteenth–early twentieth centuries
- Patočka’s asubjective phenomenology as latent possibility of Husserl’s Logical Investigations
- Spinoza and Tolstoy in Valentin Asmus’ comparative analysis
- Anatoly Bakushinsky’s projects in art studies and knowledge production at the State Academy of Artistic Sciences
- On the materialist interpretation of the ideal by Evald Ilyenkov
- The rule of reality and the reality of the rule (on Soviet ideology and its “shift”)
- Problems of axiomatizing religion
- From groundlessness—to freedom: The theme of ‘awakening’ in the thought of Lev Shestov
- Pictorial meaning, language, tradition: notes on image semantic analyses by Kristóf Nyíri
- Guest editors’ introduction
- Philosophy in the Early St. Petersburg Theology Academy: toward the roots of classical Russian idealism
- Time as image of eternity: A.F. Losev’s criticism of subjectivist conceptions of time
- The post-Siege logotherapy of Tamara Gabbe
- Signs for a science: Aleksei Sidorov’s Choreology
- Marxism as Spinozism? One episode in the history of Soviet philosophy
- Correlation between the concepts of All-Unity and self-will: Vladimir Solovyov and Lev Shestov as philosophers of freedom
- Solidarity of the shaken: from the experience (Erlebnis) to history
- Review of Hila Naot, Raft on the Open Sea—Man and the World in Jan Patočka’s (1907–1977) Phenomenological Philosophy, (in Hebrew) Jerusalem: Carmel 2020, 536 pp. 107 shekels
- Beyond logic there is only nonsense
- Reformulation of knowledge: epistemological reading of Soviet Marxism in the post-Soviet times
- Against the self-sufficiency of reason. Concept of corporeity in Feuerbach and Patočka
- Galin Tihanov, The Birth and Death of Literary Theory: Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2019. 258 pages. $60. Hardcover ISBN: 9,780,804,785,228
- Review of Slobodanka M. Vladiv-Glover: Dostoevsky and the realists: Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy New York: Peter Lang, 2019, 215 pp, Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-4331-5223-8, USD $94.95
- Astronomers of the inward: on the histories and case histories of Alexander Luria and Oliver Sacks
- Postmodernist thought of the late Soviet period: three profiles
- Review of Martin Koci: Thinking faith after Christianity. A theological reading of Jan Patočka’s phenomenological philosophy . New York: SUNY Press, 301 pp. Hardcover: ISBN: 978-1-4384-7893-7, $95.00, paperback: ISBN: 978-1-4384-7892-0, $32.95
- Merab Mamardashvili, A Spy for an Unknown Country. Essays and Lectures by Merab Mamardashvili. Edited and translated by Julia Sushytska and Alisa Slaughter. Stuttgart and Hannover, Germany: Ibidem, 2020. 242 pages. Paperback: ISBN: 9783838214597, €34,90
- The social myth and human domination of nature in Georg Sorel and Stanisław Brzozowski
- Interpretations of Spinoza in early Russian Marxism
- The influence of Friedrich Engels on Alexander Bogdanov’s Basic Elements of the Historical View of Nature
- The hidden teacher: on Patočka’s impact on today’s Czech philosophy
- The Allure and impossibility of an algorithmic future: a lesson from Patočka’s supercivilisation
- Karel Sládek, Nikolay Lossky and the Case for Mystical Intuition
- James D. White: Marx and Russia: The Fate of a Doctrine London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 240 pp, ISBN-10: 1474224067; ISBN-13: 978-1474224062 (paperback)
- Yuly Aykhenvald: in search of aesthetic and historiosophical harmony
- «Snovidets Mnemoziny»: dreaming of Mnemosyne: Evgeny Boratynsky’s poetry in Vyacheslav Ivanov’s aesthetics
- The Woman Thinker
- The writing of Cosmist philosophers Alexander N. Gorsky, Nikolai A. Setnitsky and Valeryan N. Muravyov as a synthesis of literature and philosophy
- The interactions between literature and philosophy: a view from Russia
- From Realism to Symbolism: writing on transitional period. Review of: Elena A. Takho-Godi (ed.), Predsimvolizm: liki i otrazheniia [ Pre-Symbolism faces and facets ] Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2020, 542 pages, 1028 ₽, ISBN: 978-5-9208-0607-9
- Review of Caryl Emerson, George Pattison and Randall A. Poole (eds.): The Oxford handbook of Russian religious thought . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Xxviii + 712 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-0-19-879644-2, £110.00
- Review of: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, Tolstoy’s Political Thought; Christian Anarcho – Pacifist Iconoclasm Then and Now
- Review of: Olga Zhukova, An essay on Russian culture: philosophy of history, literature and art. Moscow: “Soglasie” Publisher house, 2019. 588 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-5-907038-50-9, € 17
- “If there is a God, then anything is permitted” (Dostoevsky’s meta-theme in Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic interpretation)
- Epoché and institution: the fundamental tension in Jan Patočka’s phenomenology
- Alexander Bogdanov’s holistic world picture: a materialist mirror image of idealism
- Knowledge and morality in Kundera’s novel The Farewell Waltz
- Time category in Anton Chekhov’s deep poetics
- Patočka and the metaphysics of sacrifice
- Lev Shestov and Ivan Bunin: existential insight into Russian literature
- Nikolai Klyuev’s early works as the poetry of “social Christianity”
- Russian Ontologism: An Overview
- The system of Faustian meanings in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Oeuvre
- Correction to: The two-fold image and philosophy of personality in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky
- The philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov as the subject matter of Yuri Govorukha-Otrok’s literary criticism
- The concept of universality in Oleg Drobnitskii’s moral philosophy
- Imago Dei as a critique of capitalism and Marxism in Nikolai Berdyaev
- Aleksey Khomyakov’s unknown essay on the Austrian Slavs (1845) and his poetry: the interplay of historiosophical ideas and poetic prophetism
- Ontologism in Soviet Philosophy: Some Remarks
- Antinomism in Twentieth-Century Russian Philosophy: The Case of Pavel Florensky
- Images and symbols of ancient civilizations in the works of Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Alexander Chayanov in the context of the literary and philosophical process of the late nineteenth–early twentieth centuries
- The irrationality of labour in Stanisław Brzozowski’s philosophy of “labour”
- The two-fold image and philosophy of personality in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky
- Music as a subject of discussion in A.F. Losev’s philosophical prose
- Ontologism in Semyon Frank
- The human being in the context of contemporary cognitive studies and the Russian tradition
- ‘The Russian Silver Age’: invention or intention? Review of Vyacheslav P. Shestakov: Russkii Serebrjanyi vek: zapozdavshii renessans [The Russian Silver Age: The belated Renaissance] St. Petersburg, Aleteia, 2017, 218 pp, ISBN: 978-5-906980-06-9
- Visualizing thought at work. Review of Alyssa DeBlasio: The Filmmaker’s philosopher – Merab Mamardashvili and Russian cinema
- Ecumene of the Logos : Theoretical Affinities Between Italian and Russian Ontologism
- Lev Shestov and the ‘Paris Note’
- Rethinking war history: the evolution of representations of Stalin and his policies during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 in Soviet and Russian History Textbooks
- Ontologism in the Theoretical Philosophy of Nikolai Bukharin
- Gustav Shpet’s Transcendental Turn
- Philosophical foundations of Acmeism: Nikolay Gumilyov, Osip Mandelstam, and the figure of Adam
- Jeff Love: the black circle: a life of Alexandre Kojève
- Anton Yasnitsky and René van der Veer (eds.): Revisionist revolution in Vygotsky studies
- Rosa Luxemburg on revolutionary violence
- The formation of Soviet cultural theory of music (1917–1948)
- Review of Teresa Obolevitch: Faith and Science in Russian Religious Thought
- T. G. Masaryk’s The Spirit of Russia: between Positivism, Axiology and Orientalism
- M. M. Bakhtin and the German proto-Romantic tradition
- Slovak Marxist–Leninist philosophy on work: experience of the second half of the twentieth century
- Ordinary life and the tragedy of solidarity
- Review of: Riccardo Mario Cucciolla (ed.): Dimensions and challenges of Russian liberalism. Historical drama and new prospects
- Tischner as a metapolitician
- Nikolai S. Plotnikov and Nadezhda P. Podzemskaia (eds.): Iskusstvo kak iazyk – iazyki iskusstva . Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2017. ISBN 978-5-4448-0664-7 (т. I); ISBN 978-5-4448-0665-4 (т. II)
- Józef Tischner’s interpretation and praxis of phenomenology in the context of Polish society under communist regime
- Philosophy, history, and the social commitment
- Chance as an existential reality: on one of the most fundamental categories in Alexander Herzen’s thought
- Contemporary ‘people from hideouts’ and the problem of the lack of social involvement
- An outline of the natural-historical epistemology of Merab Mamardashvili and the possibility of its phenomenological interpretation
- Merab Mamardashvili and his philosophical calling
- Impossible possibility: event as a real condition of the transcendental in the philosophy of Merab Mamardashvili
- German philosophy in Vilnius in the years 1803–1832 and the origins of Polish Romanticism
- Guest editor’s preface
- The art of ethics as the art of wise life in the concept of Józef Tischner
- Józef Tischner’s epistemology of “political reason” and the “ethics of truth”
- From structuralism to Marxism (and Back?): Jan Mukařovský 1945–1963
- “Interest in the service of that which is disinterested.” Józef Tischner’s anthropologico-ethical project of work
- Young Merab Mamardashvili, his Department and his friends: making of a philosopher
- Merab Mamardashvili and Immanuel Kant: a dialogue on transcendental consciousness and moral responsibility
- Thinking eternally and continuously. The Russian experience of Mamardashvili
- The transcendental dimension of consciousness in Merab Mamardashvili’s philosophy
- Merab Mamardashvili: the concept of event and the post-secular situation of the twentieth century
- Mamardashvili on film: cinema as a metaphor for consciousness
- Revivifying socialist realism: Lukács’s Solschenizyn
- A comparison of the German and Russian literary intelligentsia in Arnold Hauser’s Social History of Art
- God and Cogito : Semen Frank on the ontological argument
- Lenin without dogmatism
- Note from the Editor in Chief
- ‘Strike out, right and left!’: a conceptual-historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation
- Literature and the revolution.
- Revolutionen und Bohème. 1917–1918
- Die Vorahnung der Revolution in den Werken russischer Schriftsteller
- Theurgy revisited, or the harmony of cultural spheres
- A revolutionary as a “beautiful soul”: Lev Tolstoy’s path to ethical anarchism
- The Russian revolution reconsidered
- Alexandre Kojève and philosophical Stalinism
- The ethical catastrophe of contemporary Russia and its foresights in Russian thought
- The prohibited Nietzsche: anti-Nitzscheanism in Soviet Russia
- Der Streit der russischen Marxisten um Kants Ethik
- Lenin and the crisis of Russian Marxism
- Lenin on democratic theory
- The ABC of communism revisited
- Culture as permanent revolution: Lev Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution
- Fidelity to the Event? Lukács’ History and Class Consciousness and the Russian Revolution
- Rosa Luxemburg, “The Russian Revolution”
- The Communist Manifestoes: media of Marxism and Bolshevik contagion in America
- The tasks of our times: Kautsky’s Road to Power in Germany and Russia
- On Lenin’s Materialism and empiriocriticism
- Revolutionology: an introduction
- Correction to: The wound which will not close: Jan Patočka’s philosophy and the conditions of politicization
- Gorky’s return and the energetics of Soviet socialism
- The experience of oppression and the price of nonconformity: a brief biography of Adam Podgórecki
- Smuta: cyclical visions of history in contemporary Russian thought and the question of hegemony
- Ilyenkov and language
- Fyodor Dostoevsky and the contronym that was the Russian revolution
- Alexander Kojève: from revolution to empire
- Max Weber and Peter Struve on the Russian Revolution
- What the Russian symbolists heard in the “music of revolution”: philosophical implications
- Philipp Frank on relativity in science and morality
- Simplicity and scientific progress in the philosophy of Philipp Frank
- Pragmatic engagements: Philipp Frank and James Bryant Conant on science, education, and democracy
- Philipp Frank and the Wiener Kreis: from Vienna to Exile in the USA
- Editorial introduction: Philipp Frank, a physicist-turned-philosopher
- Philipp Frank’s decline and the crisis of logical empiricism
- Shades of grey in Russian pre-Soviet geopolitical traditions
- Philosophical aspects of urban strangeness: the case of Vilnius
- Images of Vilnius in the context of philosophy, sociology and mediology
- Logic at Old Vilnius University: an example of the integrative coexistence of different intellectual discourses
- Cultural and religious dimensions of the sacred and profane ambivalence: the Vilnius case
- Introduction: “Vilnius variations”
- The wound which will not close: Jan Patočka’s philosophy and the conditions of politicization
- Eugen Enyvvari’s road to Göttingen and back: A case study in the Transleithanian participation in early phenomenology (with an appendix of Edmund Husserl’s two unpublished letters to Enyvvari)
- Nikolai Lossky and Henri Bergson
- Early phenomenology in Poland (1895–1945): origins, development, and breakdown
- “Henri Bergson, Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion , Félix Alcan, Paris, 1932 (346 pp)”
- The defects of Bergson’s epistemology and their consequences on his metaphysics
- Czechoslovak Marxist humanism and the revolution
- “Are we still behaving as revolutionaries?”: Radovan Richta, theory of revolution and dilemmas of reform communism in Czechoslovakia
- Editor’s preface
- An involuntary phenomenologist. The case of Alexandru Dragomir
- An interview with Dmitri Gutov
- Mikhail Lifshits’ logomythy: “the art of discrimination”
- Lifshits’ ontognoseology as a version of Lenin’s theory of reflection
- Mikhail Lifshits: an enigmatic Marxist
- Hegel’s spirit, Marxist aesthetics and Stalinist restoration: the tragic philosophy of history of Mikhail Lifshits
- Mikhail Lifshits and the fate of Hegelianism in the 20th century
- Lifshits and Ilyenkov on the nature of the ideal
- Mikhail Lifshits and the Soviet image of Giambattista Vico
- The aesthetic realism of Mikhail Lifshits: art, history and the communist ideal
- Interview with Sergey Horujy