- A common measure: Hobbes on the epistemic functions of public reason
- Collective epistemic vices in Blaise Pascal’s Provinciales
- The primacy of the practical: Russell Ford’s Experience and Empiricism: Hegel, Hume, and the Early Deleuze
- A (new) defense of self‐forgiveness
- Rousseau’s case for democracy
- Locke and Leibniz on epistemic autonomy
- Derrida and Kant’s staging of capital punishment
- Spinoza’s authentic solitude
- Process and individuation (on speculative realism and becoming)
- Shepherd’s social epistemology: A nonreductive theory of testimony and the question of epistemic autonomy
- Respublica Noumenon: Kant, Rousseau, and Plato’s Republic
- Adorno’s depth realism: A critical realist analysis of negative dialectics
- Aesthetic peerhood and the significance of aesthetic peer disagreement
- Kenelm Digby’s logic of common and natural notions
- Is it moral to punish a criminal both during his lifetime and posthumously
- The normative stakes of Foucault’s engagement with neoliberalism: Seduction, invention, and normalization
- The dark side of clarity
- The virtue of ignorance: How epistemic agency needs cognitive limitations
- On recognizing the real: Beauty and affliction in Simone Weil
- Preparing the particular: Kant on the imagination’s role in judgment
- Heidegger on the ontological significance of the principle of noncontradiction
- Response to Robert Bernasconi’s “Slavery absence from histories of moral and political philosophy”
- Slavery’s absence from histories of moral and political philosophy
- Kant, Silence and the Haitian Revolution
- On the idea of freedom in modern African political philosophy
- Thoughts on the structure of the history of Africana philosophy
- The Nietzschean Sellars: Remarks on the Nietzsche‐Sellars view of mind
- Focusing a history of modern philosophy course on freedom
- What is critical history of philosophy?
- The existence of the world as an irrational and “rational” fact
- The effort to be neutral
- The state of the question in early Heidegger studies
- Editor’s introduction
- Touching the wounds of colonial duration: Fanon’s anticolonial critical phenomenology
- Time as image of the manifold: Heidegger and the rules of synthesis
- Kant and Baumgarten on the duty of self‐love
- The young Leibniz’s tentative acceptance of physical occasionalism
- Kant’s mature account of monads as objects in the idea
- Clueless loneliness: Loneliness beyond frustrated pro‐attitudes
- Schopenhauer on the inconsistency between optimism and personal immortality
- The concept of unlivability: A reading of Frantz Fanon’s “The North African Syndrome” (1952)
- Two concepts of virtue: Rousseau on love of fatherland and love of humanity
- Conjectures on Kant and the Haitian Revolution
- Fanon’s approach to phenomenology and psychoanalysis
- Fanon, the body schema, and white solipsism
- Rewriting the flesh of the world for the new human: Merleau‐Ponty, Fanon, and Wynter on the ethics of futurity
- Political animality
- The role of experience in Hegel’s conception of the relation to nature
- Phenomenology and cognitive linguistics in dialogue: A review of Ortega y Gasset’s theory of emotive gesture as metaphor
- Microaggressions, attributional ambiguity, and signaling failures
- Merleau‐Ponty, Taylor, and the expressiveness of language
- Husserl and the normativity of logic
- The very possibility of contemplation: The dialectics of intellect and will in Schopenhauer’s aesthetics
- Why inconsistent intentional states underlie our grasp of objects
- Jorge Portilla on philosophy and agential liberation
- On neutral value and fitting indifference
- The wrong of refugee containment
- Heidegger’s fundamental ontology and the human good in Aristotelian ethics
- “The giving birth of a world”: Fanon, Husserl, and the imagination
- Fanon’s revolutionary murmurs: Toward a critical phenomenology of listening
- The social identity affordance view: A theory of social identities
- The relationship between self‐deception and other‐deception
- Kant on punishment and poverty
- Individual freedom against liberalism: Hegel’s nonliberal individualism
- Relational nonhuman personhood
- Sociality and the minimal self: On Dan Zahavi’s “group‐identification, collectivism, and perspectival autonomy”
- What about synesthesia? A phenomenological analysis of a perceptual phenomenon
- Authors, narrators, and autonomous agents: The art of relational autobiography
- Introduction to the special issue on relational autonomy and collective intentionality
- Group‐identification, collectivism, and perspectival autonomy
- Commentary on Catriona Mackenzie’s “Autonomous agency, we‐agency, and social oppression”
- The cosmological ideas in Kant’s critical philosophy: Their unique status and twofold regulative use
- Dialetheism in Deleuze’s event
- Dogmatism and perceptual justification: A reason‐theoretic foundation
- “An unreserved yea‐saying even to suffering”: A skeptical defense of Nietzschean life affirmation
- Esprit de Corps and thinking on (and with) your feet: Standard, enactive, and poststructuralist aspects of relational autonomy and collective intentionality in team sports
- Freedom and social practices
- Gertrud Kuznitzky and Edith Stein on (non)conceptual experience
- Expressing and receiving negative emotions: Comments on Myisha Cherry’s The Case for Rage
- Autonomous agency, we‐agency, and social oppression
- Analyzing the philosophy of travel with Schopenhauerian argument maps
- The nature and normativity of anger types: A response to critics
- Haters and egoists: quality of will and degrees of moral responsibility
- Rhemata
- Locke on the objective nature of miracles
- The rage we should have: Comments on Myisha Cherry’s The Case for Rage
- Raging better: Reflections on the Myisha Cherry’s The Case for Rage
- A Spinozist defense of trope theory
- The Empire of Women: Rousseau on Domination and Sexuality
- The norms of belief as the norms of commitment: A case for pluralism
- Is this “fascist” laughter? Notes on the ethics of humor
- Do you need to know in order to act? The case for a Suárezian legacy in early modern occasionalism
- The Kant and Race Debate: A Frederick Douglass Intervention
- A cosmopolitan instrumentalist theory of secession
- Learning to Live More Equitably
- Once More unto the Breach: Kant and Race
- The Comparative Achievement Explanation of Artistic Value
- Poverty as a Political Problem in Late Eighteenth‐Century Britain: Smith, Burke, Malthus
- Hegelian restorative justice
- Sophie de Grouchy on the Problem of Economic Inequality
- “Nature and Society Give Women a Great Habit of Suffering”: Germaine de Staël’s Feminism and Its Challenges
- Kant on Social Justice: Poverty, Dependence, and Depersonification
- Prejudice as Viciousness: Marie de Gournay and Anton Wilhelm Amo
- The Evental Conception of Love
- Competition and Justice in Adam Smith
- Do Me a Favor
- Suffering for Justice in Anne Conway and Maria W. Stewart
- Why Research and Teach Early Modern Women Philosophers?
- Kant on Why Criminal Offenders Must Be Punished
- Moral Responsibility is Not Proportionate to Causal Responsibility
- The Body Maledict: Understanding the Method of Standpoint Phenomenology Through the Work of Frantz Fanon
- Do Things “Hang Together”? Naturalism, Pluralism, and the World
- Republicanism as Critique of Liberalism
- Social Ontologies of Race and their Development
- The Wretched of Middle‐Earth: An Orkish Manifesto
- Introduction to Charles Mills’s “The Wretched of Middle‐Earth: An Orkish Manifesto”
- W. E. B. DuBois and the Evolution of the Race Idea
- The Procreation Asymmetry Destabilized: Analogs and Acting for People’s Sake
- What’s at Stake in the Race Debate?
- Why Social Constructionists Should Embrace Minimalist Race
- Immanence in Schelling and Hegel in the Jena Period
- On Equity and Inequity in Thomas Hobbes’s Dialogue
- Grief, Continuing Bonds, and Unreciprocated Love1
- Locke on Conditional Threats
- Can Conferralism Account for Systemic Racism?
- Memes, Misinformation, and Political Meaning
- Perceptual Content and the Unity of Perception
- An Impossible Awakening: Husserl and the Limits of Time‐Consciousness
- Griswold for Google: Algorithmic Determinism and Decisional Privacy
- A Friendly Critique of Levinasian Machine Ethics
- Why Are There Two Versions of Meno’s Paradox?
- Kant on Inclination and Reason
- Online Misinformation and “Phantom Patterns”: Epistemic Exploitation in the Era of Big Data
- Moral Status and Intelligent Robots
- Editor’s Introduction: Mary Beth Mader as Co‐Editor
- Heidegger’s Phenomenological Concept of Violence
- Reflective Judgment and Radical Evil in Kant’s Religion
- How to be a Universalist about Methods in African Philosophy
- Contributions to a Phenomenology of Historical Experience
- Are the Folk Functionalists About Time?
- Democracy and Epistemic Fairness: Testimonial Justice as a Founding Principle of Aggregative Democracy
- Defending the Decolonization Trope in Philosophy: A Reply to Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò
- Recognizing Ourselves in Others: A Reply to Bauer and Svolba in SJP 55.1
- Ideology Critique: A Deleuzian Case
- Environmental Ethics: The State of the Question
- Conversational Cooperation Revisited
- Death, Politics, and Heidegger’s Bremen Remarks
- Motion as an Accident of Matter: Margaret Cavendish and Thomas Hobbes on Motion and Rest
- Du Châtelet on Sufficient Reason and Empirical Explanation
- Loneliness, Love, and the Limits of Language
- The Gift of Time: The Question of the Death Penalty in Derrida
- Toward a Resolute Reading of Being and Time: Heidegger, Wittgenstein, and the Dilemma between Inconsistency and Ineffability
- Self‐Motion and Cognition: Plato’s Theory of the Soul
- Finitude and the Precritical Imagination: Heidegger’s Confrontation with Idealism in Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics and its Bearing on his Philosophy of Art
- Political Service through the Human Sciences: Woodson’s Mis‐Education of the Negro as Political Philosophy
- Revisiting Husserl’s Concept of Leib Using Merleau‐Ponty’s Ontology
- Black Feminist Figures: Interventions and Inheritances
- 1984: A Love Letter
- An Interview with Kris Sealey on Creolizing the Nation
- Black Women and the Pleasures of Intellectual Work
- Deconstruction and Epistemic Violence
- Hermeneutics in Heidegger’s Science of Being
- Conceptual Change and Future Paths for Pragmatism
- It’s (Almost) All About Desert: On the Source of Disagreements in Responsibility Studies
- Hume on Nonhuman Animals, Causal Reasoning, and General Thoughts
- Recognizing Ourselves in Others: A Reply to Justice at the Margins
- Acting in Light of a Fact and Acting in Light of a Belief
- Individual vs. World in Schopenhauer’s Pessimism
- Davidson on Self‐Knowledge: A Transcendental Explanation
- Men in Women’s Clothes
- “Pure Joy”: Spinoza on Laughter and Cheerfulness
- Philosophy and Laughter: Introductory Notes
- Violence in Camus and Sartre: Ambiguities
- Exploring the African Philosophy of Humor through Igbo Proverbs on Laughter
- Taxation, Forced Labor, and Theft: Why Taxation is “On a Par” with Forced Labor
- The Dark Side of Desire: Nietzsche, Transhumanism, and Personal Immortality
- Alethic Pluralism and Logical Form
- An Ethos of Affirmative Laughter in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra
- I’m Only Kidding: On Racist and Ethnic Jokes
- Loneliness and the Emotional Experience of Absence
- The Good, the Bad, and the Funny: An Ethics of Humor
- Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette: Connection Through Comedy
- Assembling Agency: Expression, Action, and Ethics in Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus
- Forst on Reciprocity of Reasons: A Critique
- On the Irreducibility of Moral Incapacity
- Kristeva’s Thought Specular: Aesthetic Disobedience as a New Form of Revolt
- Error Theory and Abolitionist Ethics
- The Intensive Other: Deleuze and Levinas on the Ethical Status of the Other
- Compassion with Justice: Harari’s Assault on Human Rights
- Reactionary Fictionalism
- Non‐Accidental Knowing
- White Habits, Anti‐Racism, and Philosophy as a Way of Life
- Responsibility: the State of the Question Fault Lines in the Foundations
- “What if There’s Something Wrong with Her?”‐How Biomedical Technologies Contribute to Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare
- The Sense and Sensibility of Equality
- The Epistemology of Justice
- Navigating the Penumbra: Children and Moral Responsibility
- “What if There’s Something Wrong with Her?”‐How Biomedical Technologies Contribute to Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare
- A Right to Understand Injustice: Epistemology and the “Right to the Truth” in International Human Rights Discourse
- Morally Respectful Listening and its Epistemic Consequences
- Testimonial Injustice and a Case for Mindful Epistemology
- Injustice in the Spaces between Concepts
- Emotion: Animal and Reflective
- Composition, Contingency, and Local Supervenience
- A Genesis of Speculative Empiricisms: Whitehead and Deleuze Read Hume
- Taking Our Selves Too Seriously: Commitment, Contestation, and the Dynamic Life of the Self
- Kierkegaard’s Notion of a Divine Name and the Feasibility of Universal Love
- Hutchesonian Inspired Agent‐Based Virtue Ethics
- Comparative Philosophy and Decolonial Struggle: The Epistemic Injustice of Colonization and Liberation of Human Reason
- Rethinking the Decolonization Trope in Philosophy
- Emilio Uranga’s Análisis Del Ser Del Mexicano: De‐colonizing Pretensions, Re‐colonizing Critiques
- Decolonizing Philosophy
- Alterity, Analectics, and the Challenges of Epistemic Decolonization
- Pain and Play: Building Coalitions toward Decolonizing Philosophy
- The State of the Question
- External World Skepticism, Confidence and Psychologism about the Problem of Priors
- Climate Change is Unjust War: Geoengineering and the Rising Tides of War
- Does Death Render Life Absurd?
- Alienation in Commercial Society: The Republican Critique of Jean‐Jacques Rousseau and Adam Ferguson
- Phenomenology and Perceptual Content
- Hume’s Epistemology: The State of the Question
- Kant’s Regulative Metaphysics of God and the Systematic Lawfulness of Nature
- Morality is Not Like Mathematics: The Weakness of the Math‐Moral Analogy
- Sartre’s Theory of Motivation
- Kapitan on Indexicals and Indexical Thought: A Retrospective
- Philosophical Debates about Prostitution: State of the Question
- The Genesis of Hannah Arendt’s Conception of Human Rights
- Moral Luck as Moral Lack of Control
- Toward a Noninferentialist, Nonreliabilist Account of Perceptual Justification
- Kant on Ethical Institutions
- Merleau‐Ponty’s Reading of Kant’s Transcendental Idealism
- Feminist Philosophy of Disability: A Genealogical Intervention
- Freedom as (Self‐)Expression: Natality and the Temporality of Action in Merleau‐Ponty and Arendt
- Aristotle on the Archai of Practical Thought
- The Extended Mind: State of the Question
- Affective Intentionality and Affective Injustice: Merleau‐Ponty and Fanon on the Body Schema as a Theory of Affect
- Thomas White on the Metaphysics of Transubstantiation
- Nietzsche on Monism about Objects
- Slurs, Interpellation, and Ideology
- Murray Spindel
- Editor’s Introduction: Language, Power, and Society
- Excerpt from Vexy Thing: On Gender and Liberation
- Resisting Racist Propaganda: Distorted Visual Communication and Epistemic Activism
- Humanist Battles and Embattled Humanists: Neointerventionism, Neopragmatism, and the Coloniality of Truth
- Toxic Speech: Inoculations and Antidotes
- Truth, Trust, and Trumpery
- Kant’s Quasi‐Eudaimonism
- Violence and Reactions
- Leonard Lawlor’s Renewal of Thinking
- Spinoza’s Critique of Humility in the Ethics
- Violence and “Hyperbologic”: Lawlor on Time’s Relation to Metaphysics
- Lawlor Laid Out: Between Space and Emotion
- Are All Primitives Created Equal?
- Lockean Essentialism and the Possibility of Miracles
- Against Thatcherite Linguistics: Rule‐following, Speech Communities, and Biolanguage
- Sharing Values
- Reinhold and the Promise of a Higher Metaphysics
- The Birth of Being and Time: Heidegger’s Pivotal 1921 Reading of Aristotle’s On the Soul
- Experiencing Gendered Seeing
- The Rise of the Machines: Deleuze’s Flight from Structuralism
- Levinas’s Philosophy of Perception
- Expression and What Is Expressed
- Constitutivism, Error, and Moral Responsibility in Bishop Butler’s Ethics
- Free Will, Foreknowledge, and Future-Dependent Beliefs
- Descartes on Hatred
- How Homeric is the Aristotelian Conception of Courage?
- Hegel on Private Property: A Contextual Reading
- One Self per Customer? From Disunified Agency to Disunified Self
- Objectivism, Hybridism, and Meaning in Life: Reply to Evers and van Smeden
- Kant, Oppression, and the Possibility of Nonculpable Failures to Respect Oneself
- The Cartesian Roots of Berkeley’s Account of Sensation
- Neither Mereology nor Magic, but Teleology
- Ahistorical Teleosemantics: An Alternative to Nanay
- On Disjunctive Rights
- Meaningfulness as Contribution
- Reason and Pareto-Optimization
- Good Moral Judgment and Decision-Making Without Deliberation
- Justice at the Margins: The Social Contract and the Challenge of Marginal Cases
- Phenomenology, Objectivity, and the Explanatory Gap
- The Tactual Ground, Immersion, and the “Space Between”
- Alethic Pluralism and the Role of Reference in the Metaphysics of Truth
- Quine on the Nature of Naturalism
- Bad Luck for the Anti-Luck Epistemologist
- SJP Referees
- The Place of Philosophy in Africa
- The Ontological Import of Heidegger’s Analysis of Anxiety in Being and Time
- Issue Information – Copyright Page
- Issue Information – Title Page
- SJP Announcements
- Exploitation as Domination: A Response to Arneson
- Formal Proper Parts through Strong Supplementation: A Reply to Bennett
- Torture, Dignity, and Humiliation
- Natural and Ethical Normativity