- A Model for Understanding and Expanding the Scope of Critical Thinking
- Evading a Post-Truth World: Rorty’s Foundationless Philosophy for an Acculturating Education
- Politicised or Political: On Agonism and School as ‘Free Time’
- What Remains After the Decline of Humanism and Education? Revisiting the Elmau Speech by Peter Sloterdijk
- Teaching and Philosophy: Three Reunions
- Philosophy and Poetic Thinking in Teacher Education
- Education for Agonistic Democracy: Reclaiming the Political Insights of Agonism
- Designing for Relational Ethics in Online and Blended Learning: Levinas, Buber, and Teaching Interfaith Ethics
- Marcuse, Capitalism, and the One-Dimensional Student
- The Spectre of Taiwanese Philosophy of Education: Decolonialisation as Inquiry
- “I know these two:” Leisure and Attention to Care Amidst the Quotidian
- Resilience to Boredom: An Aim of Education?
- Unlearning the Uninteresting: A Review of Why Boredom Matters by Kevin Hood Gary
- Title Conversational Learning in the Age of ChatGPT
- Shaping New Aims and Practices of Teaching Controversial Issues in Response to Conservative Critics
- Correction: Embracing the Useless and Refusing the Vertical: A Feminist Response to Adjunct Hell
- Recovering from Domination: Pettit’s Republicanism and the Case for Rehabilitative Education
- What’s the Sense of a Classroom? Sensory Perception in Classrooms and Relationships with Nature in the Wake of COVID-19
- Review of Hannah Spector’s, In Search of Responsibility as Education: Traversing Banal and Radical Terrains
- Remembering Ontological and Historical Potentials: A Response to Hannah Spector’s “In Search of Responsibility as Education”
- Education as the Answer? Review of Hannah Spector, In Search of Responsibility as Education: Traversing Banal and Radical Terrains
- Common Sense Matters: Reply to Janzen, Sonu, and Myrebøe’s Reviews of In Search of Responsibility as Education
- Education, Pedagogy, & the ‘F’ Word
- Teaching as Epistemic Mistrust
- Reclaiming Quickness of Thought: Reading Calvino in the Context of Digital School Education
- Thematic Coherence in Classroom Discourse: A Question Centered Approach
- Calvinist’ Exercises in Educational Theory: Introduction
- Educational Utopianism beyond the “Real versus Blueprint” Dichotomy
- Affective Atmospheres of Coloniality and the Decolonisation of Peace Education: Theoretical Insights and Political Possibilities
- Correction: Addressing Democracy and Its Threats in Education: Exploring a Pluralist Perspective in Light of Finnish Social Studies Textbooks
- Towards a Theory of the Imaginative Dialogue: Four Dialogical Principles
- Badly Needed Distinctions and Departures from Duality in Cancel Wars a Review of Cancel Wars by Sigal Ben Porath
- Listening to Students: A Response to Thompson, Wahl, and Herman
- “Education as the Art of Making Oneself at Home in the World with and Through Others”: The Call to Bildung in Meister Eckhart and the Film Of Gods and Men
- Deliberate Ignorance and Myopic Intellectualist Understandings of Expertise: Are Philosophers of Education Epistemic Trespassers in Initial Teacher Education Programmes?
- Democratic Aims and Student Participation: the Problem Ill-Preparation Poses to Institutional Success
- Free Speech and Inclusion in Higher Education: Systemic Vices and Near Future Considerations?
- Outsourcing Humanity? ChatGPT, Critical Thinking, and the Crisis in Higher Education
- Alimentary Images as Metaphor of Education
- Embracing the Useless and Refusing the Vertical: A Feminist Response to Adjunct Hell
- The Integrative, Ethical and Aesthetic Pedagogy of Michel Serres
- Philosophical Reflections on Teachers’ Ethical Dilemmas in a Global Pandemic
- Subjectivity as the Purpose of Education and Teaching
- Addressing Democracy and Its Threats in Education: Exploring a Pluralist Perspective in Light of Finnish Social Studies Textbooks
- The Genesis of Aesthetic Sensitivity in Carolina de Jesus: Challenges for Educators
- The Importance of Contrary Forces in Education: On the Notion of Conflict in Tagore’s Religion of Man
- Rethinking Humanism and Education Through Sloterdijk’s Rules for the Human Zoo
- Dialogue, Horizon and Chronotope: Using Bakhtin’s and Gadamer’s Ideas to Frame Online Teaching and Learning
- Correction: Humanities on Demand and the Demands on the Humanities: Between Technological and Lived Time
- Negotiating White Complicity through Vigilantly Vulnerable Informed Humility: Response to Self
- What “Vigilantly Vulnerable Informed Humility” Offers: Review of White Educators Negotiating Complicity (by Barbara Applebaum, 2022)
- Transhumanism, Society and Education: An Edusemiotic Approach
- Towards an Education of the Senses
- Ironic Practices as Pedagogical Tools for Accomplishing Italo Calvino’s Lightness
- Ceasing to be Hammers: Descriptive Inquiry as Collective Meditation
- Left Populism and the Education of Desire
- On Why ‘Trust’ Constitutes an Appropriate Synonym for ‘Certainty’ in Wittgenstein’s Sense: What Pupils Can Learn from Its Staging
- Digital Humanities: Between Technological and Lived Time
- Against the Spell of Modern Knowledge: Education as Multiplicity or the Need for Focused Arbitrariness
- What does it mean to Teach for Human Dignity? Response to Furman and Traugh, Descriptive Inquiry in Teacher Practice
- Teaching for Human Dignity: Descriptive Inquiry in Teacher Practice: Authors Meet Critics
- Review of Descriptive Inquiry in Teacher Practice: Cultivating Practical Wisdom to Create Democratic Schools by Cara Furman and Cecelia Traugh for Studies in Philosophy and Education
- Educating with Style? Rethinking the Pedagogical Significance of (In)consistency Between Calvino and Deleuze
- Education – Servant of Many Masters or an End in Itself? Handling Confusions Around Purpose and Instrumentalism in Education
- Peace and Philosophical Disarmament
- Integrated Restatement: Furman and Traugh
- Signifiers of Bildung, the Curriculum and the Democratisation of Public Education
- Visual Education and the Care of the Figuring Self. Mr. Palomar’s Exercises as Pedagogy
- Correction: Bataille and the Poverty of Academic Form
- Epistemology as Pragmatic Inquiry: Rorty, Haack, and Academic Relativism in Education
- Artificial Intelligence and the Aims of Education: Makers, Managers, or Inforgs?
- Bataille and the Poverty of Academic Form
- Nietzsche, Virtue, and Education: Cultivating the Sovereign Individual Through a New Type of Education
- Pedagogical Uptake: Credibility, Intelligibility, and Agency
- Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit as Bildungsroman
- Dialogue and the Good: Fingers Pointing at the Moon?
- Theories of Immanence as a Way Forward for Teacher Education
- Response to Schildermans’ Book Review
- John Dewey, Smith-Hughes, and Vocational Education: A New Impetus for an Old Discussion
- Virtual Training, Virtual Teachers: On Capacities and Being-at-Work
- Reforming, Preforming, Performing the University. A Review of Hil, Lyons, and Thompsett’s Transforming Universities in the Midst of Global Crisis
- Where Merleau-Ponty Meets Dewey: Habit, Embodiment, and Education
- Meaning in Life and the Vocation of Teaching
- Philosophy of Education in a Dehumanizing World
- Questions as Dialogue Games. The Pragmatic Dimensions of “Authentic” Questions
- Rehumanizing Education: Review of Peter Roberts’ Performativity, Politics and Education: from Policy to Philosophy (Brill: Leiden, 2022)
- Epistemological Foundations of Intercultural Education: Contributions from Raimon Panikkar
- Immigrants and Refugees: The Jewish Mitzvah of Hospitality and Its Implications for the Field of Education
- Inoculative Education
- Study and the Aesthetics of Hesitation. A Reply to Fern Thompsett and Joris Vlieghe
- Towards an Aesthetics of Study
- Hesitating Worlds into Being: Moving Slowly Through Decolonial Practices of Study
- “Cheerleaders” and “Mama Bears”: Combatting Sexist Teacher Strike Discourse
- Rethinking the Large Ensemble Paradigm: Moving Toward Epistemic Justice
- Reconsidering Newtonian Temporality in the Context of Time Pressures of Higher Education
- Being and Becoming in the World Beyond Virtue: Behind the Curtain
- Book Review: Beyond Virtue: The Politics of Educating Emotions by Liz Jackson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021
- Joy, Freedom and Education in the Present. A Review of Rethinking Philosophy for Children. Agamben and Education as Pure Means
- Response to Critic
- Fear, Angst, and the “Startling Unexpected”. Three Figures of Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Conversing with Friends or (Higher) Education Beyond the Logic of Production
- Ambivalent Education: Reply to Jeffrey Frank
- The Quest to Cultivate Tolerance Through Education
- Negative Education and the Transfiguration of Desire: Review of Amia Srinivasan, The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century
- Hope and Resistance in Lyotard’s Concept of Infancy
- On Digital Bildung: Raising a Critical Awareness of Digital Matters
- Fictitious Language Games, Otherness, and Philosophy of Education: A View on the Later Wittgenstein
- Exploring the Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Children and Adolescents: Understanding the Ethical and Educational Dimensions of Loss
- Restricted by Measures Against the Coronavirus? Difficulties at the Transition from School to Work in Times of a Pandemic
- Philosophical Reflections on Child Poverty and Education
- A Case for Shame in Character Education
- Prospects for the Call to Teach Today: Replies to Di Paolantonio and Moon
- The Ethical Force and Hermeneutical Impasses in Our Being with Each Other in Education Today: David Hansen’s Reimagining the Call to Teach: A Witness to Teachers and Teaching
- Who Cares About Young People? An Ethical Reflection on the Losses Suffered by Adolescents, Beyond Those of School and Education, During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Call to Teach Without a “Call” to Teach
- An Ethos of Wander Time: Staying with the Trouble to Make Sense During Crises
- When the Project is Not Understanding: Music Education for the Incomprehensible
- Human Flourishing, Wonder, and Education
- Constructing Universities for Democracy
- Luck Egalitarianism and COVID-19: The Case for Compensating Children for School Closures
- An Argument for the Necessity of Craft Learning in Liberal Education
- Introducing Complexity Theory to Consider Practice-Based Teacher Education for Democratic Citizenship
- Exploring Criticality in Chinese Philosophy: Refuting Generalisations and Supporting Critical Thinking
- Mary Shelley’s Justine and the Monstrous Miseducation of Exclusionary Punishment
- “Cultivating the Art of Living”: The Pleasures of Bertolt Brecht’s Philosophising Theatre Pedagogy
- Divisive Concepts in Classrooms: A Call to Inquiry
- Learning from Socrates’ Protreptic: a Response to Mason Marshall
- Review of Mason Marshall, Reading Plato’s Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry: Exploring Socrates’ Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement (Routledge 2021)
- Rethinking the Purposes of Schooling in a Global Pandemic: From Learning Loss to a Renewed Appreciation for Mourning and Human Excellence
- The Affective and Political Complexities of White Shame and Shaming: Pedagogical Implications for Anti-Racist Education
- Four Questions About Future Research on Protreptic and Education
- Debating as a Deliberative Instrument in Educational Practice
- Mason Marshall’s Two Sorts of Arguments for Studying Socrates’ Protreptic
- Subjectivity and Infinity: Time and Existence: A Response to the Critics
- Subjectivity and Infinity: Time and Existence: A Reader Responds
- “American Higher Education, the De-Worlding of World, and the Lessons of Situated Finitude”
- Response to the Review Symposium on Reading Plato’s Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry: Exploring Socrates’ Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement
- Guoping Zhao’s Subjectivity and Infinity: Questions for Education in Times of Climate Emergency
- “Who Am I?” Skating on Thin Ice—An Exploration of Zhao’s Subjectivity and Infinity
- For Technological Literacy Education: Comparing the Asymmetrical View of Heidegger and Symmetrical View of Latour on Technology
- Caring for Literature that Matters ? Conceptualizing a Thing-centered Perspective on Literature Education with Rousseau, Deleuze, and Calvino
- A Tool for Reflecting on Questionable Numbers in Society
- Dialectical Negations, Absolute Affirmation
- Radicalizing the Role of the Emancipatory Teacher in the Crisis of Democracy: Erich Fromm’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Deweyan Democratic Education
- Openness in Distance: Introductory Remarks on Academic Teaching Informed by Bracha L. Ettinger’s Matrixial Theory
- Three Kairoi – Three Aions. Paul Tillich, Ultimate Concern and Pedagogy of Radical Hope
- Review of Samuel D. Rocha’s the Syllabus as Curriculum: A Reconceptualist Approach
- Prolegomena to the Discussion on Teaching Controversial Issues
- What Form of Historical Consciousness Should Schools Impart?
- Plato, the Poets, and the Philosophical Turn in the Relationship Between Teaching, Learning, and Suffering
- The Uncanny Challenge of Self-Cultivation in the Anthropocene
- The Road is a Dangerous Place
- On the Autonomy of Educational Studies as a Second-Level Discipline
- A Life-or-Death Dichotomy: Response to Pagès, Peters, Roberts, and Saito
- Accounting for Oneself in Teaching: Trust, Parrhesia, and Bad Faith
- Arcilla, R.V. (2020). Wim Wenders’s Road Movie Philosophy: Education Without Learning. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 157 pages. ISBN: 978-1-3501-1042-7. REVIEW
- Review of René V. Arcilla’s Wim Wenders’s Road Movie Philosophy: Education Without Learning (Bloomsbury USA Academic, 2020)
- Wim Wenders’s Road Movie Philosophy Education Without Learning
- To Ask Questions of the Universe: Confronting Habitus for Racial Equity with Descriptive Inquiry
- Thinking About Pedagogy: A Collection of Articles
- Adding a Register of Relational Justice: A Fuller Picture of the Debate Around No-Excuses Schools
- The Presence of the Body in Digital Education: A Phenomenological Approach to Embodied Experience
- Necessarily Free: Why Teachers Must be Free
- The Aesthetics of Life: More than Ethics and Morality
- Grammars of “Onlife” Identities: Educational Re-significations
- From Instrumental to Integral Mindfulness: Toward a More Holistic and Transformative Approach in Schools
- Dispositions and Influences
- Commentary on Children, Religion and the Ethics of Influence
- A Criterion of Scale and Quasi-Religion: A Reply to Tillson
- The Rationality of Holding Beliefs and the Propositional Content of the Curriculum
- Teaching Philosophy of Science to Science Students: An Alternative Approach
- Rationality, Religious Belief, and Shaping Dispositions: Replies to Carruth, Gatley, Levy, Kotzee and Rocha
- Children, Religion and the Ethics of Influence: An Overview
- The Skin as Seen: Thinking Through Racialized Subjectivities and Pedagogy with Levinas
- Is religious neutrality possible? A response to Children, Religion and the Ethics of Influence
- An Odd Coupling: Nietzsche and W.E.B. Du Bois on 21st Century Philosophy of Education
- What Renders a Witness Trustworthy? Ethical and Curricular Notes on a Mode of Educational Inquiry
- Fragile Visions of the Social: Rethinking Solidarity with the Performance Piece Faust and the TV-series Skam
- Education for Critical Community and the Pedagogy of Asylum: Two Responses to the Crisis Of University Education
- Cinema, Philosophy and Education
- To Do or To Listen? Student Active Learning vs. the Lecture
- Derek Ford’s Inhuman Educations
- A Response to Wiebe Koopal’s Review of Inhuman Educations: Jean-François Lyotard, Pedagogy, Thought
- Striver·ish: Young Strivers and the Formation of Ethical Narratives
- Review of Jennifer Morton’s Moving Up Without Losing Your Way
- “Never Again the Everyday”: On Cinema, Colportage and the Pedagogical Possibilities of Escapism
- Teaching as Altered Knowledge: Rethinking the Teaching Practice with Michel De Certeau
- Teaching Online in an Ethic of Hospitality: Lessons from a Pandemic
- On Online Practices of Hospitality in Higher Education
- Author Meets Critics for Moving Up Without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility
- Ethical Costs and Economic Costs
- Review of Jennifer M. Morton, Moving Up Without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility, Studies in Philosophy and Education
- Introduction: Review Symposium on Morton’s Moving Up without Losing Your Way
- Response to Review
- “Skam” (shame) as Ethical–Political Education
- Seeing Education on Film: A Conceptual Aesthetics
- Reworking the Social Order: Skam as an Instance of Public Moral Education
- An Interpretation of the 2019 Chicago Teachers’ Strike Through the Ethics of Care
- Education, Attention and Transformation:
- Interrogating the Affective Politics of White Victimhood and Resentment in Times of Demagoguery: The Risks for Civics Education
- Educating the Senses: Explorations in Aesthetics, Embodiment and Sensory Pedagogy
- Recollecting the Religious: Augustine in Answer to Meno’s Paradox
- Literature, Culture and Understanding: A Response to Tan
- Reading Education and the Limits of Reason from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
- Ongoing Challenges for White Educators Teaching White Students About Whiteness
- Flourishing with Shared Vitality: Education based on Aesthetic Experience, with Performance for Meaning
- The Tyranny of ‘Teaching and Learning’
- Education, Contact and the Vitality of Touch: Membranes, Morphologies, Movements
- Emerging Neoliberal Academic Identities: Looking Beyond Homo economicus
- Who Needs Sensory Education?
- Tracing Lines: On the Educational Significance of Drawing
- Sensing Feeling Alive: Attentiveness to Movements in/with Embodied Teaching
- A Pedagogy of the Parasite
- A Third Conception of Epistemic Injustice
- Language Subjects: Placing Derrida’s Monolingualism in Global Education
- Diversity and Epistemic Marginalisation: The Case of Inclusive Education
- Derrida and Education Today
- Review of Selene Arfini, Ignorant Cognition, Springer, 2019
- Considering Diversity in (Special) Education: Disability, Being Someone and Existential Education
- Ignorant Cognition : A Response to Copeland, Ervas, and Osta-Vélez
- Pushing Back the Boundaries of Doubt
- Ignorant Cognition : Limits, Habits and Imaginative Thinking
- Contradictions in Educational Thought and Practice: Derrida, Philosophy, and Education
- Humanist but not Radical: The Educational Philosophy of Thiruvalluvar Kural
- Walter Benjamin in the Age of Post-critical Pedagogy
- Educating for Civil Solidarity in the Shadow of Discriminating Laws in a Multicultural Society: The Israeli Case as an Allegory
- In Defense of Walter Benjamin’s Constellational Curriculum: A Response to the Critics
- A Contribution to the Author Meets Critics Session: Tyson Lewis’s Walter Benjamin’s Antifascist Education
- Ecosocial Philosophy of Education: Ecologizing the Opinionated Self
- Benjamin’s Children’s Theater and the Problem of Pure Means
- Educating Our Nerves in Unnerving Times: Cinematic Innervation as a Collectivising Experience in Tyson Lewis’s Walter Benjamin’s Antifascist Education
- The Fearful Ethical Subject: On the Fear for the Other, Moral Education, and Levinas in the Pandemic
- Immature Adults and Playing Children: On Bernard Stiegler’s Critique of Infantilization
- Pedagogies of Non-self as Practices of Freedom
- Response: Naoko Saito, Finding as Founding: Rejoinder to René Arcilla’s Review , Naoko Saito, Associate Professor of Education at Kyoto University, Japan. Kyoto University, Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
- Making Sense of Ourselves with Others: Review of American Philosophy in Translation by Naoko Saito
- Derrida on Language and Philosophical Education
- An Introduction to Everyday Aesthetics in Education
- A Russellian Plea for ‘Useless’ Knowledge: Role of Freedom in Education
- “To Be Born of Hardship” and “To Die from Comfort!” Review of Happiness, Hope, and Despair : Rethinking the Role of Education (by Peter Roberts, 2016)
- Religious Certainty: Peculiarities and Pedagogical Considerations
- Making Space for Irony: A Review of Peter Roberts’ Happiness, Hope, and Despair — Rethinking the Role of Education
- Spinoza on Ingenium and Exemplarity: Some Consequences for Educational Theory
- “Restlessness, Agitation, and Passion”: Rethinking the Role of Narrative in Education
- Acknowledging Despair, Qualifying Happiness: Hopeful Education
- Education for Loneliness as a Consequence of Moral Decision-Making: An Issue of Moral Virtues
- Second Nature, Becoming Child, and Dialogical Schooling
- Response to Reviews by Sean Blenkinsop and Sean Sturm
- Education in Theory and Practice : Derrida’s Enseignement Supérieur
- Ceder, S. (2018). Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality . Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge
- Teaching Towards the Post-human: The Courage to Entangle
- Categories of Goals in Philosophy for Children
- Gatherings of Studying: Looking at Contemporary Study Practices in the University
- A Review of Naomi Hodgson and Stefan Ramaekers, 2019, Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children: The Grammar of Upbringing . Palgrave Macmillan
- Response to Alexis Gibbs’ Review of Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children: The Grammar of Upbringing
- Education and Ignorance: Between the Noun of Knowledge and the Verb of Thinking
- The Incoherence of the Interactional and Institutional Within Freire’s Politico-Educational Project
- Errant Learning for a Foam World: Glissant, Sloterdijk, and the Foam of Pedagogy
- Aristotelian Character Friendship as a ‘Method’ of Moral Education
- Insisting on Action in Education: Students are Unique but not Irreplaceable
- A Global Dialogue on Learning and Studying
- The Diplomatic Teacher: The Purpose of the Teacher in Gert Biesta’s Philosophy of Education in Dialogue with the Political Philosophy of Bruno Latour
- Studying in the Superdiverse City: System_D and the Challenge of Solidarity in Brussels
- Chinese Landscape Painting and the Study of Being: An Imagined Encounter Between Martin Heidegger and Xia Gui
- Towards an Ubuntu Philosophy of Higher Education in Africa
- Postdigital We-Learn
- Calibrating Study and Learning as Hermeneutic Principles Through Greco-Christian Seeing, Rabbinic Hearing, and Chinese Yijing Observing
- Dewey’s Theory of Experience, Traumatic Memory, and Music Education
- Toward a Decolonial Praxis in Critical Peace Education: Postcolonial Insights and Pedagogic Possibilities
- Paradigmatic Vocation: Review of Igor Jasinski’s, Giorgio Agamben: Education Without Ends
- Response to the Review Symposium of Giorgio Agamben: Education without Ends
- Education, Life and Study: Some Reflections on Igor Jasinski’s Giorgio Agamben — Education Without Ends
- Review of Igor Jasinski’s, Giorgio Agamben: Education Without Ends
- The Other Side of Belonging
- Nature in Our Experience: Bonnett, McDowell and the Possibility of a Philosophical Study of Human Nature
- Knowing, Understanding, Living, Dissenting and Countering: The Educational Moment in the Enhancement of Democratic Citizenship
- Analytic Practical Theory of Education and German Critical Pädagogik: Comparing Their Critical Dimension
- Self-Directedness and the Question of Autonomy: From Counterfeit Education to Critical and Transformative Adult Learning
- The Rise, Fall, and Afterlife of Learning Styles: An Essay on Megarianism and Emancipation in Educational Potentiality
- The Birth of a New Paradigm: Rethinking Education and School Leadership with a Metamodern ‘Lens’
- The Question of a Thing-Centred View of Education: Notes on Vlieghe and Zamojski’s Towards an Ontology of Teaching
- Taking Up the Threads: The Aesthetic, Temporal, and Political Dimensions of Teaching
- On Swimming and Sweaters. A Response to Vlieghe and Zamojski’s Towards an Ontology of Teaching
- Bernstein as an Artful Teacher
- The Affective Modes of Right-Wing Populism: Trump Pedagogy and Lessons for Democratic Education
- Concerning the Question of Feasibility of Political-Civil Education: Israel as a Case Study
- ‘I am of Popper’, ‘I am of Asante’: The Polemics of Scholarship in South Africa
- Patriotic Education: A Response to Thompson, Rogach, and Sockett
- Teachers’ Changing Subjectivities: Putting the Soul to Work for the Principle of the Market or for Facilitating Risk?
- Education as Mediation Between Child and World: The Role of Wonder
- Living During a Technological Revolution
- Sophistry in Vygotsky: Contributions to the Rhetorical and Poetic Pedagogy
- Review of Curren and Dorn, Patriotic Education in a Global Age
- Review of Patriotic Education in a Global Age by Randall Curren and Charles Dorn
- By Any Other Name: Patriotism and Civic Virtue in a Global Context
- Neoliberalism and Culture in Higher Education: On the Loss of the Humanistic Character of the University and the Possibility of Its Reconstitution
- Interruptions: Cultivating Truth-Telling as Resistance with Pre-service Teachers
- Teach Them to Play! Educational Justice and the Capability for Childhood Play
- What Kind of Society Does the School Need? Redefining the Democratic Work of Education in Impatient Times
- Representationalism and Power: The Individual Subject and Distributed Cognition in the Field of Educational Technology
- Learning in Democracy: Deliberation and Activism as Forms of Education
- Relational Recognition, Educational Liminality, and Teacher–Student Relationships
- Teaching and the Claim of Bildung: The View from General Didactics
- “Cunctando restituit rem”: Teaching, Grown-Up-Ness and the Impulse Society
- Teaching, Otherness, and the Equalising Thing
- Should Teaching be Re(dis)covered? Introduction to a Symposium
- The Craft, Practice, and Possibility of Teaching
- From the Ethic of Hospitality to Affective Hospitality: Ethical, Political and Pedagogical Implications of Theorizing Hospitality Through the Lens of Affect Theory
- Deweyan Democracy, Neoliberalism, and Action Research
- Bildung Between Praxis and Theoria: A Philosophical Study of an Exemplary Anecdote
- On the Verge of Tears: The Ambivalent Spaces of Emotions and Testimonies
- Education and Non-domination: Reflections from the Radical Tradition
- Daoist Onto – Un – Learning as a Radical Form of Study : Re-imagining Study and Learning from an Eastern Perspective
- An Integrative Psychic Life, Nonviolent Relations, and Curriculum Dynamics in Teacher Education
- Work and Social Justice: The Demands of Welfare in Kuwaiti Society
- Mediating Class: The Role of Education and Competing Technologies in Social Mobilization
- Finding Treasures: Is the Community of Philosophical Inquiry a Methodology?
- From Shared Fate to Shared Fates: An Approach for Civic Education
- Training Transdisciplinary Educators: Intercultural Learning and Regenerative Practices in Ecuador
- The Malaise of the Soul at Work: The Drive for Creativity, Self-Actualization, and Curiosity in Education
- Revaluing Leisure in Philosophy and Education
- Promoting Distributive Justice in Education and the Challenge of Unpredictability
- Free to Deeply See the World, and So to Morally Be in the World: Munzel’s Readings of Kant as Disclosing His Phenomenological “Transcendental Optics”
- Analysing the Matter Flows in Schools Using Deleuze’s Method
- Democratic Education for Hope: Contesting the Neoliberal Common Sense
- Redefining Work and Education in the Technological Revolution
- Baumol’s Cost Disease and the Trinitarian Pedagogy
- Education and Time: Coming to Terms with the “Insufficiency of Now” Through Mindfulness
- Remediating Campus Climate: Implicit Bias Training is Not Enough
- Response to John Tillson’s Review of What is a Public Education
- Readiness for School , Time and Ethics in Educational Practice
- Teaching Children to Ignore Alternatives is—Sometimes—Necessary: Indoctrination as a Dispensable Term
- Kant’s Critical Philosophy as Pedagogical Praxis: A Call to Learn to Philosophize
- The Objective and Subjective Sides of Human Moral Consciousness and Their Relation: Author’s Reply to Reviews of Kant’s Conception of Pedagogy
- Thinking Through Kant’s Conception of Pedagogy
- Review of Tyson E. Lewis, Inoperative Learning: A Radical Rewriting of Educational Potentialities
- Response to Weili Zhao
- F. Munzel, Kant’s Conception of Pedagogy: Toward Education for Freedom
- Review of G. Felicitas Munzel’s Kant’s Conception of Pedagogy: Toward Education for Freedom
- SF! Haraway’s Situated Feminisms and Speculative Fabulations in English Class
- Storying Ruptures as Educational Practice
- Com-Posting Experimental Futures: Pragmatists Making (Odd)Kin with New Materialists
- Troubling Hope: Performing Inventive Connections in Discomforting Times
- Teaching with Stories: Ecology, Haraway, and Pedagogical Practice
- Exploring an Alternative Justification for the Importance of Curiosity in Education: Social Curiosity and Løgstrup’s Sovereign Expression of Life
- Wonder, Guarding Against Thoughtlessness in Education
- ‘How to Write as Felt’ Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies
- The Ethics and Politics of Precarity: Risks and Productive Possibilities of a Critical Pedagogy for Precarity
- Beyond Higher Education as We Know it: Gesturing Towards Decolonial Horizons of Possibility
- Assessment, Truth and Religious Studies
- Postulational Rhetoric and Presumptive Tautologies: The Genre of the Pedagogical, Negativity, and the Political
- Goods, Principles, and Values in the Brighouse, Ladd, Loeb and Swift Framework for Educational Policy-Making
- Should Liberal States Subsidize Religious Schooling?
- Educating Semiosis: Foundational Concepts for an Ecological Edusemiotic
- Defending a Common World: Hannah Arendt on the State, the Nation and Political Education
- Admitting a Sense of Superiority: Aggrandized Higher Education Status as an Objection to Educational Inequality
- Disability, Dialogue, and the Posthuman
- Studying with the Internet: Giorgio Agamben, Education, and New Digital Technologies
- Paulo Freire and Philosophy for Children: A Critical Dialogue
- The Fascist Seduction of Narrative: Walter Benjamin’s Historical Materialism Beyond Counter-Narrative
- Teaching is Oppositional: On the Importance of Supporting Experimental Teaching During Student Teaching
- Introduction to Deconstructing Privilege in the Classroom: Teaching as a Racialized Pedagogy
- Cerebra: “All-Human”, “All-Too-Human”, “All-Too-Transhuman”
- From Hostility to Hospitality: Teaching About Race and Privilege in a Post-election Climate
- Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education
- The Racialized Body of the Educator and the Ethic of Hospitality: The Potential for Social Justice Education Re-visited
- Ethics, Subjectivity, and Sociomaterial Assemblages: Two Important Directions and Methodological Tensions
- Hospitality and Embodied Encounters in Educational Spaces
- “This Is a White Space”: On Restorative Possibilities of Hospitality in a Raced Space
- Review of Reconstructing ‘Education’ Through Mindful Attention: Positioning the Mind at the Center of Curriculum and Pedagogy , Oren Ergas
- Reply to Lewin
- Review of What Is A Public Education and Why We Need It: A Philosophical Inquiry into Self – Development, Cultural Commitment, and Public Engagement , Walter Feinberg
- Holocaust Laughter and Edgar Hilsenrath’s The Nazi and the Barber : Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Laughter and Humor in Holocaust Education
- (Un)Fixing Education
- From Critical Education to An Embodied Pedagogy of Hope: Seeking a Liberatory Praxis with Black, Working Class Girls in the Neoliberal 16–19 College
- A New Rootedness? Education in the Technological Age
- A New Version of Optimism for Education
- Toward a Militant Pedagogy in the Name of Love: On Psychiatrization of Indifference, Neurobehaviorism and the Diagnosis of ADHD—A Philosophical Intervention
- ‘Not-being-at-home’: Subject, Freedom and Transcending in Heideggerian Educational Philosophy
- On Educating While Hoping for the Impossible: Gabriel Marcel’s Absolute Hope as a Rejection of Educational Instrumentalism
- The Logic of Deferral: Educational Aims and Intellectual Disability
- The Flipped Curriculum: Dewey’s Pragmatic University
- A Reply to Marianna Papastephanou’s Review of Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education
- Michel Alhadeff-Jones, Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education: Rethinking the Temporal Complexity of Self and Society . Routledge, 2017
- Time for Values: Responding Educationally to the Call from the Past
- On Tacit Knowledge for Philosophy of Education
- Monstrous Generosity: Pedagogical Affirmations of the “Improper”
- Nietzsche on Aesthetics, Educators and Education
- Democratic Education in the Mode of Populism
- Stuber, J. M. (2011). Inside the College Gates: How Class and Culture Matter in Higher Education
- Review of Tony Wall and David Perrin: Slavoj Žižek: A Žižekian Gaze at Education
- Review Symposium of David Corey, The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues
- The Datafication of Learning: Data Technologies as Reflection Issue in the System of Education
- Education, In Spite of it All
- Vulnerability as a Key Concept in Museum Pedagogy on Difficult Matters
- My Friend Ilan Gur Ze’ev
- Civic Republicanism and Education: Democracy and Social Justice in School
- Anarchism, Schooling, and Democratic Sensibility
- A Spinozistic Model of Moral Education
- New Techniques of Difference: On Data as School Pupils
- What Can Be Known and How People Grow: The Philosophical Stakes of the Assessment Debate
- Risky Subjectivities in Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights
- Civic Republican Social Justice and the Case of State Grammar Schools in England
- Adorno: Cultural Education and Resistance
- From Human–Nature to Cultureplace in Education Via an Exploration of Unity and Relation in the Work of Peirce and Dewey
- The Contribution of Non-representational Theories in Education: Some Affective, Ethical and Political Implications
- The ‘Crucified’ Leader: Cynicism, Fantasies and Paradoxes in Education
- The Eclipse of Imagination Within Educational ‘Official’ Framework and Why It Should be Returned to Educational Discourse: A Deweyan Perspective
- Adequacy in Education and Normative School Choice
- Shut-Up and Listen: Implications and Possibilities of Albert Memmi’s Characteristics of Colonization Upon the “Natural World”
- Environmental Consciousness, Sustainability, and the Character of Philosophy of Education
- Renouncing Human Hubris and Reeducating Commonsense
- Plato’s Euthydemus and Crito’s Failure to Hear
- Socrates and Protagoras on Political Rhetoric and Education
- The Metabolic Core of Environmental Education
- Reply to Critics of The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues
- Damon, Prodicus, and Socratic Matchmaking
- David Corey and Plato’s Sophist
- Exploring William James’s Radical Empiricism and Relational Ontologies for Alternative Possibilities in Education
- Re-Imagining Affect with Study: Implications from a Daoist Wind-Story and Yin–Yang Movement
- An Approach to Simone Weil’s Philosophy of Education Through the Notion of Reading
- The Cartesian Heritage of Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Introduction to Ecologizing Philosophy of Education
- Learning to Live in the Anthropocene: Our Children and Ourselves
- Education from a Biological Point of View
- Transformative Critique: What Confucianism Can Contribute to Contemporary Education
- Should Children Have Best Friends?
- Transformative Learning, Enactivism, and Affectivity
- Pedagogy and Politics, Confrontational Negotiations: A Response to Zhao
- Review of Derek R. Ford, Communist Study: Education for the Commons
- Pedagogical Personalism at Morehouse College
- The Undergraduate Education Studies Dissertation: Philosophical Reflections upon Tacit Empiricism in Textbook Guidance and the Latent Capacity of Argumentation
- The Problem of Bildung and the Basic Structure of Bildungstheorie
- Experimentation in Institutions: Ethics, Creativity, and Existential Competence
- Democracy and Education: A Theoretical Proposal for the Analysis of Democratic Practices in Schools
- Why Bother Teaching? Despairing the Ethical Through Teaching that Does Not Follow
- Taking the Sophists Seriously: Engaging David Corey’s The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues
- Teaching, in Spite of Excellence: Recovering a Practice of Teaching-Led Research
- White Paper Concerning Philosophy of Education and Environment
- Erratum to: Shut-Up and Listen: Implications and Possibilities of Albert Memmi’s Characteristics of Colonization Upon the “Natural World”