- Derrida, Différance, and a Materialism without Substance
- Towards a Negative Hermeneutics: The Hermeneutics/Critical Theory Debate in a New Register
- Philosophy Shaped by the Autobiographical: An Interview with Kris Sealey
- Biographical Illusions: Sartre and Bourdieu against Narrative Identity
- Anxiety as Theme of an Alternative History of Philosophy: A Glimpse into the Monograph Anxiety: A Philosophical History
- Ontology of Living Labour and the Transcendental-Phenomenological Reduction
- Enter the Actor
- After Man, the Child? Nietzsche, Wynter, Fanon, and Overcoming the Spirit of Revenge
- Réinstitution du concept de sujet dans une approche phénoménologique zoocentrique. Sujets imaginaires et réalisme écologique
- The Dignity of Truth: Arendt on Lying and Truth-Telling in Politics
- Révéler une autre domination acosmique: La critique arendtienne du libéralisme
- Defending Philosophy: Plato, Heidegger, and Meno’s Paradox
- Les quatre points cardinaux du champ phénoménologique français contemporain
- Speculative Phenomenology: Reexamining the Relation Between Phenomenology and Speculative Realism
- Word, Sense, Freedom: Patočka and Nancy on the Way Beyond Onto-Theology
- The Common Being: An Outline
- Composition for Voices: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Musical Subject
- From Edmund Husserl to Audre Lorde: The Path to a Critical Phenomenology of Oppression
- Introduction – Qui vient après le sujet? / Who Comes After the Subject?
- Call for Submissions/Appel à soumission
- Experiment Prudently: Ethical Prudence in Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus
- Merleau-Ponty and the Transcendental Past – From the Nascent State of Perception to the Ontogenesis of Nature
- Invention of the Visual Form: Reciprocal Alienation in Debord’s Society of the Spectacle
- Phenomenology of the Future: The Temporality of Objects Beyond the Temporality of Inner-Time Consciousness
- The Therapy of Theōria: Counterpointing Russon’s Reading of Plato’s Republic
- Russon’s Method of Authorless Description
- Russon’s Plato
- Phenomenology as the Critical Disclosure of the Realities within Our Experience
- A Phenomenological Account of the Conditions of Transnational Feminism
- Eros as Initiation: Russon on Desire, Culture, and Responsibility
- John Russon’s Achievement: The Impossible Experience of Adulthood
- Introduction – “It Must Be Done”: Critical Reflections on Derrida’s Theory and Practice
- Empirical Philosophy and Eating in Theory – An Interview with Annemarie Mol
- Wherefore An-Other Communism – The Communication of Literature and Politics, Between Blanchot and Mascolo
- Creator or Creature? Shestov and Levinas on Athens and Jerusalem
- Pedagogy and Politics in Derrida’s Theory and Practice Seminar
- Deconstruction Overflowed – Doing Undoing from Philosophy’s Outer Edge
- To Have Done With the Death of Philosophy – Derrida’s Theory and Practice Seminar
- Shrapnels: Jacques Derrida’s Theory and Practice – Towards an Enigmatic Materialism of Hope
- Derrida’s Speculative Materialism/Marxism’s Promethean Scientism
- What Are Thinking and Acting Beyond the Theory/Practice Pair?
- Pluralism, Structure, and Autonomy: On the Political Philosophy of Hountondji
- What Life Is Not: Aimé Césaire as Phenomenologist of Domination
- Negritude, Universalism, and Socialism
- The Invention of North-Africa
- The Colonial System Unveiled
- Sommes-nous « insensibles » au ravage en cours? De « l’écologie sensible » à la lutte contre les dispositifs de désensibilisation
- Forms of Death: Necropolitics, Mourning, and Black Dignity
- Paraontology: Oskar Becker’s Philosophy of Race and the Ironies of Ahistorical Phenomenology
- Gerda Walther and the Possibility of Telepathy as an Act of Personal Social Mind
- La Réception nord-américaine de Folie et déraison de Foucault
- Contribution to a Hermeneutical Pedagogy
- Phenomenology as Metaphysics – On Heidegger’s Interpretation of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- Cosmologie et création ex nihilo chez Cornelius Castoriadis – De la critique de la dialectique à la pensée complexe?
- We Still Do Not Know What a Body Can Do – The Replacement of Ontology with Ethology in Deleuze’s Spinoza
- Authentic Freedom and Happiness – An Interpretation of the Ethics of Edith Stein
- Is Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being a Kind of “Phenomenological Metaphysics”?
- “Streichen Wir das Bewußtsein, so Streichen Wir die Welt.” – Edith Stein on Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism: Critical Remarks
- The Meaning of Life between Time and Eternity
- Phenomenology and Psychology – Edith Stein’s Contribution to the Investigation of the Psyche
- Introduction: Edith Stein’s Rethinking of Phenomenology
- Points, Plasticity, and the Logic of Contraction in Alain Badiou and Catherine Malabou
- Les damnés du nomos de la terre. Carl Schmitt face à Lénine et le scandale de l’internationalisme
- Sur l’épuisement subjectif comme problème féministe
- The Real Effects of Rationality – Foucault’s Position in The Impossible Prison
- Phenomenology and the Ethics of Love
- Quelle(s) phénoménologie(s) pour l’éthique? – Réactualisation éthique des descriptions des actes sociaux non-objectivants
- Love and the Shadow of Sacrifice – Husserl at the Limits of Relational Ethics
- L’éthique ultime de Husserl. De l’auto-méditation à l’autoresponsabilité
- Introduction – The Everywhere and the Nowhere of Phenomenological Ethics
- The Politics of Feeling – The Phenomenology of Affect in Sara Ahmed and Judith Butler
- Necessary but Insufficient – Merleau-Ponty and the Ethics of Anonymity in Interpersonal Life
- Lived Ontologies – Cicero, Agamben, and the Philosophy of Life
- Hidden Depths – Thinking and the Richness of the Private in Hannah Arendt
- What Remains of Stoic Ethics? – From Foucault to Italian Critical Thinkers
- Stiegler, Foucault, and Epictetus – The Therapeutics of Reading and Writing
- Ataraxia as “Worldliness” – Epicureanism and Blumenberg’s Concept of Modernity
- Modernity in Antiquity – Hellenistic and Roman Philosophyin Heidegger and Arendt
- Introduction: Continental Interpretations of Hellenistic Thought
- Encounters with Deleuze – An Interview with Constantin V. Boundas and Daniel W. Smith
- Kierkegaard as a Thinker of Deleuzian Immanent Ethics
- Answering the Bioethicists’ Objection – Habermas and Arendt on Evolution
- Art and the Other – Aesthetic Intersubjectivity in Gadamer and Stein
- Despentes ou l’affranchissement du corps
- Experiencing and Saying the Finitude of Language in Heidegger and Derrida
- “A Matrix of Intellectual and Historical Experiences” – The Marxist Core in Merleau-Ponty’s Post-War Thinking
- The Division of Labour and Its Alien Effects
- Estime de soi et reconnaissance chez Paul Ricoeur – La « petite éthique » comme éthique de la reconnaissance
- “Who is Nietzsche?” – Derrida, Heidegger, and the Autobiographical Question
- Recognition and Hospitality: Hegel and Derrida
- The Pluri-Person – A Feminist New Materialist Figure for a Precarious World
- Agamben’s Posthuman Mediality – Ethics, History, and Language
- Nocebos and the Psychic Life of Biopower
- A Critical Phenomenology of Sickness
- Heidegger, Technology, and the Body
- Extravagant Generosity – Plotinus, Nietzsche, Levinas
- Introduction – Selfhood, Embodiment, Materiality
- Nietzsche on the Soul as a Political Structure
- Arendt and Nancy – Revolution and Democratic Responsibility
- Preface to the Translation
- Nietzsche: “Yet Where Are the Eyes to See It?”
- Préface à la traduction
- Sujet, narcissisme et infini – Notes sur les subjectivations capitalistes
- From Structuralism to Points of Rupture – George Jackson and the Tactics of the Subject
- Racist Subjectivation, Capitalism, and Colonialism – Decolonizing Thought Beyond Education
- Hobo Sacer ou l’hypothèse de l’oppression nécropolitique des sans-abris
- La subjectivation dominée/dominante – Essai de traduction des phénoménologies de Simone de Beauvoir et Frantz Fanon
- Resisting the Creativity Narrative – Cornelius Castoriadis on the Fundaments of Capitalist Subjectivity
- How Can a Subject Be Reified? – The Role of “Thinglikeness” in Georg Lukács’s Account of Subjectivity in Capitalism
- Avant-propos – L’obscur capital de nos subjectivations. Subjectivité et pouvoir à l’âge du capitalisme tardif
- Sylvia Wynter’s Decolonial Rejoinder to Judith Butler’s Ethics of Vulnerability
- Timely/Untimely – The Rhythm of Things and the Time of Life
- On Poietic Remembering and Forgetting – Hermeneutic Recollection, “Immortality,” and Diotima’s Historico-Hermeneutic Leanings
- Peregrinations and Pathways – Malabou, Schelling, and Plasticity
- Le double repentir d’Austin – Enque·te sur le mode de traitement du langage par Latour
- La théorie de l’acteur-réseau entre Latour et Simondon
- Du droit moderne au droit de la Terre – Une relecture de la jurisprudence de Bruno Latour dans son Enquête sur les modes d’existence
- La religion comme élément structurel du système philosophique de Bruno Latour
- Un monde commun d’Arendt à Latour ?
- Identity, Exchange, and Violence – The Importance of Marxism for Reconciling Adorno’s Metaphysics and Politics
- Hegel lecteur de Bichat, ou comment la raison spéculative fait d’une distinction d’entendement un moment conceptuel du vivant
- From Serial Impotence to Effective Negation – Sartre and Marcuse on the Conditions of Possibility of Revolution
- Surplus beyond the Subject – Truth in Adorno’s Critique of Husserl and Heidegger
- The Eternal Return of the Same and the Missed Opportunity of Heidegger’s Nietzsche – Sacrificing the Perspectivism of Moods to the History of Being
- Bruno Latour, penseur moderne – Enquête sur quelques éléments de pensée double-clic [DC] chez Bruno Latour, ainsi que sur son attachement [ATT] pourtant dénié à la modernité
- La notion de porte-parole à la croisée de la rhétorique – Enjeux de repre·sentation et communication
- Localités distribuées, globalités localisées – actions, actants et me·diations au service de l’ethnographie du nume·rique
- Bruno Latour, une philosophie cartographique
- Bruno Latour et la sémiotique de l’énonciation – fondements et e·volutions
- Introduction. Bruno Latour s’accorde-t-il au pluriel ?
- Bruno Latour ou les exigences de l’irréductionnisme. Ontologie relationnelle et étude des phénomènes communicationnels
- La solution implicite de Charles Taylor au problème de l’« historicisme transcendental »
- The Failure of Life – Michel Henry and the Ethics of Incompleteness
- An-Archic Past – Rethinking Negativity with Bergson
- Existentialism is not a Humanism – Nothingness and the Non-Humanist Philosophy of the Early Sartre
- The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young – A Bibliography
- Galilean Science and the Technological Lifeworld – The Role of Husserl’s Crisis in Herbert Marcuse’s Thesis of One-Dimensionality
- Feminist Reflections on the Phenomenological Foundations of Home
- The Perils and Pleasures of the “I Can” Body
- S’asseoir comme un homme – Sur le déploiement spatial genré avec Iris Marion Young
- Phenomenologies of Relation – Re-Worlding Gender with Iris Marion Young
- Avant-propos
- Lancer comme une fille – Une phénoménologie de la motilité, de la spatialité et du comportement corporel féminins
- “La justice doit porter au-delà de la vie présente” – Derrida on Ethics Between Generations
- Our Monstrous Futures – Global Sustainability and Eco-Eschatology
- The Tyranny of Certainty
- Reason and Revelation – Absolute Agency and the Limits of Actuality
- La « rose dans la croix du présent » – Réflexions sur le motif de la réconciliation chez Hegel
- Elements of Hegel’s Political Theology – Civic Republicanism, Social Justice, Constitutionalism, and Universal Human Rights
- L’État moderne est-il chrétien ou libéral ?
- « L’homme en tant qu’homme » comme rempart contre le totalitarisme ou le fanatisme religieux ?
- Hegel’s Spirit as a Defence of Civil Rights and Bulwark Against Extremism
- De la Schwarmerei au terrorisme religieux – Quelles ressources he·ge·liennes?
- Two Models of Conscience and the Liberty of Conscience in Hegel’s Practical Philosophy
- Hegel and the Imperatives of Love
- Hegel and the Genesis of the Concept
- Foucault’s Last Decade – An Interview with Stuart Elden, Eduardo Mendieta, and Diana Taylor
- Rupturing Theories of Affect and Film Theory – The Potentialities of Brinkema’s Revival of Form
- The All-Seeing Sovereign – Blindness and Vision in Derrida’s Death Penalty Seminars
- Conscience and the Oracular Affirmation of Contingency in Action
- Sartre and Contemporary Moral Psychology
- Filiation, corps, sexe et genre dans le parcours ricoeurien de la reconnaissance-identité
- La banalité du mal et la volonté – Revisiter l’he·ritage augustinien chez Arendt
- Nietzsche’s Agonistic Ethics of Friendship
- Transcendental Stupidity – the Ground Become Autonomous in Schelling and Deleuze
- List of Book Reviews/Liste des comptes rendus
- Philosophical Archaeology and the Historical A Priori – from Kant to Foucault