- Escape to Judaism: Levinas’s First Steps toward Becoming a Jewish Thinker
- “The Great Vindication of Our Translation of the Name”: Franz Rosenzweig on the Threefold Unity of Divine Pronouns
- The Kabbalistic Sefirot: Terminological and Structural Anticipations in Early Jewish and Christian Literature
- Gagarin Sixty Years Later: Earth and Place after Heidegger and Levinas
- Elective Affinity: the Geist of Israel in Heidegger’s Free Use of the German National
- Brokenness of Being and Errancy of Ontological Untruth: Susan Taubes’s Criticism of Heidegger’s Seinsdenken
- Hermeneutics before Ontology: How Later Levinas Better Understands Heidegger
- History of Error: Jacob Taubes’s Apocalyptic Interpretation of Martin Heidegger’s Vom Wesen der Wahrheit
- The Sum of All Fears: the Figure of the Anti/Metaphysical Jew in Heidegger’s Black Notebooks (and beyond)
- Variations on a Theme: Heidegger and Judaism
- A Hasidic Commentary on the Passover Haggadah for the New World
- Farmers versus Technocrats: A Comparative Analysis of A. D. Gordon and Theodor Herzl on Nature and Technology
- Making Sense of God: Samson Raphael Hirsch and Franz Rosenzweig on Translation and Anthropomorphisms
- A Still Small Voice: Psalms and Correlation as Media of Communication in Hermann Cohen’s Philosophy
- The Double-Mirror Gaze, Transcoded Testimony, and Disqualified Witnesses in the Talmud
- The Unconscious in Rosenzweig’s The Star of Redemption: On the Threshold of a Possible Revelation
- From Rational to Metaphysical: R. Hayyim of Volozhin’s Torah Lishmah as a Radical Concept
- Crescas and Gersonides on Freedom, Astrology, and Divine Omniscience
- Human-Animal Reincarnation and Animal Grief in Kabbalah: Joseph of Hamadan’s Contribution
- Letters and Livelihood: R. Baḥya ben Asher’s Commentary on the Recitation of the Manna Story
- “The Bodily Fact of Otherness”: Martin Buber’s Post-Kantian Phenomenology of Dialogue
- Explaining the Diversity of the Lurianic Corpus: The Disparate Hermeneutical Approaches of R. Menahem Azaria da Fano and R. Menahem de Lonzano
- The Psychosomatic Ethics of the Psalms: Hermann Cohen and Hajim Steinthal’s “Sprachwissenschaft”
- The Dyad of Four-Letter Divine Names in Early Kabbalah and Its Sources
- Publications by Kalman J. Bland
- The Ritual-Less Jew: Jewish Studies between the Universal and the Particular
- Jewish Environmental Ethics for the Anthropocene: An Integrative Approach
- Spiritual Pedagogy and Rhetoric in a Ḥasidic Homily: The Maʾor va-Shemesh on Parshat Qedoshim
- Melancholic Redemption and the Hopelessness of Hope
- The Satanic Verses and Evil in Babylonia
- Secrets of Qohelet: Toward an Exegetical History of a Biblical Text during the Middle Ages
- “On This Day, We Are Perfect”: Embodiment in Yannai’s Yom Kippur Qerova
- Veils in Motion: Sacrality, Visuality, and Architectural Textiles in Late Antiquity
- The Boundaries of Knowledge: The Unity of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Jewish Philosophy in Light of His Doctoral Dissertation
- Cohen über Spinoza: Das Denken der Natur und die Natur des Denkens
- Luria, Schelling, and Freud: From Zimzum to the Oedipus Complex
- Two Kabbalistic Historical Approaches: Between Safed and Byzantium
- Redeeming God, Redeeming Redemption
- Rosenzweig on Human Redemption: Neither Nothing nor Everything, but Only Something
- Is God Redeemable?
- Is the Human Being Redeemable? A Self-Defeating Question
- The Redemption of the Human Being in Islamic Tradition: The Sufi Perspective
- Is the Human Being Redeemable? A Meditation on Rosenzweig’s Claim That Death Is Very Good
- Is the Human Being Redeemable? Consolation as an Integral Meaning of Rosenzweig’s Understanding of Redemption: A Blumenbergian Reflection
- Can the World Be Redeemed? Geʾulah versus Pidyon: Toward a Mundane, Non-Eschatological Approach to Redemption
- Islam and the Possibility of World Redemption
- Is the World Redeemable? Contra Redemption
- Is the World Redeemable? Anarchic Cosmopolitanism and Nation States in Franz Rosenzweig’s Messianism
- Rethinking Redeemability: One Hundred Years of Rosenzweig’s Star of Redemption
- Predicting the Present: Gershom Scholem on Prophecy
- From Sister-Wife to Brother-Neighbor: Rosenzweig Reads the Song of Songs
- A Polynesian, a Jew, and a Hindu Walk into Jerusalem: On Mendelssohn’s Religious Universalism
- Farewell to Revolution! Gustav Landauer’s Death and the Funerary Shaping of His Legacy
- “Taking Precedence over the Torah”: Vows and Oaths, Abstinence and Celibacy in Naḥmanides’s Oeuvre
- Mythopoesis, Mysticism, Messianism, and Modernity in Aaron Zeitlin’s Metatron
- Is Technology Jewish? A Conversation with Heidegger
- Halakhic Truth and Erroneous Ruling: a Study of the Philosophy of Halakhah in the School of R. Nissim of Gerona—R. Isaac Bar Sheshet and R. Ḥasdai Crescas
- Setting the Table Anew: Law and Spirit in a Nineteenth-Century Hasidic Code
- “The Book of Formation of the World”: Sefer Yetzirah and Hilkhot Yetzirah
- Mystical Songs of Bratslav Hasidim: Opening Notes
- The Elusive Ark: Locus of Longing in Exile
- Pragmatism and Jewish Thought: Eliezer Berkovits’s Philosophy of Halakhic Fallibility
- What God Does Not Possess: Moses Mendelssohn’s Philosophy of Imperfection
- The “And” of History: Thinking Side by Side in Rosenzweig’s Imagination of Eternity
- Martin Buber’s View of Biblical Leadership and His View of the Eternal Thou
- Reconfiguring the Theodicy–Antitheodicy Boundary between Responses to the Holocaust
- Being-towards-Eternity: R. Isaac Hutner’s Adaptation of a Heideggerian Notion
- “The East within Us”: Leo Strauss’s Reinterpretation of Heidegger
- God of Abraham, God of Aristotle: Soloveitchik’s Reading of
- The Metaphysical, Epistemological, and Mystical Aspects of Happiness in the Attributed to Moses Maimonides
- Yaʿqūb al-Qirqisānī on Human Intellect, Legal Inference, and the Meaning of the Aristotelian Syllogism
- God of Abraham, God of Aristotle: Soloveitchik’s Reading of The Guide of the Perplexed
- The Metaphysical, Epistemological, and Mystical Aspects of Happiness in the Treatise on Ultimate Happiness Attributed to Moses Maimonides
- Post-Holocaust Jewish Aniconism and the Theological Significance of Barnett Newman’s
- God, Being, Pathos
- “A Community Should Be Present as He Prays so that He Can Bind Himself with Their Soul”
- The as a Challenge to Reception Theories
- Revealing What’s Implicit
- From “Jewish Memory” to Jewish History
- R. Abraham Isaac Kook and the Opening Passage of “The War”
- Judaism’s Christianity
- Mendelssohn’s Concept of Natural Religion Re-Examined
- Les fondements naturels de la loi divine dans l’œuvre de Rabbi Josef Albo
- The Concept of Evil in 4 Maccabees
- From Genius to Taste
- Sacramental Existence and Embodied Theology in Buber’s Representation of Ḥasidism
- Martin Buber’s Socialism
- Martin Buber and the Problem of Dialogue in Contemporary Thought
- The Hard and the Soft
- “Companionable Being”
- Defining Christianity and Judaism from the Perspective of Religious Anarchy
- Theolatry and the Making-Present of the Nonrepresentable
- The Collective Soul
- Aimed Inquiry and Positive Theology in
- The Kabbalistic Sources of Spinoza
- The Bible Read through the Prism of Theology
- Working Towards Accomodation: Rabbenu Yonah Gerondi’s Slow Acceptance of Andalusian Rabbinic Traditions
- Maimonidean Ethics Revisited: Development and Asceticism in Maimonides?
- Nesirah: Myth and Androgyny in Late Kabbalistic Practice
- Rebuilding the Feminine in Levinas’s Talmudic Readings