- Philosophy and the Language of the People: The Claims of Common Speech from Petrarch to Locke, by Lodi Nauta
- In primum librum Sententiarum, Teil 1: Prol., Dist. 1–3, Q. 4, by Robert Cowton
- Peurbach’s Precursors
- A Short Appendix to Richard Lavenham’s Tractatus terminorum naturalium
- The nominales, Sempiternal Truth, and Tensed Propositional Contents
- The Distinctio divisionis terrae et paradisi deliciarum
- Alexander of Alessandria’s Questions on Matter
- John Buridan’s Questions on Aristotle’s De Anima – Iohannis Buridani Quaestiones in Aristotelis De Anima, by Gyula Klima, Peter G. Sobol, Peter Hartman, Jack Zupko
- “Pulchra ut Luna”
- The Idiota’s Library, or Cusanus as a Reader of Plato (Cod. Cus. 177)
- The Doctrine of minima naturalia in the Commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics Attributed to Richard Rufus of Cornwall and Roger Bacon
- Ens reale, ens rationis, or Something In-Between?
- No Mode of Being, No Mode of Signifying
- Chrysostom Javellus and Francis Silvestri on Final Causation
- Rationality in Perception in Medieval Philosophy , by José Filipe Silva (ed.)
- Avicenna’s Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology , by Riccardo Strobino
- The Noblest Complexion
- John Wyclif’s Principium Biblicum Revisited
- After “40 Cases”
- Richard Lavenham’s Tractatus terminorum naturalium
- Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysical Structure of Artifacts
- Épicure aux enfers. Hérésie, athéisme et hédonisme au moyen âge , by Aurélien Robert & Epikur im lateinischen Mittelalter. Mit einer kritischen Edition des X. Buches der Vitae philosophorum des Diogenes Laertios in der lateinischen Übersetzung von Ambrogio Traversari (1433) , by Christian Kaiser
- Richard Kilvington on the Capacity of Created Beings, Infinity, and Being Simultaneously in Rome and Paris. Critical Edition of Question 3 from Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum , by Monika Michałowska
- Thomas Ebendorfer on virtus sermonis and the Relation between Theology, Philosophy, and Logic
- The Annus magnus in Albert the Great’s Parisian Theological Works
- Subjection and Freedom among the Angels
- Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act , by Can Laurens Löwe
- Les sphères, les astres et les théologiens: l’influence céleste entre science et foi dans les commentaires des Sentences (v. 1200–v. 1340) , by Maria Sorokina
- Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard , by Irene Binini
- Geraldus Odonis on Atomism
- Future Contingents and the Iterated Exchange
- The Role of the Will in Chatton’s and Ockham’s Theories of Consciousness
- In Memoriam Simo Knuuttila
- This Woman Is a Father? The Albricani on a Puzzle about Relations
- Abelard on Eternal Truths
- Mental Actions in Semantics On Abelard’s Question “Can a True Proposition Generate a False Understanding?”: A Tentative Interpretation
- The De re–De dicto Distinction
- The Grammar and Logic of Oneness and Number at the Beginning of the Twelfth Century
- Introduction: Special Issue on the Twelfth-Century Logical Schools
- The Political Animal in Medieval Philosophy. A Philosophical Study of the Commentary Tradition c. 1260–c. 1410, by Juhana Toivanen
- Il De luce di Bartolomeo da Bologna. Studio e edizione, by Francesca Galli
- Ockham and Chatton on Intellective Intuition
- Dietrich of Freiberg’s Theory of Perfectional Forms
- Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy, by Tobias Hoffmann
- Medieval Theories of Divine Providence 1250–1350, by Mikko Posti
- Anonymus Cantabrigiensis. Commentarium in Sophisticos elenchos Aristotelis, by Sten Ebbesen (ed.)
- The Logic of Impossible Scenarios in Hurtado de Mendoza’s Tractatus de Trinitate
- The Tractatus de iride “Inter omnes impressiones” Formerly Attributed to Oresme and Its Grossetestian Milieu: Introduction and Edition
- The Roots of Occasionalism? Causation, Metaphysical Dependence, and Soul-Body Relations in Augustine
- A Fourteenth-Century Scholastic Dispute on Astrological Interrogations
- The First of All Natural Sciences: Roger Bacon on Perspectiva and Human Knowledge
- Durand of St.-Pourçain on Reflex Acts and State Consciousness
- La raison chez Hugues de Saint-Victor : du feuilleté des acceptions à la cohérence d’un sens, d’une pensée, d’un programme éducatif
- Potens per accidens sine accidentibus: Ockham on Material Substances and Their Essential Powers
- Is Matter the Same as Its Potency? Some Fourteenth-Century Answers
- Perfect Subjects, Shields, and Retractions: Three Models of Impassibility
- James of Viterbo on Seminal Reasons as inchoationes formarum
- Aquinas on Passive Powers
- Bonaventure on the Soul and Its Powers
- Introduction: Special Issue on Powers and Essences
- Duces caecorum: On Two Recent Translations of Wyclif
- Thierry of Chartres, edited by Irene Caiazzo
- John Wyclif, edited by Luigi Campi
- Metaphysics as a Way of Life: Heymericus de Campo on Universals and the “Inner Man”
- Henry of Langenstein’s Principium on the Sentences, His Fellow Parisian Bachelors, and the Academic Year 1371-1372
- The Rule of Contradictory Pairs, Insolubles and Validity
- NoticeThe Retraction of Articles Due to Plagiarism
- Retraction Notice
- The Unity of Composite Substance: The Scholastic Background to the Vinculum Substantiale in Leibniz’s Correspondence with Des Bosses
- Kenelm Digby on Quantity as Divisibility
- Suárez on the Unity of Material Substances
- Quantity and Extension in Suárez and Descartes
- Introduction: Material Substance and Quantity, from Suárez to Leibniz
- Quid est causa? The Debate on the Definition of ‘Cause’ in Early Jesuit Scholasticism
- Which Hugo? This One! Hugo de Hervorst
- Mitigating the Necessity of the Past in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century: Future-Dependent Predestination
- Dante, Paris, and the Benefactor of Saint-Jacques
- Abelard’s Treatment of Logical Determinism in Its Twelfth-Century Context
- Adaequatio as Assimilatio: Two Puzzles in Aquinas’ Theory of Truth
- Disembodied Cognition and Assimilation: Thirteenth-Century Debates on an Epistemological Puzzle
- Singular Intellection in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima
- Is the Eye Like What It Sees? A Critique of Aristotle on Sensing by Assimilation
- Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on the Reception of Forms without the Matter
- Introduction: Assimilation and Representation in Medieval Theories of Cognition
- Walter Chatton on Future Contingents: Between Formalism and Ontology, written by Jon Bornholdt
- The Only Extant, Complete, and Original Hebrew Commentary on the Entire Metaphysics of Aristotle: Eli Habilio and the Influence of Scotism
- Futura contingentia, necessitas per accidens und Prädestination in Byzanz und in der Scholastik, written by Stamatios Gerogiorgakis
- John Buridan’s Quaestiones de secretis mulierum: Edition and Introduction
- Parisian Theologians in the 1330s
- Glorious Science or “Dead Dog”? Jean de Jandun and the Quarrel over Astrology in Fourteenth-Century Paris
- Interroga virtutes naturales: Nature in Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power
- Faith and Rhetoric in Giles of Rome
- Consequence and ‘Cause’: Thirteenth-Century Reflections on the Nature of Consequences
- The Theory of Natural Consequence
- Consequence and Formality in the Logic of Walter Burley
- Marsilius of Inghen on the Definition of
- Formal and Material Consequences in Ockham and Buridan
- The Roots of the Notion of Containment in Theories of Consequence
- Introduction: Consequences in Medieval Logic
- Marsilius of Inghen on the Definition of consequentia
- Dominic of Flanders’ Critique of John Duns Scotus’ Primary Argument for the Univocity of Being
- … The and Other Correspondence of the Cistercian Pierre Ceffons (fl. 1348-1353)
- Aquinas’ Ontology of Transeunt Causal Activity
- L’hypothèse de la cessation des mouvements célestes au siècle : Nicole Oresme, Jean Buridan et Albert de Saxe (The Hypothesis of the Cessation of Celestial Motion in the 14th Century: Nicole Oresme, John Buridan and Albert of Saxony)
- Necessity and Future-Dependence: ‘Ockhamist’ Accounts of Abraham’s Faith at Paris around 1200
- Michiel Streijger and Paul J.J.M. Bakker
- Thomas S. Maloney
- The Early Career of Gerard of Abbeville
- Embracing the Lusitanian Legacy
- Jan Dullaert of Ghent on the Foundations of Propositional Logic
- Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Efficient Causation
- John Buridan, Quaestiones super octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis (secundum ultimam lecturam), with an introduction by Johannes M.M.H. Thijssen and a guide to the text by Edith Sylla, edited by Michiel Streijger and Paul J.J.M. Bakker
- Lambert of Auxerre, Logica or Summa Lamberti, with notes and introduction, written by Thomas S. Maloney
- Contradiction and the Instant of Change Revisited
- Contradictory Change
- Marsilius of Inghen on and in , Chapters 4-5
- The Limit Decision Problem and Four-Dimensionalism
- William of Ockham on the Instant of Change
- Nicholas of Autrecourt’s Revisited: The and Parisian Masters on Limit Decision Problems
- Walter Burley on the and of an Instant of Time
- Mathematics and Physics of First and Last Instants: Walter Burley and William of Ockham
- Quasi-Aristotelians and Proto-Scotists
- The Blessed Virgin and the Two Time-Series: Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain on Limit Decision
- Change and Contradiction in Henry of Ghent
- Indivisible Temporal Boundaries from Aristophanes until Today
- Garrett R. Smith
- Paradoxes of Signification
- Sleepwalking Through the Thirteenth Century: Some Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle’s 2.456a24-27
- Walter Chatton on Enumerating the Categories
- Sextus Empiricus’ in the Middle Ages