- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Self-Knowledge
- Duties to the Unified Self
- Integrity and Morality
- Respect, Self-Respect, and Self-Knowledge
- The Normative Power of Resolutions
- The Presumption of Duties to Oneself
- Duties to Oneself in the Light of African Values: Two Theoretical Approaches
- Scepticism About Self-Knowledge of Motives
- On the Owing to in Owing Duties to Self
- Why Naturalism? Translating Homo Natura Back into Nietzsche’s Text
- Nietzschean Perspectivism: Representation and Values
- Was ist also Loben? Nietzsche on the Ethics of Praise
- Nietzsche’s Genealogical Perfectionism
- What Is Nietzschean Weakness of Will?
- Dionysian Religion and Socratic Philosophy in Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy
- Nietzsche contra Schopenhauer on Art and Truth
- Nietzsche’s Curse on Christianity
- Changing the Frame: New Epistemic Frameworks and Social Transformation in African Feminist Theory
- African, Black, and Western Conceptions of Human Dignity
- A Relational View of Homosexuality
- A Relational Theory of Dignity and Human Rights: An Alternative to Autonomy
- Decolonizing “Decolonization” and Knowledge Production beyond Eurocentrism*
- The Nature of Contemporary African Moral and Political Philosophy: An Introduction
- In the Shade of Power: The Sacred Art of Leveling up the Powerless
- African Liveliness as a Secular Moral Theory: Problems and Prospects
- Saved by the Dark Forest: How a Multitude of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Can Prevent a Hobbesian Trap
- ‘Humanity’: Constitution, Value, and Extinction
- Risk, Non-Identity, and Extinction
- Existential Risk, Climate Change, and Nonideal Justice
- Concepts of Existential Catastrophe
- Existential Risk, Astronomical Waste, and the Reasonableness of a Pure Time Preference for Well-Being
- Should Longtermists Recommend Hastening Extinction Rather Than Delaying It?
- Democratic Despotism, Democratic Culture, and the Democratic Ideal
- The Dividends of Democracy’s Destruction: Surplus, Ideology, and Militarism in the Turn to Empire in Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction
- You Say I Want a Revolution
- Duboisian Leadership through Standpoint Epistemology
- Democracy’s Values and Ideals: A Duboisian Defence
- The Faithfulness to Fact
- Du Bois on Government and Democratic Debate
- Knowledge-First Inferential Evidence: A Response to Dunn
- Cartesian Infallibilism and a Guarantee of Truth
- A Safe Road to Infallibilism?
- Really Knowing: A Collocational Argument for an Infallibilist Sense of ‘Know’
- How Not to Be a Fallibilist
- How Infallibilists Can Have It All
- Disingenuous Infallibilism
- Time, Grounding, and Esoteric Metaphysics
- An Epistemic Approach to Ground
- The Grounding Mystique
- A Conversation on Grounding
- Explanation Good, Grounding Bad
- Varieties of Grounding Skepticism
- Would Carnap Have Tolerated Modern Metaphysics?
- The New Collapse Argument against Quantifier Variance
- Vindicating Reasons
- Reason Versus Power: Genealogy, Critique, and Epistemic Injustice
- Psychology, Physiology, Medicine: The Perspectivist Interpretation of Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality
- Genealogy, Evaluation, and Engineering
- On Moral Unintelligibility: Beauvoir’s Genealogy of Morality in the Second Sex
- Dripping with Blood and Dirt from Head to Toe: Marx’s Genealogy of Capitalism in Capital, Volume 1
- Genealogy as Meditation and Adaptation with the Han Feizi
- Is Heidegger’s History of Being a Genealogy?
- Autonomy and Radical Evil: Kant’s Ethical Transformation of Sin
- The Tribute of Faith: Theistic Commitment as Moral Gesture
- Contemplation
- God, God’s Perfections, and the Good: Some Preliminary Insights from the Catholic-Hindu Encounter
- The Holy and the God-Loved: The Dilemma in Plato’s Euthyphro
- Could a Divine-Command Theory of Moral Obligations Justify Horrible Acts? Some Kierkegaardian Reflections
- Aquinas’s Theory of Goodness
- St. Anselm of Canterbury on God and Morality
- Anti-Climacus and the Demoralization of Sin
- Get Smart: Outcomes, Influence, and Responsibility
- Towards a Genealogy of Forward-Looking Responsibility
- Characterizing the Value of Morally Responsible Agency
- Wimpy Retributivism and the Promise of Moral Influence Theorists
- Constitutive Instrumentalism and the Fragility of Responsibility
- Undivided Forward-Looking Moral Responsibility
- Consequentialism and the Responsibility of Children: A Forward-Looking Distinction between the Responsibility of Children and Adults
- How Is Criminal Punishment Forward-Looking?
- Deterrence and Self-Defence
- Proselytism as Epistemic Violence: A Jewish Approach to the Ethics of Religious Persuasion
- Traditional African Religion as a Neglected Form of Monotheism
- Free Will for the Long Run
- Vice and Virtue in Sikh Ethics
- Editors’ Introduction: Responsibility, Luck, and a Pandemic
- Why Standing to Blame May Be Lost but Authority to Hold Accountable Retained: Criminal Law as a Regulative Public Institution
- Complicity and Normative Control
- Vicarious Responsibility and the Problem of ‘Too Much’: Moral Luck from the Perspective of Ordinary Ethics
- Circumstance, Answerability, and Luck
- Interconnected Blameworthiness
- Moral Entanglement: Taking Responsibility and Vicarious Responsibility
- Faces of Vicarious Responsibility
- Responsibility in Cases of Structural and Personal Complicity: A Phenomenological Analysis
- Compensation and Moral Luck
- John Heil’s General Ontology
- Non-Piecemeal Pluralism
- Identity Metaphysics
- Radical Empiricism, Neutral Monism, and the Elements of Mind
- Nietzschean Monism? A Pandispositionalist Proposal
- Monism, Spinoza’s Way
- The World Just Is the Way It Is
- Conceptual Truth, Necessity, and Negation
- The Human Face of Naturalism: Putnam and Diamond on Religious Belief and the “Gulfs between Us”
- Descriptivism about the Reference of Set-Theoretic Expressions: Revisiting Putnam’s Model-Theoretic Arguments
- The Significance of the Division of Linguistic Labor
- Exploding the Realism-Antirealism Debate: Putnam contra Putnam
- Aspects of the Real Numbers: Putnam, Wittgenstein, and Nonextensionalism
- Free Will and Quantum Mechanics
- Necrology of Ontology: Putnam, Ethics, Realism
- The Objects of Rational Thought (a Sketch)
- Hilary Putnam’s Liberal Naturalism about Language Use, Reference, and Truth
- A Conversation between Jacques Bouveresse and Hilary Putnam
- How to Abū Hāšim Meinong
- What if the Dead Are Never Really Dead?
- Nestorius and Nestorianism
- It’s Up to You
- Barking Up the Wrong Tree: On Control, Transformative Experiences, and Turning Over a New Leaf
- Killing Time Again
- Nihil Obstat: Lewis’s Compatibilist Account of Abilities
- Agency as a Two-Way Power: A Defence
- Outline of “Nihil Obstat: An Analysis of Ability”
- Responsibility, Reflection, and Rational Ability
- Free Will and Luck: Compatibilism versus Incompatibilism
- Iblis, Abraham, and Teleological Suspensions
- Above Time: Rabbi Nachman’s Tzaddik and Enlightened Temporal Experience
- Aesthetic Emotions
- The Many Flavours of Regret
- Anticipatory-Vicarious Grief: The Anatomy of a Moral Emotion
- I’ll Show You: Spite as a Reactive Attitude
- Aesthetic Emotions Reconsidered
- On the Good that Moves Us
- Neglected Emotions
- To Trust the Liar: Løgstrup and Levinas on Ethics, War, and Openness
- Levinas, Løgstrup, and the Idea of Command
- Phenomenology, Ontology, Nihilism: Løgstrup, Levinas, and the Limits of Philosophical Anthropology
- Ontology and Ethics: Løgstrup between Heidegger and Levinas
- Levinas and Løgstrup on the Phenomenology (and Metaphysics?) of Moral Agency
- How Is Love of the Neighbour Possible? A Løgstrupian Response to a Lutheran Critique of Levinas—and Vice Versa
- Løgstrup, Levinas and the Mother: Ethics, Love, and the Relationship to the Other
- Statistical Mechanics: A Tale of Two Theories
- Individualist and Ensemblist Approaches to the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
- Quantum Bayesianism Assessed
- Naturalness and Emergence
- Two Kinds of High-Level Probability
- Idealization and the Ontic Conception: A Reply to Bokulich
- Determinism, Counterpredictive Devices, and the Impossibility of Laplacean Intelligences
- Nietzsche on the Significance of Disagreement in the History of Philosophy
- Nietzsche on Tragedy: First and Last Thoughts
- Nietzsche on Honesty
- Nietzsche as a Critic of Genealogical Debunking: Making Room for Naturalism without Subversion
- The Death of God and the Death of Morality
- Nietzsche’s Nihilism
- Nietzsche and Schiller on Aesthetic Semblance
- Collective Responsibility and Social Ontology
- Collective Moral Obligations: ‘We-Reasoning’ and the Perspective of the Deliberating Agent
- Punishing Groups: When External Justice Takes Priority over Internal Justice
- Race and the Responsibility to Abide by the Norms of Unchosen and Unjust Social Roles
- Social Ontology for All (Kinds of Groups)
- The Duty to Join Forces: When Individuals Lack Control
- Real Kinds in Real Time: On Responsible Social Modeling
- Gaslighting, Misogyny, and Psychological Oppression
- Moral Responsibility of Robots and Hybrid Agents
- Climate Complicity and Individual Accountability
- Climate Change and Optimum Population
- The Social Cost of Carbon: Valuing Inequality, Risk, and Population for Climate Policy
- Climate Harms
- Weighing the Risks of Climate Change
- Against Denialism
- Two Early Metaphilosophical Texts
- Going Global: Carnap’s Voluntarism and Price’s Expressivism
- Carnapian Voluntarism and Global Expressivism: Reply to Carus
- Inductive Logic as Explication: The Evolution of Carnap’s Notion of Logical Probability
- Carnap and Quine: Analyticity, Naturalism, and the Elimination of Metaphysics
- Carnap* Replies
- Carnap’s Transformation of Epistemology and the Development of His Metaphilosophy
- Can Food Be Art?
- The Aesthetic Value of Local Food
- Levitation, Superman’s Flight, and the Prose of Life
- The Yummy and the Yucky: Expressive Language and the Agreeable
- Food Landscapes: An Object-Centered Model of Food Appreciation
- Tasting in Time: The Affective and Temporal Dimensions of Flavour Perception
- Haptic Taste as a Task
- It’s Chomping All the Way Down: Toward an Ontology of the Human Individual
- Stovetop Philosophy: An interview with Ferran Adrià
- Dirtying One’s Hands by Sharing a Polity with Others
- Political Revolution As Moral Risk
- Problems of Dirty Hands As a Species of Moral Conflicts
- Dirty Hands: The Phenomenology of Acting As an Authorized Agent
- Dirty Hands: The One and the Many
- The Problem of Democratic Dirty Hands: Citizen Complicity, Responsibility, and Guilt
- Why Beauty Matters
- Aesthetic Luck
- The Aesthetic Experience of Artworks and Everyday Scenes
- The World Is Not Enough
- Hotel Paintings and the Nature of Art: Everyday Artistic Phenomena and Methodology
- Art, Therapy, and Design
- Fashion and the Aesthetic Aspects of Social Life
- Finding Your Voice in the Streets: Street Art and Epistemic Injustice
- Homelessness in the Urban Landscape: Beyond Negative Aesthetics
- Beyond the Call of Beauty: Everyday Aesthetic Demands Under Patriarchy
- Ethics, Aesthetics, and Practical Philosophy
- Don’t Worry, This Will Only Hurt a Bit: The Role of Expectation and Attention in Pain Intensity
- Pain and Mental Imagery
- Are Pains Feelings?
- Pain and Touch
- Defending the IASP Definition of Pain
- The Meanings of ‘Pain’ in Historical, Social, andPolitical Context
- The Meanings of ‘Pain’ in Historical, Social, and Political Context
- Is Kantian Projectivism the Only Hope for Grounding the Principal Principle? (No.)
- Pluralism and the Unity of Science
- Laws of Nature, Natural Properties, and the Robustly Best System
- Kant’s Concept of Organism Revisited: A Framework for a Possible Synthesis between Developmentalism and Adaptationism?
- The Cosmos As Involving Local Laws and Inconceivable without Them
- Kantian Essentialism in the Metaphysical Foundations
- Kant on the Laws of Nature: Restrictive Inflationism and Its Philosophical Advantages
- The Certainty, Modality, and Grounding of Newton’s Laws
- Caring for Quine’s Don’t-Cares
- Quine’s “Strictly Vegetarian” Analyticity
- Quine on Translation and Logical Deviance
- The Quinean Roots of Lewis’s Humeanism
- Carnap and Quine on the Nature of Evidence (and the Nature of Philosophy)
- How Skeptical Is Quine’s “Modal Skepticism”?
- Was Quine Right About Subjunctive Conditionals?
- The Significance of Quine’s New Foundations for the Philosophy of Set Theory
- Is Everything a Set? Quine and (Hyper)Pythagoreanism
- Brentano’s Knowledge, Austrian Verificationisms, and Epistemic Accounts of Truth and Value
- Is Purple a Red and Blue Chessboard? Brentano on Colour Mixtures
- A Contemporary View of Brentano’s Theory of Emotion
- Conscious Unity from the Top Down: A Brentanian Approach
- From Mental Holism to the Soul and Back
- Intentionality and Reference: A Brentanian Distinction
- Two Kinds of Ethical Intuitionism: Brentano’s and Reid’s
- Was Brentano an Early Deflationist About Truth?