- Interview with Mark Moffett for theory and society
- Corruption: A situational action view
- Simulating theory and society: How multi-agent artificial intelligence modeling contributes to renewal and critique in social theory
- Comment on Redstone’s “Democracy and the problem of certainty”
- Arbitrage in Sociological Theorizing: the case of W. E. B. Du Bois
- The paradox of women’s marital freedom: nonlinear individualization in post-reform China
- Democracy and the problem of certainty
- Certainty and explanation
- Performative Certainty
- Response to “Democracy and the problem of certainty”
- Elements of a theory of certainty in society
- The social structure of space and time: preliminary generalizations
- Frames and arguments on the admission of refugees: an empirically grounded typology
- Interview with Rosemary Hopcroft for Theory and Society
- Class-based differences in moral judgment: A bayesian approach
- The future of interaction rituals: an interview with Randall Collins
- Making and transcending boundaries: the effect of ritual on nationalism
- Discourse regimes and liberal vehemence
- Clientelism in a broader frame
- Much of developmental psychology is not worth doing
- The multivocality of the nation: political imagination and transformation in the emergence of African Nationalism
- A theory of concealment
- Interview with Alan Fiske for Theory and Society
- Ideational diffusion and the great witch hunt in Central Europe
- The dramaturgy of listening
- Theorizing sex work: a sectoral approach
- Understanding diversification of strategies and tactics in Swedish mining resistance: the fanning-out effect of goals and contextual opportunities
- First impressions and the built environment: exploring zero acquaintance judgments in socio-spatial contexts
- Cognitive microfoundations and social interaction dynamics. The implications of complexity for institutional theory
- Theorizing democratic conflicts beyond agonism
- Decoupling social movements from modernity: a critical reappraisal of Charles Tilly’s theory on the origins of social movements
- Bringing aggression back into the study of sexual violence
- Understanding solidarity in the European Union: an analytical framework
- When all you have is a hammer: how social justice distorts what we know about racial disparities
- Correction to: Establishing an inverted U-shaped pattern of violence and war from prehistory to modernity: towards an interdisciplinary synthesis
- Parallel trajectories and theorizations of religion and family in modernity: Toward an institutional logics perspective
- What makes randomized controlled trials so successful—for now? Or, on the consonances, compromises, and contradictions of a global interstitial field
- Scientificity before Scientism: The Invention of Cultural Research in German Studies of Antiquity 1800–1850
- Civil society elites: managers of civic capital
- A consilient, multi-level model of corporal punishment
- Symbols and reasons in democratization: cultural sociology meets deliberative democracy
- Supervision, presence and knowledge: clarifying ‘parental monitoring’ concepts within a model of goal-directed parental action
- Correction to: What counts as investment? Productive and unproductive expenditures
- Credit rating agencies and the state: an inter-field regulated relationship
- Algorithmic Management and the Social Order of Digital Markets
- The tempest within: the origins and outcomes of intense national emotions in times of national division
- Max Weber’s rationalization processes disenchantment, alienation, or anomie?
- Establishing an inverted U-shaped pattern of violence and war from prehistory to modernity: towards an interdisciplinary synthesis
- Time, ties, transactions: temporality and relational work in economic exchange
- Class signature in schools: Field, habitus, and cultural capital intertwined to understand the reproduction of inequality at the organizational level
- Probabilistic justice against status defense: inequality, uncertainty, and the future of the welfare state
- Does identity change matter? Everyday agency, moral authority and generational cascades in the transformation of groupness after conflict
- Patterns of tolerance: how interaction culture and community relations explain political tolerance (and intolerance) in the American libertarian movement
- The art of the impossible: Utopia and instrumentalism in contemporary electoral politics
- Correction to: Language, ethnicity, and the nation-state: on Max Weber’s conception of “imagined linguistic community”
- Correction to: The misruling elites: the state, local elites, and the social geography of the Chinese Revolution
- Blinded by the facts: Unintended consequences of racial knowledge production in the Dillingham commission (1907–1911)
- ‘Trauma work’ as hindrance to political praxis during democratisation movements
- Zoning as a labor market regulation
- The misruling elites: the state, local elites, and the social geography of the Chinese Revolution
- Self-negation
- The theory and function of Marxian water rent in the United States
- Dating in captivity: creativity, digital affordance, and the organization of interaction in online dating during quarantine
- Correction to: Reimagining modern politics in the European mountains: confronting the traditional commons with the neo‑rural conception of the common good
- What counts as investment? Productive and unproductive expenditures
- Defiant conformists: gender and resistance against genocide
- The gates to the profession are open: the alternative institutionalization of data science
- The micro-foundations of elite politics: conversation networks and elite conflict during China’s reform era
- Creating and maintaining an alternative public sphere: The struggles of social justice feminism, 1899–1925
- The domestic violence victim as COVID crisis figure
- Reimagining modern politics in the European mountains: confronting the traditional commons with the neo-rural conception of the common good
- The policy-planning capacity of the American corporate community: corporations, policy-oriented nonprofits, and the inner circle in 1935–1936 and 2010–2011
- A Marxist-Humanist perspective on Stuart Hall’s communication theory
- Democratization, development, and inequality: the limits of redistributive models of democracy
- Nationalizing accounts: everyday nationalism, Japanese scientists, and global policy
- Does ‘social infrastructure’ curb drug addiction? The role of local institutional norms
- What makes a difference? Symmetry as a sociological concept
- Distinguishing but not defining: How ambivalence affects contemporary identity disclosures
- Prerequisites and pathways: How social categorization helps administrators determine moral worth
- How algorithms are reshaping the exploitation of labour-power: insights into the process of labour invisibilization in the platform economy
- Why did Trump call prayers politically correct? The coevolution of the PC notion, the authenticity ethic, and the role of the sacred in public life
- Trump divide among American conservative professors
- Planning as social practice: the formation and blockage of competitive futures in tournament chess, homebuying, and political organizing
- Correction to “From secularization to religious resurgence: An endogenous account”
- Correction to: “Insurgent subjectivity: Hope and its interactant emotions in the Nicaraguan revolution”
- From secularization to religious resurgence: an endogenous account
- Nuclear denial in Japan: the network power of an energy industrial complex
- Rethinking the “crisis of expertise”: a relational approach
- Resignation without relief: democratic governance and the relinquishing of parental rights
- Social media, meet old politics: preservation and innovation in Colombian presidential elections, 2010–2018
- Pricing the priceless child 2.0: children as human capital investment
- Ambivalences of smallness: population statistics and narratives of scale among American Jewry
- A theory of intersubjectivity: experience, interaction and the anchoring of meaning
- The survival game: Impression management and strategies of survival under extreme conditions in a Soviet Gulag prison camp
- “Black people don’t love nature”: white environmentalist imaginations of cause, calling, and capacity
- Encounters, separations, and incursions: Theorizing the Black Panther Party’s challenge to the War on Poverty
- The culture of official statistics. Symbolic domination and “bourgeois” assimilation in quantitative measurements of immigrant integration in Germany
- Value change and the pragmatist theory of morality: A response
- “Insurgent subjectivity: Hope and its interactant emotions in the Nicaraguan revolution”
- Critical reflections on pollitt and bouckaert’s construct of the neo-Weberian state (NWS) in their standard work on public management reform
- Entanglements of experience: sketch for a sociological phenomenology of nature
- The person of the category: the pricing of risk and the politics of classification in insurance and credit
- Transcending the Capitalism and Slavery Debate: Slavery and World Geographies of Accumulation
- Deweyan moral sociology: descriptive cultural history or critical Social Ethics?
- Moral entanglements with a changing climate
- If universal basic income is the answer, what is the question?
- The Morality of Birding: Aesthetic Engagement, Emotion, and Cognition
- Agency as conversion process
- The means and ends of nature
- Work and play as moral categories
- Culture in transnational Interaction: how Organizational Partners Coproduce Sesame Street
- The structure of political conflict. The oligarchs and the bourgeoisie in the Chilean Congress, 1834–1894
- Towards a transregional history of secularism: Intellectual connectivity, social reform, and state-building in South and Southeast Asia, 1918–1960
- Memory for forgetfulness: Conceptualizing a memory practice of settler colonial disavowal
- From modern urban resident to sociable urban citizen: The making of spatial-political subjectivity through public housing in Singapore, 1972—2021
- Being engaged in the World (nhập thế) and the secular state in 20th century Vietnam. Approaching two notions through Hòa Hảo Buddhism history
- From industrial to digital citizenship: rethinking social rights in cyberspace
- Risky businesses: economic crisis in Argentina and the generative power of generations
- The genesis of Brexit in the UK: outline of a multi-field model
- Corporate political power and US foreign policy, 1981–2002: the role of the policy-planning network
- Bureaucracy and the politics of time in state-business relations: Waiting to recruit migrant labour in Mauritius
- Trying to make race science the “civil” science: charisma in the race and intelligence debates
- Deindustrialization, social disintegration, and health: a neoclassical sociological approach
- “Burning the bridges”: escalation in the pursuit of authenticity
- Violence Regimes: A Useful Concept for Social Politics, Social Analysis, and Social Theory
- School beyond stratification: Internal goods, alienation, and an expanded sociology of education
- Distributive effervescence: emotional energy and social cohesion in secularizing societies
- Democracy underwater: public participation, technical expertise, and climate infrastructure planning in New York City
- Towards a sociology of curiosity: theoretical and empirical consideration of the epistemic drive notion
- Between sacred gift and profane exchange: identity craft and relational work in asylum claims-making on religious grounds
- “What can the Chinese experience of empire tell us about the Belt and Road Initiative?”
- Cultural citizenship without state: historical roots of the modern polish citizenship model
- Policing The Lost: The Emergence of Missing Persons and the Classification of Deviant Absence
- Epistemic doubt and affective certainty: counting homotransphobia in Brazil
- Symbolic revolutions. Mobilizing a neglected Bourdieusian concept for historical sociology
- Correction to: Religious change in Orthodox-majority Eastern Europe: from Nation-State to Global-Market
- What is a social pattern? Rethinking a central social science term
- Moments of identity: dynamics of artist, persona, and audience in electronic music
- The paradox of victory: social movement fields, adverse outcomes, and social movement success
- Settler colonialism and sociological knowledge: insights and directions forward
- For a probabilistic sociology: A history of concept formation with Pierre Bourdieu
- Religious change in Orthodox-majority Eastern Europe: from Nation-State to Global-Market
- Economics as symbolic capital: The consecration of elite business schools
- Embeddedness and cohesion: regimes of urban public goods distribution
- The logic of quantification: institutionalizing numerical thinking
- Who can lead the revolution?: Re-thinking anticolonial revolutionary consciousness through Frantz Fanon and Pierre Bourdieu
- This is a handcraft: valuation, morality, and the social meanings of payments for psychoanalysis
- Writers and politics: Gisèle Sapiro’s advances within the Bourdieusian sociology of the literary field
- Clients, double clients or brokers? The changing agency of intermediary tribal groups in the Ming empire (1368–1644)
- Religion and its modifiers: making sense of the definition and subtypification of a contested concept
- Toward a sociology of finitude: life, death, and the question of limits
- What is the force of forced migration? Diagnosis and critique of a conceptual relativization
- What is educational entrepreneurship? Strategic action, temporality, and the expansion of US higher education
- Theorizing disaster communitas
- Commons and the nature of modernity: towards a cosmopolitical view on craft guilds
- Populism and the double liberalism: exploring the links
- The work-technology nexus and working-class environmentalism: Workerism versus capitalist noxiousness in Italy’s Long 1968
- Toward a theory of alienation: futurelessness in financial capitalism
- The social life of academic articles: some reflections on the making and impact of “Social capital and economic development”
- Global connectedness of local NGOs: do different types of funding create barriers for cooperation?
- Against Polanyian orthodoxy: a reply to Hannes Lacher
- “Habit and creativity in judges’ definition and framing of legal questions”
- Correction to: Language and imagined Gesellschaft : Émile Durkheim’s civil-linguistic nationalism and the consequences of universal human ideals
- Autonomy on the horizon: comparing institutional approaches to disability and elder care
- Techno-sovereignism: the political rationality of contemporary Italian populism
- Agency in historical institutionalism coalitional work in the creation, maintenance, and change of institutions
- Pragmatic justice in juvenile sentencing: agreeing what to do but not why
- The racialization of privacy: racial formation as a family affair
- On the meaning and contemporary significance of fascism in the writings of Karl Polanyi
- Victimhood dissociation and conflict resolution: evidence from the Colombian peace plebiscite
- The fourth stage of social democracy
- Symbolic Capital of the Memory of communism. The quest for international recognition in Kazakhstan
- Prisons as porous institutions
- Making Muslims illegible: recoupling as an obstacle to religious enumeration in Germany
- Asserting disadvantaged communities’ deliberative agency in a media-saturated society
- A story of nimble knowledge production in an era of academic capitalism
- Ambivalent economizations: the case of value added modeling in teacher evaluation
- “When you’re here, you’re not a militant feminist”: volunteer professionalization in a rape crisis center
- Getting real: heuristics in sociological knowledge
- Immigration, opportunity, and assimilation in a technology economy
- Religion, classification struggles, and the state’s exercise of symbolic power
- Towards a sociology of imagination
- Editors’ introduction to the special issue on the sociology of digital technology
- The case for an inhabited institutionalism in organizational research: interaction, coupling, and change reconsidered
- Data orientalism: on the algorithmic construction of the non-Western other
- Digital hyperconnectivity and the self
- Loops, ladders and links: the recursivity of social and machine learning
- Making platforms work: relationship labor and the management of publics
- Seeing like a city: how tech became urban
- Karl Polanyi: a theorist of mixed economies
- The ethnographer and the algorithm: beyond the black box
- Dependence and precarity in the platform economy
- A sociological agenda for the tech age
- From local control to remote control: an excavation of international mobility constraints
- Kill me a mosquito and I will build a state: political economy and the socio-technicalities of Jewish colonization in Palestine, 1922–1940
- A history of post-communist remembrance: from memory politics to the emergence of a field of anticommunism
- Confessions without guilt: public confessions of state violence in Turkey
- Correction to: Language and imagined Gesellschaft: Émile Durkheim’s civil-linguistic nationalism and the consequences of universal human ideals
- Tripartite g uanxi : resolving kin and non-kin discontinuities in Chinese connections
- Political Competition and Two Modes of Taxing Private Homeownership: A Bourdieusian Analysis of the Contemporary Chinese State
- Rereading Durkheim in light of Jewish law: how a traditional rabbinic thought-model shapes his scholarship
- Theorizing refugeedom: becoming young political subjects in Beirut
- Language and imagined Gesellschaft : Émile Durkheim’s civil-linguistic nationalism and the consequences of universal human ideals
- Gender and charismatic power
- The academic Trumpists: American professors who support the Trump presidency
- When policy feedback fails: “collective cooling” in Detroit’s municipal bankruptcy
- Market governance, financial innovation, and financial instability: lessons from banks’ adoption of shareholder value management
- Religious dominance and empathy
- Where are the market devices? Exploring the links among regulation, markets, and technology at the securities and exchange commission, 1935–2010
- The value of law
- Law, governance, and finance: introduction to the Theory and Society special issue
- Formal institution building in financialized capitalism: the case of repo markets
- From bombs to boons: changing views of risk and regulation in the pre-crisis OTC derivatives market
- Disruption and the theory of the interaction order
- Transplanting institutional innovation: comparing the success of NGOs and missionary Protestantism in sub-Saharan Africa
- Pierre Bourdieu on social transformation, with particular reference to political and symbolic revolutions
- Market Fashioning
- Banks beyond borders: internationalization, financialization, and the behavior of foreign-owned banks during the Global Financial Crisis
- The emergence of modern emotional power: governing passions in the French Grand Siècle
- Sociology and philosophy in the United States since the sixties: Death and resurrection of a folk action obstacle
- Uneasy companions: language and human collectivities in the remaking of Chinese society in the early twentieth century
- Labor-related civil society actors in China: a Gramscian analysis
- Brightening the dark side of “linking social capital”? Negotiating conflicting visions of post-Morakot reconstruction in Taiwan
- Ancient slavery and modern ideologies: Orlando Patterson and M. I. Finley among the dons
- Educated acquiescence: how academia sustains authoritarianism in China
- Racial capitalism
- Sociology and Sisyphus: postcolonialism, anti-positivism, and modernist narrative in Patterson’s oeuvre
- Orlando Patterson, his work, and his legacy: a special issue in celebration of the republication of Slavery and Social Death
- The denial of slavery in contemporary American sociology
- Long-range continuities in comparative and historical sociology: The case of parasitism and women’s enslavement
- From slave revolts to social death
- Bureaucratically split personalities: (re)ordering the mentally disordered in the French state
- Thank God it’s Monday: Manhattan coworking spaces in the new economy
- Recruitment: an undertheorized mechanism for workplace control
- Right-wing populism as gendered performance: Janus-faced masculinity in the leadership of Vladimir Putin and Recep T. Erdogan
- The greening imaginary: urbanized nature in Germany’s Ruhr region
- Karl Polanyi, the “always-embedded market economy,” and the re-writing of The Great Transformation
- Institutions and demotions: collective leadership in authoritarian regimes
- Paternal domination and the mafia state under post-communism
- Leveraging identities: the strategic manipulation of social hierarchies for political gain
- The image of the veil in social theory
- With us or against us?: Nazi collaboration and the dialectics of loyalty and betrayal in postwar Poland, 1944–1946
- The Eighteenth Brumaire in historical context: reconsidering class and state in France and Syria
- Hysteresis, academic biography, and political field in the People’s Republic of Poland
- Negotiating the foundations of the modern state: the emasculated citizen and the call for a post-patriarchal state at Gezi protests
- Divergent trajectories of democratic deepening: comparing Brazil, India, and South Africa
- The rise of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in international development in historical perspective
- Correction to: Mixed methods research: what it is and what it could be
- Narrating political opportunities: explaining strategic adaptation in the climate movement
- Mixed methods research: what it is and what it could be
- Nationalism as competing masculinities: homophobia as a technology of othering for hetero- and homonationalism
- Symbolic capital, informal labor, and postindustrial markets: the dynamics of street vending during the 2014 world cup in São Paulo
- Reversal of fortune: growth trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in modern China
- Unseen suffering: slow violence and the phenomenological structure of social problems
- Good on paper: sociological critique, pragmatism, and secularization theory
- Ajurisdiction
- The business-class case for corporate social responsibility: mobilization, diffusion, and institutionally transformative strategy in Venezuela and Britain
- Hydraulic society and a “stupid little fish”: toward a historical ontology of endangerment
- Misdiagnosing medicalization: penal psychopathy and psychiatric practice
- The great antagonism that never was: unexpected affinities between religion and education in post-secular society
- Historically contested concepts: A conceptual history of philanthropy in France, 1712-1914
- The limits of decision and choice
- How expectations became governable: institutional change and the performative power of central banks
- A market of distrust: toward a cultural sociology of unofficial exchanges between patients and doctors in China
- The state’s sexual desires: the performance of sexuality in the Dutch asylum procedure
- Explaining the capitalist city: an idea of progress in Harvey’s Marxism
- Litigation and political transformation: the case of Russia
- Boundary-work and the demarcation of civil from uncivil protest in the United States: control, legitimacy, and political inequality
- China’s ideological spectrum: a two-dimensional model of elite intellectuals’ visions
- Skilling and deskilling: technological change in classical economic theory and its empirical evidence
- Why dictators hold semi-competitive elections and encourage the use of semi-independent courts: a comment on Thornhill and Smirnova’s “litigation and political transformation”
- Gift exchange or quid pro quo ? Temporality, ambiguity, and stigma in interactions between pedestrians and service-providing panhandlers
- Driving in a dead-end street: critical remarks on Andrew Abbott’s Processual Sociology
- State-authorizing citizenship: the narrow field of civic engagement in the liberal age
- Language, ethnicity, and the nation-state: on Max Weber’s conception of “imagined linguistic community”
- Culturally meaningful networks: on the transition from military to civilian life in the United Kingdom
- Combining transition studies and social movement theory: towards a new research agenda
- Contextualizing critical junctures: what post-Soviet Russia tells us about ideas and institutions
- Pinker and progress
- Guilds in the transition to modernity: The cases of Germany, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands
- Why combatants fight: the Irish Republican Army and the Bosnian Serb Army compared
- Patterns of engagement: identities and social movement organizations in Finland and Malawi
- “Westernizations” from Peter I to Meiji: war, political competition, and institutional change
- Totally alive: the Wisconsin Uprising and the source of collective effervescence
- Forms of uncertainty reduction: decision, valuation, and contest
- Pragmatism and the study of large-scale social phenomena
- Character work in social movements
- Advertising morality: maintaining moral worth in a stigmatized profession
- Mann, war, and cyberspace: dualities of infrastructural power in America
- Folk economics and its role in Trump’s presidential campaign: an exploratory study
- Have wars and violence declined?
- The invention of theory: A transnational case study of the changing status of Max Weber’s Protestant ethic thesis
- Place and tactical innovation in social movements: the emergence of Egypt’s anti-harassment groups
- Emotional impacts of environmental decline: What can Native cosmologies teach sociology about emotions and environmental justice?
- Thinking politics and fashion in 1960s Cuba: How not to judge a book by its cover
- Governing drug reimbursement policy in Poland: The role of the state, civil society, and the private sector
- Why populism?
- The particularity of the universal: critical reflections on Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and the state
- Strategies of valuation: repertoires of worth at the financial margins
- Ups and downs of art commerce: narratives of “crisis” in the contemporary art markets of Russia and India
- On Desmond: the limits of spontaneous sociology
- Metabolic rift or metabolic shift? dialectics, nature, and the world-historical method
- “That proves you mad, because you know it not”: impaired insight and the dilemma of governing psychiatric patients as legal subjects
- Review of Johan Heilbron, French Sociology
- “Bringing the migrant back in”: mobility, conflict, and social change in contemporary society
- Professors and politics: Noam Chomsky’s contested reputation in the United States and Canada
- What is political about political ethnography? On the context of discovery and the normalization of an emergent subfield
- Truth in advertising: Rationalizing ads and knowing consumers in the early twentieth-century United States
- Political deliberation and democratic reversal in India: Indian coffee house during the emergency (1975–77) and the third world “totalitarian moment”
- Intellectual property and industrialization: legalizing hope in economic growth
- The state of things: state history and theory reconfigured
- The Power Elite in historical context: a reevaluation of Mills’s thesis, then and now
- Theorizing command-and-commodify regulation: the case of species conservation banking in the United States
- Socio-historical foundations of citizenship practice: after social revolution in Portugal
- Turning distaste into taste: context-specific habitus and the practical congruity of culture
- Cultural trauma, counter-narratives, and dialogical intellectuals: the works of Murakami Haruki and Mori Tatsuya in the context of the Aum affair
- Theorizing emotional capital
- The political dimension of “linking social capital”: current analytical practices and the case for recalibration
- “Socialist Accounting” by Karl Polanyi: with preface “Socialism and the embedded economy”
- Situated political innovation: explaining the historical emergence of new modes of political practice
- The cultural work of office charisma: maintaining professional power in psychotherapy
- Masculinities in global perspective: hegemony, contestation, and changing structures of power
- Vigilante violence and “forward panic” in Johannesburg’s townships
- Dequantifying diversity: affirmative action and admissions at the University of Michigan
- Have human societies evolved? Evidence from history and pre-history
- The global diffusion of truth commissions: an integrative approach to diffusion as a process of collective learning
- Territoriality, map-mindedness, and the politics of place
- Appreciating field theory’s insights into politics: an empirical illustration using the case of emergency in India (1975–77)
- Civil religious contention in Cairo, Illinois: priestly and prophetic ideologies in a “northern” civil rights struggle
- On postsocialist capitalism
- The making of the political subject: subjects and territory in the formation of the state
- Weber’s theory of domination and post-communist capitalisms
- Simone de Beauvoir’s Algerian war: torture and the rejection of ethics