1 October 2017
Extending Traditional Psychological Disciplines to Positive Psychology: A View from Subjective Well-being -
Job Satisfaction and Innovative Performance in Young Spanish Employees: Testing New Patterns in the Happy-Productive Worker Thesis—A Discriminant Study -
Cognitive Penetration Lite and Nonconceptual Content -
A Note on Morato on Modality and Explanation -
Do Compatibilists Need Alternative Possibilities? -
E=K and The Gettier Problem: A Reply to Comesaña and Kantin -
The Moral Objection to Modal Realism -
Metaphysics and the Vera Causa Ideal: The Nun’s Priest’s Tale -
Sustainability and the Infinite Future: A Case Study of a False Modeling Assumption in Environmental Economics -
Bent, Not Broken: Why Exemplification Simpliciter Remains a Problem for Eternalist Endurantism -
Newman’s Objection and the No Miracles Argument -
Climate Change and Professional Responsibility: A Declaration of Helsinki for Engineers -
The Normative Orientations of Climate Scientists -
Principles of Public Reason in the UNFCCC: Rethinking the Equity Framework -
How the Invisible Hand is Supposed to Adjust the Natural Thermostat: A Guide for the Perplexed -
Informing Public Perceptions About Climate Change: A ‘Mental Models’ Approach -
Is Ignorance of Climate Change Culpable? -
Territorial Rights and Carbon Sinks -
Social Norms and CSR Performance -
Big Data: A Normal Accident Waiting to Happen? -
Overcoming the ‘Window Dressing’ Effect: Mitigating the Negative Effects of Inherent Skepticism Towards Corporate Social Responsibility -
Understanding Ethical Luxury Consumption Through Practice Theories: A Study of Fine Jewellery Purchases -
Beyond Guilty Verdicts: Human Rights Litigation and its Impact on Corporations’ Human Rights Policies -
Attraction or Distraction? Corporate Social Responsibility in Macao’s Gambling Industry -
Ingredients Matter: How the Human Capital of Philanthropic and Traditional Venture Capital Differs -
The Effect of Cognitive Moral Development on Honesty in Managerial Reporting -
Motives and Performance Outcomes of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices: A Multi-theoretical Perspective -
In Search of the Dominant Rationale in Sustainability Management: Legitimacy- or Profit-Seeking? -
Educating Business Students About Sustainability: A Bibliometric Review of Current Trends and Research Needs -
When Does It Pay to be Good? Moderators and Mediators in the Corporate Sustainability–Corporate Financial Performance Relationship: A Critical Review -
Community Characteristics and Changes in Toxic Chemical Releases: Does Information Disclosure Affect Environmental Injustice? -
Green Innovation and Performance: The View of Organizational Capability and Social Reciprocity -
The Diffusion of Voluntary Environmental Programs: The Case of ISO 14001 in Korea, 1996–2011 -
European Green Mutual Fund Performance: A Comparative Analysis with their Conventional and Black Peers -
The Hubris of Hybrids -
Does an Embedded Wind Turbine Reduce a Company’s Electricity Bill? Case Study of a 300 kW Wind Turbine in Ireland -
Beyond Environmental Regulations: Exploring the Potential of “Eco-Islam” in Boosting Environmental Ethics Within SMEs in Arab Markets -
Toward Moral Responsibility Theories of Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Supply Chain -
Understanding Firms’ Approaches to Voluntary Certification: Evidence from Multiple Case Studies in FSC Certification -
The Power of One to Make a Difference: How Informal and Formal CEO Power Affect Environmental Sustainability -
Realism and social structure -
Marinella and her interlocutors: hot blood, hot words, hot deeds -
Substantivity in feminist metaphysics -
Everybody needs to know? -
Why we should(n’t) be discretionists about free will -
How central are judgment and agency to epistemology? -
Free will, bound and unbound: reflections on Shaun Nichols’ bound -
Contested terms and philosophical debates -
Replies to Kane, McCormick, and Vargas -
Replies to comments on Judgment and Agency -
Descartes’ debt to Teresa of Ávila, or why we should work on women in the history of philosophy -
On the apparent antagonism between feminist and mainstream metaphysics -
Responsibilist virtues and the “charmed inner circle” of traditional epistemology -
Morality is necessary for happiness -
Social construction as grounding; or: fundamentality for feminists, a reply to Barnes and Mikkola -
The Multiplicity of Memory Enhancement: Practical and Ethical Implications of the Diverse Neural Substrates Underlying Human Memory Systems -
From ‘Hard’ Neuro-Tools to ‘Soft’ Neuro-Toys? Refocussing the Neuro-Enhancement Debate - Number of publications for this day: 57
30 September 2017
Relative exchangeability with equivalence relations -
A scope freezing effect with negated quantifier phrases -
Slurs, roles and power -
Social choice ethics in artificial intelligence -
Reconciling Contrastive and Non-contrastive Explanation -
Cut You Some Slack? An Investigation of the Perceptions of a Depleted Employee’s Unethicality -
Sequent Calculi for $${mathsf {SCI}}$$ SCI -
Gu, Ming Dong, ed., Translating China for Western Readers: Reflective, Critical and Practical Essays -
Guo, Qiyong 郭齊勇, ed., Collected Works of Confucians: The Criticism of Criticism of Confucian Ethics《 儒家倫理新批判 》 之批判 -
Dongfang, Shuo 東方朔, Hierarchical Order and Just World—Research on the Thought of Xunzi 差等秩序與公道世界: 荀子思想研究 -
Emotion as Position-Taking -
Finding a Place for Buddhism in the Ethics of the Future: Comments on Shannon Vallor’s Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting - Number of publications for this day: 12
29 September 2017
Models for truth-telling in physician-patient encounters: what can we learn from Yoruba concept of Ooto? -
Arranged Marriage: Could It Contribute To Justice? -
Index for Volume 57 -
A Kantian Analytic of the Ugly -
Descartes’s “Considerable List” – A Small but Important Passage in His Philosophy -
Where the Bootstrapping Really Lies – A Neo-Aristotelian Reply to Panchuk -
Hans Jonas’s Biological Philosophy – Metaphysics or Phenomenology? -
Can Neuroscientific Studies Be of Personal Value? -
Anti-Reductionism and Self-Reference – From Plato to Gödel -
Subverting Aristotle: Religion, History and Philosophy in Early Modern Science. By Craig Martin -
Aquinas and Modern Science: A New Synthesis of Faith and Reason. By Gerard M. Verschuuren -
The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato’s Republic: An Argument for Form. By Laurence Bloom -
Questions on Love and Charity: Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae, Questions 23–46. By Thomas Aquinas. Edited and translated by Robert Miner -
Philosopher’s Crystal: The Treacherous Terrain of Tassatarius -
Vernunftreligion und Offenbarungsglaube. Zur Erörterung einer seit Kant verschärften Problematik -
From Ontology to Ontologies to Trans-Ontology – The Postmodern Narrative of History and Trans-Theological Ludic Transhumanism -
Reading Heidegger through the Cross – On Eberhard Jüngel’s Heideggerian Ontology -
The Immense House of Postcards – The Idea of Tradition following Lévinas and Derrida -
Historicity and Christian Life-Experience in the Early Philosophy of Martin Heidegger -
Transgressions: Erich Przywara, G. W. F. Hegel, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction -
How should we deal with misattributed paternity? A survey of lay public attitudes -
Glücksmaschinen und Maschinenglück: Grundlagen einer Technik- und Kulturgeschichte des technisierten Spiels, Stefan Poser, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2016, 404 pp. ISBN: 978-3-8376-3610-9 (print) -
Croce’s Aesthetics -
After Marx, the Deluge -
The Rise of Capitalist Manufacture in the (Advance Article) -
Thinking Through Balibar’s Dialectics of Emancipation (Advance Article) -
Addition to “Special Issue in Commemoration of Olaf Breidbach-Part II” -
The Middle Included: Logos in Aristotle -
Conceptualizing suffering and pain