- A Capabilities Approach to Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Iroegbu’s Uwa Ontology as a Framework for an Ecocentric Philosophy
- Participatory-Deliberative Ethics Assessments of Energy Scenarios: What Can They Achieve and How Should They be Designed?
- Why Conceptions of Scale Matter to Artificity Arguments in SRM Ethics
- Justice and Sustainability Tensions in Agriculture: Wicked Problems in the Case of Dutch Manure Policy
- Covert Moral Enhancement: Are Dirty Hands Needed to Save the Planet?
- Expensive Tastes and Living in High-Risk or Hazardous Areas: Claims to Compensation
- Individual Responsibility for Collective Climate Change Harms
- Norms of Species Translocation 50 Years After the Ethic of Organic Diversity
- ‘Relational Values’ is Neither a Necessary nor Justified Ethical Concept