- Artificial agents: responsibility & control gaps
- Kant on doxastic agency, its scope, and the demands of its exercise
- Social kind vs. conferralist approaches to social ontology: ‘race’ as a case study
- Distinguishing semantics, pragmatics, and reasoning in the theory of conditionals
- Absorbed in deceit: modeling intention-driven self-deception with agential layering
- Illusionism about virtual causation
- Adorno’s dynamic theory of ideology
- Conceptual engineering in the Lvov-Warsaw School
- Fake news & bad science journalism: the case against insincerity
- Political friendship as joint commitment: Aristotle on homonoia
- Practical reason as theoretical reason
- Being-there, being-with, and being-a-part: Heidegger’s mereology of Mitsein in Being and Time
- Irony in earnest: rethinking Hegel’s critique of romantic irony
- Integrational creativity: from combining and blending to transforming and resonating
- Does valuing ice cream sandwiches make one a true gourmand and connoisseur of them?
- Talking about Talking About
- ‘Lucifer in person’: on Iris Murdoch’s ‘Heidegger problem’
- Lies are assertions and presuppositions are not
- Explaining systematic polysemy: kinds and individuation
- Hegel, Selbstischkeit, and the experiential self
- A prolegomena to investigating conspiracy theories
- Contingentism and fragile worlds
- Idealization, animals, and democracy
- Investigating conspiracy theories – introduction to the special issue
- Presuppositional epistemic contextualism and non-ideal contexts
- Conceptual engineering and conceptual innovation
- How not to argue for the presumption of liberty
- Decolonizing epistemic justice: on inter-epistemology
- Epistemic (de-)colonization in the midst of Europe
- Conspiracy accusations
- ‘Austin vs. Searle on locutionary and illocutionary acts’
- Room for responsibility: Kant on direct doxastic voluntarism
- How to make conspiracy theory research intellectually respectable (and what it might be like if it were)
- Conceptual engineering, cognitive deficiency, and the foundations of conceptual inquiry
- The size of a lie: from truthlikeness to sincerity
- Ultimate-Humeanism
- The power of second-order conspiracies
- Doubts about an argument from doubt
- Conspiracy theorists are not the problem; Conspiracy liars are
- Should we worry about conspiracy theorists rejecting experts?
- How conspiratorial beliefs spread, and how real conspiracies are covered up
- A new paradox of belief
- Moral responsibility and general ability
- Occurrent knowledge is the sole aim of inquiry
- Where conspiracy theories come from, what they do, and what to do about them
- Resisting the ‘civilising mission’. Analysing Hungarian conspiracy theories through standpoint theory
- Spinoza on the parts of God
- Racist and antiracist conspiracy theories
- Heterodox conspiracy theories and evidence-based theories of error
- Security as a political concept
- Epistemic alienation
- Counting subjects
- Autonomy and knowledge: comments on Adam Carter’s Autonomous Knowledge
- Learning from scams: the target of fake news
- When conspiracy theorists win
- Clinical reasoning and generics
- Talking about: a response to Bowker, Keiser, Michaelson
- Reasons and ‘because’*
- False friends in political dogwhistles
- Fichte’s world of wordless lies
- On the culpable ignorance of group agents: the group justification thesis
- Toward a paradigm shift: corrective trust as a pathway to mitigate biases in healthcare and beyond
- Conceptual engineering and the dynamics of linguistic intervention
- Moral status of believing in races
- From pictures to employments: later Wittgenstein on ‘the infinite’
- On the intrinsic value of diversity
- True lies and attempted lies
- Kant on scientific pedantry and epistemic populism
- Equal desires and self-control
- Social goodness: the ontology of social norms
- Is health the absence of disease?
- Romantic love and the first-person plural perspective
- Lambert on moral certainty and the justification of induction
- How far can genealogies affect the space of reasons? Vindication, justification and excuses
- Comments on Alex Byrne, Transparency and self-knowledge
- Hume on causation: against the quasi-realist interpretation
- Responses to Professors Richardson, Rouse and Lepold
- Slurring individuals
- Democratic disenfranchisement: a relational account
- The self saves the day! Value pluralism, autonomous belief and the dissolution of the value problem through the encroachment of the self on knowledge
- Kant’s account of emotive art
- How can individuals criticise social norms? A commentary on Charlotte Witt’s Social Goodness: The Ontology of Social Norms
- In between impossible worlds
- A quasi-deflationary solution to the problems of mixed inferences and mixed compounds
- Perception and illusion: replies to Sethi, Speaks and Cutter
- Social role normativity: from individualism to institutionalism
- Introduction to the annual Examen Philosophicum lecture
- Social norms and the dynamics of practices
- Future selves, paternalism and our rational powers
- A unificationist approach to wrongful pure risking
- The rational roles of experiences of utterance meanings
- Mathematical impossibilities
- Question-relative knowledge for minimally rational agents
- As you embed, so Ködel must lie …
- Fragmenting modal logic
- Must we worry about epistemic shirkers?
- The limits of recognition
- Exploration of neuroplasticity: changes in aesthetic cognition and enhancement of aesthetic experiences
- Illusion, delusion, and neural sense data: comments on Adam Pautz’s Perception
- Comments on David Hunter’s On believing
- The early development of Kant’s practical notion of belief
- Concepts and their engineering
- Impossibilities without impossibilia
- Précis of on believing: being right in a world of possibilities
- Attitudes, objects, and norms: replies to Drucker, Schleifer McCormick, and Richard
- Defining sensory representation
- Counterpossibles, consequence and context
- What is the proper function of language?
- Injustice by design
- Can theorising epistemic injustice help us decolonise?*
- Pautz on the laws of appearance, internalism, and color realism
- Is present-bias a distinctive psychological kind?
- Attitudes as positions
- Understanding racism
- On epistemic freedom and epistemic injustice
- ‘The many faces of laziness’
- What was that like? Intuitions and the epistemology of consciousness
- Buridan on ‘Ex impossibili quodlibet’, ‘Ex contradictione quodlibet’, and ‘Ex falso quodlibet’
- Debating powers: where the real puzzle lies
- Facts and ideologies: race and moral equality
- Judgments of taste as strategic moves in a coordination game
- Hope: a solution to the puzzle of difficult action
- Does know-how need to be autonomous?
- Regulating speech: harm, norms, and discrimination
- A way forward for responsibility in the age of AI
- On Hedden’s proof that machine learning fairness metrics are flawed
- Al-Ḫūnaǧī on essentialist and externalist propositions and inferences from the impossible
- Logical norms as defeasible obligations: disentangling sound and feasible inferences
- What is good thinking? Comments on Mona Simion’s Shifty Speech and Independent Thought
- Reasoning from the impossible: early medieval views on conditionals and counterpossibles
- Cooperation – Kantian-style
- Care before friendship: care as a model of civic solidarity
- Moral progress and grand narrative genealogy
- Imaginative beliefs
- Maimon as a Baconian: natural histories, induction and the ladder of certainty
- Does predictive sentencing make sense?
- Machine learning in healthcare and the methodological priority of epistemology over ethics
- Being a believer: social identity in post-truth political discourse
- Possibilities, representations, and norms of belief: remarks on David Hunter’s On Believing
- Legal gluts?
- Multiplying co-intensional properties: a reply to Streumer
- Property dualists shouldn’t be nominalists about properties
- Why do numbers exist? A psychologist constructivist account
- Social constructs and how not to ground them
- Real sparks of artificial intelligence and the importance of inner interpretability
- Reply to Critics of The Birth of Ethics
- There is no right to a competent electorate
- Proposing an Islamic virtue ethics beyond the situationist debates
- What is Nietzschean about Nietzsche’s perspectivism? Preliminary reflections
- Precis the birth of ethics
- Precis of The Birth of Ethics
- Crime and punishment; drama and meaning: lessons from On the Genealogy of Morals II
- Authenticity as transparency
- The point of view of shared agency
- Conceptual engineering and conceptual change. An argument for the learnability of ameliorated concepts
- Modelling the mind: Nietzsche’s epistemic ends in his account of drive interaction
- Genealogy and political philosophy: introduction to the special issue
- A disjointed account of the illusion of auditory continuity: in favor of hearing everyday sounds but against hearing semantic properties
- Advancing the debate on the consequences of misinformation: clarifying why it’s not (just) about false beliefs
- Can prejudiced beliefs be rational?
- Nietzsche’s response to David Strauss: a case study in the Nietzschean practice of enmity
- ‘Poor mankind!—’: reexamining Nietzsche’s critique of compassion
- The Kripkean explanation of aposteriori necessity: in the case of identity statements about chemical substances
- What is priority monism? Reply to Kovacs
- Ordinal type theory
- Responses to critics
- A new concept of replication
- Precis of Amie L. Thomasson, norms and necessity
- Norms and necessity: replies to critics
- The social life of prejudice
- The revenge of Moral Twin Earth
- Heard but not received
- Prejudice, generics, and resistance to evidence
- Grounding physicalism and ‘Moorean’ connections
- Nothing explains essence
- Duties of social identity? Intersectional objections to Sen’s identity politics
- Why Twitter does not gamify communication
- Encapsulation, inference and utterance interpretation
- Precis of prejudice: a study in non-ideal epistemology
- A monstrous account of non-deictic readings of complex demonstratives