- The Notions of Miracle, Testimonial Knowledge, and Certainty – Spinoza and Hume Versus R. Sa‘adyah G’aon and Maimonides
- Double Thesis on the Finite and the Beginning of Existentialism in Schelling’s Dialogue Bruno (1802)
- Aristotle on the Function of Phantasia for Phronesis
- Ethics Ip11 and the Necessary Existence of God
- Luis de Losada on the Debate Between Analogy and Univocity
- Explicit Performatives and Force Recognition
- Why the Embodied Emotion Theory Is Better than the Evaluative
- Hegel, Davidson, and the Dialogical Character of Knowledge
- Ideal Realism—Real Idealism – The Year 1884 as the End of Organized Hegelianism
- A Foundation for a Hegelian Welfare State – Poverty as a Lack of Self-Actualization and the Right of Subsistence in Service of Freedom
- Kant’s Notion of an Erring Conscience Reconsidered – Vis-à-vis Baumgarten
- Edith Stein’s Approach to the Empathy Due to a Presence
- Fashion and Kant’s Theory of Self-Consciousness
- The Phenomenon of Loneliness in the Modern World
- The Search for Identity – Exploring Four Trends in Ethiopian Philosophy
- Two Anomalies Facing the Patriotism-Cosmopolitanism Continuum Thesis – Reading Adam Smith
- Buddhist No-Self Reductionism, Moral Address, and the Metaphysics of Moral Practice – Can Buddhists be Motivated by Second-Personal Moral Reasons?
- Relationality in Nature – Personalist Lessons from Contemporary Immunology and the Phenomenology of Nature
- Undoing Suicidism: A Trans, Queer, Crip Approach to Rethinking (Assisted) Suicide by Alexandre Baril
- Why Ought We Be Good? – A Hildebrandian Challenge to Thomistic Normativity Theory
- Temptation, Sinlessness, and Impeccability
- Towards a Defensible Nominalism
- Fides et ratio’s Lessons for Philosophers
- Coherence of Substance Dualism
- Painting as Metaphor in Plato’s Republic
- Proper Functionalism, Perfectionism, and the Epistemic Value Problem
- Autonomous Weapons and Just War Theory
- Why Do We Care Especially About Human Health?
- Avicenna’s Treatment of Analogy/Ambiguity and its Use in Metaphysic
- Intuitive Knowledge in Avicenna – A Lonerganian Critique
- Caught Between an Empirical Rock and an Innate Hard Place – The Philosophies Behind Chomsky’s Linguistics
- Schopenhauer’s Fourth Way
- Wittgenstein – A Kind of Poet
- The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy
- About our Contributors
- I Know I Should Not Be Biased, But How Do I Do That?
- Overcoming Schumpeter’s Dichotomy – Democracy and the Public Interest
- The Structure of Charles Taylor’s Philosophy
- Derived Quantity and Quantity as Such—Notes toward a Thomistic Account of Modern and Classical Mathematics
- A Thomistic Defense of Creationism in Late Ming China – The Explanation of the Great Being (Huanyou quan)
- Reading Buber’s I and Thou – Rethinking Belief in God
- Plasticity, Numerical Identity,and Transitivity
- Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
- Absolutism, Utilitarianism and Agent-Relative Constraints
- Why Christian Monotheism Requires a Social Trinity
- Imagination and the Genealogy of Morals in the Appendix to Spinoza’s Ethics 1
- Reform or Euthanasia of Metaphysics? – R. G. Collingwood versus Wilhelm Dilthey on the Historical Role of Metaphysics
- The One Has the Many – A Further Synthesis of Aquinas, Scotus, and Palamas
- Conceivability, Rational Intuition, and Metaphysical Possibility – Husserl’s Way Out
- The Activities of Truth
- A Thomistic Metaphysics of Participation Accounts for Embodied Rationality
- Living Accountably: Accountability as a Virtue
- Observation, Interaction, and Second-Person Sharing
- The Moral Status of Love
- Interpreting Aquinas: Resources from Gadamer’s Hermeneutics
- Evil, Demiurgy, and the Taming of Necessity in Plato’s Timaeus
- Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality
- How Identity Politics Objectifies People and Undermines Rational Agency
- MacIntyre on Practical Reasoning – A Reply to Patrick Byrne
- Social Theory in Kant’s Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone
- Is Existence an Ontologically Sound Term?
- Karol Wojtyła’s Thinking on Truth
- Rehabilitating Kant’s Third Analogy of Experience
- Individuation and the Realism/Nominalism Dilemma – The Case of the Middle Ages
- A Political Philosophy of Conservatism: Prudence, Moderation and Tradition
- American Pragmatism: An Introduction
- The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Humility
- The Transmission of Knowledge –
- Collingwood and the Nature of Consciousness
- Flourishing: Outlines of an Aristotelian Natural Philosophy of Living Things
- Principles and Judgments in Rawls’s Theory of Justice
- Ontological Realism and the Later Wittgenstein
- Transparent Self-Knowledge of Attitudes and Emotions: A Davidsonian Attempt
- The Ethical Concept of Responsibility in Levinas and Wojtyła
- Presenting Our Authors
- Gottfried Achenwall. Natural Law: A Translation of the Textbook for Kant’s Lectures on Legal and Political Philosophy
- Heidegger et la question de l’habiter : Une philosophie de l’architecture.
- Ethics under Capital: MacIntyre, Communication, and the Culture Wars.
- Lonergan and Gilson: A Critical Review of Neil Ormerod’s Faith and Reason – The Possibility of a Christian Philosophy
- A Kantian Interpretation of the Infinite Manifoldness of Evil Incentives in Real Human Life
- Kierkegaard’s Response to the Hegelian Necessity of the Past – Possibility, Actuality, and Necessity in Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments
- Interpreting Descartes Algebraically – The Case of Divine Freedom
- The Resolution of the Antinomy of the Teleological Judgment – Can We Assert that the Intelligent World-Cause Has an Intuitive Understanding?
- Empiricism or Its Dialectical Destruction? – Reading Hume’s Dialogues concerning Natural Religion on Evil
- In Search of the Good Life – Through the Eyes of Aristotle, Maimonides, and Aquinas
- The Religious Dimension of Skepticism
- Finding Locke’s God: The Theological Basis of John Locke’s Political Thought
- Kant’s Religion as a Response to the Pantheism Controversy – Between Mendelssohn and Jacobi
- Does Analogy Work in Demonstration? – A Scotist’s Critique of Thomism
- On the Grounds of a Person’s Dignity – A Response to Linda Zagzebski
- Person and Spirit – On the Ethical and Pedagogical Implications of Edith Stein’s Christian Personalism
- Arithmetic, Logicism, and Frege’s Definitions
- The Other Pascals: The Philosophy of Jacqueline Pascal, Gilberte Pascal Périer, and Marguerite Périer. By John Conley, S.J.
- The Cambridge Companion to Natural Law Ethics. Edited by Tom Angier
- Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Creation. By Gaven Kerr
- Gabriel Marcel and Thomas Aquinas – A Dialogue on Self-Knowledge
- The Abductive Structure of Scientific Creativity: An Essay on the Ecology of Cognition. By Lorenzo Magnani
- Apperception and Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness in Kant
- The Right Stuff – Kantian Matter, Organs, and Organisms
- Husserl’s Sachhaltigkeit and the Question of the Essence of Individuals
- Cosmic Mathematics, Human Erōs: A Comparison of Plato’s Timaeus and Symposium
- Index for Volume 60
- Cartesian Circles and the Analytic Method
- Thomist vs. Scotist Perspectives on Ontic Structural Realism
- Abstract Painting – Some Remarks on its Affiliation with Phenomenology
- Xin: Being Trustworthy
- Kant and the Notion of a Juridical Duty to Oneself
- Natural Law and Human Rights: Toward a Recovery of Practical Reason. By Pierre Manent. Translated by Ralph C. Hancock. Foreword by Daniel J. Mahoney
- Plotinus’ Legacy: The Transformation of Platonism from the Renaissance to the Modern Era. Edited by Stephen Gersh
- The Deontological Foundation of Neo-Confucian Virtue Ethics
- Entering the World – Perception in Merleau-Ponty and Critical Realism
- Participation in God: A Study in Christian Doctrine and Metaphysics. By Andrew Davison
- Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in the Greco-Roman Context. Edited by Joseph R. Dodson and David E. Briones
- Erich Przywara and Postmodern Natural Law: A History of the Metaphysics of Morals. By Graham James McAleer
- A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology. By Robert Brandom
- Emergence: Towards a New Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science. By Mariusz Tabaczek
- Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Religion: Rebirth of the Capable Self. By Brian Gregor
- Ethics in the Zhuangzi – Diversity and Sagacity
- Truth, Fiction and Narrative Understanding
- Self-Knowledge and a Refutation of the Immateriality of Human Nature – On an Epistemological Argument Reported by Razi
- Defeated Ambivalence
- Robust Evolution in Historical Time
- “For the Most Part” Generalizations and Practical Wisdom
- Desiring and Practical Reasoning – MacIntyre and Lonergan
- A Strong Emergence Hypothesis of Conscious Integration and Neural Rewiring
- Lovable and Love and Love of Himself – Intimations of Trinitarian Theology in the Metaphysics of Plotinus
- Intentional Directedness and Immanent Content – Aristotle and Brentano on Intentionality
- Carving Up Virtue: The Stoics on Wisdom’s Scope and the Multiplicity of Virtues
- The Artworks in Heidegger’s “Origin of the Work of Art”
- Pascal’s Wager. Edited by Paul Bertha and Lawrence Pasternack
- The Political Morality of the Late Scholastics: Civic Life, War and Conscience. By Daniel Schwartz
- Reimagining the Analogia Entis: The Future of Erich Przywara’s Christian Vision. By Philip John Paul Gonzales
- Pursuing the Honorable: Reawakening Honor in the Modern Military. By Justin M. Anderson and Kenneth W. McDonald
- Response to Joseph W. Koterski, S.J.
- Index to Volume 59
- No God, No Powers – Classical Theism and Pandispositionalist Laws
- Holism, Realism, and Error
- Divine Hiddenness and the Concept of God
- Can Thomism and Pragmatism Cooperate?
- A Contemporary Metaphysical Proof for the Existence of God
- What is Contemplation?
- The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds and Its Demise. By Stewart Umphrey
- Why Trust a Theory? Epistemology of Fundamental Physics. By Radin Dardashti, Richard Dawid, Karim Thébault
- Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers. Edited by Geoffrey Vaughan
- Philosophical Posthumanism, by Francesca Ferrando; Human Dignity in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition: Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant Perspectives, edited by John Loughlin
- Husserl’s Reduction and the Challenge of Otherness
- Existential Import and the Contingent Necessity of Descartes’s Eternal Truths
- On Physician-Assisted Death and the Killing of Innocents – Some Temperate Philosophical Reflections
- Partial Truth in Aristotle’s Metaphysics
- Merleau-Ponty on Race, Gender, and Anti-Semitism
- The Principle of Double Effect, Permissiveness, and Intention
- The Naturalistic Fallacy. Edited by Neil Sinclair
- Kant and His German Contemporaries. Edited by Daniel O. Dahlstrom
- Experiencing William James: Belief in a Pluralistic World. By James Campbell
- Plotinus on the Soul. By Damian Caluori
- The Problem of the Kantian Line
- Kant on Practical Judgment
- Virtues and Human Dignity – Confucianism and the Foundation of Human Rights
- On Painting and its Philosophical Significance – Merleau-Ponty and Maritain
- Milbank and Heidegger on the Possibility of a Secular Analogy of Being
- A Short History and Theory of Respect
- The Actual and the Rational: Hegel and Objective Spirit. By Jean-François Kervégan, translated by Daniela Ginsburg and Martin Shuster
- The Duplicity of Philosophy’s Shadow: Heidegger, Nazism, and the Jewish Other. By Elliot R. Wolfson
- The Spark of Faith: Understanding the Power of Reaching Out to God. By Wojciech Giertych, O.P. and Considerations of the Essence of Man / Rozwaania o Istocie Człowieka. By Karol Wojtyła
- Resisting Scientific Realism. By K. Brad Wray
- Grounding Relations Are Not Unified – Aquinas and Heil versus Schaffer
- The Nature of Design Inference and the Epistemic Status of Intelligent Design
- Petitionary Prayer for the Dead and the Boethian Concept of a Timeless God
- Francisco Suárez on Metaphysics of Modality – An Actualist and Essentialist View on Real Possible Beings
- Natural Normativity and the Authority-of-Nature Challenge
- A Response to Wilkins
- Lonergan’s Isomorphism of Knowing and Being – A Reply to Gaven Kerr
- Hippocrates’ Oath and Asclepius’ Snake: The Birth of the Medical Profession. By T. A. Cavanaugh
- Philosophical Introductions: Five Approaches to Communicative Reason. By Jürgen Habermas. Introduction by Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin
- Perception in Aristotle’s Ethics. By Eve Rabinoff
- Through a Glass Brightly: Using Science to See Our Species as We Really Are. By David P. Barash
- Index for Volume 58
- Isaiah Berlin on Positive Freedom
- Post-Gödelian Ontological Argumentation for God’s Existence – A Phenomenological-Existential Perspective
- Preambles of Faith and Modern Accounts of Aquinas’s Thought
- The Consolation of a Christian
- External Figure (Schêma) and Homonymy in Aristotle
- Political Illiberalism: A Defense of Freedom. By Peter L. P. Simpson
- Building the General Relativity and Gravitation Community during the Cold War. By Roberto Lalli
- Friedrich Nietzsche and European Nihilism. By Paul van Tongeren
- Murdoch’s Morality – An Ontological Analysis
- Atheism: What Everyone Needs to Know. By Michael Ruse
- Material Value-Ethics – Evaluating the Thought of Josef Seifert and John F. Crosby
- Plato’s Persona: Marsilio Ficio, Renaissance Humanism, and Platonic Traditions. By Denis J.-J. Robichaud
- Three Necessities in Kant’s Theory of Taste – Necessary Universality, Necessary Judgment, and Necessary Free Harmony
- Socrates as the Mimesis of Piety in Republic
- David Shatz: Torah, Philosophy, and Culture. Edited by Hava Tirosh-Samuelson and Aaron W. Hughes
- A Response to John Rawls’s Critique of Loyola on the Human Good
- Aquinas on Virtue: A Causal Reading. By Nicholas Austin, S.J.
- The A Priori in the Thought of Descartes: Cognition, Method and Science. By Jan Palkoska
- Imperatives of Right – The Essential Ambiguity in Kant’s Rechtslehre
- Action and Luck in the Kierkegaardian Ethical Project
- The Nature of Horror Reconsidered
- Aquinas and Contemporary Epistemology – The Case of the Truth-Norm
- The Argumentative Significance of Relative Purposiveness
- Divine Conservation, Concurrence, and Occasionalism
- The Immediate Realism of Léon Noël
- “The Crisis of Modernity”; and “The Age of Secularization.” Both by Augusto Del Noce. Edited and translated by Carlo Lancellotti
- John Senior and the Restoration of Realism. By Francis Bethel, O.S.B.
- Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Contra Gentiles: A Guide and Commentary. By Brian Davies
- In Praise of Heteronomy: Making Room for Revelation. By Merold Westphal
- The Most Complete Activity
- Bringing Morality to Justice – The Juridical Applicability of the Supreme Principle of Kantian Morality
- Ordinary Meaningful Lives
- Norris and the Soul’s Immortality
- Nature, Science, and Critical Explicitation – Does Conceptual Structure Reflect How Things Are?
- Possible-Worlds Metaphysics and the Logical Problem of Evil – Concerning Alvin Plantinga’s Solution
- Shame and the Confucian Idea of Yi (Righteousness)
- Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason. By Stephen R. Palmquist
- Time without Measure – Plotinus, Bergson, and Husserl
- Not Yet the Twilight: An Autobiography 1945–1964. By Josef Pieper
- Socrates and Alcibiades: Plato’s Drama of Political Ambition and Philosophy. By Ariel Helfer
- Wagering on an Ironic God: Pascal on Faith and Philosophy. By Thomas S. Hibbs
- Index for Volume 57
- Descartes’s “Considerable List” – A Small but Important Passage in His Philosophy
- A Kantian Analytic of the Ugly
- Hans Jonas’s Biological Philosophy – Metaphysics or Phenomenology?
- Where the Bootstrapping Really Lies – A Neo-Aristotelian Reply to Panchuk
- Can Neuroscientific Studies Be of Personal Value?
- Anti-Reductionism and Self-Reference – From Plato to Gödel
- Subverting Aristotle: Religion, History and Philosophy in Early Modern Science. By Craig Martin
- The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato’s Republic: An Argument for Form. By Laurence Bloom
- Aquinas and Modern Science: A New Synthesis of Faith and Reason. By Gerard M. Verschuuren
- Questions on Love and Charity: Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae, Questions 23–46. By Thomas Aquinas. Edited and translated by Robert Miner
- Not Just “An Unmitigated and Seemingly Unmotivated Disaster” – What Could Spinoza Mean by “Sentimus Experimurque, Nos Æternos Esse”?
- Aristotle and the Dilemma of Kantian Autonomy
- Francis Hutcheson and John Clarke – Self-Interest, Desire, and Divine Impassibility
- Individuation of Finite Modes in Spinoza’s Ethics
- Human-Related, Not Human-Controlled – Charles Taylor on Ethics and Ontology
- Alterity, Similarity, and Dialectic – Methodological Reflections on the Turn to the Other
- The Concept of Woman. Volume 3: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500–2015. By Sister Prudence Allen, R.S.M.
- Conserving America? Essays on Present Discontents. By Patrick J. Deneen
- The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Logic. Edited by Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Stephen Read
- German Idealism’s Trinitarian Legacy. By Dale M. Schlitt
- Confident Religious Faith and Intellectual Virtue
- The Flexibility of Divine Simplicity – Aquinas, Scotus, Palamas
- Kant and the Simple Representation “I”
- Meaningful Moral Freedom – An Improved Kantian View
- Maimon’s Late Ethical Skepticism and the Rejection of Kant’s Notion of the Moral Law
- Aristotle on Evil as Privation
- The Human Rights State: Justice Within and Beyond Sovereign Nations. By Benjamin Gregg
- Concepts of Nature: Ancient and Modern. Edited by R. J. Snell and Steven F. McGuire
- The Myth of Liberalism. By John P. Safranek
- Arendt’s Judgment: Freedom, Responsibility, Citizenship. By Jonathan Peter Schwartz
- Evolution, Chance and God: Understanding the Relationship between Evolution and Religion. By Brendan Sweetman
- About Our Contributors