- Third-Factor Explanations in Epistemological Explanationism
- A Non-Axiomatic System Can Deal with Apparent Nonmonotonicity in the Same Way as Human Beings
- Suspended Judgement Rebooted
- Towards a Categorization of Scientific Models
- Navigating the Boundaries of Know-How and Action
- The JTB+S Definition of Knowledge: Solving Gettier’s Problem
- Epistemic Responsibility: an Agent’s Sensitivity Towards the World
- The End of Thought Experiments?
- Divine Hiddenness Is Costly for Atheists
- A Proposition Is Epistemically Possible If and Only If Its Negation Is Not Obvious
- Luminosity and Dispositions to Believe
- Rethinking Rationality Attributions
- The Case of Patient Smith – Pain-belief, Epistemic Luck, and Acquaintance
- Group Know-How – A Reply to Palermos and Tollefsen
- The Resurrection Shuffle – Tracking Theories and Backward Clocks
- GroundUp Ontology – A Cartesian Perspective & Exemplifications in Science
- Why Be Virtuous? Towards a Healthy Epistemic Social Environment
- Charles Mills’ Epistemology and Its Importance for Social Science and Social Theory
- Knowing One’s Own Motivating Reasons
- Daniel Whiting, The Range of Reasons: in Ethics & Epistemology
- Manne, Moral Gaslighting, and the Politics of Methodology
- Is a Moral Right to Privacy Limited by Agents’ Lack of Epistemic Control?
- Against Epistemic Akrasia
- Providing Stability to Our World. Identity and Transference – Geach and Quine
- On Defence of Kripke – Necessary A Posteriori Proposition
- A Phenomenological Solution to Gettier’s Problem
- The Problem of Religious Diversity or Disagreement – Recent Formulations and Solutions
- Identification and Appearance as Epistemic Groundwork
- Logos & Episteme: Aims & Scope
- The Post-epistemological Inquiry and the Ultimate Fate of Philosophy. – A Critical Discussion
- Collective Epistemic Traits as System Properties
- The Refutation of Intentionalism
- Contextual Shifts and Gradable Knowledge
- Logos and Episteme: Aims and Scope
- Subjective Rationality and the Reasoning Argument
- When the (Bayesian) Ideal Is Not Ideal
- Is JTB Knowledge Hopeless?
- Uniqueness and Logical Disagreement (Revisited)
- Having a Hunch
- Radical Knowledge Minimalism
- Why the Heck Would You Do Philosophy? – A Practical Challenge to Philosophizing
- Self-Favoring Theories and the Bias Argument
- Ought We to Believe the Truth and Nothing But the Truth? – Two Arguments For the Wide Scope Version of the Truth Norm
- Quine and First-Person Authority
- Carnap Versus Popper – What Scientists Actually Do
- Neutralization, Lewis‘ Doctored Conditional, or Another Note on “A Connexive Conditional”
- Dispositional Reliabilism and Its Merits
- Deliberative Democracy, Epistemic Injustice, and Epistemic Disenfranchisement
- Prejudice, Harming Knowers, and Testimonial Injustice
- Lie for the Other – A Socio-Analytic Approach to Telling Lies
- Defending Joint Acceptance Accounts of Group Belief Against the Challenge from Group Lies
- Objecting to the ‘Doesn‘t Justify the Denial of a Defeater‘ Theory of Knowledge: A Reply to Feit and Cullison
- On The Persistence of Absolute Metaphysics
- Rational Decision-Making in a Complex World – Towards an Instrumental, Yet Embodied, Account
- Improving Conceptual Engineering by Differentiating the Functions of Concepts
- A Note on “A Connexive Conditional”
- Gettier Unscathed for Now
- Epistemic Dependence, Cognitive Irrationality, and Epistemic Conflicts of Interests – Why There Is a Need for Social Epistemic Norms
- Gettier Cases, Mimicking, and Virtue Reliabilism
- Epistemic Standards and Value: A Puzzle
- Education and Knowledge
- Group Belief: Summativism in Non-summativist Cases
- Further Reflections on Quasi-factivism: A Reply to Baumann
- Oliver and Smiley on the Collective–Distributive Opposition
- The End of the Case? A Metaphilosophical Critique of Thought Experiments
- Beyond Typology/Population Dichotomy. Rethinking the Concept of Species in Neo-Lamarckism and Orthogenesis
- How Big Do Things Look?
- Why Fallibilistic Evidence is Insufficient for Propositional Knowledge
- Anecdotal Pluralism
- Logos & Episteme. Aims and Scope
- Deontic Logic, Weakening and Decisions Concerning Disjunctive Obligations
- Alston, Aristotle, and Epistemic Normativity
- Ontological Solutions to the Problem of Induction
- A Connexive Conditional
- A Knowledge-First Account of Group Knowledge
- Structural-Epistemic Interdisciplinarity and the Nature of Interdisciplinary Challenges
- Kirk Lougheed, The Epistemic Benefits of Disagreement
- Kuhn, Values and Academic Freedom
- True Knowledge
- A Virtue Theoretic Ethics of Intellectual Agency
- Evidentialists’ Internalist Argument for Pragmatism
- Everything is Self-Evident
- Reduction, Intuition, and Cognitive Effort in Scientific Language
- On the Very Idea of Undercutting Defeat
- Conjunction Closure without Factivity – Reassessing the Hybrid Paradox
- What is the Relation between Semantic and Substantive Epistemic Contextualism?
- Consistency and Shifts in Gettier Cases
- Methodological Naturalism and Reflexivity Requirement
- Epistemic Norms, the False Belief Requirement, and Love
- Make Information in Science Meaningful Again
- A Functional Approach to Characterize Values in the Context of ‘Values in Science’ Debates
- Can Knowledge Really be Non-factive?
- Alleged Counterexamples to Uniqueness
- Reliabilists Should Still Fear the Demon
- A Modified Supervaluationist Framework for Decision-Making
- Why Rip Matters? – Reexamining the Problem of Cognitive Dynamics
- Stranded Runners – On Trying to Bring Justification Home
- The Poss-Ability Principle, G-cases, and Fitch Propositions
- Wright on McKinsey One More Time
- Inference and Self-Knowledge
- Linguistic Evidence and Substantive Epistemic Contextualism
- Disagreement and Deep Agnosticism
- Giving Up the Enkratic Principle
- Social Situations and Which Descriptions – On Venturinha’s Description of Situations
- On Contexts, Hinges, and Impossible Mistakes
- Original Facticity and the Incompleteness of Knowledge
- Context-Sensitive Objectivism – Going Deeper into Description of Situations
- A Non-puzzle about Assertion and Truth
- The Problem with Trusting Unfamiliar Faculties – Accessibilism Defended
- Inferential Internalism and the Causal Status Effect
- The Collapse Argument Reconsidered
- Does Metaphilosophically Pragmatist Anti-Skepticism Work?
- Empathy as a Tool for Learning about Evaluative Features of Objects
- Truth Tracking and Knowledge from Virtual Reality
- Moral Realism and the Problem of Moral Aliens
- Husserlian Eidetic Variation and Objectual Understanding as a Basis for an Epistemology of Essence
- The Subject’s Perspective Objection to Externalism and Why it Fails
- Agrippan Problems
- Group Testimony – Defending a Reductionist View
- Knowledge, Certainty, and Factivity – A Possible Rapprochement
- Process Reliabilism, Prime Numbers and the Generality Problem
- The Aporia of Omniscience
- Justified by Thought Alone
- Casullo on Experiential Justification
- Numbers, Empiricism and the A Priori
- Scepticism without Knowledge-Attributions
- Luck, Knowledge, and Epistemic Probability
- Gettier Beliefs and Serious Beliefs – A Reply to Biro and Forrai
- On Some Arguments for Epistemic Value Pluralism
- Stakes-Shifting Cases Reconsidered—What Shifts? – Epistemic Standards or Position?
- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – Epistemic Standards and Moral Beliefs
- The Conflict of Rigidity and Precision in Designation
- Uniqueness and Logical Disagreement
- Knowledge Doesn’t Require Epistemic Certainty – A Reply to Mizrahi
- Why Must Justification Guarantee Truth? – Reply to Mizrahi
- The Availability Heuristic and Inference to the Best Explanation
- Factivity and Epistemic Certainty – A Reply to Sankey
- The Permissible Norm of Truth and “Ought Implies Can”
- Unstable Knowledge, Unstable Belief
- Surrealism Is Not an Alternative to Scientific Realism
- The Knobe Effect with Probable Outcomes and Availability Heuristic Triggers
- Skeptical Theism and the Creep Problem
- Reply to Forrai: No Reprieve for Gettier “Beliefs”
- Factivity or Grounds? Comment on Mizrahi
- Bridging the Intellectualist Divide – A Reading of Stanley’s Ryle
- What Is the Epistemic Significance of Disagreement?
- Accuracy and the Imps
- Inner Speech and Metacognition – A Defense of the Commitment-Based Approach
- Gettiered Beliefs are Genuine Beliefs – A Reply to Gaultier and Biro
- You Can’t Handle the Truth – Knowledge = Epistemic Certainty
- Knowing How One Knows
- Quine and the Incoherence of the Indispensability Argument
- Is Epistemic Blame Distinct from Moral Blame?
- Evolutionary Debunking – The Demarcation Problem
- Possibility Versus Possible Worlds
- Pragmatic Encroachment and Context Externalism
- There are Actual Brains in Vats Now
- Skeptical Fideism in Cicero’s De Natura Deorum
- Meno’s Paradox is an Epistemic Regress Problem
- Boundless Skepticism and the Five Modes
- Euthyphro and the Logic of Miasma
- A Gift from the Gods – Socratic Knowledge in Plato’s Late Dialogues
- The Practical Life, the Contemplative Life, and the Perfect Eudaimonia in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 10.7-8
- Sextus Empiricus on the Siren Song of Reason and the Skeptical Defense of Ordinary Life
- Introduction: Epistemology’s Ancient Origins and New Developments
- The Warrant Account and the Prominence of ‘Know’
- Higher-Order Defeat Without Epistemic Dilemmas
- Evidentialism, Knowledge, and Evidence Possession
- Science, Values, and the Priority of Evidence
- An Axiom Linking Necessity and Obligation Provided by Prior and Its Analysis Under Carnap’s Method
- ‘Peer Disagreement’ and Evidence of Evidence
- Memory, Confabulation, and Epistemic Failure
- Sosa’s Safety Needs Supplementing, Not Saving – A Reply to Comesaña and McBride
- No Epistemic Trouble for Engineering ‘Woman’ – Response to Simion
- E = K and Non-Epistemic Perception
- Against Boghossian’s Case for Incompatibilism
- The Seeming Account of Self-Evidence – An Alternative to Audian Account
- Can I Know that Anything Exists Unperceived?
- Peer Disagreement: Special Cases
- Safety and the Preface Paradox
- Values and Credibility in Science Communication
- The Basis-Access Dilemma for Epistemological Disjunctivism
- Is Religious Experience a Solution to the Problem of Religious Disagreement?
- Relativism, Faultlessness, and the Epistemology of Disagreement
- Contextualism and Context Voluntarism
- Gettier Cases, Mental States, and Best Explanations – Another Reply to Atkins
- Epistemic Trouble for Engineering ‘Woman’
- Explanatory Virtues are Indicative of Truth
- Lakatosian Particularism
- Testimonial Insult – A Moral Reason for Belief?
- Overcoming Intellectualism about Understanding and Knowledge – A Unified Approach
- Limitations and the World Beyond
- Epistemic Utility and the Normativity of Logic
- An Argument for the Safety Condition on Knowledge
- Why Anti-Luck Virtue Epistemology has No Luck with Closure
- Contextualism and Context Internalism
- If You Believe, You Believe – A Constitutive Account of Knowledge of One’s Own Beliefs
- The Epistemic Consequences of Forced Choice
- A New Metaphysics of Sense-Data
- Epistemic Peerhood, Likelihood, and Equal Weight
- Getting Gettier Right – Reply to Mizrahi
- Internalism, Evidentialism and Appeals to Expert Knowledge
- Pragmatic or Pascalian Encroachment? – A Problem for Schroeder’s Explanation of Pragmatic Encroachment
- Still Stuck on the Backward Clock – A Rejoinder to Adams, Barker and Clarke
- A Thoroughly Modern Wager
- What Is Evidence of Evidence Evidence Of?
- Philosophie der Kultur- und Wissensformen. Ernst Cassirer neu lesen
- What Are Explanatory Virtues Indicative Of?
- Notes to Contributors
- Weighing the Aim of Belief Again
- Logos and Episteme. Aims and Scope
- Notes on the Contributors
- Inferences, Experiences, and the Myth of the Given – A Reply to Champagne
- Why Gettier Cases Are Still Misleading – A Reply to Atkins
- Another Defence of Owen’s Exclusivity Objection to Beliefs Having Aims
- Reply to Simion
- Undaunted Explanationism
- Tracing the Territory – A Unitary Foundationalist Account
- Methods Matter – Beating the Backward Clock
- Non-Pickwickian Belief and ‘the Gettier Problem’
- A New Response to the New Evil Demon Problem
- Thinking Twice about Virtue and Vice – Philosophical Situationism and the Vicious Minds Hypothesis