- Habit in context
- On the transparency of nudges: an experiment
- Retraction Note: Can affordances save civilisation?
- Health care as participatory sense-making: an enactive perspective on relations between patients and health care providers
- The fundamentally uncertain economic agent: Brian J. Loasby’s growth of knowledge approach to the psychology of human action
- Habits of affluence: unfeeling, enactivism and the ecological crisis of capitalism
- Interpersonal factors that contribute to collective intelligence in small groups a qualitative systematic review
- Correction: Trust and reliance in the cognitive institutions of cryptocurrency
- Moral decay, inequality, and the perception of corruption: the reproduction of bribery as a social norm
- Toward a third-generation rational choice theory: the multiple player approach to collective action problems
- A human-like artificial intelligence for mathematics
- Behavioral economics and the nature of neoclassical paradigm
- Trust and reliance in the cognitive institutions of cryptocurrency
- The rationality of recalcitrant emotions in weak judgmentalism
- Willingness to pay more health taxes? The relevance of personality traits and situational effects
- Public financial management indicators for emergency response challenges and quality of well-being in OECD countries
- Psychological motivations for collectivist behavior: comparison between Japan and the U.S
- Consciousness and investment efficacy: the mediating role of mindfulness
- Epistemic justice and experiential self
- The better toolbox: experimental methodology in economics and psychology
- Bounded rationality: from fast and frugal heuristics to logic programming and back
- Responsible consumption choices and individual values: an algebraic interactive approach
- Learning with insufficient data: a multi-armed bandit perspective on covid-19 interventions
- Mental footnotes in Socialism: the current social validity of the concept of bourgeoisie from the Marx’s and Engels’ “Manifesto of the communist party”
- Scope of heuristics and digitalization: the case of marketing automation
- Do self-talk phrases affect behavior in ultimatum games?
- Addressing threats like Covid: why we will tend to over-react and how we can do better
- Going native: Prospects of native advertising development in the ASEAN and BRICS countries
- Multi-player electoral engineering and COVID-19 in the polish presidential elections in 2020
- Animal vs. human rationality-cum-conceptuality: a philosophical perspective on developmental psychology
- The perception of doability and how is it measured
- A role-game laboratory experiment on the influence of country prospects reports on investment decisions in two artificial organizational settings
- Social robots and digital well-being: how to design future artificial agents
- Biowarfare conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with safety guidelines during COVID-19: an international study
- Economic behavior and behavioral economics at times of COVID-19 pandemic
- Democratic societies defeat (COVID-19) disasters by boosting shared knowledge
- The impact of advertising on social processes
- Monty Hall three door ’anomaly’ revisited: a note on deferment in an extensive form game
- The adaptive moral challenge of COVID-19
- Coronavirus in Ireland: one behavioural scientist’s view
- Correction to: The relevance of anger, anxiety, gender and race in investment decisions
- Opening up is not showing up: human volition after the pandemic
- Sensing the self in spiritual experience
- A theory of sexual revolution: explaining the collapse of the norm of premarital abstinence
- On Kantian tendencies during the early corona pandemic in Germany
- Covid-19: equal response and unequal interests
- Quantum-like modeling: cognition, decision making, and rationality
- Choice matters
- Reasonable bounds on rationality
- Plastics and the coronavirus pandemic: a behavioral science perspective
- The relevance of anger, anxiety, gender and race in investment decisions
- “Trust me, I’m your neighbour” How to improve epidemic risk containment through community trust
- The epistemic uncertainty of COVID-19: failures and successes of heuristics in clinical decision-making
- Tempest in a teacup: pandemic resilience in a Canadian small town
- A small step towards unification of economics and physics
- Imitation, conscious will and social conditioning
- Rationality and fatalism: meanings and labels in pre-revolutionary Russia
- Can affordances save civilisation?
- Covid-19 crisis in the Netherlands: “Only together we can control Corona”
- Individual and community resilience in natural disaster risks and pandemics (covid-19): risk and crisis communication
- European disaster management in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Words, numbers, warnings, tips, but still low risk perception
- On the dynamics emerging from pandemics and infodemics
- Ten expert views on the COVID-19 pandemic
- All policies are wrong, but some are useful—and which ones do no harm?
- Judging the quality of (fake) news on the internet
- Compliance to “Unpleasant” actions of crisis management: some remarks from a management control perspective
- Building up financial literacy and financial resilience
- Free will in the clustered-minds multiverse, and some comments on S. Sarasvathy’s ‘choice matters’
- Quantum mechanics, emergence, and decisions
- Some reflections about diverse responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Physics and decisions: an exploration
- Physics and decisions: an inverted perspective
- Rational order from ‘irrational’ actions
- Digital signatures: a tool to prevent and predict dishonesty?
- How did the U.S. stock market recover from the Covid-19 contagion?
- Urbanicity mental costs valuation: a review and urban-societal planning consideration
- Human-mind-inspired processing model for computing
- Confidence, power and distributive preferences
- The story of the pandemic: navigating our way between optimism and pessimism
- Heuristics in fantasy sports: is it profitable to strategize based on favourite of the match?
- Triple trouble
- On the category adjustment model: another look at Huttenlocher, Hedges, and Vevea (2000)
- From Pan to Homo sapiens : evolution from individual based to group based forms of social cognition
- The new frontiers of AI in the arena of behavioral economics
- Conservation of behavioral diversity: on nudging, paternalism-induced monoculture, and the social value of heterogeneous beliefs and behavior
- Problems and solutions: an ecological view
- Relations between type of army service, incidental emotions and risk perceptions
- Agreement by conduct as a coordination device
- ‘Zero-error’ versus ‘good-enough’: towards a ‘frugality’ narrative for defence procurement policy
- Arrow’s impossibility theorem as a special case of Nash equilibrium: a cognitive approach to the theory of collective decision-making
- Business education: Does a focus on prosocial values increase students’ pro-social behavior?
- Architecture of the mind and libertarian paternalism: is the reversibility of system 1 nudges likely to happen?
- Heuristics as tales from the field: the problem of scope
- A behavioral approach to economic analysis
- Implications of smart decision-making and heuristics for production theory and material welfare
- Scientific discovery, causal explanation, and process model induction
- Brexit behaviourally: lessons learned from the 2016 referendum
- Rationality in a fatalistic world: explaining revolutionary apathy in pre-Soviet peasants
- The Role of the Brand on Choice Overload
- The quantum-like approach to modeling classical rationality violations: an introduction
- Is irrational thinking associated with lower earnings and happiness?
- Inconsistency is not pathological: a pragmatic perspective
- Are measures of life satisfaction linked to admiration for celebrities?
- Meta-moral cognition: an introduction
- The normative and descriptive weaknesses of behavioral economics-informed nudge: depowered paternalism and unjustified libertarianism
- Designing effective nudges that satisfy ethical constraints: the case of environmentally responsible behaviour
- Nudge of shared information responsibilities: a meso-economic perspective of the Italian consumer credit reform
- Herbert Simon, innovation, and heuristics
- Bounded rationality, scissors, crowbars, and pragmatism: reflections on Herbert Simon
- Identifying bounded rationality with panel data: evidence from the labor markets of Italy and Germany
- Budging beliefs, nudging behaviour
- Assessing social care policy through a behavioural lens
- Randomness: off with its heads (and tails)
- A recap on Italian neurolaw: epistemological and ethical issues
- The winner’s curse in auctions with losses
- Understanding coevolution of mind and society: institutions-as-rules and institutions-as-equilibria
- The subjective well-being of women in Europe: children, work and employment protection legislation
- Sleep and the management of alertness
- Nudge to the future: capitalizing on illusory superiority bias to mitigate temporal discounting
- Inference from the best systematization
- The meaning of happiness: attention and time perception
- A preliminary investigation about the relationship between well-being and fertility status in different menstrual cycle phases
- Symposium on “Multidimensional subjective well-being”
- Information-driven network analysis: evolving the “complex networks” paradigm
- Well-being, happiness and the structural crisis of neoliberalism: an interdisciplinary analysis through the lenses of emotions
- Disability, economic agency, and embodied cognition
- How reason confronts experience: on naturalist accounts of reason
- Xenophobia is really that: a (rational) fear of the stranger
- Stubbornness as an unfortunate key to win a public debate: an illustration from sociophysics
- Germany versus China: How does social distance influence public good behavior?
- Cycles of maximin and utilitarian policies under the veil of ignorance
- Probabilities as potentially problematic
- Emergence of complex social behaviors from the canonical consumption model
- Wolfram Elsner, Torsten Heinrich, and Henning Schwardt: The microeconomics of complex economies: evolutionary, institutional, neoclassical and complexity perspectives