- Freedom, Omniscience and the Contingent A Priori
- KK is Wrong Because We Say So
- Conceptual Decolonization, Conceptual Justice, and Religious Concepts
- Not Quite Yet a Hazy Limbo of Mystery: Intuition in Russell’s An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
- Intentions and Inquiry
- Practical Knowledge and the Structural Challenge
- Six Roles for Inclination
- Bigger, Badder Bugs
- How to Do Without Encroachment
- Truth and Finite Conjunction
- Abilities and the Epistemology of Ordinary Modality
- On the Moral Problems Raised by the Existence of Personites
- Who Needs a Proof of the Principle of Non-Contradiction?
- A Relationist Theory of Intentional Identity
- Consequences of Assigning Non-Measurable Sets Imprecise Probabilities
- Shepherd’s Accounts of Space and Time
- Schopenhauer on the Futility of Suicide
- Nietzsche and the Significance of Genealogy
- Dogmatism and Inquiry
- What Justifies Electoral Voice? J. S. Mill on Voting
- Kant’s Fantasy1
- Conditional and Unconditional Obligation
- The Knowledge Condition on Intentional Action in Its Proper Home
- Conceptual Engineering: For What Matters
- Correction to: Boolean-Valued Sets as Arbitrary Objects
- The End is Near: Grim Reapers and Endless Futures
- Does Non-Measurability Favour Imprecision?
- Infelicitous Conditionals and KK
- The Question of Logic2
- The Adoption Problem and the Epistemology of Logic
- Kripke, Quine, the ‘Adoption Problem’ and the Empirical Conception of Logic
- The Hope of Agreement: Against Vibing Accounts of Aesthetic Judgment
- Why Care About What There Is?
- New Work on Biosignatures
- This is a correction to: Poppy Mankowitz, Not Half True, Mind, Volume 132, Issue 525, January 2023, Pages 84–112, https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzac016
- Suárez’s Argument against Real Universals
- Heckling, Free Speech, and Freedom of Association
- The Rules of Rescue: Cost, Distance, and Effective Altruism, by Theron Pummer
- Boolean-Valued Sets as Arbitrary Objects
- Imagining the End: Mourning and Ethical Life, by Jonathan Lear
- Decision Theory without Luminosity
- Frege on Language, Logic & Psychology, by Eva Picardi
- Hume’s Separability Principle, his Dictum, and their Implications
- On the Temporality of Emotions: An Essay on Grief, Anger, and Love, Berislav Marušić
- Realism for Realistic People: A New Pragmatic Philosophy of Science, by Hasok Chang
- In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy, by Katrina Forrester
- Hume on Modal Projection
- Aristotle on Sexual Difference: Metaphysics, Biology, Politics, by Marguerite Deslauriers
- Kant’s Mathematical World, by Daniel Sutherland
- Correction to: Futile Resistance as Protest
- Heidegger on Being Self-Concealing, by Katherine Withy
- Life and Death in Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Susan James
- The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, by Lea Ypi
- Reason in Nature: New Essays on Themes from John McDowell, edited by Boyle Matthew and Mylonaki Evgenia
- Fitting Things Together. Coherence and the Demands of Structural Rationality, by Alex Worsnip
- One True Logic, by Owen Griffiths and A.C. Paseau
- Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom, by Tao Jiang
- Changing Our Logic: A Quinean Perspective
- Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of Espionage and Counter-Intelligence, by Cécile Fabre
- The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to Anti-Racist Struggle, by Myisha Cherry
- Epistemic Explanations: A Theory of Telic Normativity, and What It Explains, by Ernest Sosa
- The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience, by David Papineau
- Meaning, Truth, and the Limits of Analysis: Ten Studies, by David Wiggins
- The Will to Nothingness: An Essay on Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality, by Bernard Reginster
- On Theories: Logical Empiricism and the Methodology of Modern Physics, by William Demopoulos
- Towards an African Political Philosophy of Needs, edited by Motsamai Molefe and Christopher Allsobrook
- Freedom & Responsibility in Context, by Ann Whittle
- Emotion and Virtue, by Gopal Sreenivasan
- The Roots of Normativity, by Joseph Raz
- Frege: The Pure Business of Being True, by Charles Travis
- Hope Under Oppression, by Katie Stockdale
- Referring to the World, by Kenneth A. Taylor
- Belief, Inference, and the Self-Conscious Mind, by Eric Marcus
- The Mismeasure of the Self, by Alessandra Tanesini
- The Scope of Consent, by Tom Dougherty
- Justice Across Ages: Treating Young and Old as Equals, by Juliana Uhuru Bidadanure
- Other Lives: Mind and World in Indian Buddhism, by Sonam Kachru
- Adapting: A Chinese Philosophy of Action, by Mercedes Valmisa
- Desire as Belief: A Study of Desire, Motivation, and Rationality, by Alex Gregory
- Reasons First, by Mark Schroeder
- The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy, by George Karamanolis and Vasilis Politis
- Crossmodal Basing
- A Genealogy of Reasonableness
- Aristotle on How Animals Move: The De incessu animalium: Text, Translation, and Interpretative Essays, edited by Andrea Falcon and Stasinos Stavrianeas
- We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women’s Lives, by Manon Garcia
- Metaphysical Exile: On J. M. Coetzee’s Jesus Fictions, by Robert Pippin
- Plato’s Essentialism: Reinterpreting the Theory of Forms, by Vasilis Politis
- Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy: Selected Essays, by Paul Russell
- The Failures of Philosophy: A Historical Essay, by Stephen Gaukroger
- Being and Freedom: On Late Modern Ethics in Europe, by John Skorupski
- The World in the Wave Function: A Metaphysics for Quantum Physics, by Alyssa Ney
- Emotion as Feeling Towards Value: A Theory of Emotional Experience, by Jonathan Mitchell
- Death and Immortality in Ancient Philosophy, by A. G. Long
- Wittgenstein’s Artillery: Philosophy as Poetry, by James C. Klagge
- Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason: Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils, by Pavlos Kontos
- Justification as Ignorance: An Essay in Epistemology, by Sven Rosenkranz
- Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency, by Sergio Tenenbaum
- Feeling Like It, by Tamar Schapiro
- The Fiery Test of Critique: A Reading of Kant’s Dialectic, by Ian Proops
- Determinism, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility: Essays in Ancient Philosophy, by Susanne Bobzien
- The Many and the One: A Philosophical Study of Plural Logic, by Salvatore Florio and Øystein Linnebo
- Almost Over: Aging, Dying, Dead, by F. M. Kamm
- Reading Wittgenstein with Anscombe, Going On to Ethics, by Cora Diamond
- Taking Frege at His Word, by Joan Weiner
- Norms and Necessity, by Amie Thomasson
- Philosophy and the Human Paradox: Essays on Reason, Truth and Identity, by Alan Montefiore
- Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington, Lee Walters and John Hawthorne (eds.)
- Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality, by Cécile Fabre
- Non-Measurability, Imprecise Credences, and Imprecise Chances
- The Epistemic Innocence of Irrational Beliefs, by Lisa Bortolotti
- Realisms Interlinked: Objects, Subjects, and Other Subjects, by Arindam Chakrabarti
- Living in a Material World: A Critical Notice of Suppose and Tell: The Semantics and Heuristics of Conditionals by Timothy Williamson
- Causation in Psychology, by John Campbell
- The Function of Truth and the Conservativeness Argument
- Intrinsicality and Entanglement
- Portraits and Philosophy, edited by Hans Maes
- There Are No Such Things as Theories, by Steven French
- Corrigendum to: A Suppositional Theory of Conditionals
- Nietzsche’s Metaphilosophy: The Nature, Method, and Aims of Philosophy, edited by Paul S. Loeb and Matthew Meyer
- Aristotle on Shame and Learning to be Good, by Marta Jimenez
- Shadows of Syntax: Revitalizing Logical and Mathematical Conventionalism, by Jared Warren
- Escaping the Cycle
- On the Consistency and Reversibility of Certain Sequences of Counterfactual Assertions
- Foundational Grounding and Creaturely Freedom
- The Ethical Demand, by K. E. Løgstrup
- Neither Heroes Nor Saints: Ordinary Virtue, Extraordinary Virtue, and Self-Cultivation, by Rebecca Stangl
- Aristotle and the Eleatic One, by Timothy Clarke
- Imperative Transparency
- Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings (1794-95), by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, ed. and trans. Daniel Breazeale
- Sex, Love, and Gender: A Kantian Theory, by Helga Varden.
- Action, Knowledge, and Will, by John Hyman
- Plato and the Mythic Tradition in Political Thought, by Tae-Yeoun Keum
- Knowing By Perceiving, by Alan Millar
- Practical Knowledge without Luminosity
- Why Ideal Epistemology?
- Choice Points for a Theory of Normality
- Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind, by A. S. Barwich
- Essence, Modality, and Identity*
- Molinism: Explaining our Freedom Away
- Erratum to: For the Love of Metaphysics: Nihilism and the Conflict of Reason from Kant to Rosenzweig, by Karin Nisenbaum
- Erratum to: The Force and Content of Judgment: A Critical Notice of Self-Consciousness and Objectivity, by Sebastian Rödl
- Fragile Knowledge
- The Primacy of Metaphysics, by Christopher Peacocke
- The Complex Reality of Pain, by Jennifer Corns
- The Modal Moving Spotlight Theory
- Conscious Experience: A Logical Inquiry, by Anil Gupta
- Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers, by Cheryl Misak
- Recognition: A Chapter in the History of European Ideas, by Axel Honneth
- Anton Wilhelm Amo’s Philosophical Dissertations on Mind and Body, edited, translated, and with an introduction by Stephen Menn and Justin E.H. Smith
- Moral Philosophy or Unphilosophic Morals?: A Critical Notice of Early Greek Ethics, edited by David Conan Wolfsdorf
- Recent Work in Early Modern Women’s Philosophy: Some Implications for the Canon
- Where the Real Power Lies: a Reply to Bird
- Justice for People on the Move, by Gillian Brock
- Ethics Beyond the Limits: New Essays on Bernard Williams’ Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, edited by Sophie Grace Chappell and Marcel van Ackeren
- A Suppositional Theory of Conditionals
- Moral Puzzles and Legal Perplexities: Essays on the Influence of Larry Alexander
- Observation Sentences Revisited
- Debating the A Priori, by Paul Boghossian and Timothy Williamson
- Friedrich Waismann: The Open Texture of Analytic Philosophy
- Everything, More or Less: A Defence of Generality Relativism, by J. P. Studd
- The Structure of Truth: The 1970 John Locke Lectures, by Donald Davidson, edited with an introduction by Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini and Ernie Lepore
- Aristotle’s De motu animalium: Symposium Aristotelicum, by Christof Rapp and Oliver Primavesi, with a new critical edition of the Greek text by Oliver Primavesi and an English translation by Benjamin Morison. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. viii + 554.
- More on Normic Support and the Criminal Standard of Proof
- The Morality of Defensive Force, by Jonathan Quong
- Does the Unity of Grounding Matter?
- What Freedom in a Deterministic World Must Be
- Being Rational and Being Right, by Juan Comesaña
- The Rational Mind, by Scott Sturgeon
- The Metaphysics of Representation, by J. Robert G. Williams
- On the Moralization of Moral Theory
- Freedom, Resentment and the Metaphysics of Morals, by Pamela Hieronymi
- The Birth of Ethics: Reconstructing the Role and Nature of Morality, by Philip Pettit, edited by Kinch Hoekstra
- Joyce’s Ulysses’ Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Philip Kitcher
- Knowledge is Teachable
- An Interventionist’s Guide to Exotic Choice
- Rank Offence: The Ecological Theory of Resentment
- The Force and Content of Judgment: A Critical Notice of Self-Consciousness and Objectivity, by Sebastian Rödl
- Fix, Express, Quantify: Disquotation After Its Logic
- The Nature of Contingency: Quantum Physics as Modal Realism, by Alastair Wilson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. xi + 219.
- Corrigendum to: ‘More of me! Less of me!: Reflexive Imperativism about Affective Phenomenal Character’ by Luca Barlassina and Max Khan Hayward. MIND, Volume 128, Issue 512, October 2019, Pages 1013-1044, https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzz035.
- All the time in the world
- The Ethics of Joy: Spinoza on the Empowered Life, by Andrew Youpa. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 208.
- Games: Agency as Art, by C. Thi Nguyen
- Are Events Things of the Past?
- The Concept of Presocratic Philosophy: Its Origins, Development and Significance, by André Laks. Translated by Glenn W. Most. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. Pp. x + 137.
- Complex Ideas and Hume’s Separability Principle
- The Logical Alien: Conant and His Critics, edited by Sofia Miguens. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. Pp. 1080.
- Stable and Unstable Theories of Truth and Syntax
- Choosing for Changing Selves, by Richard Pettigrew
- What Does Decision Theory Have to Do with Wanting?
- Moral Criticism and Structural Injustice
- Being Sure of Each Other: An Essay on Social Rights and Freedoms, by Kimberley Brownlee. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 256.
- How to be trustworthy, by Katherine Hawley
- How Common Knowledge Is Possible
- A Puzzle about Belief-about
- Utopophobia: On the Limits (If Any) of Political Philosophy, by David Estlund
- The Metaphysics of the Material World: Suárez, Descartes, Spinoza, by Tad Schmaltz
- Manipulation and Machine Induction
- Against Normative Defeat
- The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s Essays, by Margaret Watkins
- Vagueness: A Global Approach, by Kit Fine
- Sympathy in Perception, by Mark Eli Kalderon
- Contingent Objects, Contingent Propositions, and Essentialism
- Frege Cases and Bad Psychological Laws
- Eliot’s Spinoza. A Critical Notice of Spinoza’s Ethics
- Being and Reason: An Essay on Spinoza’s Metaphysics
- Imagining and Knowing: The Shape of Fiction, by Gregory Currie
- Sacrifice Regained: Morality and Self-interest in British Moral Philosophy from Hobbes to Bentham, by Roger Crisp
- The Metaphysics and Mathematics of Arbitrary Objects, by Leon Horsten. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xviii + 232.
- Wittgenstein on Philosophy, Objectivity, and Meaning, edited by James Conant and Sebastian Sunday
- Moral Knowledge, by Sarah McGrath
- Unknowable Colour Facts
- Essence, Potentiality, and Modality
- Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought, by Ursula Coope
- Review of Elizabeth Barnes’ The Minority Body
- Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness, eds Adam Pautz and Daniel Stoljar
- Recent Work in African Philosophy: Its Relevance beyond the Continent
- Lies and back-door lies
- Shiffrin on Coerced Promises
- Tropes: Properties, Objects, and Mental Causation by Douglas Ehring
- The Tools of Metaphysics and the Metaphysics of Science
- The Unknowable: A Study in Nineteenth-Century British Metaphysics, by W. J. Mander
- Every Word is a Name: Autonymy and Quotation in Augustine
- Mind the Body: An Exploration of Bodily Self-Awareness, Frédérique de Vignemont
- Semantics for Reasons, by Bryan R. Weaver and Kevin Scharp. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 166
- Back-door Lies and Promising under Coercion
- Uniqueness and Modesty: How Permissivists Can Live on the Edge
- Objects of Choice
- On Goodness, by David Conan Wolfsdorf
- Qua Objects and Their Limits
- Belief, Rational and Justified
- What Would a Phenomenology of Logic Look Like?
- Solving a Paradox of Evidential Equivalence
- Impossible Worlds, by Francesco Berto and Mark Jago
- The Fragmentation of Being, by Kris McDaniel
- Transparency and Self-Knowledge, by Alex Byrne
- The Moral Nexus, by R. Jay Wallace
- Citizens and States in Spinoza’s Political Treatise
- Knowing and Seeing: Groundwork for a New Empiricism, by Michael Ayers
- Equal Justice: Fair Legal Systems in an Unfair World, by Frederick Wilmot-Smith
- Against Person Essentialism
- ON MERCY, by Malcolm Bull
- In Search of the Soul, by John Cottingham
- From Essence to Necessity via Identity
- The Value of Humanity, by L. Nandi Theunissen
- Belief, Faith, and Hope: On the Rationality of Long-Term Commitment
- The Logic in Philosophy of Science, by Hans Halvorson
- Why Free Will is Real, by Christian List
- The Instrument of Science: Scientific Anti-realism Revitalised, by Darrell P. Rowbottom
- The Stability of Belief: How Rational Belief Coheres with Probability, by Hannes Leitgeb
- The Structure of Bias
- Being for Beauty: aesthetic agency and value, by Dominic McIver Lopes
- Chance in the World: A Humean Guide to Objective Chance, by Carl Hoefer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xvii + 247.
- Normative Externalism, by Brian Weatherson
- Moral Grace: On Løgstrup’s Theory of Expressions of Life
- Evaluative Discourse and Affective States of Mind
- What is Philosophy For?, by Mary Midgley
- Kant on Laws, by Eric Watkins
- Ways to be Blameworthy: Rightness, Wrongness, and Responsibility, by Elinor Mason
- Fichte on Summons and Self-Consciousness
- Just Words: On Speech and Hidden Harm, by Mary Kate McGowan
- Group Duties: Their Existence and Their Implications for Individuals, by Stephanie Collins
- Meanings as Species, by Mark Richard
- How to Count Animals, more or less, by Shelly Kagan
- Moral Psychology with Nietzsche, by Brian Leiter
- The Exchange of Words, by Richard Moran
- Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals, by Christine M. Korsgaard
- Idealism and the Identity Theory of Truth
- A Common Subject for Ethics
- Not in Their Name: Are Citizens Culpable for Their States’ Actions?, by Holly Lawford-Smith
- Making Morality Work, by Holly Smith
- Ontology without Borders, by Jody Azzouni
- Herder’s Naturalist Aesthetics, by Rachel Zuckert
- Equal Opportunities in Newcomb’s Problem and Elsewhere
- Objective Value Is Always Newcombizable
- Learning from my Daughter: The Value and Care of Disabled Minds, by Eva Feder Kittay
- Thinking Off Your Feet: How Empirical Psychology Vindicates Armchair Philosophy, by Michael Strevens
- Conceptual Engineering, Metasemantic Externalism and Speaker-Meaning
- Intuitions about Objects: From Teleology to Elimination
- Perception and Its Objects, by Bill Brewer
- An Instrumentalist Account of How to Weigh Epistemic and Practical Reasons for Belief
- Representation in Cognitive Science, by Nicholas Shea
- A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should be Uncivil, by Candice Delmas
- Grading Modal Judgement
- The Limits of Blame, by Erin I. Kelly
- Practical Knowledge and Luminosity
- Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics, edited by Geoffrey Hellman and Roy T. Cook
- Why Be Random?
- The Significance of the New Logic, by W. V. Quine. Edited and translated by Walter Carnielli, Frederique Janssen-Lauret, and William Pickering
- The Greatest Possible Being, by Jeff Speaks
- Probabilistic Knowledge, by Sarah Moss
- A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology, by Robert Brandom
- Wittgenstein on Logic as the Method of Philosophy: Re-examining the Roots and Development of Analytic Philosophy, by Oskari Kuusela
- The Rationally Supererogatory
- Autonomy and Aesthetic Engagement
- Language Loss and Illocutionary Silencing
- Human Being, Bodily Being: Phenomenology from Classical India, by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad
- Infinity, Causation, and Paradox, by Alexander Pruss
- The Reduction of Necessity to Essence
- Determined by Reasons: A Competence Account of Acting for a Normative Reason, by Susanne Mantel
- Thinking and Being, by Irad Kimhi
- Normative Uncertainty and the Dependence Problem
- The Fifth Corner of Four: An Essay on Buddhist Metaphysics and the Catuṣkoṭi, by Graham Priest
- A Paradox of Evidential Equivalence
- Vices of the Mind, by Quassim Cassam
- The Quality of Life: Aristotle Revised, by Richard Kraut
- Categories We Live by: The Construction of Sex, Gender, Race, and Other Social Categories, by Ásta
- Descartes, Malebranche, and the Crisis of Perception, by Walter Ott
- Rational Requirements and the Primacy of Pressure
- Were You a Part of Your Mother?
- More of me! Less of me!: Reflexive imperativism about affective phenomenal character
- Monads, Composition, and Force: Ariadnean Threads through Leibniz’s Labyrinth, by Richard Arthur
- The Mental Affordance Hypothesis
- Naturalness as a Constraint on Priors
- Learning from Conditionals
- To Shape a New World, Tommie Shelby and Brandon Terry (eds)
- Thin Objects: An Abstractionist Account, by Øystein Linnebo
- Rethinking Existentialism, by Jonathan Webber
- Zahavi’s Husserl and the Legacy of Phenomenology: A Critical Notice of Husserl’s Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy, by Dan Zahavi
- Compassionate Moral Realism, by Colin Marshall
- What a Philosopher Is: Becoming Nietzsche, by Laurence Lampert
- The Unity of Perception: Content, Consciousness, Evidence, by Susanna Schellenberg
- Faculties, Knowledge, and Reasons for Doubt in the Cartesian Circle
- Being and Nothingness: An Essay in Phenomenological Ontology, by Jean-Paul Sartre
- Proof Paradoxes and Normic Support: Socializing or Relativizing?
- A Kantian Account of Emotions as Feelings1
- Austin’s Way with Skepticism: An Essay on Philosophical Method, by Mark Kaplan
- Practical Shape: A Theory of Practical Reasoning, by Jonathan Dancy
- The Vulnerability of Integrity in Early Confucian Thought, by Michael D. K. Ing
- Knowledge From Vice: Deeply Social Epistemology
- Reconceiving Spinoza, by Samuel Newlands
- Counterfactual Scheming
- Knowledge and Truth in Plato: Stepping Past the Shadow of Socrates, by Catherine Rowett
- Critique of Forms of Life, by Rahel Jaeggi, trans
- How We Understand Others: Philosophy and Social Cognition, by Shannon Spaulding
- As If: Idealization and Ideals, by Kwame Anthony Appiah
- True Enough, by Catherine Z. Elgin
- Fixing Language: An Essay on Conceptual Engineering, by Herman Cappelen
- On the Possibility of Hallucinations
- Form, Matter, Substance, by Kathrin Koslicki
- From Paradigm-Based Explanation to Pragmatic Genealogy
- Agents and Goals in Evolution, by Samir Okasha
- Idealism and the Harmony of Thought and Reality
- Why Does Inequality Matter?, by T.M. Scanlon
- Generalized Update Semantics
- Fallibilism: Evidence and Knowledge, by Jessica Brown
- Confirmational Holism and Theory Choice: Arrow Meets Duhem
- Accidentally About Me
- On the Genealogy of Universals: The Metaphysical Origins of Analytic Philosophy by Fraser MacBride
- Philosophical Progress: In Defence of a Reasonable Optimism, by Daniel Stoljar
- Abominable KK Failures
- Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument
- Kant on Evil, Self-Deception, and Moral Reform, by Laura Papish
- Evidence, Judgment, and Belief at Will
- The Anxious Mind: An Investigation into the Varieties and Virtues of Anxiety, by Charlie Kurth
- Kant on Reflection and Virtue, by Melissa Merritt
- Tragedy and Redress in Western Literature: A Philosophical Perspective, by Richard Gaskin
- Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930–1933, From the Notes of G. E. Moore, edited by David G. Stern, Brian Rogers, and Gabriel Citron; Wittgenstein’s Whewell’s Court Lectures: Cambridge, 1938–1941, From the Notes by Yorick Smythies, edited, introduced, and annotated by Volker A. Munz and Bernhard Ritter
- A User’s Guide to Hybrid Tools
- Composition and the Logic of Location: An Argument for Regionalism
- Narrow Content, by Juhani Yli-Vakkuri & John Hawthorne
- The Metaphysics of Truth, by Douglas Edwards
- The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy, by Avner Baz
- Reconciling Practical Knowledge with Self-Deception
- Self-Locating Belief and Updating on Learning
- Thick Evaluation, by Simon Kirchin
- Structuring Mind: The Nature of Attention and How It Shapes Consciousness, by Sebastian Watzl
- Normative Uncertainty and Social Choice
- Only Imagine: Fiction, Interpretation, and Imagination, by Kathleen Stock
- Essays in Moral Scepticism, by Richard Joyce
- Unable to Do the Impossible
- We Have No Reason to Think There Are No Reasons for Affective Attitudes
- Making Things Up, by Karen Bennett
- Permissive Metaepistemology
- Illocutionary Frustration
- Defeaters and Disqualifiers
- Levinas’s Ethical Politics, by Michael L. Morgan
- Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost, by Tzachi Zamir
- Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond by Julia Annas
- Three Infinities in Early Modern Philosophy
- Epistemology, Pettigrew Style: A Critical Notice of Accuracy and the Laws of Credence, by Richard Pettigrew1
- New Hope for Relative Overlap Measures of Coherence
- Updating Data Semantics
- Well-being, Disability, and Choosing Children
- Trial by Statistics: Is a High Probability of Guilt Enough to Convict?
- Logical Mistakes, Logical Aliens, and the Laws of Kant’s Pure General Logic
- A Mark of the Mental, by Karen Neander
- Goodness-Fixing Isn’t Good Enough: A Reply to McHugh and Way
- The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction, by Susan Schneider
- Synonymy Between Token-Reflexive Expressions
- Disabilities Are Also Legitimately Medically Interesting Constraints on Legitimate Interests
- Reasoning and Deducing
- How to Solve the Puzzle of Dion and Theon Without Losing Your Head
- I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again, by Béatrice Longuenesse
- The Well-Ordered Universe: The Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish, by Deborah Boyle
- Studies in Buddhist Philosophy, by Mark Siderits
- What do Philosophers do? Scepticism and the Practice of Philosophy, by Penelope Maddy
- Normative Reasons as Reasons Why We Ought
- Adaptive Preferences, Adapted Preferences
- From Natural Character to Moral Virtue in Aristotle, by Mariska Leunissen
- One Another’s Equals, by Jeremy Waldron
- The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s Point of View, by Tim Crane
- The Value of Rationality, by Ralph Wedgwood
- The Normativity of Rationality, by Benjamin Kiesewetter
- Midlife: A Philosophical Guide, by Kieran Setiya
- Triviality Results and the Relationship between Logical and Natural Languages
- Spinoza on Reason, by Michael LeBuffe
- Hegel’s Social Ethics: Religion, Conflict, and Rituals of Reconciliation, by Molly Farneth
- Chance and the Structure of Modal Space
- Humean Nature: How Desire Explains Action, Thought, and Feeling, by Neil Sinhababu
- Rethinking Race: The Case for Deflationary Realism, by Michael O. Hardimon
- Inner Virtue, by Nicolas Bommarito
- The Art of Philosophy: Visual Thinking in Europe from the late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment, by Susanna Berger
- Intellectual Isolation
- On a Judgment of One’s Own: Heideggerian Authenticity, Standpoints, and All Things Considered
- Epistemic Trespassing
- Critical Notice of Gila Sher’s Epistemic Friction
- How Counterpart Theory Saves Nonreductive Physicalism
- Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action and The Embodied Mind, by Andy Clark.
- The Wrong of Injustice, by Mari Mikkola.
- On What Matters, Volume Three, by Derek Parfit.Does Anything Really Matter? Essays on Parfit on Objectivity, edited by Peter Singer.
- Can Perceptual Experiences Be Rational?
- Some Possibilities in Population Axiology
- Equal Opportunity and Newcomb’s Problem
- Semantic Verbs Are Intensional Transitives
- Rule-Following, Meaning and Primitive Normativity
- Lockeans Maximize Expected Accuracy
- Because Without Cause: Non-Causal Explanations in Science and Mathematics, by Marc Lange.
- Retrieving Realism, by Hubert Dreyfus & Charles Taylor.
- Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature, by Alva Noë
- Contingent Existence and the Reduction of Modality to Essence
- Judgements about Thought Experiments
- The Boundary Stones of Thought: An Essay in the Philosophy of Logic , by Ian Rumfitt.
- Elusive Externalism
- The Boundary Stones of Thought: An Essay in the Philosophy of Logic, by Ian Rumfitt.
- A Defence of the Resemblance Meaning of ‘What it’s like’
- Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform , by Tommie Shelby.
- Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform, by Tommie Shelby.
- When Does Evidence Suffice for Conviction?
- Ockham’s Razors: A User’s Manual , by Elliott Sober.
- Counterfactual Attitudes and the Relational Analysis
- Structured Propositions in a Generative Grammar
- Causation & Free Will, by Carolina Sartorio.
- The Roots of C. D. Broad’s Growing Block Theory of Time
- Fichte’s Normative Ethics: Deontological or Teleological?
- The Aesthetics of Argument , by Martin Warner
- Uncommon Knowledge
- Between Logic and the World , by Bernhard Nickel.
- Tragedy and Resentment
- The Nietzschean Self , by Paul Katsafanas.
- The Mill-Frege Theory of Proper Names
- There Are No Reasons for Affective Attitudes
- Veritism Unswamped
- Expressivism and Collectives
- An Introduction to Feminism , by Lorna Finlayson.
- Living on the Edge: Against Epistemic Permissivism
- What is a Singular Proposition?
- Philosophy Without Belief
- Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism: Philosophy and Theology , by Alexander X. Douglas.
- The Unity of Grounding
- What is Reasoning?
- ‘Vague’ at Higher Orders
- Backwards Causation and the Chancy Past
- Adequate Counterpart Translations
- Analogical Predictive Probabilities
- Moral Aggregation , by Iwao Hirose.
- The Structure of Justification
- Frege on Judgement and the Judging Agent
- Intuitions are Used as Evidence in Philosophy
- Conditionalization Does Not (in General) Maximize Expected Accuracy
- Shape Perception in a Relativistic Universe
- The Things We Do with Identity
- Puzzling Identities, by Vincent Descombes, translated by Stephen Adam Schwartz
- Frankfurt’s Unwilling and Willing Addicts
- The Foundations of Epistemic Decision Theory
- Varieties of Logic , by Stewart Shapiro.
- Using Benevolent Affections to Learn Our Duty *
- Critical Notice of Jason Stanley’s How Propaganda Works
- Between Probability and Certainty: What Justifies Belief , by Martin Smith