- Galileo’s ship and the relativity principle
- Action, passion, power
- On two arguments for fanaticism
- Absolution of a Causal Decision Theorist
- Experience, time, objects, and processes
- Decision theory unbound
- Good people are not like good knives
- How to do things with sunk costs
- Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you anywhere
- On the site of predictive justice
- Numbers without aggregation
- Symbolic value and the limits of good‐for theory
- Frege cases and rationalizing explanations
- Meddlesome blame and negotiating standing
- Higher‐order being and time
- Primitive governance
- The slow clap phenomenon
- Do credences model guesses?
- A puzzle about knowledge ascriptions
- Arithmetical pluralism and the objectivity of syntax
- The puzzle of mood rationality
- Metaphysics of risk and luck
- How to be indifferent
- Epistemic practices: A unified account of epistemic and zetetic normativity
- Rigidity and necessary application
- Happiness and well‐being: Is it all in your head? Evidence from the folk
- Moral understanding: From virtue to knowledge
- ‘I didn’t know it was you’: The impersonal grounds of relational normativity
- Knowing what to do
- What is rational belief?
- Imagination as a generative source of justification
- A paradox for tiny probabilities and enormous values
- A risky challenge for intransitive preferences
- Weyl and two kinds of potential domains
- Mathematical pluralism
- Dimensions of value
- What the tortoise should do: A knowledge‐first virtue approach to the basing relation
- The problem of nomological harmony
- When is a concept a priori?
- A false dichotomy in denying explanatoriness any role in confirmation
- Identified person “bias” as decreasing marginal value of chances
- A defense of back‐end doxastic voluntarism
- Indexicality, Bayesian background and self‐location in fine‐tuning arguments for the multiverse
- Does matter mind content?
- The epistemology of interpersonal relations
- Why there are no Frankfurt‐style omission cases
- Evidentialism, justification, and knowledge‐first
- Judgment’s aimless heart
- Two approaches to metaphysical explanation
- People and places
- Understanding in mathematics: The case of mathematical proofs
- Thing causation
- Scepticism, evidential holism and the logic of demonic deception
- Probabilities of conditionals: Updating Adams
- Tropes and qualitative change
- Decision and foreknowledge
- Indirect compatibilism
- Fictional domains
- How to perform a nonbasic action
- Suspending belief in credal accounts
- Epistemic akrasia: No apology required
- Ignorance and awareness
- Causal theories of spacetime
- The normativity of gender
- Conditional intentions and shared agency
- Respect for others’ risk attitudes and the long‐run future
- The fundamental facts can be logically simple
- The misapplication dilemma
- Just probabilities
- Consciousness and welfare subjectivity
- Socially conscious moral intuitionism
- Moral uncertainty, noncognitivism, and the multi‐objective story
- Constraints, you, and your victims
- Controlling our reasons
- Virtual terrors
- Grounding and defining identity
- Conventionalism about mathematics and logic
- In defense of the armchair: Against empirical arguments in the philosophy of perception
- Space, time and parsimony
- Should moral intuitionism go social?
- The Boltzmann Brains Puzzle
- Superspreading the word
- Proleptic praise: A social function analysis
- The transparency of mental vehicles
- Invariantism, contextualism, and the explanatory power of knowledge
- Disagreement & classification in comparative cognitive science
- Higher‐order evidence and the duty to double‐check
- Center indifference and skepticism