- Predictions of critical radii for reactors and bombs 1939–45 including the Frisch–Peierls memorandum
- Lattice Gauge theory before lattice Gauge theory
- Raoul Gatto and Bruno Touschek’s joint legacy in the rise of electron–positron physics
- Obituary—Prof. Wolf Beiglböck (1939–2024): Reminiscences on the architect of the European Physical Journal and Founding Editor of EPJ H
- Equilibria and the protomodel of the Sun’s atmosphere by Karl Schwarzschild in hindsight
- A commented translation of Boltzmann’s work, “Ueber die sogenannte H-Curve.”
- Bohr and von Neumann on the universality of quantum mechanics: materials for the history of the quantum measurement process
- From history of physics to “history for physics”
- The drama of ideas in the history of quantum gravity: Niels Bohr, Lev Landau, and Matvei Bronstein
- The birth of StatPhys: the 1949 Florence conference at the juncture of national and international physics reconstruction after World War II
- Publisher Correction: Pascual Jordan: from matrix multiplication to interference law
- The development of the concept of exchange forces in the 1930s: close encounters between Europe and Japan and the birth of nuclear theory
- Pascual Jordan: from matrix multiplication to interference law
- Percolating lives: statistical mechanics in Naples
- Robert Millikan, Japanese internment, and eugenics
- Perturbative expansions and the foundations of quantum field theory
- Gian-Carlo Wick and neutron physics in the 1930s
- Correction to: From concrete quarks to QCD: a personal perspective
- The quantum theory of gravitation, effective field theories, and strings: yesterday and today
- Revisiting the Frisch–Peierls Memorandum
- The breakup of gas bubbles by a shock wave: brief historical background
- The development of computational methods for Feynman diagrams
- The 50th anniversary of the coupled channels Born approximation (CCBA) and the coupled reaction channels (CRC) theories of nucleon transfer reactions (a unique interplay between theory, experiment and computer technology, conducted during the most tumultuous period in modern American society)
- Addressing the problem of the LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA visibility in the scientific literature
- How a falling apple could have helped Newton discover universal gravity
- Analogue gravity and the Hawking effect: historical perspective and literature review
- From concrete quarks to QCD: a personal perspective
- Orthodox or dissident? The evolution of Bohm’s ontological reflections in the 1950s
- Matrix mechanics mis-prized: Max Born’s belated nobelization
- A history of the relation between fluctuation and dissipation
- George Gamow and Ralph Alpher: a review of their cosmological collaboration as mentor and protégé 1942–1955
- Correction: The end of the particle era?
- On the gravitational effects of light
- The end of the particle era?
- Anatoly Vlasov heritage: 60-year-old controversy
- R. Fürth’s 1933 paper “On certain relations between classical statistics and quantum mechanics” [“Über einige Beziehungen zwischen klassischer Statistik und Quantenmechanik”, Zeitschrift für Physik, 81 143–162]
- What’s in a name?
- On the speed of light in a vacuum in the presence of a magnetic field
- IUCAA: genesis of a unique research centre
- A brief history of Florentine physics from the 1920s to the end of the 1960s
- The JADE experiment at the PETRA $$e^+e^-$$ collider: history, achievements and revival
- Einstein’s Oxford cosmology blackboards: open portals to 1931
- The emergence of protein dynamics simulations: how computational statistical mechanics met biochemistry
- Samuil Kaplan and the development of astrophysical research at the Lviv University
- Beyond the infrared: a centenary of Heinrich Rubens’s death
- Fermi’s favorite figure: the history of the pseudopotential concept in atomic physics and neutron physics
- Schottky’s forgotten step to the Ising model
- Correction to: Einstein’s cosmic model of 1931 revisited: an analysis and translation of a forgotten model of the universe
- A history of observables and Hamilton–Jacobi approaches to general relativity
- On the origin of the Gullstrand–Painlevé coordinates
- The genesis of the CPT theorem
- Internal dynamics in condensed matter, as studied by spin relaxation: some examples from 75 years
- EUROGRAV 1986–1989: the first attempts for a European Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory
- Hans Zocher and mineral liquid crystals
- Indistinguishable elements in the origins of quantum statistics. The case of Fermi–Dirac statistics
- Boltzmann’s reply to the Loschmidt paradox: a commented translation
- E. Schrödinger’s 1931 paper “On the Reversal of the Laws of Nature” [“Über die Umkehrung der Naturgesetze”, Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, physikalisch-mathematische Klasse, 8 N9 144–153]
- Half-a-century of gamma-ray astrophysics at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
- The early years of quantum Monte Carlo (2): finite-temperature simulations
- How to model phase transitions? The changing approaches 1937–1970
- Henry Cavendish and the effect of gravity on propagation of light: a postscript
- Chronicle of the discovery of the back-bending phenomenon in atomic nuclei: a personal recollection 50 years on
- A road map for Feynman’s adventures in the land of gravitation
- Three Pathbreaking papers of 1966 revisited: their relevance to certain aspects of cosmological creation today
- The thermodynamics of black holes: from Penrose process to Hawking radiation
- Comment on Clebsch’s 1857 and 1859 papers on using Hamiltonian methods in hydrodynamics
- On the integration of the hydrodynamical equations
- On a general transformation of the hydrodynamical equations
- Guglielmo Marconi, Augusto Righi and the invention of wireless telegraphy
- An inter-country comparison of nuclear pile development during World War II
- The ADM version of GR at Sixty: a brief account for historians
- EPJH Editorial
- The breakthrough of a quantum chemist by classical dynamics: Martin Karplus and the birth of computer simulations of chemical reactions
- The early years of quantum Monte Carlo (1): the ground state
- Arguments against the flatness problem in classical cosmology: a review
- The Moore–Penrose inverse: a hundred years on a frontline of physics research
- Was physics ever deterministic? The historical basis of determinism and the image of classical physics
- Historical and philosophical reflections on the Einstein-de Sitter model
- The history of LHCb
- 60 Years of neutral particle analysis: from early tokamaks to ITER
- Exploring the boundary between atoms and the continuum by computers: a personal history
- N.R. Sen: Father of Indian Applied mathematics
- On the development of effective field theory
- Everett’s theory of the universal wave function
- Molecular simulation and the collaborative computational projects
- The blossoming of quantum mechanics in Italy: the roots, the context and the first spreading in Italian universities (1900–1947)
- Rudolf Ladenburg and the first quantum interpretation of optical dispersion
- Ryogo Kubo in his formative years as a physicist
- Real or not real that is the question…
- Masters and students in Italian Physics between the 19th and 20th centuries: the Felici-Bartoli-Stracciati-Corbino case
- The concept of velocity in the history of Brownian motion
- Charles Galton Darwin’s 1922 quantum theory of optical dispersion
- Erratum to: E. Cartan’s attempt at bridge-building between Einstein and the Cosserats – or how translational curvature became to be known as torsion
- Memories of my early career in relativity physics
- Luis Santaló and classical field theory
- The magic of Feynman’s QED: from field-less electrodynamics to the Feynman diagrams
- History of accelerator neutrino beams
- A note on Lorentz transformations and simultaneity in classical physics and special relativity
- Gravitation and general relativity at King’s College London
- Searching for a response: the intriguing mystery of Feynman’s theoretical reference amplifier
- Einstein’s working sheets and his search for a unified field theory
- On Ludvig Lorenz and his 1890 treatise on light scattering by spheres
- Light propagation in and outside a sphere illuminated by plane waves of light
- From Varenna (1970) to Como (1995): Kurt Binder’s long walk in the land of criticality
- LAA: a project using dedicated funding to develop technology for high-energy physics experiments
- E. Cartan’s attempt at bridge-building between Einstein and the Cosserats – or how translational curvature became to be known as torsion
- The traveling-wave tube in the history of telecommunication
- Editorial introduction to the special issue “Plasma physics in the 20th century as told by players”
- The large tokamak JT-60: a history of the fight to achieve the Japanese fusion research mission
- Strong turbulence, self-organization and plasma confinement
- An interview with Roald Sagdeev: his story of plasma physics in Russia, 1956–1988
- The origin of computational statistical mechanics in France
- Berni Alder and the pioneering times of molecular simulation
- A brief history (and geography) of Supergravity: the first 3 weeks… and after
- Century of Λ
- Geon Wheeler: from nuclear to spacetime physicist
- Early years of Computational Statistical Mechanics
- Tales from the prehistory of Quantum Gravity
- Exoplanets – the beginning of a new era in astrophysics
- One hundred years of the cosmological constant: from “superfluous stunt” to dark energy
- The evolution of modern cosmology as seen through a personal walk across six decades
- How hadron collider experiments contributed to the development of QCD: from hard-scattering to the perfect liquid
- Hermann Hankel’s “On the general theory of motion of fluids”
- A contemporary look at Hermann Hankel’s 1861 pioneering work on Lagrangian fluid dynamics
- Analysis of the Jun Ishiwara’s “The universal meaning of the quantum of action”
- The universal meaning of the quantum of action
- The Charm of Theoretical Physics (1958–1993)
- The LHC timeline: a personal recollection (1980–2012)
- Einstein’s 1917 static model of the universe: a centennial review
- General relativity and the growth of a sub-discipline “gravitation” in Germany
- Editorial introduction to the special issue “The Renaissance of Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation”
- Exploratory research session on the quantization of the gravitational field
- The 1957 quantum gravity meeting in Copenhagen: An analysis of Bryce S. DeWitt’s report
- Stellar structure and compact objects before 1940: Towards relativistic astrophysics
- A life in statistical mechanics
- The Joint European Torus (JET)
- Wired by Weber
- From thermonuclear fusion to Hamiltonian chaos
- On the quantization of wave fields⋆⋆⋆
- Léon Rosenfeld’s general theory of constrained Hamiltonian dynamics
- The history of research into improved confinement regimes
- The binary pulsar and the quadrupole formula controversy
- Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in hot plasmas: a French historical point of view
- The Stern-Gerlach experiment revisited
- Waiting for the W
- Birth and initial developments of experiments with resonant detectors searching for gravitational waves
- The source of solar energy, ca. 1840–1910: From meteoric hypothesis to radioactive speculations
- Robert Dicke and the naissance of experimental gravity physics, 1957–1967
- Ergodicity: a historical perspective. Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium
- Hahn and Strassmann’s first credible, yet erroneous approximation to the discovery of nuclear fission
- On the production of radium isotopes from uranium caused by irradiation with fast and decelerated neutrons⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
- Bohr and Ehrenfest: transformations and correspondences in the early 1920s
- On Tomonaga’s theory of split-anode magnetrons
- Early steps towards quarks and their interactions using neutrino beams in CERN bubble chamber experiments