6 July 2017
Teaching in Hunter-Gatherers -
Guest Editor’s Introduction: Music and Philosophy in Early China -
Genetic Determinism in the Genetics Curriculum -
Li, Maozeng 李茂增, The Beauty Beyond Words: A Critical Biography of Z hu Guangqian 無言之美: 朱光潛評傳 -
Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity - Number of publications for this day: 5
5 July 2017
Material Constitution -
Using a Creativity-Based Assignment to Improve Science Communication Skills and Overcome Antibiotic-Resistance Misconceptions -
Measuring the Prevalence of High Impact Practices in Biological Science majors at a Large Comprehensive University -
Assessing Student Learning Following Course Revision -
Western’s Integrated Science Program: A response to complex global problems -
Creating sustainable and scalable High Impact Experiences: Don’t forget the faculty -
Big ideas in little biology: preliminary results from developing and implementing a microbiology concept inventory -
Response to Five Philosophers: Toward a Feminist Theory of the State Some Decades Later -
Judging Women: Twenty-Five Years Further Toward a Feminist Theory of the State -
On the Politics of Coalition -
‘We Must Find Words or Burn’: Speaking Out against Disciplinary Silencing -
Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism, and Continental Philosophy: Comments on Toward a Feminist Theory of the State—Twenty-Five Years Later -
Introduction: Symposium on Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, Twenty-Five Years Later -
Data Capitalism: Redefining the Logics of Surveillance and Privacy -
Quants and Poets: Advancing Methods and Methodologies in Business and Society Research -
Two Concepts of Wrongful Harm: A Conceptual Map for the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage -
“That’s Not Very Deleuzian”: Thoughts on interrupting the exclusionary nature of “High Theory” -
The Logical Strength of Compositional Principles -
Does discursive authorship justify user rights? -
History and theory: Abraham Drassinower’s quest for coherence -
The rule of law: beyond contestedness -
Consciousness at the Interface: Wendt, Eastern Wisdom and the Ethics of Intra-Action -
Fraïssé’s conjecture in [math]-comprehension -
Love as Communication: A Short, Redacted Argument from the Phaedrus -
The Long Revenge of Zobel Blake -
Knowledge of People -
Uses of Hamartia, Flaw, and Irony in Oedipus Tyrannus and King Lear -
Motherhood in Ferrante’s The Lost Daughter: A Case Study of Irony as Extraordinary Reflection -
Irony and Cognitive Empathy in Chrétien de Troyes’s Gettier Problem -
Hushed Resolve, Reticence, and Rape In J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace -
Fearless?: Peter Weir, The Sage, and the Fragility of Goodness -
What George Eliot of Middlemarch Could Have Taught Spinoza -
The Morals of Stories: Narrating Judgment in Carver, Borges, and Englander -
Hume, Halos, and Rough Heroes: Moral and Aesthetic Defects in Works of Fiction -
Levels of Literary Meaning -
Sartre and Koestler: Bisociation, Nothingness, and the Creative Experience in Roth’s The Anatomy Lesson -
Engaging the World: Writing, Imagination, and Enactivism -
Art World: Grudger, Sucker, Cheat -
The Lurking Class: From Parasocial Postal Clerks to Hypersocial Vloggers -
The First Trial of Socrates -
Ethics of Resistance in Organisations: A Conceptual Proposal -
The Self Shows Up in Experience -
Strawson or Straw Man? More on Moral Responsibility and the Moral Community -
An analytic perspective on panpsychism -
Where’s the problem? Considering Laing and Esterson’s account of schizophrenia, social models of disability, and extended mental disorder -
Judith Butler: política y performatividad -
Javier Muguerza y su diálogo con Habermas -
Rosa Parks con Judith Butler: performatividad individual y acción colectiva -
Las trayectorias del concepto de vida en el pensamiento de Judith Butler -
Ontología socio-corporal en la filosofía de Judith Butler. Para volver a pensar la acción política -
Butler: ¿Método para una ontología política? -
Performatividad: la teoría especial y la general -
La política como resistencia, la vulnerabilidad y algunos cabos sueltos -
Feminismo y guerra. A propósito de Judith Butler -
El cuerpo en discordia: Judith Butler y la reactivación de la dialéctica del amo y el esclavo -
El pluralismo filosófico de León Olivé -
Los cuerpos que somos y pensamos. Críticas de Judith Butler al escepticismo cartesiano y al constructivismo contemporáneo y aclaraciones sobre su comprensión de la existencia humana -
Entre la acción y el acto: del 9-N en Cataluña y los límites de la performatividad -
Judith Butler: un compromiso vivo con la política. Entrevista con Judith Butler (Febrero 2016) -
A propósito de Butler: una fenomenología del cuerpo vivido, narrado y representado -
Acción, performatividad y autoridad: reflexiones desde Arendt y Butler -
Marcos de deseo y violencia: el árabe como Otro en J. Butler y J. Massad -
Agencia crítica y desposesión. La actualidad de la pregunta por la libertad en Judith Butler -
Obligation as Optimal Goal Satisfaction -
Diagnosis, narrative identity, and asymptomatic disease -
Resentment of Advice and Norms of Advice -
Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative -
Thought Experiments, Formalization, and Disagreement - Number of publications for this day: 68
4 July 2017
Knowing When Help Is Needed: A Developing Sense of Causal Complexity -
How Will We Pay for Loss and Damage? -
Propositional Attitudes and Embodied Skills in the Philosophy of Action -
The Explanatory Challenge: Moral Realism Is No Better Than Theism -
The Taste Question in Animal Ethics -
Earth at Rest -
Erratum to: Defense Categories and the (Category-Defying) De Minimis Defense -
René Dubos, tuberculosis, and the “ecological facets of virulence” -
Reexamining the “Discussion” in the Moral Dilemma Discussion -
Fundamental Uncertainty and Values -
Pragmatic Truths in Organization Studies -
Talking about Looks -
The Vagueness of the Muse—The Logic of Peirce’s Humble Argument for the Reality of God -
Evaluating the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s position on the implausible effectiveness of homeopathic treatments -
Multiple studies and weak evidential defeat -
CEO Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility -
Why Nudges Coerce: Experimental Evidence on the Architecture of Regulation -
Comparative Causation at Multiple Levels and Across Scientific Disciplines -
Private Property Rights and the Public Interest in Exploration of Outer Space -
God’s Love is Irrelevant to the Euthyphro Problem -
The muddle of medicalization: pathologizing or medicalizing? -
An Experimental Approach to Buddhism and Religion - Number of publications for this day: 25
3 July 2017
Vindicating the Absent Qualia Objection -
No Evidence That Sleep Deprivation Effects and the Vigilance Decrement Are Functionally Equivalent: Comment on Veksler and Gunzelmann (2017)