26 May 2017
Juliette Kennedy, ed. Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays. -
Ronald R. Kline. The Cybernetics Moment: Or Why We Call Our Age the Information Age. -
Present Tense: Locating History in Boston’s Museums of Science -
Robert J. Richards; Lorraine Daston, eds. Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions” at Fifty: Reflections on a Science Classic.; William J. Devlin; Alisa Bokulich, eds. Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions”—Fifty Years On. -
Sigrid Schmalzer. Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Scientific Farming in Socialist China. -
Marco Beretta; Francesco Citti; Alessandro Iannucci, eds. Il culto di Epicuro: Testi, iconografia e paesaggio. -
“Time Capsules” of Science: Museums, Collections, and Scientific Heritage in Portugal -
Robert Gilmore McKinnell. The Understanding, Prevention and Control of Human Cancer: The Historic Work and Lives of Elizabeth Cavert Miller and James A. Miller. -
Matthew Bell. Melancholia: The Western Malady.; Stephanie Shirilan. Robert Burton and the Transformative Powers of Melancholy. -
Jeroen van Dongen, ed. Cold War Science and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge. -
Karen Bush Gibson. Women in Space: 23 Stories of First Flights, Scientific Missions, and Gravity-Breaking Adventures. -
Melissa Graboyes. The Experiment Must Continue: Medical Research and Ethics in East Africa, 1940–2014. -
Giuseppe Bruzzaniti. Enrico Fermi: The Obedient Genius. -
Tania Munz. The Dancing Bees: Karl von Frisch and the Discovery of the Honeybee Language. -
Introduction: History of Science Museums between Academics and Audiences -
Orit Halpern. Beautiful Data: A History of Vision and Reason since 1945. -
Rebecca Lemov. Database of Dreams: The Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity. -
Danielle Jacquart. Recherches médiévales sur la nature humaine: Essais sur la réflexion médicale (XIIe–XVe s.). -
Michael Schüring. “Bekennen gegen den Atomstaat”: Die evangelischen Kirchen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Konflikte um die Atomenergie, 1970–1990. -
Giovanni Sommaruga; Thomas Strahm, eds. Turing’s Revolution: The Impact of His Ideas about Computability. -
Erika Dyck; Larry Stewart, eds. The Uses of Humans in Experiment: Perspectives from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century. -
Aitor Anduaga. Geophysics, Realism, and Industry: How Commercial Interests Shaped Geophysical Conceptions, 1900–1960. -
Rebecca Priestley. Dispatches from Continent Seven: An Anthology of Antarctic Science. -
Common Knowledge: Bodies, Evidence, and Expertise in Early Modern Germany -
Peter Barthel; George H. van Kooten, eds. The Star of Bethlehem and the Magi: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Experts on the Ancient Near East, the Greco-Roman World, and Modern Astronomy. -
Brian P. Copenhaver. Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment. -
Waltraud Ernst, ed. Work, Psychiatry, and Society, c. 1750–2015. -
Courtney Weiss Smith. Empiricist Devotions: Science, Religion, and Poetry in Early Eighteenth-Century England. -
Geoffrey Gorham; Benjamin Hill; Edward Slowik; C. Kenneth Waters, eds. The Language of Nature: Reassessing the Mathematization of Natural Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. -
Karine Chemla; Jacques Virbel, eds. Texts, Textual Acts, and the History of Science. -
Federica Favino. La filosofia naturale di Giovanni Ciampoli. -
Science Museums: A Panoramic View -
Johannes Kepler. Vom wahren Geburtsjahr Christi. -
Thomas A. Apel. Feverish Bodies, Enlightened Minds: Science and the Yellow Fever Controversy in the Early American Republic. -
Héron d’Alexandrie. Metrica: Introduction, texte critique, traduction française et notes de commentaire. -
Science Museums and Science Education -
Dezsö Gurka, ed. Deutsche und ungarische Mineralogen in Jena: Wissenstransfer an der Wende des 18–19. Jahrhunderts im Rahmen der “Societät für die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena.”. -
Didier Kahn. Le fixe et le volatile: Chimie et alchimie, de Paracelse à Lavoisier. -
Serena Bianchetti; Michele Cataudella; Hans-Joachim Gehrke, eds. Brill’s Companion to Ancient Geography: The Inhabited World in Greek and Roman Tradition. -
Fraser MacDonald; Charles W. J. Withers, eds. Geography, Technology, and Instruments of Exploration. -
Tamara Plakins Thornton. Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers: How a Nineteenth-Century Man of Business, Science, and the Sea Changed American Life. -
Observation Claims and Epistemic Confidence in Aristotle’s Biology -
Constructing Canals on Mars: Event Astronomy and the Transmission of International Telegraphic News -
Jesuit Scientists and Mongolian Fossils: The French Paleontological Missions in China, 1923–1928 -
God, Belief, and Perplexity -
Pluralism and consensus in deliberative democracy -
Dependent indefinites: the view from sign language -
Must Rawlsians be Hamiltonians? Small Government and Political Illiberalism -
Uniform proofs of ACC representations -
Interpretability suprema in Peano Arithmetic -
From Yogācāra to Philosophical Tantra in Kashmir and Tibet -
Forecasting in Light of Big Data -
Hasteners and delayers: why rains don’t cause fires -
A simple linguistic approach to the Knobe effect, or the Knobe effect without any vignette -
Secrets and democracy: From arcana imperii to Wikileaks -
Review of Rupert Shortt, God Is No Thing: Coherent Christianity -
Same Principles, Different Worlds: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Medical Ethics and Nursing Ethics in Finnish Professional Texts -
“You Can Carry the Torch Now:” A Qualitative Analysis of Parents’ Experiences Caring for a Child with Trisomy 13 or 18 -
Editorial: Special Issue on the Impact of Business Ethics on Public Life -
“Daring to Care”: Challenging Corporate Environmentalism -
Defensive Responses to Strategic Sustainability Paradoxes: Have Your Coke and Drink It Too! -
‘Activists in a Suit’: Paradoxes and Metaphors in Sustainability Managers’ Identity Work -
Three Kinds of Nonconceptual Seeing-as -
Political deliberation and democratic reversal in India: Indian coffee house during the emergency (1975–77) and the third world “totalitarian moment” -
Reduction Without Elimination: Mental Disorders as Causally Efficacious Properties - Number of publications for this day: 66
25 May 2017
Wagering on an Ironic God: Pascal on Faith and Philosophy -
The directionality of distinctively mathematical explanations -
No actual measurement … was required: Maxwell and Cavendish’s null method for the inverse square law of electrostatics -
Sport philosophy now: the culture of sports after the Lance Armstrong scandal -
Why Olympia matters for modern sport -
Skepticism about Skepticism about Moral Responsibility -
Cartesian Imperativism -
Zhuangzi: Closet Confucian? -
Religious literacy, moral recognition, and strong relationality -
The Experimental Self: Humphry Davy and the Making of a Man of Science -
The sharp for the Chang model is small -
A predicate extension of real valued logic -
Responsibility, Autonomy, and the Zygote Argument -
Reasons and factive emotions -
Spectrum arguments and hypersensitivity -
Staff’s normative attitudes towards coercion: the role of moral doubt and professional context—a cross-sectional survey study -
Exploiting Injustice in Mutually Beneficial Market Exchange: The Case of Sweatshop Labor -
Worlds, Events, and Inertia -
A Response to Coren’s Objections to the Principle of Alternate Possibilities as Sufficient but not Necessary for Moral Responsibility -
The Structure of Justification -
No-report Paradigmatic Ascription of the Minimally Conscious State: Neural Signals as a Communicative Means for Operational Diagnostic Criteria -
Explanation in Ethics and Mathematics: Debunking and Dispensability - Number of publications for this day: 26
24 May 2017
Editors’ Choice: Processing the Papal Encyclical through Perceptual Filters: Pope Francis, Identity-Protective Cognition, and Climate Change Concern Cognition -
Imagination and the Individual in Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety -
The Undifferentiated Crowd: An Analysis of the Kierkegaardian ‘Single Individual’ in Light of Girardian Mimetic Theory -
Reconciling Patient Safety and Epistemic Humility: An Ethical Use of Opioid Treatment Plans -
Foreign Relations -
From the Foundation Up -
Flu, Floods, and Fire: Ethical Public Health Preparedness -
Toward Public Bioethics?