14 February 2025
Wayne Holmes and Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta (Eds.): The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Practices, Challenges, and Debates -
Critical Intuitions in Stakeholder Theory and Political CSR: The Effect of Identity Constituting Values on the Dynamics of Business Ethical Debates -
Role of Public Justification in pledge to policy linkage: Evidence from India’s Uniform Civil Code -
Susie Alegre, Human Rights, Robot Wrongs: Being Human in the Age of AI (London: Atlantic Books, 2024), 215 pp.; ISBN-13: 978-1805461296; £12.99 -
Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World. Anne Applebaum. New York: Doubleday, July 23, 2024 -
Spatial Determinants of Life Satisfaction on the Aquitaine Coast: A Geographically-Weighted Regression Approach -
The Effectiveness of the Best-Possible-Self Intervention in College Students from China and the Netherlands: A Cross-Cultural Study -
On the Received View Versus the Alternative View Controversy About Quantum (Non)individuality -
Benjamin’s translation as dialectical abduction: a novel epistemic framework for diagnostic hypothesizing -
Reflections on the AI alignment problem -
Generative AI and childhood education: lessons from the smartphone generation -
A clockmaker’s mathematics: a technology-based approach to the mathematical works of Jost Bürgi (1552–1632) -
Changes in the Editorship of the Journal Argumentation -
How to Conceptual Engineer ‘Entropy’ and ‘Information’ -
The Formal Structure(s) of Analogical Inference -
Ideology vs. Collective Action -
Extending the Geographic Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility: Remote Work and Housing Affordability -
The Ties that Bind or Those That Tear US APART? Co-CEO Constellations and ESG Performance in Family Firms -
The Use of Generative AI Tools in Higher Education: Ethical and Pedagogical Principles -
Les effets physiologiques de l’amour -
Kevin Pham: The architects of dignity: Vietnamese visions of decolonization -
Axel Honneth: The working sovereign: labor and democratic citizenship - Number of publications for this day: 22
13 February 2025
Do infinite cardinals really exist? -
Kant’s Schematisms -
Non-empirical physics from a historical perspective: New pathways in history and philosophy of physics -
Decontesting Corporate Responsibility for Collaboration: A Case Study of a Cross-Sector Coalition Lobbying for Human Rights Regulation -
Unravelling social media critical discourse studies (SM-CDS) – four approaches to studying social media through the critical lens -
Buddhist critiques of divine creation in the Yogācārabhūmi and the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya -
Moral dilemmas and slow codes -
Deleuze’s concept of virtuality and critical realist ontology -
We Need To Talk -
Greedy Work and the New Gendered Division of Labour -
Bootstrapping Arguments for Global Justice -
Is There a “Distinct Religious Sphere”? – A Critique of the Distinction between Religious and Political Activity -
In Defense of Filibustering -
The Limits of Liberty-Based Arguments for a Universal Basic Income -
Global Justice – From Institutional to Individual Principles -
Racism Is Necessarily Immoral -
Procreative Liability and Equality before the Law -
Dispelling the fog of conspiracy: experimental manipulations, individual difference factors and the tendency to endorse conspiracy explanations -
Corporate Foundations’ Governance Mechanisms as a Tool for Stakeholder Engagement -
Metaphors we overthrow with: a critical metaphor analysis of Nigerian military leaders’ post-coup proclamations -
Relational Abstraction in the History of Mathematics -
Ethical issues in unprofessional behavior of residents who dispute dismissal: ten year analysis of case law in hospital-based specialties -
The Absurdity of Pannormism -
Simon Lindgren – A critical theory of AI -
Tax Avoidance in Family Business: The Ethical Perspective of CEO Transgenerational Responsibility -
Does “better” mean “less”? Sustainable meat consumption in the context of natural pasture-raised beef -
Decomposition of scientific communication -
Understanding CEDAW Cities: A Descriptive Analysis -
Bridging East and West: How Business Schools Can Develop Responsible Leader Competencies -
The Concept of sukha in the Ascetic Traditions of Ancient India -
The disservice of publishing preliminary results based on a premature hypothesis – Semmelweis’ ordeal revisited -
Perceptions of members of ethics committees of medical institutions in India on controlled human infection studies (CHIS) following a sensitization workshop: a systematic survey -
AI metrics and policymaking: assumptions and challenges in the shaping of AI -
Questioning origins: the role of ethical and metaethical claims in the debate about the evolution of morality -
On a Generalization of all Strong Kleene Generalizations of Classical Logic -
Inside Classical Logic: Truth, Contradictions, Fractionality -
Burgess and the bucket: the emergence of spacetime in classical theories of gravitation -
Priority monism and the emergence of spacetime -
The New Organization of Ethics Committees in Italy: What is the Future of Clinical Ethics? -
An Ethics of Care, Relational Suffering, and Contested Invisible Disability -
Ethical Taboo in Humorous Play -
The Positional Nature of Valuing - Number of publications for this day: 42
12 February 2025
Principles and Parameters in Physics and Chemistry -
Reimagining reading with Chinese political ontology -
Social Normativity: No Mere Formality -
Keeping the house clean: Women and germ theories in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Britain -
Mental imagery shapes emotions in people’s decisions related to risk taking -
Uncovering the latent structure of human time perception -
Democratizing Expertise: The Epistemic Approach -
Marine Materialism -
The Counter-Oceanic Sea -
Tidal Thinking and Times of Conflict -
The Ocean in the Court -
The Ways of Water -
Marine Lover, Machine Lover, Endocrine Lover -
Of Amphibolies and Amphibiologies -
A Hymn to Tethys -
Petrified Legality, Percolating Sovereignty -
The Sea -
Climatic imperialism and its descendants -
The Master & Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov -
Islamic Philosophers – On Women -
Brief Lives: Pythagoras -
The Universal History of Us (UK) or The Science of Why We Exist (USA) by Tim Coulson -
Philosophy & The Crown -
Wordsworth & Darwin -
Success & Luck -
The Material Creation of Freedom -
Trust, Truth & Political Conversations -
Philosophy Shorts – Philosophers on Cars -
Thomas Aquinas on Extraterrestrial Life -
Philosophers & Immigration Control -
Interview: Dr Gindi -
Poem: Besieged -
Technologists & Ethicists -
The Necessity of Exile by Shaul Magid -
Philosophical Haiku: Jürgen Habermas -
Film: Falling Down