16 January 2025
Wilderness values in rewilding: Transatlantic perspectives -
Emotion in Nonverbal Communication: Comparing Animal and Human Vocalizations and Human Text Messages -
What is authoritarianism? A justificatory account -
Discrimination in immigration policy -
Europhobia as a trajectory to hate speech normalisation? A diachronic analysis of Brexit media propaganda -
Ethical dilemmas concerning orthodontic treatment among orthodontists in a sample from Saudi Arabia: a pilot study -
Navigating ethics in HIV data and biomaterial management within Black, African, and Caribbean communities in Canada -
Peter Adkins (ed.), Virginia Woolf and the Anthropocene, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024 -
What is the experimentalist challenge to the method of cases? -
Authority, accommodation, and illocutionary success -
“A farm is viable if it can keep its head above water”: defining and measuring farm viability for small and mid-sized farms -
Actors’ frames and advocacy coalitions in the CAP reform process 2013 in Austria’s agricultural media -
Descriptive complexity for distributed computing with circuits -
Semantic Explanations Made Easy: The Case for Truth in Virtue of Meaning -
Précis of A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness -
Interpretation of the Klein-Gordon Probability Density -
A Model for Understanding and Expanding the Scope of Critical Thinking -
Fundraising, Governance and Environmental Ethics: Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding -
Digital Duplicates and Collective Scarcity -
Intentions in interactions: an enactive reply to expressive communication proposals -
Axiological hinge commitments -
Varieties of normativity and mental health: an enactive approach -
Can basic perceptual features be learned? -
Cognitive offloading and the causal structure of human action -
Dualism leads to Many Minds -
Synthetic biology: supporting an anti-reductionist view of life -
Problems for ‘standard’ dispositionalist accounts of semantic content - Number of publications for this day: 27
15 January 2025
The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta’s Panentheism and the New Materialism -
Π2-Rule Systems and Inductive Classes of Gödel Algebras -
Patient’s sexual dignity discomfort in healthcare setting: A concept development -
High-fidelity simulation training for improving nursing professional values acquisition -
Exploring educational leadership and teacher ethics: who can lead and what are the key qualities? -
Extending translation, connecting viewpoints and scaling policies and agency: three challenges for translation historians of the French Revolution -
Kinetic beauty: the philosophical aesthetics of sport -
From “isolation” to “me-time”: linguistic shifts enhance solitary experiences -
Referees 2024 -
Conservation Philosophy After the End of ‘Nature’? – The Case for Ameliorating Rather than Eliminating ‘Nature’ -
Towards Non-Appropriative Relating – Environment-Building as World-Making -
Was Environmental Ethics a Mistake? -
The Green Kant and Nature – Rereading Modern Philosophy Against Vogel -
Energy Democracy and the Built Environment – Postnatural Practices in Just Transitions -
We’ve Found Something Good Here – Deictic Discourse and Environmental Engagement -
Index to Volume 46 -
The Relevance of Steven Vogel’s Word for Environmental Philosophy Today -
What Do We Want the Environment to Be? – An Interview with Steven Vogel on the Metaphysics of Practice -
Ethical Principles Guiding Prioritization in Local Health Promotion and Prevention: Insights from Danish Municipalities -
Superlongevity and African Ethics -
Irony in the Analects -
Costly signaling in human sciences -
Conceptually engineering the post-truth crisis -
What does true devotion look like? -
The authority of international criminal law – a controversial concept -
High-reward, high-risk technologies? An ethical and legal account of AI development in healthcare -
Datafication Research (1994–2023): Three Decades of Evolving Methodology in Data Science -
Moralism as a Pathology of Public Discourse: A Realist Assessment -
Trypanosomosis and Transhumance: Contributions to Contemporary Conflicts Between Farmers and Herdsmen Along the Tsetse Fly Belts: Mathematical Modeling and Systematic Field Analysis Approach -
A plea for modelling in ethics -
On the relationship between epistemology and science: synergies between experience-first epistemologies and agent-centered interpretations of quantum mechanics -
Lexical predicates do substitute in fine-grained attitudes -
Good classification matters: conceptual engineering in data science -
Gender Studies, Ancient Society and Law: New Method of Analysis -
Empathy in Art and Science: Embodied Cognition and Affect in Film -
Representational Solution to the Messenger-Shooting Objection -
Ordered abelian groups that do not have elimination of imaginaries -
Who (Really) Wins with Basic Income: Personality and Values as Predictors of Happiness Trajectories -
Breaking Up Rationally -
Tusian Perfectionism -
Harm, Insignificant Effects, and the Morality of Procreation -
Mitigating AI-induced professional identity threat and fostering adoption in the workplace -
Proof-Theoretic Harmony and the Strength of Rules -
Navigating the challenges of fake news and media trust: a bibliometric study - Number of publications for this day: 44
14 January 2025
Modal Logics over Lattices -
Divine Actions and the Challenge of Present Luck -
In Defense of a Theistic Essentialist Account of Modality -
A Kierkegaardian Critique of Aristotelian Friendship -
Quasi-Doxastic Propositional Faith -
Divine Forgetting and Perfect Being Theology -
Corruptionism Is Not Unorthodox – A Reply to Patrick Zoll -
Divine Temporalism and the Doctrine of the Eternal Processions -
Timothy J. Golden: Frederick Douglass and the Philosophy of Religion: An Interpretation of Narrative, Art, and the Political -
Christina Van Dyke: A Hidden Wisdom: Medieval Contemplatives on Self-Knowledge, Reason, Love, Persons, and Immortality -
Harold Netland: Religious Experience and the Knowledge of God: The Evidential Force of Divine Encounters -
Daniel Soars: The World and God Are Not-Two: A Hindu-Christian Conversation -
Mark K. Spencer: The Irreducibility of the Human Person: A Catholic Synthesis -
Joshua Cockayne: Explorations in Analytic Ecclesiology: That they May be One -
A Capabilities Approach to Carbon Dioxide Removal -
Editorial & Perspectives on Assisted Dying -
Jens Timmermann: Kant’s Will at the Crossroads: An Essay on the Failings of Practical Rationality -
A Diversified Approach to Fission Puzzles -
Derrick Darby: A Realistic Blacktopia: Why We Must Unite to Fight -
How Diverse Can Coincident Things Be? -
From international to cosmopolitan: Democracy as the political path to peace? -
Universal properties of truth -
Artificial Epistemic Authorities -
Softness: An Ecological Paradigm for Embodied Technological Intelligence -
Utopian anti-utopianism: rethinking Cold War liberalism through British anarchism -
Eleusis and Enlightenment: The Problem of the Mysteries in Eighteenth-Century Thought -
Enlightenment Biopolitics: a History of Race, Eugenics, and the Making of Citizens -
On the attribution of confidence to large language models -
Nietzsche’s Greek pessimism