11 February 2025
Mycology in the Tropics: Updates on Philippine Fungi. Developments in Microbiology edited by Jonathan Jaime G. Guerrero, Teresita U. Dalisay, Marian P. De Leon, Mark Angelo O. Balendres, Kin Israel R. Notarte, and Thomas Edison E. Dela Cruz -
Understanding Reproduction. Understanding Life Series by Giuseppe Fusco and Alessandro Minelli -
One Step Sideways, Three Steps Forward: One Woman’s Path to Becoming a Biologist by B. Rosemary Grant -
Big Bat Year: A Conservation Story by Nils Bouillard -
Kingdoms, Empires, and Domains: The History of High-Level Biological Classification by Mark A. Ragan -
The Ecology of Collective Behavior by Deborah M. Gordon -
Birds of Greater Southern Africa. Princeton Field Guides. by Keith Barnes, Terry Stevenson, and John Fanshawe; illustrated by John Gale and Brian Small; Larks by Faansie Peacock -
Inside Science: Revolution in Biology and Its Impact by Benjamin Lewin -
Life Sculpted: Tales of the Animals, Plants, and Fungi That Drill, Break, and Scrape to Shape the Earth by Anthony J. Martin -
The Lives of Lichens: A Natural History by Robert Lücking and Toby Spribille -
Performance All the Way Down: Genes, Development, and Sexual Difference. Science-Culture Series by Richard O. Prum -
Ernst Haeckel: Ausgewählte Briefwechsel. Band 4: Familienkorrespondenz, März-November 1859. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe by Roman Göbel, Claudia Taszus, and Kathrin Polenz -
Disputed Inheritance: The Battle over Mendel and the Future of Biology by Gregory Radick -
Genetic Reconstruction of the Past: DNA Analysis in Forensics and Human Evolution by Henry A. Erlich -
Evolution Evolving: The Developmental Origins of Adaptation and Biodiversity by Kevin N. Lala, Tobias Uller, Nathalie Feiner, Marcus W. Feldman, and Scott F. Gilbert; illustrated by David Andres -
Extinctions: From Dinosaurs to You by Charles Frankel -
Degrowth as ideology: Making values for the soil of Amsterdam -
Logically Impossible Contents -
The Impact of Digital Technology Innovation on Firm Performance: Based on the Corporate Digital Responsibility Perspective -
Epistemic reparations and postcolonial pedagogy: some conceptual decluttering -
Against market constitutionalism: a needs-based approach to rights and the case for a socialist constitutionalism -
Small Feet, Big Prints: The Contribution of Family‐Owned Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -
The wickedness of net-zero policy: scales in policy discourse -
Evaluation of ‘Space Invaders’ Within Excessive Shopping Behaviours, Decluttering, and Ecopedagogy -
Transubstantiation and Trinity in the Anglican controversy with Roman Catholicism during James II’s reign -
Publishing robots -
Realism and Anti-Realism about Metaphysics -
Protocol for Returning Results in Brain Science Research Targeting Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Japan -
Minima Trivialia Bypassed -
Curiosity killed the cat? From a masculinized ‘frontier mindset’ to ethical curiosity in AI engineering -
Mathematical Assessment of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology to Predict SARS-CoV-2 Cases and Hospitalizations in Miami-Dade County -
Meeting the Challenges of Flexible Work Designs: Effects of an Intervention Based on Self-Regulation on Detachment, Well-being, and Work–Family Conflict -
Who Matters the Most? The Differential Role of Parents, Teachers, and Peers’ Supportive Relationships in Early Adolescents’ Subjective Well-Being -
John Perry, robots, and self-locating thoughts -
Whistleblowing in family firms: power and justice dynamics -
Availability without common ground -
Interview with Mark Moffett for theory and society -
Nāgārjuna the Magician: A Flexible Interpretation of the Madhyamaka Position -
Unitary Time Evolution in Quantum Mechanics is a Stronger Physical Postulate than Linear Time Evolution -
Evolutionary Constraints: Gauss’ Law as a Toy Model for Gluing -
Writing and iconicity in The Idiot: towards Dostoevsky’ s graphopoetics -
A Service Conception of Democratic Authority -
Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Peer Review: Insights from Journal Reviewers -
Becoming Similar, but Drifting Apart: Partnerships Between Universities and Public Research Organizations -
The Changing Forms of Social Phenomena Today -
Against generalized comprehension -
The phenomenal evidence argument -
A functionalist account of truth-grounding: refining Lynch’s view -
Nonhuman Animals and the Scope of Justice -
Conceptual Engineering Should be Empirical - Number of publications for this day: 50
10 February 2025
Book Review: On Madness: Understanding the Psychotic Mind by Richard G.T. Gipps -
Letter Writing to Promote Philosophical Reflection About Medicine -
How Theoretical Terms Effectively Refer -
Non-Empirical Physics from a Historical Perspective: New Pathways in History and Philosophy of Physics -
Size‐Sound Iconicity in English‐Like Pseudowords Influences Referent Labeling and Prosody -
Topics of Thought: The Logic of Knowledge, Belief, Imagination -
The Individuality of Meaning in Life -
Decidable quasivarieties of p‐algebras -
De-creation of the Self: Attention to Reality and Love of Beauty -
Kenneth Waltz: An Intellectual Biography -
The Life and Death of States: Central Europe and the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty -
The Last Last Man? a speculation on speculative politics -
Is more data always better? On alternative policies to mitigate bias in Artificial Intelligence health systems -
Sentient dignity and the plausible inclusion of animals -
Knowledge of strategic trade act 2010 and technology transfer among researchers in Malaysia -
After ViagraⓇ: multivalent medicalization, hybrid masculinities, and direct-to-consumer digital health -
John Stuart Mill: socialism, pluralism, and competition -
Marie-Eve Morin, Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Sense and Being: At the Limits of Phenomenology -
David Wills and the Tropological Machinery of Life -
‘Technology is undoubtedly … uncanny’: David Wills and the Technicity of Feeling -
Soliciting David Wills -
A Response -
A Note on the Conference Issue -
Reading Adrift: At the Beach with David Wills -
Politics of the Heart -
A new era for the Journal of Critical Realism -
‘Black people don’t do that’: a critical qualitative study of discursive barriers and black women’s digital well-being networks -
Invention and Evolution of Correlated Conventions -
Thinking like a critical realist: getting through the portal -
Sleeping Beauty and the demands of non‐ideal rationality -
Niccolò Massimo: Essai sur l’art d’écrire de Machiavel -
The Child Labor in Social Media: Kidfluencers, Ethics of Care, and Exploitation -
AI Ethics beyond Principles: Strengthening the Life-world Perspective -
Wanting to know whether -
Why circular sets do not evince circular dependencies -
Race realism goes both ways -
What is an Antinomic Emotion? -
In Praise of Ineffectiveness -
Family Firms and Ethics: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Determinants of Ethical Decision-Making and Emerging Future Research Pathways - Number of publications for this day: 40
9 February 2025
Making the future safe for relational equality: social categories and intergenerational justice -
In Search of a “Happy Ending” in Legal Interpretation: Cognitive Dissonance in Judicial Decision-Making -
Translating Metaphor in Legal and Non-legal Quranic Verses into English: A Corpus-Based Study -
One Head is Better than Two: A Polynomial Restriction for Propositional Definite Horn Forgetting - Number of publications for this day: 4
8 February 2025
On Axiological Loneliness -
Alternative cosmologies -
Chris Haufe, How Knowledge Grows -
Penelope Maddy, A Plea for Natural Philosophy -
Schupbach and Glass, Conjunctive Explanations -
Nina Emery, Naturalism beyond the Limits of Science