12 February 2025
The Fire This Time -
The Art of Living – On Making Moral Progress -
Ethics Hotline -
The Smart Shoppers -
Plants & Philosophy -
Tallis in Wonderland – Random Thoughts On Luck -
Abortion and Democratic Equality -
Das Zeichen in Heideggers Hölderlin-Interpretation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hymne Der Ister -
Can We Be Awakened to the Danger of Technicity? – Revisiting Parvis Emad’s Contributions through the Questions of Today -
„Denken ist Hören der Stille.“ – Ein phänomenologischer Versuch zum Vorentwurf des Begriffs der „großen Stille“ im fundamentalontologischen Denken Martin Heideggers -
Walking with My Father – Daughter’s View on Parvis Emad’s Nearness to/with Heidegger’s Work -
Heidegger, Hobbes, and the Metaphysical Foundations of Liberalism -
Der Wesenszusammenhang von Wissenschaft und Ge-stell in Heideggers Frage nach der Technik -
L’élucidation phénoménologique de l’origine de l’oeuvre d’art selon Heidegger -
The Abandonment of Be-ing in the Culture of Modernity -
Weighing Way-Words – In Conversation with Parvis Emad -
Étude philologico-philosophique concernant une phrase de Heidegger dans Die Geschichte des Seyns (1938/40) -
Ein lautloser Wink in und über unsere Welt – Zu einem Schema in Heideggers „Werkstattaufzeichnungen“ -
Heideggers Umweltanalyse in Sein und Zeit – Diskussion der Kritik Ernst Tugendhats -
Missverständnisse und Kontroversen um Heideggers Denken von Heimat -
List of Heidegger’s Gesamtausgabe In German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish -
Antropomorfismo e alterità animale: Heidegger e il dibattito contemporaneo -
Contributions to Philosophy -
Von der Seynsfuge zur Gottes fuge – Schelling – Heidegger – George1 -
Bibliography of Parvis Emad (1968–2015) – Compiled by Frank Schalow † and George Kovacs -
A Redefinition of Left and Right -
Hidden Costs of Epistemic Conformity: Lessons from Information Cascade Simulations -
Convention and constitutionalism in David Hume’s History of England -
Do we have relational reasons to care about intergenerational equality? -
Suspension as a mood -
The ebb and flow of liberal reformism: a critical realist contribution to the analysis of the Duterte presidency in the Philippines -
The Conceptual Format Debate and the Challenge from (Global) Supramodality -
Climate Absurdism -
Where the hate lies in soft hate speech: the argumentative potential in hostile public spheres -
Whose public reason? Which reasonableness? -
Are Leaders Rational? -
The intergenerational justice dilemma for relational egalitarians -
“Overcoming the Slumps in Performance”: Metacognition, Grit and Self-Efficacy in Sports among Athletes -
Impact of Perfectionism, Cognitive Style and Emotional Schema on Popular Psychology: a Regression Analysis -
Can Social Cognitive Theory Reduce Gender Inequality in Digitization among Women in Agricultural Activities in Tanzania? -
The Neurology of Culture -
Causal Reasoning about Illnesses and Remedies by Puerto Rican Parents Living in the United States -
From an Object to a Tool: On Possible Transformations of Analysis of the Border Problem -
Inka Numbers, Khipu, and Yupana: a Reanalysis -
Did Teddy Bears Culturally Evolve to Be Cuter? A Preregistered Replication -
Situating Religious Beliefs -
Testing the Relative Influence of Three Key Factors in Mind-Based Models of Religion: Template Categories, Utility, and Threat -
American-English Ethnoanatomy: Novices and Experts -
Emotional Processing and Acculturation -
‘The Power of Language: How the Codes We Use to Think, Speak, and Live Transform Our Minds’, written by Viorica Marian -
AI and the visualisation needs of researchers using email archives -
Digital Platforms, Privacy, and the Ethics of Wildlife Information Sharing -
Dugin’s apocalypticism: Western or Russian? -
Carnap’s Scientific Humanism -
Food Choice and Identity: Commitment and Authenticity -
Existence and Perspectivity: Jan Patočka’s Three Movements of Human Life Reconsidered -
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: The Tolerance Spillover Effect in Ethical Decision-Making -
Family Firms and Bribe Payments in Developing Countries: The Moderating Role of Social Capital -
Cultivating CSR: The Artistic Influence of Top Executives on Corporate Responsibility -
Revisiting the Energy-Happiness Paradox in China: The Role of Housing Outcomes -
Sixty going on seventy -
Emerging paradigms in music technology: valuing mistakes, glitches and uncertainty in the age of generative AI and automation -
What is beautiful is good: robot beauty bias toward android-type robots -
An interpretable approach to detect case law on housing and eviction issues within the HUDOC database -
Attention, Diversion, and Distraction Technologies -
Fortifying Trust: Can Computational Reliabilism Overcome Adversarial Attacks? -
Entailment Is Not Evidence -
Being Exalted: An A Priori Argument for the Trinity -
A credulous semantics of higher-order argumentation frameworks based on credulously accepted attacks -
Extracting Herbrand systems from refutation schemata - Number of publications for this day: 70
11 February 2025
The Dual Sense of the Term “Element, Attempts to Derive the Madelung Rule and the Optimal Form of the Periodic Table, if any -
Response to Barnes’ Critique of Scerri and Worrall, -
Generalized Aharonov-Bohm Effect: Its Derivation, Theoretical Implications and Experimental Tests -
Review of “Epistemic-Pragmatist Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: A Comparative Assessment”, by Ali Barzegar and Daniele Oriti -
Why Do We Want a Theory of Quantum Gravity? -
Julius Kovesi and The Quartet: Another way of remaking moral philosophy -
The road to Aha: A recipe for mental breakthroughs -
Characteristics of professional misconduct by school teachers and early childhood educators: 5 years of disciplinary decisions in New Zealand -
How Political Psychologists Think -
The ethics and politics of military withdrawal -
Evidence for an evaluative effect of stimulus co-occurrence may be inflated by evaluative differences between assimilative and contrastive relations -
DECLAINE: How the Design of AI is Eroding our Humanity -
Evolutionary Cell Biology: The Origins of Cellular Architecture by Michael Lynch -
Humans: Perspectives on Our Evolution from World Experts edited by Sergio Almécija -
Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History by Whitney Barlow Robles -
Epigenetics and Health: A Practical Guide by Michelle McCulley -
Beast Companions: The Unsung Animals of the Dinosaurs’ World. Life of the Past by John Foster -
Evolutionary Psychology: The Basics. The Basics Series by Will Reader and Lance Workman -
Dragonflies of North America. Princeton Field Guides by Ed Lam -
Cultural Selection. Cambridge Elements in the Philosophy of Biology by Tim Lewens -
Exploring the Factors Driving the Success of Urban-Exploiting Spiders -
Piping Hot Bees and Boisterous Buzz-Runners: 20 Mysteries of Honey Bee Behavior Solved by Thomas D. Seeley; illustrated by Margaret C. Nelson -
Evolutionary Ecology of Amphibians edited by Gregorio Moreno-Rueda and Mar Comas -
Biology of Algae, Lichens and Bryophytes edited by Burkhard Büdel, Thomas Friedl, and Wolfram Beyschlag -
An Invitation to Mathematical Biology by David G. Costa and Paul J. Schulte -
The Birds That Audubon Missed: Discovery and Desire in the American Wilderness by Kenn Kaufman -
On the Origin of Being: Understanding the Science of Evolution to Enhance Your Quality of Life by Luke Comer and Jenny Powers -
The Lives of Bees: A Natural History of Our Planet’s Bee Life by Christina Grozinger and Harland Patch -
Field Guide to North American Flycatchers: Kingbirds and Myiarchus by Cin-Ty Lee; illustrated by Andrew Birch -
Gregor Mendel: His Life and Legacy by Daniel J. Fairbanks