14 January 2025
Virtual Time and Execution of Algorithms in Static Networks -
The impact of twentieth century physics on the periodic table and some remaining questions in the twenty-first century, -
Does randomization assert the balance across trial arms? Revisiting Worrall’s criticism -
Review of: Emily Wang, Pushkin, the Decembrists, and Civic Sentimentalism, Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2023, 224 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 9780299345808, $99.95 -
Review of: Teresa Obolevitch, Semen Frank v evropeiskoi i emigrantskoi kulture [Semyon Frank in European and Émigré Culture], Zielona Góra, University of Zielona Góra Press, 2023, 530 pages, Hardcover: ISBN 978-83-7842-515-1, € 9.19 -
Curiosity, Awe and Wonder: The Emotions that Open Our Mind -
Correction to: Stopping rule and Bayesian confirmation theory -
Exploring the Hermeneutic Dialogue in the Patient-Physician Relationship -
Hawks, Doves, and Perissodus microlepis. Undermining the selected effects theory of function -
Why you Should not use CI to Evaluate Socially Disruptive Technology -
Establishing ethical standards for GenAI in university education: a roadmap for academic integrity and fairness -
Ethical concerns in AI development: analyzing students’ perspectives on robotics and society - Number of publications for this day: 12
13 January 2025
Bruno N. D’Andrea, Ama y verás! La Iglesia, casa y escuela para el amor según San Agustín -
Q.S.F. Tertulliano, De anima – L’anima, introduzione, traduzione, note e appendice a cura di Giuseppe Balido -
Raffaele Tondini, Origenes brevior. Studi sulla tradizione del commento a Matteo -
Alfio Giovanni Cristaudo, Giustino e la protoortodossia Giovannea. Il superamento della cristologia pneumatica e la nascita della teologia del Logos -
Joseph Carola, Enganging the Church Fathers in Ninteenth-Century Catholicism: The Patristic Legacy of the Scuola Romana -
Vianney Biboum III, L’oecuménisme d’Augustin d’Hippone dans la controverse donatiste. Théorie et praxis -
Allo specchio dell’altro. Strategie di resilienza di «pagani» e gnostici tra II e IV secolo d.C., a cura di Maria Vittoria Cerutti -
Vittricio di Rouen, De laude sanctorum, introduzione, testo, traduzione e note a cura di Riccardo Ampio -
Próspero de Aquitania, La vocación de todos los pueblos, introducción, traducción y notas, Hernán Giudice y Julio César Lastra Sheridan -
Les quatre sens de l’Écriture – de Jean Cassien à Sahl al-Tustari ? -
«Non dica l’eunuco: sono un legno secco» (Is. 56, 3-7). Gli esclusi e l’eredità di Israele -
Christian Approaches to Philosophy and Education in Gregory of Nazianzus -
Psalmus responsorius del P.Monts.Roca inv. 128-178. Note su alcune interpretazioni controverse -
Augustine, the Disciplines, and Varro’s Disciplinarum libri -
Crítica textual y estructura retórica a la luz de las cláusulas métricas en el tratado De oratione de Tertuliano -
Il valore aggregante del miles christi nell’epistolario di Cipriano di Cartagine -
What Did Augustine Learn about the Old Testament as a Manichaean Hearer? -
El desarrollo de la identidad cristiana y sus raíces judías a mediados del s. II: el testimonio de Justino (Parte I) -
«Generationem eius quis enarrabit?» (Is. 53,8). L’uso del versetto da Ireneo alla questione ariana -
Nercologio di Nello Cipriani -
The Spectre of Underdetermination in Modern Cosmology -
Does Quantum Gravity Happen at the Planck Scale? -
Shaking up the dogma: Solving trade-offs without (moral) values in machine learning -
The field of affordances in SUD. How do people with addiction interact with the environment? -
Essential Structure for Causal Models -
Split and Splice. A phenomenology of Experimentation by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger: (Productive Differentiation for Historians and Philosophers of the Sciences). -
‘The Social Pinch’: the visual and gendered world of snuff-taking celebrated and satirised, 1660–1832 -
Radical translation at the ‘Break of Day’: Thomas Paine in a Celtic language -
To the translators from the French, from a friend of good Italian -
What Is Wrong with Imposing Risk of Harm? -
Arguments against a “general and permanent” ban on pediatric intersex surgery: A response to Clune‐Taylor -
LLMs are not just next token predictors -
Grave Injustice: Disrespect Toward the Dead, Transgenerational Publicity, and Reparations -
Addressing the complexity of health and moral emotions through philosophical analysis -
Social media and digital politics: networked reason in an age of digital emotion -
Against eco-authoritarianism and ecomodernism: Towards a critique of ‘planetary’ governmentality and fantasies of steering -
Different Shades of Green? The Role of Green HRM and Its Authenticity in Cultivating Employee Commitment to Environment and Organization -
Feyerabend and the Philosophy of Physics, Part II -
Iroegbu’s Uwa Ontology as a Framework for an Ecocentric Philosophy -
Distinctive But Not Exceptional: The Risks of Psychedelic Ethical Exceptionalism -
Supportive Touch in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy -
Irreversibility of Transformative Experience as a Criterion for Exceptionalism -
Psychedelic Medicine Exceptionalism -
Ethics Without Borders: Modernizing Care Beyond Traditional Clinical Approaches -
Wolves Among Sheep: Sexual Violations in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy -
Narrative Hermeneutics and Bioethics: Understanding the Psychedelic Value Changes -
Continuity in Claims of Exception in Biomedical Technologies -
Psychedelics and Psychotherapy: What Can be Learned from a Historical Analysis of General Anesthesia and Surgery? -
Identity-Based Decisional Capacity and Psychedelic Treatments: Furthering the Case Against Psychedelic Ethical Exceptionalism -
Equipoise and Personal Experience: Maintaining Objectivity in Psychedelic Research -
Exceptional Stigma: Parallels Between Marginalized Groups and Psychedelic Medicine -
Measuring and Understanding the Meaning of Exceptionalism to Bolster Ethics Oversight of Psychedelics Research -
The Pain Gap: Epistemic Justice in Psychedelic Ethics -
From Theory to Practice: The Importance of Operationalizing and Measuring Ethical Touch in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy -
Ketamine and the Consequences of Positive Psychedelic Exceptionalism -
Holding Without Touch: Supportive Touch in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy -
Indigenous Wisdom and Underground Knowledge Are Exceptional -
Focused Bodywork as Facilitated Communication: Cautionary Perspectives on Touch in Psychedelic Therapy -
Is There a Right to Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy? -
Psychedelics in a Deregulated Policy Climate: What Might 2025 Bring? -
From Safe Touch to Sexual Abuse: Walking the Tightrope of Patient Safety in Psychedelic Therapy -
Psychedelic Exceptionalism, Indigeneity, and the War on Drugs: Antiracism and Decolonizing Psychedelic Plant Medicine -
Psychedelic Ethics Beside Institutions -
Critiquing Medical Exceptionalism: Toward a Transcultural Psychedelic Bioethics -
Relationality and Ethics in MDMA-Assisted Therapy -
Psychedelic Exceptionalism: The Oregon Example -
Psychedelic Ethics in Palliative Care -
Excusing Psychedelics and Accommodating Psychedelics -
Embracing Epistemic Humility: Rethinking Psychedelic Exceptionalism Through Diverse Perspectives -
Managing the Hope and Hype of Psychedelics -
Same Same but Different: On Psychedelic Exceptionalism -
Biomedical, Neurodiverse, and Mad Affinities: The Constraints of Collective Epistemic Resources -
Not Between Models, But Above -
Medical or Neurodiversity Model, Which, When and in Which Respect? -
Making Sense of Neurological Differences -
Who is Becoming Part of What? -
Rethinking Peer Support: An Intersectional Approach to Mental Health for Black, Indigenous and People of Color -
Beyond Pathology: Bringing the Ecological-Enactive Model of Disability to Neuroethics and Mental Health Conditions -
Is “Neurodiversity” the Proper Nomenclature for Mental Health Gradation? -
Empirical Perspectives on Neurodiversity and Mental Health Conditions -
The Neurodiversity Model and Medical Model: Competitors or Alternative Perspectives? -
On Dichotomies in Mental Health and Neuroethics -
Beyond Binary Models: A Bioethical Inquiry Into Neurodiversity and the Medical Framework in Mental Health -
Neurodiversity, Neurodevices, and Deep Brain Stimulation -
Deep Brain Stimulation and Mental Disorders: What If the Latter Aren’t Things in the Brain at All? -
Peer Support and Explanatory Pluralism in the Instrumentalization of Mental Health Self-Concept -
Hans-Georg Gadamer Today -
No Right to an Open Future